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Отрицательные местоимения (The Negative Pronouns)

К отрицательным местоимениям относятся no, nobody, nothing, none, no one, neither. Эти местоимения употребляются с глаголами в утвердительной форме. There are no buses after midday. There is nobody (no one) in the corridor. There is nothing on the table. None of the students liked the show. Neither of the girls liked the show.

Взаимные местоимения (The Reciprocal Pronouns)

К взаимным местоимениям относятся each other, one another. Each other обычно относится к двум лицам или предметам, а one another – к большему числу. Ted and Kate love each other very much. They often see one another.

Относительные местоимения (The Relative Pronouns)

Относительные местоимения who, whom, which, whose, that служат для связи придаточного определительного предложения с главным. Они являются членами придаточного предложения.

Who (whom) употребляется по отношению к лицам. I don’t know anyone who can do this. The woman who is sitting in the armchair is our aunt. The man whom you see is our teacher.

Which употребляется по отношению к неодушевленным предметам и животным, но используется реже, чем that. Ive lost the umbrella which I bought last year.

That относится как к одушевленным, так и к неодушевленным предметам. Where is the girl that sells the tickets? The man that lives next door is very friendly.

Whose употребляется по отношению к лицам и иногда к предметам. This is the student whose father works in a bank. This is the book whose pages are missed.

Grammar Practice

Ex.1. Rewrite the following sentences.

Model: This is a book. – These are books. Those are wonderful buildings. – That is a wonderful building.

1. This car is in bad condition. 2. Are those articles boring? 3. I’m interested in this person. 4. These curtains are bright. 5. Is that shop in North Street? 6. This room isn’t very big. 7. Those men aren’t doctors. 8. That goose is old. 9. These oxen are very dangerous. 10. Are those children sociable and imaginative? 11. This young man is our group mate. 12. Do you know that nice woman? 13. These sweets are very tasty. 14. Is that pencil yours? 15. I like those flowers. 16. These pictures aren’t attractive. 17. Those deer are old. 18. This mouse is small.

Ex.2. Replace the words and phrases by the personal pronouns.

1. Mr Groves; 2. a parcel; 3. Tim and Pat; 4. mother and father; 5. a heroine; 6. a lord; 7. my sister and I; 8. Mike and you; 9. phones; 10. gentlemen; 11. a doctor; 12. countries; 13. Mrs Thompson; 14. the Simons; 15. a baby; 16. a dog; 17. a ship; 18. morning; 19. money; 20. goods; 21. chess; 22. friends; 23. Germany; 24. the Germans; 25. the poor; 26. the disabled; 27. Economics; 28. scales; 29. nephew; 30. his relatives and I; 31. sir Henry; 32. a spinster; 33. stairs; 34. mumps.

Ex.3. Substitute the nouns for the personal pronouns.

Model: Host – he, student – he / she, chairs – they.

Plane, daughter, Tracy, hair, Ted and I, you and Joan, son-in-law, grandmother, niece, cousins, club, actor, princess, God, heroine, friends, Mary and I, waiter, men, games, women, nephew, step-parents, time, news, people, child, cartoon, water, clothes, Physics, lioness, Nancy and Kate.

Ex.4. Fill in the personal and possessive pronouns.

1. John and Mary have got a house in the country. __ aren’t in the city. __ house is in the country. 2. I have got a computer. __ computer is modern. __ is of the latest fashion. 3. The cat has a plate. __ has a plate. __ plate is small. 4. Mother and I are in the kitchen. __ kitchen is well-equipped. __ are good at cooking. 5. Mike has a brother. __ brother’s name is Steve. __ is a sociologist. 6. Students, open __ books! __ task is to read Text 5. __ are good at reading, aren’t __? 7. Nick, what are __? – __ am a student. Are __ a first or second-year student? 8. Karen is Paul’s aunt. __ is an actress. __ skin is tanned.

Ex.5. Supply the suitable pronouns.

1. She is taller than __, but not so strong as __ am. 2. Ted is more intelligent than __ am, but __ is not so good at sports as __. 3. English is an international language. A lot of people are interested in __. ___ popularity is world-wide. 4. My elder sister Ann is smart. __ is busy with __ aerobics twice a week. 5. Brenda’s twin daughters are little. __ takes much care of __. __ room is upstairs. 6. Sue is 20. __ birthday is in a week. Let’s send __ a card. 7. Mary and I are going to the disco club. Kate, are __ going with __? __ are keen on dancing. 8. Jack is ill. Let __ go home. __ house isn’t far. 9. Can I borrow __ umbrella? – Sorry, it isn’t __ .

Ex.6. Choose the proper pronoun.

1. Are these scissors (your / yours)? 2. Pam introduced me to a friend of (her / hers). 3. Is this (your / yours) seat? – It’s (my / mine). 4. The dog is nice and (it / its) hair is black. 5. Helen took (her / hers) discs. 6. It’s not (our / ours) room. (Our / Ours) is downstairs. 7. Whose keys are these? Are they (your / yours) or (their / theirs)? – (My / Mine) keys are on the shelf, they are (their / theirs). 8. Is that Tom’s bag? – No, it’s not (his / him). 9. Mind (your / yours) private life and don’t interfere with (our / ours). 10. (My / mine) printer is out of work. Could I use (your / yours)? 11. Ask Helen to lend (her / hers) textbook. 12. Where are the children’s clothes? – (Their / Theirs) clothes are on the chair.

Ex.7. Fill in the blanks with a possessive pronoun.

1. This is … (I) bag and that one over there is … (you). 2. … (she) score is better than … (I). 3. … (they) holiday starts the week after … (we). 4. Can we have … (you) suggestion first and then we’ll hear … (he)? 5. I didn’t bother going to … (he) party and he won’t be coming to … (I). 6. … (we) flight is delayed but … (they) took off on time. 7. I wish … (I) voice was as good as … (she). 8. If you are a friend of … (he), then you are a friend of … (I), too. 9. We’ll leave … (she) house after dinner, so we should be at … (they) before 6 p.m.

Ex.8. Supply there or it and a personal pronoun (it, he, she, they) in the blanks.

1.__ are a lot of people at the concert, and __ are fond of it. 2. __’s a policewoman waiting for you, __’s in your office. 3. __’s a parcel for you, __’s the book you you’ve been looking for. 4. __’s a new boy in our group today, __’s from Moscow. 5. __’s an article in today’s paper, __’s rather interesting. 6. __ are some students at the door, __’re from Ted’s group. 7. __’s much snow in the Arctic, __’s very cold there. 8. __’s strange that __’s no information on TV. 9. __’s too late, __’s no time left. 10. Near the park __ are two lakes, __ are frozen in winter. 11. __ looks like rain, __’s much rain this year. 12. __’s Christmas Day and everyone is happy. 13. __ takes me half an hour to get to the University on foot. 14. __’s no light on in the house. 15. Shall we take a taxi? – __’s too far to walk.

Ex. 9. Replace the underlined words with proper personal pronouns.

1. King Henry VIII ruled Britain in the XVII century. There are a lot of legends about this man. 2. Mary and I have been to some countries. Let (we, us, them) tell about one of (it, they, them). 3. Russia is the biggest country in the world. (It, She, They) takes one sixth of the territory of the planet. (I, We, She) are proud to be inhabitants of (her, it, us). 4. John, are (they, we you) busy tonight? – No, (I, he, we) am quite free. Would you like (I, me, him) to help? – Oh, yes, thanks. 5. The scissors are very sharp. Be careful working with (it, they, them). 6. There is little money left. Stop spending (them, it, they) wastefully. 7. English is spread all over the world. (It, He, They) is spoken everywhere on earth. 8. The English are rather different from other Europeans. (It, They, You) are known to be reserved, self-controlled and polite, aren’t (them, they, it)? 9. How do (we, they, you) find this film? – (He, It, She) is a bit dull. 10. Kate and Sue are fond of photographing. Let (they, them, her) show (us, I, they) some photos. 11. A lot of people have pets at home. Dogs and cats are more popular than birds. 12. Is there any sugar in the tea? – No, there is no sugar in the tea. Put (it, him, her) to your taste.

Ex.10. Use the proper possessive pronoun.

1. Tell me (your, yours) surname, please. – (My, mine) surname is Smith. 2. I’d like to tell you about (ours, our) university. (It’s, Its) history began in 1918. Many famous scholars worked and work now in it. (Their, Theirs) works are studied by students in every higher educational institution. 3. Meet Ann. She is a group mate of (our, mine). 4. Alex and Steve, is this CD (yours, your)? – Yes, it’s (his, ours). 5. Ben has a parrot. (His, its) cage is on the table. 6. Whose coat is that? – I’m not sure, but it seems to be Helen’s. I think, it’s (hers, her). 7. Where are (your, yours) test papers, girls? – (Our, ours) are over there, on (your, yours) table. 8. Is this Jack’s phone number? – Yes, it’s (him, his). But, you see, (his, its) phone isn’t available now. 9. Who advised you to say so? Maybe Andrew, a neighbour of (you, yours)? – (His, yours) words are untrue. 10. Scotland is a part of Great Britain. Scotland is famous for (her, its) wool production. 11. Are these pictures (yours, your), Dick, or (yours, your), Mike? – Neither, they aren’t (my, mine) nor (his, hers). These pictures are Rose’s. They are (hers, her).

Ex.11. Use many, much with the following words.

Phenomena, furniture, colleges, knowledge, ideas, hair, generations, food, information, watches, films, tea, news, cousins, people, men, money, experience, time, women, snow, children, juice, data, music, data, humour.

Ex.12. Use few, little with the following words.

1. There are __ lumps of sugar left. 2. There are __ glasses of juice on the table. 3. Why have you got so __ friends? 4. He has got only __ relatives here. 5. There is __ milk in the jug. 6. Is there so __ salt left? 7. I can’t buy ten rolls. They have only __. 8. Tom has made very __ mistakes in the test. 9. There is __ milk in the jug. 10. There are __ lumps of sugar left. 11. There was very __ snow that winter. 12. He has __ friends.

Ex.13. Use many, much, (a) little, (a) few.

1. There is … tea in the tea-pot. 2. Don’t go to the shop! There is … bread at home. 3. She has got … mistakes in her test. Her mark is good. 4. There are … glasses of juice on the table. Take one of them. 5. There are … apples left. 6. There is so … salt in the soup, it’s not delicious. 7. We have … time left. We must hurry. 8. We have … time left. We can discuss this problem now. 9. Can you describe the situation in … words? 10. There isn’t … fruit at home, there isn’t … fish either. 11. He doesn’t think … policemen have arrived. 12. You shouldn’t take all your clothes with you. I know you have … clothes.

Ex.14. Choose the expressions which can be used.

1. I have (many, a few, a little, much) homework to do. 2. James did (much, many, a few, lots of) exercises in the morning. 3. They didn’t have (any, few, much, many) luck this season. 4. Let’s plant (a little, one, a few, much) flowers. 5. Read (little, a little, some, no, a few) pages. 6. She eats (no, many, much, a lot of, a few) meat. 7. You’ll need (a few, little, many, one) tomatoes for this soup. 8. We visited (any, lots of, many, a little) countries in Europe. 9. I have got (some, a little, much, no) time. 10. (Much, Many, Any, A lot of) people don’t agree with the project.

Ex.15. Complete the sentences with some, any, no.

1. There are __ posters on the wall, but there are __ pictures. 2. There are __ mistakes in Helen’s test. It’s excellent. 3. There is __ space for plates in this cupboard. It’s full. 4. I’ve got __ interesting books to read. – Have you got __? – Yes, I’ve got __. 5. Are there __ magazines to look through? – No, there aren’t __. There are __ newspapers only. 6. We haven’t got __ sugar. Go and buy __, please. 7. Have you got __ new discs? – Yes, I’ve got __. 8. Where is Mike? – He is at the party with __ of his group-mates. 9. There is __ information about that event on TV. 10. There aren’t __ hamburgers on the plate, but there are __ cheese sandwiches. 11. There are __ beautiful birds in the park. 12. There are __ girls’ public schools in Britain. 13. There isn’t __ food in the fridge. 14. There is __ water in the bottle. It’s empty.

Ex.16. Put in some, any, no.

1. There are … eggs in the basket. 2. Get … meat and salad for the weekend. 3. You won’t find … biscuits in that tin. 4. Would you like … boiled cabbage? 5. You need to earn … money. 6. There isn’t … news of him. 7. Are there … more potatoes? – Yes, there are … in the dish. 8. Have we got … sugar? – I expect we have … in that bowl. 9. May I have … more tea? – Yes, of course. 10. There are … buses after midnight. You’ll have to wait till morning. 11. … people just don’t know how to mind their own business. 12. There are hardly … taxis when you want one. 13. There is … explanation for this. It’s nonsense. 14. … fool knows the answer to a question like that. 15. I haven’t … idea at all.

Ex.17. Fill in some, any, no or their compounds.

1. Have we got … milk? – No, we haven’t … left. 2. Has Ann got … exams in December? – I think, she has got … in January, but she hasn’t … in December. 3. Let’s buy Helen … flowers. There is … interesting in this shop. 4. Is … absent today? – … is. All are present today. 5. Is … fond of Italian films? I have got … free tickets. 6. Have you got … money on you now? – I’ve got … but not much. 7. How much butter is there in the fridge? – We haven’t … 8. Who is there in the room? I can’t see … 9. There is … amusing news to read here. Let’s try another book. 10. Would you like … more tea? – Yes, please, but just a little. 11. The room is empty. There is … furniture in it. 12. I’d like to buy … to wear, but I have … money. 13. You can phone … time you like. 14. There is hardly … news from Mike.

Ex.18. Choose the correct pronoun.

1. There is (no one / anyone) at home. 2. There are (some / any) books on my desk. 3. There is (any / no) ice-cream left. 4. Did she tell you (nothing / anything)? 5. There is hardly (any / no) butter left. 6. She won’t lend us (no / any) money. 7. I need (some / any) time. 8. If (anybody / nobody) wants to leave, say so now. 9. (Nobody / Anybody) phoned this morning. 10. I have seen (nothing / anything) yet. 11. There is (anything / nothing) on TV tonight. 12. (No one / Anyone) was at home this morning. 13. (Anybody / Somebody) told me that. 14. There is (anything / something) wrong with the radio. 15. Are you going (nowhere / anywhere) this weekend? 16. I can’t find my glasses (anywhere / somewhere).

Ex.19. Use all, everything, everybody (everyone).

1. When the actress appeared, … wanted her autograph. 2. … I invited came to my party. 3. I’m not buying anything. … is very expensive. 4. … those who know me can believe in my words. 5. … of us speak English. 6. … stands up when the teacher enters the room. 7. … in the flat was destroyed by the fire. 8. They spent … their money. 9. … I have belongs to you. 10. … our employees work hard.

Ex.20. Fill in another, (the) other(s), each other.

1. I met two strangers on my way home. One of them greeted me and … didn’t. 2. Some people are fond of staying out of doors, … are not. 3. My sister has … two years to go before she finishes her university course. 4. The Whites are arriving this evening but … guests won’t be here until tomorrow. 5. We have two new students in our group. One is Fred and … is Sam. 6. In … 4 years I’ll be running my own business. 7. Helen and Jane see … at the university every day. 8. Only ten students passed the exam. … failed. 9. Some people prefer tea … like coffee. 10. Bill and … boy are playing football. 11. There must be … road to the village. 12. I don’t like this book. Give me … one. 13. What … questions have you got? 14. I bought two pens yesterday. One is here, and where is …? 15. Some children like apples, … prefer bananas. 16. Two of the five students studied music, … went in for sport.

Ex.21. Supply one or ones.

1. Which gloves would you like to see? – The … in the window. 2. Which shoes fit you best? – The brown … 3. Which pullover do you prefer? – The warm … 4. Which jeans are you going to buy? – The most expensive … 5. Please, pass me the plate. – Which …? 6. Two of those coats suit you very well. – Which …? 7. I’d like to test-drive one of these two cars. – This … or that …? 8. I’d like to see some rings, please. – These … in silver or those … in gold? 9. I’d like to try one of these shirts. Please pass me that white … 10. I prefer these green …

Ex.22. Supply the correct reflexive pronoun in the following.

1. As a rule, I enjoy … very much at the party. 2. Be careful, don’t cut … while shaving. 3. How did Tom dry … ? – He used your towel. 4. She has no reason to blame … for what has happened. 5. That poor dog hurt … yesterday. 6. One prides … on one’s patience. 7. We amuse … playing volleyball on the beach. 8. Our new neighbours greeted us and introduced … 9. Monica absented … from work. 10. I cut … with the bread knife. 11. Jim prides … on cooking. 12. Mother, take care of … 13. Please, help … to food and drink. 14. He looks dreadful! He should look after …

Ex.23. Choose the correct form of the pronouns.

1. (I and my parents / My parents and I) go to the seaside every summer. 2. If he has time he always checks everything (itself / himself). 3. We want to plant the flowers (our / ourselves). 4. Where is Ted? I can’t see (his / him). 5. They want to get in touch with the customers (themselves / their). 6. She says our translation is wrong but (their / theirs) is correct. 7. In a situation like that one never knows how to protect (himself / oneself). 8. They (them / themselves) don’t know what to do. 9. Hurry up! (It’s / This is) six o’clock. 10. The task (oneself / itself) isn’t difficult. 11. I don’t know as (many / much) poems as you. 12. (Much / Many) advice isn’t always good. 13. She can offer you (something / anything) to read. 14. (Few / Little) Englishmen speak Japanese. 15. I drink (much / little) milk. I don’t like it. 16. (Everybody / Everything) wants to see this film. 17. I have got two sisters. One of them is a nurse, (other / the other) is still a student. 18. A screwdriver won’t do. Is there (another / the other) tool you can use? 19. (All / The whole) I have eaten today is a sandwich. 20. She is the girl (whom / whose) brother works at the café. 21. What’s the name of the man (who / which) plays James Bond? 22. Helen, please help (you / yourself) to some more cake. 23. How (much / many) homework did the teacher give them? 24. Would you like (some / any) tea?

Ex.24. Fill in either, neither.

1. When shall we meet: at 7 or 7.15? – I don’t mind. … time is convenient. 2. I can’t use those pens. … of them writes well. 3. I don’t know who is on the phone. It’s … your fellow student or your sister. 4. Where is John? – I have … seen him nor heard of him this week. 5. Which of these films do you like more? – I don’t like … of them. 6. He sent us two fax messages but we received … of them. 7. Have a look at these two magazines. … of them is worth reading. 8. … Frank or his parents are going to call on me. 9. … Tom nor George is imaginative. 10. He is … British nor American. He is Australian. 11. I don’t think chess is an exciting game. – … do we. 12. You can park on … side of the street.

Ex.25. Choose the correct form of the missing pronoun.

1. … are her children, Dora and Kate.

A) this B) that C) it D) these

2. I have got two sisters, … of them lives in a different city.

A) everyone B) every C) either D) each

3. You can’t use these cars. … of them works.

A) neither B) every C) each D) another

4. It was … who told you the truth.

A) I B) my C) me D) myself

5. This friend of … is always chattering.

A) yours B) your C) us D) him

6. He prides … on painting.

A) his B) him C) herself D) himself

7. I have so … things to do and so … time.

A) few; many B) much; little C) many; little D) little; much

8. Shall I bring you … salad? – Thank you.

A) no B) some C) any D) anything

9. There isn’t … bread left. Will you buy …?

A) any; some B) no; any C) any; any D) no; some

10. I can take care of …, don’t worry.

A) me B) my C) myself D)yourself

11. I told you …, there is hardly … to add.

A) something; something B) everything; nothing

C) nothing; something D) everything; anything

12. Why are you alone? Where are …?

A) another B) the others C) other D) others

13. I’d like to try one of … skirts on.

A) these B) this C) that D) any

14. Whose dog is that? – … is always in our yard.

A) he B) she C) one D) it

15. Let … stay here for … three days.

A) I; other B) my; the other C) me; another D) me; other

16. He is much taller than … but she is as strong as …

A) she; he B) her; him C) her; he D) she; him

17. Which computer did you use? – The … in your office.

A) that B) ones C) it D) one

18. This car isn’t … . … car has a different registration number.

A) ours; our B) our; ours C) ours; ours D) our; our

19. There’s … in the clothes basket. It’s empty.

A) something B) anything C) everything D) nothing

20. Did you get … shoes at the sales? – … was too expensive.

A) some; all B) any; something C) any; everything

D) some; everything

21. There are … scholarships for students in this group.

A) little B) much C) few D) a little.

Ex.26. Translate into English.

1. Это твое пальто, Анна? – Нет, это не мое пальто, мое – в шкафу. 2. Мы с друзьями интересуемся компьютерными играми. 3. Закрой глаза. У меня сюрприз для тебя. 4. Где твои очки, Виктор? 5. Где господин и госпожа Смиты? – Они в том кабинете. 6. Мне нравится это платье. Оно красивое. 7. Жарко в комнате. 8. Сейчас 5 часов. 9. Всегда полезно погулять перед сном. 10. Чье сочинение лучше: его или ее? 11. Наши занятия начинаются в 8.45. 12. Сегодня у моей тети день рождения. 13. Это не наши словари. Они – их. 14. Где попугай? – Он в клетке. Его клетка в той комнате. 15. Попроси кого-нибудь тебе помочь. 16. Вы можете доехать туда на любом автобусе. 17. Принести Вам что-нибудь почитать? 18. Теперь я все понимаю. Спасибо за объяснение. 19. Если у меня будет время, я позвоню тебе. 20. У нас нет чая. 21. Он не уделяет никакого внимания этой проблеме. 22. Некоторые взрослые не пьют молоко. 23. Сколько игроков в футбольной команде? 24. В этой части города нет современных зданий. 25. Сколько комнат у вас в квартире? 26. Сегодня слишком холодно, чтобы идти гулять. 27. На этой улице нет остановки, она за углом. 28. Что сегодня по телевизору? 29. Кем работает твой дядя? 30. Какие из этих ножниц ваши? 31. Какой по характеру Виктор? – Он общительный и щедрый. 32. У тебя много работы сегодня? 33. Немногие согласны со мной.

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