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Модели употребления

Future Simple употребляется:

1. Для выражения действия в будущем как факта: He will graduate from the university in 4 years. I will be 19 next year.

2. Для выражения возможного, с точки зрения говорящего, действия в будущем: I think they will pass the exams well. No doubt he will get this job. I am sure she will recover. Do you think they will win the match? В этой ситуации употребительны словосочетания: I think; I don’t think; I’m sure; I’m not sure; I expect; I believe; I’m afraid; I hope; No doubt; probably; perhaps.

3. Для выражения спонтанного решения в момент речи: Dont lift this bag. I’ll help you. Today is Kate’s birthday. – Really? I’ll send her a card.

4. Для выражения угрозы, предупреждения: Youll get into trouble. I’ll call the police.

5. Для выражения обещания, волеизъявления: I promise I’ll give up smoking. I’ll do it myself by all means.

6. Для выражения последовательных действий в будущем: I hope you will be here in time and we will have dinner together.

7. В главной части сложноподчиненных предложений с придаточными времени и условия: Ill tell her everything when I see her. We won’t leave him till he recovers. If it is warm, we’ll go out of town.

8. Как в главной, так и придаточной дополнительной части сложноподчиненного предложения: I dont know when he will return. Ask him if he will be free this evening.

Grammar Practice

Ex.1. Supply Future Simple and comment on the use.

1. I hope you (be) able to come to my birthday party this weekend. 2. Perhaps we (see) Nick at classes today. 3. I’m sure you (find) him here. 4. I promise, I (clean) the window this afternoon. 5. It’s cold. I (close) the window. 6. Somebody is ringing the doorbell. – I (open). 7. Oh! I feel terribly tired. – Well, have a rest, we (do) the washing up. 8. I wonder where Tim (go) for his next holiday. 9. Our team definitely (win) tonight. 10. Probably it (rain) soon. 11. I (be) back in a minute. 12. I (do) a lot of work this evening. 13. You (hold) the door open for me, please? 14. You (start) reading? 15. I (go) to the shop for you? 16. We (help) you to paint the room? 17. I (report) you to the police next time! 18. You (regret) your words! 19. There (be) a good concert on TV tonight. 20. There (be) many interesting people at the party.

Ex.2. Rewrite the sentences using Future Simple.

Model: I go to the University every day. – I’ll go to the University every day next week.

1. I do my morning exercises every day. 2. She often comes to see her parents this summer. 3. Today is my birthday. 4. The whole group knows it! 5. She is a good friend. 6. He is very much like his father now. 7. I am a teacher. 8. We live not far off. 9. I hope you’re our friends. 10. The weather is fine today. 11. She feels nice today.

Ex.3. Make the sentences negative.

1. They’ll see each other next week. 2. The weather will change soon. 3. The summer will be hot this year. 4. I’ll be absent for some time. 5. It will snow next week. 6. I shall give you my umbrella. 7. They will refuse you. 8. She will go to the sea. 9. He will dream about it all his life.

Ex.4. Make the sentences general questions. Give short answers.

1. You (phone) me tomorrow? 2. Anybody (help) us? 3. There (be) any supporters at the match? 4. She (be) late for the classes this afternoon? 5. It (get) dark soon? 6. They (wait) for me? 7. Henry (come) next weekend? 8. He (become) an engineer? 9. We (go) shopping next Saturday? 10. I (fail) the English credit?

Ex.5. Ask alternative questions.

1. You (visit) your friends / (go) to picnic with us next Sunday? 2. The spring (come) sooner / later this year? 3. Mother (let) me / not go to the disco? 4. He (arrive) tomorrow / the day after tomorrow? 5. It (get) colder / hotter soon? 6. There (be) young / elderly people on the excursion? 7. She (be) lonely / happy without him?

Ex.6. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Jill (come) to see us next Wednesday. 2. They (go) to London till May. 3. She (get) her book soon. 4. They (call) me back in ten minutes. 5. The spring (be) warm this year. 6. She (become) a prominent writer. 7. Jack (wait) for you outside. 8. I (buy) Nick a new watch. 9. We (hear) from Victor soon. 10. They (manage) to do the task fast. 11. I (have) two boiled eggs for breakfast tomorrow. 12. You (see) a lot of celebraties there. 13. People (blame) him for his decision. 14. Our car (cost) $ 4,000 in a year. 15. It (take) me a quarter of an hour to get to the village by car. 16. We (leave) our luggage at the station. 17. She (stay) at her friend’s till next Monday. 18. He (be) angry. 19. We (talk) about the trip tomorrow.

Ex.7. Put disjunctive questions.

1. Tony, you (ruin) us, …? 2. There (be) nothing interesting on TV tonight, …? 3. We never (do) it again, …? 4. Nelly (not, talk) to him, …? 5. People (forgive) her, …? 6. Arthur (come) to lunch, …? 7. The play (win) a prize, ..? 8. I expect we (meet) meet again, … ? 9. I (show) you the way, … ? 10. They (not, need) much money for the trip, … ? 11. Everyone (like) the idea, … ? 12. Tomorrow (be) much warmer, … ? 13. Let’s have tea, … ? 14. Turn down the tape recorder, … ? 15. Let’s make a bake, … ? 16. Switch on the TV set, … ? 17. Ted, start reading, … ? 18. We (bring) you some tea, … ? 19. I (sing) for you, … ? 20. I (buy) a car for you, … ?

Ex.8. Answer the questions.

Model: – When do you think she will return? (expect / tonight)

– I expect she will return tonight.

1. What do you think they’ll say? (probably / nothing important) 2. Where do you think David will go? (expect / the Far East) 3. When do you think Helen will finish her work? (think / in two days) 4. How long do you think we will get there? (suppose / till Saturday) 5. How do you think he will arrive in Berlin? (be sure / by plane) 6. How many sweets do you think she will eat? (perhaps / 10) 7. How much wine do you think the guests will drink? (expect / one bottle each) 8. Who do you think will win the tournament? (be sure / our university team)

Ex.9. Make up short dialogues.

Model: – I wonder if Mike will sell his car.

– I think so. / I don’t think so. / I have no idea about it.

1. Harry / get a high-paid job; 2. Victor / pass all his exams; 3. Sam / repair the TV-set; 4. George and Helen / get married; 5. they / buy a house; 6. Mike / tell his group-mates about it; 7. Kate / take part in the concert; 8. John / pay our bill; 9. Anthony / be like in ten years’ time.

Ex.10. Express solidarity.

Model: – We will have some free time tomorrow. And you?

– So will / shall I.

– He won’t come back till Friday. And Harry?

– Neither will he.

1. Mary will be busy next week. And you? 2. I won’t see Sally on Monday. And Frank? 3. Ben will take part in the conference. And these students? 4. Nick won’t go swimming tomorrow. And his father? 5. Ann won’t be present this evening. And her fellow students? 6. We shall never behave like that. And Clare? 7. Jill will be able to manage everything herself. And you? 8. I’ll forgive them. And Kate?

Ex.11. Translate into English.

1. Путешествие будет длится 7 дней. 2. Через сто лет людей на планете будет гораздо больше. 3. В 2008 году ему будет 30 лет. 4. Я думаю, она легко сдаст все экзамены. 5. Мы не уверены, что на завершение работы тебе потребуется целый месяц. 6. Я верю, что он станет знаменитым когда-нибудь. 7. Я не уверен, что тебе понравится отдыхать в Турции. 8. Боюсь, что Том забудет выключить магнитофон перед уходом. 9. Возможно, завтра будет гроза. 10. Похоже, что они не приедут в гости в этом году. 11. Я обещаю, что не расскажу никому об этом. 12. Боюсь, что она опять опоздает на автобус. 13. Предупреждаю, что начальник очень рассердится, если увидит тебя здесь. 14. Мне отнести эти письма на почту? – Да, пожалуйста. 15. Что мне делать в этой ситуации? 16. Нам приготовить бутерброды на завтрак? – Нет, не нужно. 17. Они не вернутся раньше 11 вечера. 18. Мне нужно позвонить Роберту, но у меня нет его номера телефона. – Я сейчас дам его тебе. 19. Пойдем на дискотеку сегодня? – Хорошо, идем. 20. Куда Смиты едут в отпуск? 21. Как часто мы будем встречаться после окончания университета? 22. Как долго Лора будет выбирать перчатки? 23. Почему он не пойдет на работу завтра? – У него завтра выходной. 24. Кто подготовит доклад о системе образования в США? – Мы. 25. Она завтра уезжает, не так ли? – Нет, она останется у нас до следующего вторника. 26. Что ты будешь кушать на завтрак? – Я буду кашу и кофе с молоком. 27. Где будет следующая олимпиада? 28. Будут ли путевки в Сочи? – Да. 29. Будут ли экзамены в июле? – Нет, в июле экзаменов не будет. 30. После полуночи не будет поездов в Лондон, верно? – Да. 31. Будет ли собрание завтра? – Да. 32. Виктор будет свободен после обеда завтра. – И я тоже. 33. Мы никуда не поедем этим летом. – И он тоже.

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