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Уч. пособие для уровня Pre-Int. ч.2.doc
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III. Match the following words from the text with their definitions.

1. career

2. management

3. advertising

4. variety

5. market research

6. salary

7. accounting

8. career move

9. evaluate

a) the job which includes keeping the official financial records of a company or a person.

b) determining what goods and services customers want

d) a wide range of something

e) determine the quality of some activity

f) an amount of money paid to an employee monthly

g) a series of jobs you do during your professional life

h) a more important job or rank in a company or organization

i) the activities of directing and controlling the work of an organization

c)telling people about a product or service to persuade them to buy it

IV. Translate the part of the text in bold into Russian.

V. Answer the questions.

1. What does the word “career” mean?

2. How should we choose a career? What questions should we ask and


3. What are the main areas of business?

4. What can people specialize in within the field of marketing?

5. What opportunities are involved in making a career in business?

6. Have you made your choice what area of business to specialize in?

VI. What is the main idea of the article? Choose the best variant.

  1. Choosing a career is the most important thing in one’s life.

  2. To find the right career in business you have to answer some important

questions about your interests, abilities and skills.

  1. To choose the right career you have to evaluate yourself and explore your

choice of occupation, and if your choice is business, choose the area to

specialize in.

VII. How many parts can the article be divided into? What does each part

deal with?

VIII. Render the article in English using tasks V, VI, VII.

Text 2

  1. Before you read answer this question.

What must you do to be successful in a job interview? Make a list under

the headings below and compare your list with other students.

  1. Before the interview

  2. During the interview

  3. After the interview

  1. Read the article. Compare the points in your list with the points given in the text.

How to Get that Job

Before the interview

  • Find out as much as you can about the company. Think about questions which the interviewer may ask you. Plan how to answer them.

  • Prepare one or two good questions to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview.

  • Dress smartly.

  • Don’t be late. If you are very early, have a coffee in a local café and look

at your notes.

  • Switch off your mobile and take two or three slow, deep breaths before you go in.

During the interview

  • When you walk in, shake hands firmly with the interviewer, look them in

the eyes and say ‘Pleased to meet you’.

  • Answer the questions in a confident voice. Don’t speak too quietly or


  • Answers should not be one word or one sentence, but also should not be

too long.

  • When answering questions, maintain eye contact with the interviewer. If

there is more than one interviewer, give them equal attention.

  • Give clear, direct answers. If you don’t know something, say so.

  • Don’t lie.

  • At the end of the interview, you may be asked: ‘Are there any questions

that you would like to ask us?’ Ask the questions prepared beforehand.

  • In general, be positive and show enthusiasm for the job.

After the interview

  • If you didn’t answer a question well in the interview, don’t be afraid to phone up soon afterwards and say: ‘I don’t think I explained myself very well in the interview. What I wanted to say was …’ This will show enthusiasm and it will remind our potential employer of you.