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V. Match the list of objectives 1-6 with the plans to achieve them a-f.



  1. Recruit a new Chief Accountant

  2. Increase the number of staff who speak English

  3. Export to more countries

  4. Reduce costs

  5. Thank the sales manager (he is retiring)

  6. Welcome the visitors from the US

    1. Increase salaries by only two percent this year

    2. Collect money for a gift

    3. Introduce language training courses for employees

    4. Arrange visits to local tourist attractions

    5. Set up five overseas offices

    6. Advertise in the newspapers

VI. Complete this text with the correct alternatives. Planning: when all goes right

I work for a US clothes store chain. Last year I was responsible for opening a chain of new shops in Europe. I was very nervous, but I followed the rules: I prepared the …1…, I fixed a …2… for opening dates of stores and I made some sales …3… .

Everything went perfectly. We ran a very good advertising …4… . The shops were really …5… and the stocks of clothes were all in place on the opening day of each store. We …6… our sales targets. In fact, sales were 12% …7… the forecast I had made. My next forecast? I’m going to be promoted!

  1. a. account b. budget c. receipts

  2. a. scene b. routine c. schedule

  3. a. forecasts b. predictions c. projects

  4. a. programme b. campaign c. activity

  5. a. in time b. in bad time c. after time

  6. a. went b. arrived c. met

  7. a. top b. over c. more

VII. Choose one of the following events and tell your partner how you will

plan it. Use some of the vocabulary from the exercises above.

  1. A training weekend for your department.

  2. A party to celebrate your company’s 100th anniversary.

  3. An event to relaunch a singer’s career.

VIII. Translate into English:

  1. Чтобы планировать распорядок дня, деловому человеку нужно иметь

ежедневник или органайзер.

  1. В понедельник у меня назначена встреча с клиентом. Мы должны

определить цели рекламной кампании и средства, позволяющие их


  1. Мы изучили Ваше деловое предложение. Проект совместной

деятельности будет обсужден на заседании Совета директоров.

  1. Необходимо рассмотреть возможность перемещения головного офиса в

деловой центр города.

  1. Высокая степень инфляции является одной из причин краткосрочного

планирования в развитии промышленности.

  1. Чтобы осуществить планы компании, следует оставаться в рамках


  1. Как Вы оцениваете деятельность PR-службы нашей фирмы?

  2. Наша цель - привлечь интерес к продукции предприятия за рубежом и

выйти на международный рынок.

  1. Вам следовало предвидеть изменение курса обмена, когда финансовый

отдел составлял смету расходов.

  1. Cрок представления отчета - 25 декабря.


Talking about future plans

    • We can use the verbs plan, hope, expect, would like and want to talk about future plans.

Examples. The company is hoping to solve this problem.

Russia would like to attract more foreign investors.

    • We use going to to talk about more definite plans.

Example. We are going to relaunch the product next month.

    • We can use the present continuous to talk about definite plans and


Example. We’re meeting next Friday at 3 p.m.