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I. Correct the grammatical mistakes in these sentences.

  1. If you give us a 10% discount, we would place our order today.

  2. If I would have more money, I would go on a cruise.

  3. If I will go to London next week, I’ll visit their sales office.

  4. If I would work from home, I would have more time with my children.

  5. If the secretary informed about the arrival of the delegation earlier, we would have prepared everything beforehand.

II. Combine phrases from a and b to make conditional sentences. More than

one variant is possible in each case.



1. pay in euros

a. pay you a higher commission

2. order today

b. offer you a special discount

3. finish everything tonight

c. reduce the price

4. deliver by the end of the month

d. give you a bonus

5. give us a one-year guarantee

e. pay all the transport costs

6. exceed the sales target

f. give you a 5% discount

7. pay all the advertising costs

g. deliver within seven days

8. sign the contract now

h. give you the day off tomorrow

III. Complete the second sentence in each pair using Second and

Third Conditional so it has the same meaning as the first.

  1. I won’t change my bank because it gives good rates of interest.

If my bank didn’t __________ , I __________ change it.

  1. We can’t offer you a discount because you don’t buy in bulk.

If you __________ , we __________ a discount.

  1. The price of the product is too high, so we won’t place any orders with this company.

We ___________ with this company if the price __________ ,

  1. She was too emotional, so it was almost impossible to get to an agreement with her.

If she __________ , we ___________ with her.

  1. The CEO arranged a meeting because the managers couldn’t solve the problem informally.

The CEO ___________ if the managers ___________ informally.

  1. Our jobs are in the city, so we can’t move to the country.

If our jobs ___________ in the city, we ___________ to the country.

IV. Discuss these questions in pairs.

What would you do if:

  1. you saw two colleagues having an argument? I would/wouldn’t….

  2. a colleague criticized you?

  3. you saw a colleague stealing something?

  4. your boss never listened to your ideas?

  5. your boss asked you to work till 10 p.m.?


Handling conflicts

(Market Leader Pre-Intermediate Unit 10 Recording 10.1, 10.2)

I. Work in pairs. Make a list of common causes of conflict in companies and


II. Listen to the first part of the interview with Eileen Carroll, a Deputy Chief

Executive of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution. It is an

organization that helps to resolve business conflict. Does Eileen mention

any of the causes you listed in task I?

III. Listen to the first part again and complete each cause of conflict with one


  • ____(1) expectations about what a contract can deliver

  • lack of ____(2) when expectations are not met

  • ____(3) badly or not at all

  • a change in ___(4)

  • change of ___(5) structures

  1. Listen to the second part of the interview. What are the three key

elements that help her resolve business disputes?


Text 1

I. Before reading the text, discuss these questions.

  1. Who should deal with conflict situations at work?

  2. What personal qualities do you think a manager needs to deal with the conflict and solve the problem?

II. Read the text and check your answers to question 2.

Conflict Situations at Work

To recognize conflict situations and deal with them before they get very bad is one of the responsibilities of anybody who is in management position. A good number of personal qualities are necessary in order to handle conflict successfully.

First of all, you have to be sympathetic towards the two sides involved in the conflict, and show that you really want to understand their problem.

It is often a good idea to try and solve the emotional side of the conflict to begin with, because it is difficult for people to think or even express their opinions clearly as long as they are full of feelings such as anger, fear or hatred. Of course, you yourself cannot become angry or upset, because if you run out of patience, you will only make things worse. As some people say, you should try and remain cool, calm and collected at all times.

Secondly, a certain amount of creativity will also help you, as very often you cannot apply old solutions to new problems.

Another key quality is consistency. Indeed, if you change your behavior or attitude depending on who you talk to, you will probably make enemies and you may soon lose your credibility.