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V. Some verbs combine with more than one preposition. For example:

“He reports to the Marketing Director.” (to a person)

“The sales manager reported on last month’s sales figures” (on a thing)

Say whether the following combine with someone or something.



  1. a) report to

b) report on

  1. a) apologize for

b) apologize to

  1. a) talk to

b) talk about

  1. a) agree with

b) agree on

  1. a) argue about

b) argue with

VI. Complete these sentences with suitable prepositions from ex. 3

  1. I agreed ……… her that we need to change our marketing strategy.

  2. I talk ……… my boss every Monday at our regular meeting.

  3. We argued ………. next year’s budget for over an hour.

  4. He apologized ………. losing his temper.

  5. We talked ………. our financial problems for a long time.

  6. The Finance Director argued ……… our Managing Director over

profits sharing.

  1. I apologized ………. Paula ……… giving her the wrong figures.

  2. Can we agree ………. the date of our next meeting?

  1. Write three sentences with suitable prepositions from task IV.

  2. Complete the text with the words from the list.

trust (n) qualities communicate deal delegate invest

respond attentively

If you ask employees what …1… they value most in a manager, the majority will tell you that they need a manager who can listen to them …2… and sympathetically. Nobody likes talking to a brick wall, and the ability to …3… clearly with colleagues is essential to anybody in a management position.

Secondly, when staff worry over certain issues, a good manager should …4… to their concerns promptly and also …5… with any problems as soon as they arise.

…6… is also rated very highly, so managers should also believe in their employees’ abilities and be prepared to …7… responsibilities to them whenever possible.

Finally, a good manager should also …8… in regular professional development opportunities for their staff.


Reported Speech

There are a number of ways to report what people say.

  • We often use say, tell, ask to report speech.

Example: “Triumph has a very strong brand name.” He said (that) Triumph

had a very strong brand name.

  • We use tell with an object.

Example: “Triumph has a very strong brand name.” He told the interviewer

(that) Triumph had a very strong brand name.

  • We use ask ( with or without an object) to report questions.

Example: “ How do you create interest abroad?” The interviewer asked how

they created interest abroad.

We usually make the following changes in reported speech:

  • The verb goes back one tense.

  • Nouns and pronouns may change.

Example: “Our employees will always be our most valuable asset.” The CEO

said that their employees would always be their most valuable asset.

When we report things that are either very recent or generally true, we

often use the same tense as the speaker.

Example: “Planning is important.” He said that planning is important.