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English on Management.doc
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7. Answer the following questions.

1. What is Personal Time Management about?

2. What does Personal Time Management allow you to do?

3. What is the aim of study in the field of Information Science?

4. What are the possible sources of waste?

5. What are the ways to deal with deadlines?

6. What is merely inappropriate for a busy Manager?

7. What are manager`s responsibilities when tasks are allocated to subordinates?

8. Complete the sentences.

1. Personal Time Management has … . 2. And one step to a self-discipline is … . 3. The most common sources of waste are … . 4. Another common source of waste stems from … . 5. Time is often wasted in … . 6. One more problem is appointments, that constitute … . 7. When monitoring your staff … . 8. Personal Time Management is a systematic application … .


9. Talk to your partner and discuss the issue of personal time management.

10. This time you have to make a report on the topic «Personal Time Management for Busy Managers». Please, read the information below before you start.

When you make a report you have to make it as easy as possible for your audience. There is a simple way to check if your report was perfect: at the end of the report your listeners should be able to repeat it back to you because what you said was so clear.


How to Build Quality into your Team


  1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:

1. reliability [rɪˌlaɪə'bɪlətɪ] – надёжность

2. result in – приводить к чему-л.

3. make – марка,тип, сорт, продукция

4. manifestation – проявление, олицетворение, пример

5. ship – отправлять, отгружать

6. in terms of –с точки зрения, в свете

7. reward [rɪ'wɔ:d] – награда, вознаграждение

8. substantial [səb'stæn(t)ʃ(ə)l] –важный, значимый, значительный, немаловажный, существенный

9. insistence [ɪn'sɪst(ə)n(t)s] – настойчивость, упорство

10. accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd] –знакомый, обычный, привычный

11. issue –предмет обсуждения

12. habituate [hə'bɪʧueɪt] – приучать к (чему-л.), тренировать

13. promoter –способствующий фактор

14. primacy ['praɪməsɪ] – превосходство,первичность

15. ethos ['i:θɔs] – характер, преобладающая черта, дух

16. accrue [ə'kru:] – прирастать, увеличиваться

17. riches –богатство, ценность

18. encourage [ɪn'kʌrɪʤ] – ободрять; поощрять, поддерживать

2. Match the columns

1. to seek

a. заранее, вперёд, заблаговременно

2. beforehand

b.рывок вперёд

3. overnight

c. добиваться, стремиться, пытаться

4. lasting ['lɑ:stɪŋ]

d. обоюдное консультирование

5. mutual coaching

e. организованная команда

6. push

f. внезапный, мгновенный

7. established team

g. длительный, постоянный,

продолжительный, прочный, устойчивый

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