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E_for_Effective_Bisiness (2).doc
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1. Прочтите данные диалоги по ролям. Переведите их на русский язык.

  • Excuse me, sir: are you Robert Collins?

  • Yes, I am.

  • Let me introduce myself. I’m Anatoly Voronov.

  • How do you do, Mr Voronov?

  • How do you do, Mr Collins? Nice to meet you. I know you by name well (Я хорошо знаю Вас по имени).

– Good morning! I’d like to speak to Mr Mitchell.

  • I’m Mitchell.

  • Oh, I’m very glad. Let me introduce myself. I’m Irina Panina.

  • How do you do, Miss Panina?

  • How do you do, Mr Mitchell?

  • Well, you have some business to me, haven’t you?

  • In a way (в некотором роде) yes. I’d like to have a talk with you.

  • You are welcome, Miss Panina. Please sit down.

  • Good afternoon, Mrs Cook. Let me introduce our manager Sergey Ivanov. Mr Ivanov, this is Mrs Cook.

  • How do you do, Mr Ivanov?

  • How do you do, Mrs Cook? Delighted to meet you.

  • You will have a project with our company, won’t you?

  • Yes, Mrs Cook, I will.

  • Jimmy, will you introduce me to your HR manager? I have some business with her. What’s her name?

  • Just a moment … Miss Day, let me introduce my new colleague Pavel Popov.

  • Good evening, Miss Day. Glad to meet you. Well, what is your first name?

  • Catherine ['kxTrIn]. Just call me Kate or Kitty.

  • Thank you, Kate.

– Please, introduce me to Miss Hall.

  • Haven’t you met before?

  • Unfortunately [An'fO:CInItlI], not.

  • I see (понятно). Well, I’ll do it with pleasure ['pleZq].

– Mr Panin, meet my friend Peter Roger.

  • Hello, Mr Roger.

  • Hello, Mr Panin. You are Mr Green’s assistant, aren’t you?

  • Yes, I am. And you are that very (тот самый) Mr Roger, the marketing manager?

  • Oh, no. I’m not the Roger. We aren’t even relations (родственники). Just namesakes (тёзки).

  • Ann, we are having a guest. Please meet Galina Kotova, our consultant.

  • How do you do, Mrs Kotova? I’ve heard a lot of nice things about you. I’m very glad to meet you at our place.

  • Glad to meet you too, Ann.

2. Отчитайте данные предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.

What’s your profession? I’m an HR manager.

What’s his profession? He’s an engineer.

What’s Miss Hall’s profession? She’s a secretary.

What do you do? I’m in HR.

What does your colleague do? He’s in charge of HR.

What does Miss Hall do? She’s responsible for the company’s employees.

Who do you report to? I report to Mr Clark. He’s a department head.

Who does Mrs Mitchell report to? Her boss is Mr Green, the plant manager.

Who does your colleague report to? He reports to Mr Blake, our accountant.

Mr Clark is responsible for hiring new personnel. He deals with employing, training and helping employees.

I’m responsible for personnel records. I deal with our staff.

My colleagues are in charge of taking care of the company’s employees. They deal with rewarding employees and providing benefits and promotions.

3. Переведите следующие монологи на английский язык.

Я – менеджер по управлению персоналом.

Я работаю в компании “Star”.

Мы – производственная компания.

У нас работает 100 человек.

Мой друг – помощник менеджера по работе с персоналом. Он работает в очень крупной компании. Она занимается приемом на работу новых сотрудников.

Мои друзья работают в отделе по работе с персоналом.

Они отвечают за проведение собеседования с кандидатами.

Я работаю в одной из секций отдела по работе с персоналом. Отдел находиться в главном офисе. В нашем отделе – 3 секции, которые отвечают за прием на работу, ведение личных дел сотрудников компании и организацию курсов повышения квалификации.

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