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5. Answer the following questions:

1. Why must all societies deal with scarcity?

2. What is rent?

3. How can we define the term «economics»?

4. What is wages?

5. Why is the need to choose imposed on us?

6. What is interest?

7. What is microeconomics?

8. What is macroeconomics?

9. When did the development of modern economics begin?

10. What questions must every society provide answers to?

11. How do you understand the term «factors of production»?

6. Define the terms:

Economics, capital, interest, microeconomics, macroeconomics, wages, profit, labor and human resources

7. Translate into English:

1. Бажання людини безмежні, а кошти, необхідні для здійснення цих бажань, надто обмежені. 2. Перед кожним суспільством постає проблема нестатку. 3. Економічні чинники впливають на рішення у світі бізнесу. 4. Ресурси, необхідні для утворення товарів і послуг, називають чинниками виробництва. 5. Заробітна плата – це та винагорода, яку отримують робітники за свою працю. 6. Купуючи фабрики, машини та інші засоби виробництва, ділові люди часто вживають термін «капітал». 7. Економіка – це наука, яка описує та аналізує вибір з-поміж недостатніх ресурсів, які мають задовольнити потреби населення. 8. Кожний чинник виробництва має місце в нашій економічній системі і кожний виконує відповідну функцію.

8. Read and dramatize the following dialogue:

P.: Hello, Bob!

В.: Oh, Peter, glad to see you. Haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been busy with, and what are you doing now?

P.: I'm a student of the Kyiv University. And what about you?

В.: You know, when I received my school leaving certificate, I decided to work at a plant and get a speciality.

P.: What speciality have you got?

В.: I'm a fitter now, I get good wages and I can support my mother. And now that I have become a skilled worker I think already I can combine my job with studies by taking correspondence courses or attending the evening faculty of an institute.

P.: What institute do you want to enter?

В.: I have thought about the Cherkassy Engineering and Technological Institute, but I haven't yet decided. I'd like to become an economist.

P.: Is it really interesting for you?

В.: Oh, yes, of course. I know that the studying of economics will help us to understand the economic forces better and enable us to live a fuller life.

P.: Do you know what is the basic economic problem?

В.: I think I do. The central problem of economics is to determine the most efficient ways to allocate the factors of scarcity created by society's unlimited wants and limited resources.

P.: But in doing so, every society must provide answers to the following three questions:

What goods and services are to be produced and in what qualities are they to be produced?

How are those goods and services to be produced?

Who will receive and consume (get to use) those goods and services?

В.: You are right. The way in which a society goes about answering these fundamental questions is known as its economic system. I'd like to study the economic system of our country.

P.: Now I understand you and I hope you will enter the institute and become a very good economist.

В.: Well, I am a bit hungry, why don't we have a snack together?

P.: Good idea. Let's go and have a snack in the cafe.