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деловой английский / 4. Числительное. ex

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Упражнение 1. Напишите следующие слова числами:

one, four, seven, thirteen, twenty-two, two hundred, seventy, a thousand, one thousand nine hundred and ten, one million, a hundred and three, fifty nine, one point o two two.

Упражнение 2. Напишите следующие числа словами:

a) 23; 3 200; 247; 1 720; 2 045 328;

b) in 1972; May 9,1945; in 1905; in January, 2007;

c) ½ kilometer; 2.51; 1/3 ton; 0.5; 3.152.

Упражнение 3. Напишите словами следующие выражения:

1 005 magazines; 407 students; 5 400 000 books; 1 431 kilometres; on page 733; by tram 9; on the 12th day.

Упражнение 4. Напишите следующие выражения числами:

a) seventeen; twenty one; sixty two; thirteen; three hundred and eleven; one thousand eight hundred forty nine;

b) the seventeenth, the twenty first, the sixty second, the two hundred and fifth, the tree thousand five hundred and sixth, the one million three thousand five hundred and third.

Упражнение 5. Напишите следующие даты словами:

May 1, 2006; on October 6; June 8; on September 1.

Упражнение 6. Напишите по-английски порядковые числительные:

1-й; 2-й; 3-й; 5-й; 11-й; 19-й; 20; 124-й; 1135-й; 103-й.

Упражнение 7. Переведите на английский язык следующие выражения:

сотни людей; тысячи молодых людей; миллионы жителей нашей планеты; десятки новых строительных материалов.

Упражнение 8 . Напишите следующие математические действия числами:

а) two and two is (equals) four;

three and two is five;

four plus three equals seven;

five plus eight is thirteen;

two hundred and twenty five plus five equals two hundred and thirty;

b) fifteen minus ten is five;

nineteen minus one is eighteen;

A minus B is C;

one hundred minus two is ninety eight;

two thousand six hundred and fifty seven minus fifty seven is two thousand six hundred;

c) three times four is twelve;

four times five is twenty;

five multiplied by six is thirty;

six multiplied by eight is forty eight;

A multiplied by B is C;

once six is six;

three times nine is twenty seven;

seven times eight is fifty six;

d) four divided by two is two;

twelve divided by four is three;

a hundred divided by five equals twenty;

A divided by B equals;

ninety divided by fifteen is six;

forty divided by four equals ten;

Упражнение 9. Запишите словами по-английски математическое действие и его результат:

a) 5 + 15 = …

7 + 3 = …

5 + 4 = …

1 + 2 = …

17 + 179 = …

10 + 49 = …

9 + 9 = …

b) 20 – 3 =…

30 – 8=…

50 – 21 = …

20 – 4=…

7 – 2= …

21 – 4 = …

c) 12×3 = …

8×4 = …

6×2 = …

9×3 = …

14×4 = …

d) 9 ÷ 3 =…

15 ÷ 5 = …

25 ÷ 5 =…

60 ÷ 10 =…

48 ÷ 6 = …

7÷7 = …

Упражнение 10. Ответьте на вопросы. Число ответа напишите словами:

Модель 1: What do eleven and three make? – Fourteen.

1. What do three and four make?

2. What do forty nine and three make?

3. What do twenty seven and thirteen make?

4. What do seven and thirty make?

5. What do five and twelve make?

6. What do three hundred and four hundred make?

Модель 2: How much is six minus two? – Four.

1. How much is one hundred and fourteen minus four?

2. How much is ten minus fifty?

3. How much is sixty four minus thirteen?

4. How much is one thousand minus five hundred?

5. How much is one hundred and sixty minus forty?

Модель 3: What is three times eight? – Twenty four.

1. What is two times seven?

2. What is four times eight?

3. What is six times eleven?

4. What is seven times nine?

5. What is six times six?

Упражнение 11. Напишите математические выражения согласно моделям.

Модель 1. 3.56 – three point five six





Модель 2. 5.2 in - five point two inches

6.7 in;

10.03 m;

75.8 km.

Модель 3. 5.2 – five point two pounds

7.31 lb;

3.03 lb;

Модель 4. 57 – five to the seventh power





Модель 5. mph – miles per hour; Fig. – figure; Eq. – Equation

Fig. 2;


Eq. 2.