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деловой английский / 3. Многочленные словосочетания - ex

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Упражнение 1. Найдите в предложениях группы существительных с левым определением.

1. There are only daylight lamps in this room.

2. Teams of figure skaters and ice-hockey players undergo intensive training at the Sports Centre of Kiev.

3. During its four-century-old history the city experienced several dramatic events.

4. The 40-meter-high arch which is in the entrance to the Volga-Don Navigation Canal rises in the south of Volgograd.

5. Automatic devices make labour safer and easier.

6. Ukrainian engineers achieved great results in constructing these jet propulsion systems.

7. Storage tanks are generally made of galvanized iron.

8. It is often convenient to attain the desired storage capacity by connecting together two or more medium-sized tanks than to use one large one.

9. A panel wall is a nonbearing wall in skeleton construction, built between columns or piers and wholly supported at each storey.

10. That will settle the price problem.

11. The world prices of mining equipment are very high.

12. We'll raise labour productivity if we apply new progressive labour methods.

13. Nature and environment protection is one of the major ecological problems.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите предложения, найдите группу существительного с левым определением и определите основное слово группы.

  1. We are interested both in radio-frequency and low-frequency waves.

  2. These experiments resulted in creating a new means of locomotion.

  3. The production of high pressure gases results from a chemical reaction.

  4. The road surface to be repaired was destroyed many years ago by heavy vehicles.

  5. Her brother’s a male nurse, and she’s a lady doctor.

  6. This TV program likes to conduct man-in-the-street interviews.

  7. TV news reporters and cameramen rushed to the scene of the accident.

  8. The apartment building’s green door canopy looked colorless in the sodium glow of the street lamps.

  9. Hydrogen, the gas used in toy balloons, is very light.

  10. Over the past few years our specialists have created new automated coal-digging complexes and machine systems, automatic robot transfer lines.

Упражнение 3. Проанализируйте способы перевода определений существительных. Укажите какие из них переводятся а) прилагательным, образованным от существительного; b) существительным в родительном падеже; с) существительным в родительном падеже; d) причастным оборотом.

1) traffic speed

2) railway bridge

3) London underground

4) construction site

5) household goods

6) wheel invention

7) cylinder wall

8) traffic inspector

9) road sign

10) railway station

11) road surface

12) racing driver

13) research problem

14) gas turbine

15) water supply

Упражнение 4. Проанализируйте, какое определение имеет существительное в данных словосочетаниях а) левое, b) правое. Подчеркните основное слово-существительное.

1) goods to be transported

2) the new device to be introduced

3) connecting line

4) advanced method

5) tested method

6) general plan

7) internal combustion engine

6) terminal station

7) supersonic vertical take-off bomber

8) wooden house advantages

9) automatic flight control equipment

10) improved traffic flow

11) free school bus service

12) industry to be developed

13) two-bed hotel room

14) Dynamo versus Shakhtar football match

15) the temperature limit determination

16) the deep sea current measuring device

Упражнение 5. Укажите, какой частью речи выражены определения в следующих сочетаниях слов. Найдите в правой колонке перевод этих сочетаний.

1) part-time job

a) доступные материалы

2) paid leave

b) проблема, которую нужно решить

3) program requirements

c) временная работ

4) written assignment

d) устная практика

5) extra-mural education

e) заочное обучение

6) teaching procedure

f) оплачиваемый отпуск

7) written test work

g) письменное задание

8) oral practice

h) методика обучения

9) study guide

i) программные требования

10) the problem to be solved

j) письменная контрольная работа

11) materials available

k) учебное пособие

Упражнение 6. Укажите предложения, содержащие приложения в качестве правых определений. Подчеркните существительное, которое оно определяет.

1. Within recent years the application of radio techniques in the study of various problems of astronomy has led to remarkable results. A new science, Radio Astronomy, has emerged.

2. Detailed information on different types of particle accelerators – the heavy artillery of the atomic world shooting invisible bullets at invisible targets – is now available.

3. I radio calculations the metric system is used.

4. About 1940 another circular accelerator, the betatron, was developed.

5. The problem to be solved is 0f great importance for our research.

6. We expect the scientific and technological progress to increase the intensification of production.

7. The four giant planets of the solar system are thought to have a ”rock-in-a snowball” structure – a small dense rocky core surrounded by a thick shell of ice and covered by thousand of miles of compressed hydrogen and helium.

8. On October 4,1957, Soviet scientists successfully launched the first Earth Satellite.

9. If we want some information to be sent rapidly we send it by radio.

10. The units described above – a compressor, combustion chamber and turbine – are the fundamental parts of any turbine.