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деловой английский / 1. Aртикль (Article) - exercises

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Exercise 1. Put the where necessary.

Example: I find history an interesting subject.

We studied the history of the Spanish Civil War at school.

1. Andrew hates ____ examinations.

2. How did you get on in ____ examinations yesterday?

3. Do you take ____ sugar in your ____ coffee?

4. ”Where is ____ coffee I bought?” – “It’s in ____ kitchen”.

5. I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat ____ meat or ____ fish.

6. I’ll put ____ shopping away. Shall I put ____ meat into ____ freezer?

7. Do you like ____ English tea?

8. Do you think ____ love is the most important thing in ____ life?

Exercise 2. Put the where necessary.

1. We’ve finished all ____ wine .

2. I didn’t see ____ whole film.

3. All ____ family went on holiday together.

4. Have you spent all ____ material we sent you yesterday?

5. The tap was dripping ____ whole night.

6. Did you understand all ____ information I gave you?

7. I have already made some of ____ experiments.

Exercise 3. Put the where necessary.

1. She can play ____ guitar and ____ saxophone.

2. We made ____ same experiment twice.

3. We often listen to ____ radio, but we don’t watch ____ TV very much.

4. Without ____ electricity ____ life would be rather difficult.

5. ____ Nile is ____ longest river in ____ Africa.

6. Ron Lewis was born in ____ Manchester, but he lives in ____ Bristol now.

7. When we arrived in ____ Rome we visited ____ St Peter’s church, ____ Castle of St Angelo and ____ National Roman Museum.

Exercise 4. Put a or an where necessary.

1. There is ____ post office in West Street.

2. We ate ____ cheese and drank ____ coffee.

3. Would you like ____ cup of tea?

4. I made ____ very important experiment last week.

5. I’m working as ____ secretary in ____ office in ____ London.

6. What do you think of Lynne? – She’s ____ extremely nice person.

7. Last year I read ____ very interesting book on this problem, then ____ second, then ____ third.

Exercise 5. Translate the following words into Russian / Ukrainian

основа глагола + -tion, -sion, -ion = существительное

to include – включать


to continue – продолжать


to produce –производить

production –

to absorb – поглощать

absorption –

to vibrate – вибрировать


основа глагола + -er / -or = существительное со значением лица, производящего действия, или орудия действия:

to generate – генерировать

generator –

to distribute – распределять


to cool – охлаждать


to operate – оперировать


Exercise 5. Put a/an or the where necessary.

1. I’d like to have ____ hamburger for ____ breakfast.

2. Shevchenko is ____ outstanding Ukrainian writer.

3. At ____ night I had ____ terrible headache after I had drunk ____ lot of ____ coffee in ____ evening.

4. Thomas Banks is ____ last person I want to see.

5. I’d like to see Mr.Smith, please. – Do you mean ____ Mr. Smith who works in the box office or other Mr. Smith?

6. ____ little (hardly anything) is known about the effect of this drug.

7. ____ windows are supposed to let in the light; but ____ windows of this house are so small that they have to have the electric light on all ____ time.

8. ____ Japanese export ____ lot of cars.

9. The rent is 50 dollars ____ week.

10. ____ President is going to open ____ new hospital in ____ capital ____ next month.

11. ____ more he learns English ____ more he likes it.

12. ____United Kingdom includes ____ Great Britain and ____ Northern Ireland.

13. ____ Pacific Ocean is ____ largest ocean in the world.

14. ____ government plans to help ____ poor and ____ unemployed.

15. How much does is it cost to stay at ____ Donbas Palace?