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деловой английский / 7. Наречие - ex

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Упражнение 1. Образуйте наречия из следующих прилагательных.

1) angry

6) automatic

2) slow

7) easy

3) sad

8) complete

4) probable

9) lazy

5) historic

10) present

Упражнение 2. Вставьте нужное слово – прилагательное или наречие.

1. (comfortable)

a) Your car is very _______.

b) Are you sitting _______?

2. (beautiful)

a) You sing _______.

b) You are a _______ person.

3. (good)

a) My brother is _______ at languages.

b) He speaks Chinese _______.

4. (gentle)

a) She spoke _______ to me.

b) She is a _______ person.

5. (careless)

a) My father is a _______ driver.

b) He drives quite _______.

6. (nice)

a) They thanked me _______ and drove off.

b) They were _______ people.

7. (sad)

a) It was a _______ story.

b) He spoke _______ about the accident.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте наречие в скобках в нужное место в предложении.

1. (always) Sue takes a walk in the morning.

2. (usually) Taxis are available at the airport.

3. (often) I have lunch at academy canteen.

4. (seldom) Jim goes out to eat at a restaurant.

5. (probably) Cindy needs some help.

6. (hardly ever) The students are late.

Упражнение 4. Прилагательное / Наречие. Выберите нужный вариант.

1. I suppose you know him well – probably ___________ than anybody else.

a) better

b) more better

2. He spoke English badly – ___________ than expected.

a) worse

b) more badly

3. I can’t understand what you’re saying. Could you speak a bit _________?

a) slowlier

b) more slowly

4. I’d like to change cars ______________.

a) oftener

b) more often

5. If you want to find your way around the city _________, you should buy the map of it.

a) easilier

b) more easily

6. We are going ____________.

a) slower and slower

b) more and more slowly

7. __________ you start, ___________ you’ll finish.

a) The sooner, the more soon

a) The quicklier, b) the more quickly

8. My mother was feeling tired last night so she went to bed ____ than usual.


b) more early

9. The younger you are, the _____________it is to learn.

a) easier

b) more easy

Соседние файлы в папке деловой английский