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Master Chong’s World Class Tae Kwon Do

Tae Kwon Do’s History

Tae Kwon Do is the art of self

fighting techniques, the young warriors

practicing martial arts.

defense that originated in Korea. It is

were instructed in history, poetry, and

The end of the Yi Dynasty came

recognized as one of the oldest forms

philosophy. The entire body of study

in 1909 and was followed with the

of martial arts in the world. Though its

was known as Hwarang Do. The

Japanese occupation of Korea and a

tradition is ancient, reaching back over

Hwarang gained skills not only for

ban on the practice of martial arts. The

2,000 years, there is no one account of

battle, but for daily life. This relates

training that existed was extremely

its development. The details presented

directly to modern Tae Kwon Do


here have been gathered and arranged

training, which provides self defense

With the end of World War II came

from a number of different sources.

skills as well as improved character,

the end of the Japanese occupation, and

One of the earliest clues of Tae

self-discipline, and confidence that can

the need and opportunity to formally

Kwon Do’s existence is a mural painted

be applied to any task.

organize the Korean martial arts. In

on the wall of a tomb that




1955 a group of instructors

was built in the Korean




and historians convened

kingdom of Koguryo,




and settled on the title

between 37 BC and 66




of Tae Kwon Do. The

AD. The drawing shows




name was selected for its

two unarmed figures




appropriate description

facing each other in a




of the art: Tae (foot)

Tae Kwon Do style stance.




Kwon (hand) Do (art).

Additional drawings in




The name also bore a close

the tomb show figures




resemblance to the ancient

performing blocks and




name Tae Kyon.

wearing uniforms similar to




The introduction of

those used in modern day




Tae Kwon Do in the United

Tae Kwon Do training.




States also began during

There is little question




the 1950’s when a handful


Kukkiwon, South Korea


that the advancement of


of pioneering master

Tae Kwon Do and its

Following the Silla dynasty and


instructors travelled to

techniques developed as the country of

America to spread the art.

Korea developed. There are examples

the times of the Hwarang Do came the

Throughout the next few decades,

and history of Tae Kwon Do training in

Koryo dynasty (935 AD - 1352 AD)

Tae Kwon Do grew in popularity,

virtually all the records of the different

from which Korea takes its name. At

not only as a martial art, but as an

kingdoms that existed within the

that time martial arts practice, known

international sport.

country throughout the centuries.

as Subak Do, became popular as an

In 1973, Korea hosted

The highest form of the ancient art

organized sport with detailed rules. The

the first Tae Kwon Do World

was achieved in the kingdom of Silla.

royal family sponsored competitions

Championships. In that same year,

This tiny kingdom constantly faced

and demonstrations. Martial arts

the  World Tae Kwon Do Federation

attacks and opposition from larger

became deeply rooted in Korean

was established as the international

and stronger areas. As a result the


governing body for the sport aspects of

ruler of the kingdom, King Jin Heung

A setback occurred during the Yi

Tae Kwon Do. Today the WTF counts

established an elite group of warriors

Dynasty which began in 1393 AD. At

120 separate countries as its members,

called the “Hwarang” or “Flower of

that time the ruling class de-emphasized

representing 20 million practitioners.


the importance of physical and military

These numbers earn Tae Kwon Do the

The Hwarang consisted of the sons

training and the Tae Kyon began to lose

distinction of being the most practiced

of nobles within the kingdom. They

popularity. However, one significant

martial art in the world.

were carefully selected and formally

contribution occurred in 1790 when

Tae Kwon Do first gained

trained in all aspects of military skills

the Yi Dynasty Monarch Chongjo

acceptance as an Olympic sport

including unarmed combat, which at

ordered one of his generals to compile

appearing as a demonstration event

the time was known as Tae Kyon. It

a reference book of all forms of martial

in the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games.

is significant that the Hwarang were

arts in Korea. Known as Muye Dobo

Beginning with the 2000 Olympic

taught not only the importance of

Tongi, this book is one of the first of

Games in Sydney, Australia, Tae Kwon

developing their bodies, but their minds

its kind. It is comprised of texts and

Do has been included as a medal sport

and spirits as well. In addition to

illustrations describing methods of

in the Summer Olympic Games.







Master Chong’s World Class

Tae Kwon Do Centers




















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