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2. No article is used:

  1. with names of continents, most countries, cities, towns and villages: Asia, Europe, Germany, Manchester, Tonbridge, Singleton.

NOTE: a) the City (of London), the Hague (the is a fixed part of the place name);

b) the is used to pick out a particular "version" of something: The Paris of my youth no longer exists. This isn't the London I used to know.

  1. with geographical areas and administrative regions of countries: Central Asia, Inner London, North (South) Carolina, Upper Austria, Bavaria, Quebec.

  2. with lakes, individual mountains, islands and bays: Lake Geneva, Lake Baikal, Lake Ontario (but: the Lake of Geneva, the Ontario, the Great Salt Lake); Everest, Mont Blanc, Kilimanjaro, Ararat (but: the Matterhorn, the Eiger); Easter Island, Malter, Cyprus, Haiti (but: the Isle of Capri, the Isle of Man.); San Francisco Bay (but the Bay of Biscay).

4.3. The Use of Articles with Other Proper Names

1. The is used:

  1. a) with nationality words when the adjective ends in -sh, -ch, -ese, or -ss: the British, the Dutch, the Chinese, the Swiss (referring to the group as a whole)

b) the same meaning is expressed by plural nationality nouns with the or without it: (the) Americans, (the) Russians, (the) Italians.

  1. with historical references: the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Dark Ages, the Bronze Age; but: Ancient Greece, Medieval Europe, Roman Britain, pre-war Germany, post-war France.

  2. with historical events: the Industrial Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Patriotic War.

  3. with public bodies and political institutions: the Army, the Government, the Police, the Supreme Council, the High Court; the House of Commons/Lords, the Foreign Ministry; but: Parliament, Congress.

  4. before the names of the universities with of: the University of Edinburgh, the University of London; but: London University, Moscow University.

  5. before some places, buildings with of: the Bank of England, the House of Parliament, the Tower of London.

  6. with pubs: the White Horse, the Green Rider, the Three Mariners.

  7. with cinemas: the Odeon, the Gaumont, the Classic.

  8. with hotels, restaurants, theatres, hospitals: the Savoy (Hotel), the Ritz (Hotel), the Bombay Restaurant, the Coliseum (Theatre), the London Hospital. But if a place-name includes another name no article is used: Bertram's Hotel, Leon's (Restaurant) Her Majesty's Theatre, Guy's (Hospital), Covent Garden, Carnegie Hall.

  9. with museums and galleries: the British Museum, the Fine Arts Museum, the Tate Gallery, the National Gallery.

  10. with names of ships and trains: the Titanic, the Queen Elizabeth, the Orient Express.

NOTE: Spacecraft tend to have no article: Challenger, Shuttle, Apollo, Soyuz.

  1. with newspapers: the Times, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph.

  2. with the names of musical groups which have a plural noun: the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, the Eagles, but: Pink Floyd, Queen, Smokey.

  3. with names of sporting events: the Olympic Games, the World Cup, the Cup Final, the Grand National, the British Open. But names taken from the place where the event occurs take no article: Wimbledon (for tennis), Ascot and Epsom (for horse-racing events).

  4. with titles of stories and novels:"The Lord of the Flies" by W. Golding, "The Catcher in the Rye" by D. Salinger, "The Apple Tree" by J.Galsworthy.

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