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Англ язык Защита информации

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devices that can recognize a particular voice, hand, or signature. The retinal scanner is another addition to the identification tool kit.

A retinal scanner uses infrared light for mapping. As a person looks into the eyepiece, an invisible beam of low-energy infrared light traces a circular path on the retina at the back of the eye. The blood-filled capillaries absorb more of the infrared light than the surrounding tissue. Because of this, there is a variation in the intensity of the reflection. The scanner measures this reflection at 320 points along the beam path. It then assigns an intensity grade between zero and 4,095. The resulting numbers are compressed into an 80byte computer code. This code can then be compared with patterns that have already been entered into the computer’s data base.

Retina scans are already in use in government and corporate organizations where people need to be identified before they can enter an area. New concerns about security from terrorism and bank and credit card fraud caused many organizations to think seriously of using retina scans or other biometric means to identify people at airports and ATM machines.

Some states require that truck and bus drivers be mapped by retinography. This information is used by state agencies to prevent bad drivers from holding licenses in several states to hide their driving records. A proposed and more controversial use of retina scans is to develop a worker registry, where everyone is scanned to make sure that they are legal citizens of the country, and thus eligible for employment. Critics of this proposal are concerned about possible invasions of privacy and violations of other personal rights.

Retinal scanners have several advantages over fingerprinting and voice recognition systems. They do not require as much computer memory as a fingerprint scan, and they are not subject to contamination from dirt or finger misplacement. Unlike voice recognition systems, retinal scanners are not distracted by background noise or changes in voice caused by illness.

The main disadvantage of the retinal scanner is that the person has to focus on the scanner from about three inches away. This restriction makes the device difficult for ATM use because a person using a cash machine rarely focuses on one area very long and is never close enough. A new device called an iris scanner may prove more useful for these casual transactions, since the scanning camera can be farther away and only has to scan the pattern of the iris (colored portion) of the eye, a procedure which does not require focusing on the camera.

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

List of words and expressions

Retinography – ретинография

innermost coat of the back part of the eye – самая отдалённая оболочка заднего

(внутреннего) поля глаза

tool kit – набор инструментов mapping – отображение

to trace – проследить

beam path – траектория пучка

to assign – определять; устанавливать concerns – забота

controversial [Skontr8’v8:∫(8)l] – спорный voice recognition – распознавание голоса contamination – загрязнение; заражение

misplacement – плохое (неудачное) расположение (размещение)


to distract – сбивать с толку; отвлекать inch – дюйм

iris – радужная оболочка АТМ - банкомат


Comprehension Check

Exercise 1. How much can you remember? Check your answers:

1. What is retinography? 2. What does it require? 3. Why is the pattern complex? 4. Which an error rate does retinography have? 5. What are biometric devices? 6. Which scanner uses infrared light for mapping? 7. What is the principle of its functioning? 8. How does the scanner measure the reflection? 9. How does it assign an intensity grade? 10. What code are resulting numbers compressed into? 11. Can the code then be compared with patterns that have already been entered into the computer’s data base? 12. Where are retina scans in use now? 13. What has caused many organizations to think seriously of using retina scans or other biometric means? 14. Why do a few states require that truck and bus drivers be mapped by retinography? 15. Who is concerned about possible invasions of privacy and violations of other personal rights? 16. What advantages do retinal scanners have? 17. What aren’t retinal scanners distracted by? 18. What do you know about the main disadvantage of the retinal scanner? 19. How is a new device called? 20. Why may an iris scanner be more useful for casual transactions?

Exercise 2. Read the text to translate the following words and expressions:

Сложный способ, размером с коробку из-под обуви, уникальное расположение кровеносных сосудов сетчатки, предпочитать, вероятность ошибки, различные биометрические устройства, идентифицировать людей по их физическим характеристикам, распознавать голос, руку, подпись; невидимый поток маломощных инфракрасных лучей, ткань, отражение, сжимать в 80-байтовый компьютерный код, вводить в базу данных, мошенничество с кредитными картами, неоднозначный, нарушение личных прав человека, иметь преимущества над, системы распознавания голоса, не подвергаться загрязнениям, ограничение.

Exercise 3. Disagree with the following statements avoiding the simple negation:

1.Retinography is a sophisticated means for identifying people by gastric juice analysis.

2.Biometric devices can identify people by using the RSA public key cypher.

3.The blood-filled capillaries absorb more of the cathode light than the surrounding


4.The scanner measures this reflection at 220 points along the beam path.

5.Retina scans are not in use in government organizations.

6.Retinal scanners do not have advantages over fingerprinting systems.

7.The resulting numbers are compressed into a 50-byte computer code.

8.The advantage of the retinal scanner is that a person has to focus on the scanner from about three inches away.

Language Work

Exercise 1. Choose the proper verb form and translate the text into Russian Electronic devices

The principal methods by which motion can be electronically … are optical detection and acoustical detection. Infrared light or laser technology … for optical detection. Motion


detection devices, such as motion detectors, … sensors that detect movement and … signals to a sound device that … an alarm or switch on an image recording device. There … motion detectors which employ cameras … to a computer which … and manages captured images to be viewed later or viewed over a computer network.

The chief applications for such detection are (a) detection of unauthorized entry, (b) detection of cessation of occupancy of an area … lighting and (c) detection of a moving object which … a camera to record subsequent events. The motion detector is thus a linchpin of electronic security systems, but is also a valuable tool in … the illumination of unoccupied spaces.

A simple algorithm for motion detection by a fixed camera … the current image with a reference image and simply … the number of different pixels. Since images … due to factors such as varying lighting, camera flicker, and CCD dark currents, pre-processing is useful to reduce the number of false positive alarms.

More complex algorithms are necessary to detect motion when the camera itself …, or when the motion of a specific object … in a field containing other movement which can be ignored. An example might be a painting … by visitors in an art gallery.

Keys: compares, stores, send, identified, is moving, are, triggers, surrounded, produces, counts, must be detected, have, to extinguish, will differ, may be used, connected, preventing.

Exercise 2. Render into English

Стационарный сканирующий приёмник AR 5000

Стационарный профессиональный сканирующий приёмник фирмы AOR обеспечивает высококачественную обработку сигнала, высокую чувствительность, широкий диапазон частот от 10 кГц до 2600 МГц. Благодаря использованию микропроцессорного управления приёмник имеет 1000 каналов памяти, 20 банков поиска, режим быстрого сканирования «Cyber Scan», смещение частоты, установка шага и другие функции.

Этот сканирующий приёмник имеет автоматический электронный преселектор в диапазоне от 500 кГц до 999,99 МГц и полосовыми фильтрами.

Exercise 3. Join each of the following pairs of sentences, using a perfect participle (having done):

1.I had added this security camera. I increased the level of security.

2.We sensed a pattern by using a number of photodetectors. We created a binary


3.He had used more advanced encryption algorithm in this standard. He made it securer for high sensitivity information.

4.We determined a random error. We could reduce it by signal processing, such as filtering.

5.I had implemented electronic sensing devices. I prevented any mechanical intervention, such as “cutting the wire”.

6.They had focused a large aperture lens by a servo system. They determined the distance to an in-focus scene element by this lens setting.

Class Activity

Exercise 1. Share your opinions of retinography. Make use of text 7


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