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Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

  1. Were Virga and Allan happy in their marriages? Why?

  2. How did two lovers usually spend their dates?

  3. What did Mrs. Cedar think of her husband?

  4. Why did she like to jeer at him especially in the presence of other people?

  5. Why did Allan and Virga decide to kill themselves?

  6. How did they prepare for their last date?

  7. What name did Allan choose to register him and Virga in the hotel? Why did he choose that very name?

  8. How did the bellboy in the hotel get to know they were not married?

  9. What way did lovers choose to kill themselves? Did they manage to do this?

  10. Who rescued them?

  11. What were Allan and Virga’s afterlives?

2. Discuss the following:

  1. Mrs. Cedar was a rare type of the vicious woman, she really hated her husband, though she did not so much scold him as mock for his effeminate love of acting, for his verses, for his cherubic mustache, and even for his skill with golden bridge-work.”

Dearest, I do [to take a swig of whisky]. I’m not a big he-man like you, Virg!”

Do you think Allan was a he-man, a strong man? Prove your opinion.

  1. Was Bertha Cedar satisfied with her life? Why do you think so?

Katherine Mansfield MARRIAGE A LA MODE


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

appallingly, knot, precious, vision, awkward, wad, gnawing, lurch, desperate, echo, exquisite, congenial, hearthrug, shovel, imbecile, sprawled, plait, bonnet, fishmonger, divine, nougat, ballet, terrace, pirouette, mayonnaise, tricycle, oars, malignant.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

викинути старі іграшки; жахливо сентиментальний; міцно обіймати старий рушник з вузлом; думати похмуро; надзвичайно щедрий; дорогоцінні друзі; підкрастися непомітно до дитячої кімнати; вагон першого класу для курців; величезна купа паперів; внутрішня кишеня; витягувати ноги; огидне життя; темна цятка у коштовному камені; висохла трава; повернутися швидко; кричати благаючи; близькі по духу люди; зводити з розуму; тісна маленька діра; килимок перед каміном; їздити верхи на чиїх-небудь плечах; зовнішній ящик з петуніями; бути безнадійно самотнім; засмаглі босі діти; жіночий капелюшок; відрубані голови; відмовитися поділитися ананасом; з непокритою головою; блукати нижнім поверхом; більше натуральної величини; повна недопалків попільничка; терновий джин; опинитися наодинці з ким-небудь; свідоцтво про шлюб; хитатися вперед-назад.

2. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

oars gnawing tinkling precious leapt marriage lines plait to and fro chasing splashes

  1. And he saw the kiddies hanging the boxes round – they were awfully generous little chaps – while Isabel’s … friends didn’t hesitate to help themselves.

  2. There came such a loud hissing from the engine that people looked dazed as they scurried … .

  3. The dull, persistent … in his breast started again.

  4. Isabel wore a jersey and her hair in a … ; she looked about fourteen.

  5. And she explained to William how they had been … round the town for ice while she waited for him.

  6. And bareheaded, all in white, with his sleeves rolled up to the shoulders, he … into his place.

  7. Over the chairs and sofa there hung strips of black material, covered with big … like broken eggs.

  8. When the old ruddy postman came beating along the sandy road on his tricycle one left the handle-bars ought to have been … .

  9. He’s sending you back your … as a gentle reminder.

  10. But she felt even the grave bedroom knew her for what she was, shallow, … , vain…