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2. Choose the right word.

  1. The twilight border between sleep and waking was a Roman one this morning: splashing/ splashed fountains and arching/ arched, narrow streets, the golden lavish city of blossoms and age-soft stone.

  2. He [Ferris] turned the pages with growing/ grown attentiveness.

  3. He [Ferris] was staring out of the window when there, on the side-walk, passing/ passed by, was his ex-wife.

  4. Her fair brown hair was plainly rolling/ rolled, and as he watched her Ferris recalled that once his father had remarked that Elizabeth had a “beautiful carriage”.

  5. He [Ferris] sprawled out in an armchair like a man exhausting/ exhausted, nursing his glass of bourbon and water.

  6. She [the girl] wore a pale pink crepe de Chine frock, smocking/ smocked around the yoke with rose, and a matching/ matched silk hair ribbon tying/ tied back her pale soft curls.

  7. His own life seemed so solitary, a fragile column supporting/ supported nothing amidst the wreckage of the yeas.

  8. It was Bailey who answered the questioning/ questioned child.

  9. The little boy stared at Ferris, amazing/ amazed and unbelieving/ unbelieved.

  10. Again, the terror, the acknowledgement of wasting/ wasted years and death.

  1. Use the verbs in brackets in an appropriate tense.

  1. It … (to be) eight years since Ferris last … (to see) his ex-wife.

  2. He … (to know) that long ago she … (to marry) again.

  3. Elizabeth … (to be) very beautiful, more beautiful perhaps than he ever … (to realize).

  4. Her readiness to perform when asked always … (to be) one of her amiabilities.

  5. Now it [music] … (to speak) to him of another time, another place – it … (to be) the music Elizabeth … (to use) … (to play).

  6. And indeed, she … (to be) still married – to a White Russian money-changer in Paris from whom she … (to separate) for five years.

  7. The melody, the unfinished music that Elizabeth … (to play), … (to come) to him suddenly.

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

      1. Where did John Ferris awake that morning?

      2. Why did he come to New York from Paris?

      3. Where did he go to have his breakfast?

      4. Whom did he see on the side-walk?

      5. What did Ferris feel on seeing his ex-wife?

      6. Did he plan to call Elizabeth?

      7. Who met John Ferris in Elizabeth’s house?

      8. What musical instrument did Elizabeth play for her ex-husband?

      9. What did Ferris remember listening to Elizabeth’s playing?

      10. Whose birthday was that day?

      11. Was Ferris moved by the fact that Elizabeth remembered his birthday?

      12. What dishes were prepared specially for that dinner?

      13. What was Ferris thinking about flying home over the ocean?

      14. Who met him in Paris flat?

      15. Did Elizabeth help John Ferris to understand something? If yes, what exactly?

2. Discuss the following:

  1. Ferris felt himself suddenly a spectator – an interloper among these Baileys.” Can you explain why?

  2. The words seemed so true, inevitable, that Ferris did not at first acknowledge to himself the lie. … He tried to make amends with truth. … A lie again.” Why did John lie to Elizabeth about his current life?

  3. Again, the terror, the acknowledgment of wasted years and death.” Why did Ferris think that he had wasted some years of his life?

3. Try to explain the following proverbs and find the Ukrainian equivalents to them.

  1. The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it.

  2. We never know the value of water till the well is dry.

  3. When the pinch comes, you remember the old shoes.

“Saki” (H.H. Munro) THE OPEN WINDOW


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

meantime, endeavoured, niece, succession, pursue, moor, dreadful, whirl, scarcity, ghastly, coincidence, ailments, yawn, alert, twilight, hoarse, pariah.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

стримана юна 15-річна леді; намагатися сказати що-небудь правильне; вагатися; цілковитий незнайомець; не говорити з живою душею; нерви зіпсуються від хандри; рекомендаційний лист; зупинитися в будинку пастора; тон неприхованого, явного жалю; щось невизначене у кімнаті; стулчасте вікно до підлоги; газон; усі троє були поглинуті віроломним болотом; їхні тіла ніколи не були знайдені; маленький коричневий спанієль; вікно тримають відкритим аж до сутінків; білий непромокальний плащ; дражнити; це діяло їй на нерви; бути полегшенням; бекас; весело торохтіти, швидко говорити; відчайдушна спроба змінити тему розмови; господиня; приділяти кому-небудь лише частину уваги; лікарі як один радять мені абсолютний спокій; дуже поширена помилкова думка; випадковий знайомий; нездоров’я та неміч; позіхання; забризкані грязюкою по самі вуха (очі); злегка тремтіти; виражати співчутливе розуміння; спанієль крутився у них під ногами; безшумно підійти до будинку; охриплий молодий голос заспівав у сутінках; раптово хапати ціпок і капелюх; велосипедист; в’їхати у живопліт, щоби уникнути зіткнення; не попрощатися і не вибачитися; до смерті боятися собак; цвинтар; бродячий собака; свіжовикопана могила; гарчати і шкірити зуби.