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Kinsella (analytical reading).doc
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II. Translate into Ukrainian/Russian a passage beginning with “Anyway. It doesn't matter, because I'm going to get a promotion.” ending “'Really?' She stares at me. 'You do?'”. (Chapter 5)

III. Give the English for the following and use these English phrases in reproducing the contents of the chapters under discussion.

1. to deceive smb, especially a lover by not being faithful

2. lively

3. to lead sb to the place where they should go or sit, especially formally

4. a very stupid person

5. to make sb behave better, esp. as the result of being punished or having a bad experience

6. to treat a person or an animal with too much kindness, attention or comfort

7. making sb feel comfortable

8. to cause sb to be very ashamed or embarrassed

9. to love and want to protect sb/sth

10. to disappear

11. embarrassed

12. unhappy

13. to take away an amount or a part

14. showing deep understanding

15. an event that causes unfortunate consequences

16. unable to stop taking or using as a habit

17. avoiding other people

18. anxiety about sth in the future

19. to be grateful for sth

20. to make sb go away

21. an amount of sth, given regularly

22. showing calm satisfaction with oneself, one’s work

23. noisy confusion or excitement

24. to take sb aback

25. one pound in money

IV. Insert the correct articles, prepositions and post-positions into the following sentences from the text if necessary and distinguish between the functions of the articles:

1. She peers ___ him in his bowl.

2. I peck him ___ the cheek, trying not to choke ___ the amount of aftershave he's wearing.

3. 'You don't travel ___ ___ public transport in the evenings, do you?'

4. 'Jim's yo-yo.' Grandpa reaches ___ ___ yo-yo, his eyes softening.

5. 'I should be ___ ___ heels, of course,' she says, without stopping.

6. It doesn't matter, because I'm going to get ___promotion.

7. The whole place is ___ ___ turmoil.

8. No wonder Cyril's ___ ___ tizz.

9. 'Go and tidy your desk,' says Paul ___ ___bored voice.

10. I feel my whole body sag ___ ___ relief.

V. Translate the following idioms, provide the corresponding idioms in Ukrainian/Russian.

1. safe and sound

2. a penny for your thoughts

3. be quids in

4. give or take

5. out of the blue

6. to pay one’s way

7. to jump the gun

8. to jump to it

9. to run in the family

10. to keep up with the Joneses

VI. Make up plans of the chapters under consideration in the form of 5 special questions.

VII. Support or challenge the following statements.

1. Emma adored her cousin Kerry.

2. Emma’s Grandpa hated her.

3. Emma’s present was the best one.

4. Emma was happy to meet Jack Harper.

5. Jack Harper didn’t recognize Emma.

VIII. Write up a dialogue between Emma Corrigan and her cousin Kerry about Emma’s promotion.

IX. Express your personal opinion on the following points.

1.’… it's far too easy to take our families for granted and that they gave us life and we should

cherish them.’

2.Do not to let your feelings (very natural and usual ones) of momentary irritation and

discomfort be seen by others; don't (as you so often did and do) let every little feeling be

read in your face and seen in your manner. Queen Victoria (1819-1901) British royalty -Letter to Princess Royal, 27 Sep 1858; in "Dearest Child'"

3.The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people. -- Lucille S. Harper

4. There is no such thing as fate.

5. Don’t cry over spilled milk.

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