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Kinsella (analytical reading).doc
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II. Translate into Ukrainian/Russian a passage beginning with “For the next couple of weeks ...” ending with “I'm only the crappy assistant, after all” (Chapter XIX).

III. Give the English for the following and use these English phrases in reproducing the contents of the chapters under discussion.

  1. a large and imposing house

  2. to feel very indignant

  3. of great size, quantity, volume, or extent (about clothing)

  4. a strong feeling of disappointment and worry

  5. sadly and hopelessly

  6. a sharp emotional feeling

  7. strange or bizarre

  8. to make restless or aimless movements with the hands

  9. a store that sells used goods, clothing, usually for charity

  10. to direct (satire, criticism, etc.) at a person, object, etc.

  11. to become or cause to become twisted together in a confused mass

  12. to do something in order to punish someone who has harmed or offended you

  13. harshly critical; scornful

  14. to approach and speak to a person, as to ask a question, confront with a crime

  15. to mean the opposite of what you seem to say and make fun of somebody

  16. to walk silently or stealthily

  17. to wave or flourish (a weapon) in a triumphant, threatening way

  18. a small mouthful

  19. to express disagreement or disapproval

  20. a shudder or shiver; thrill

  21. not prepared or willing to believe (something); unbelieving

  22. being attracted and delighted by arousing interest or curiosity

  23. to be in a heightened emotional state, such as that of anger, excitement, etc.

  24. to carry or be carried gently on or as if on the air or water

  25. serenely joyful or glad.

IV. Insert the correct articles, prepositions and postpositions into the following sentences from the text if necessary and distinguish between the functions of the articles.

  1. ___ ___ first time ever ___ my entire life, I'm totally, ___ one hundred per cent ___ love!

  2. I walk ___ ___ corridor, attempting ___ natural stride, arrive ___ her door and give ___ tiniest ___ knocks.

  3. ___ image pops ___ my head of ___ bunch of portly barristers dancing around ___ their wigs and I can't help it, I give ___ snort ___ laughter.

  4. I stare ___ her furiously, blood pounding ___ my ears, wishing just once I could think ___ something really scathing and clever to put Artemis ___.

  5. ___ meeting room is crowded ___ people, but I edge ___ ___ the back, and squeeze ___ two guys who aren't even watching Jack, but are discussing ___ some football match.

  6. 'She works ___ ___ office, takes ___ tube to work, goes ___ ___ the evenings and comes ___ home ___ ___ night bus ... just ___ ordinary, nothing-special girl.'

  7. He's standing over ___ ___ other side ___ ___ room, leaning ___ ___ wall.

  8. As I sit ___ the tube going home, tears pour ___ my face, one ___ one, landing ___ big wet drips ___ my skirt.

  9. 'He deliber­ately followed me ___, he watched ___ everything I did, he wanted to get ___ my life!

  10. '___ first time we met after ­­­___ plane, he asked me to keep it ___ secret that he was ___ Scotland.'

V. Translate the following idioms and phrasal verbs; provide the corresponding idioms in Ukrainian/Russian.

  1. Be gripped by one’s life.

  2. A raised-eyebrow look.

  3. In-depth conversa­tion.

  4. A flicker of apprehension.

  5. A highbrow book.

  6. Get a little carried away.

  7. Slow on the uptake.

  8. Give somebody a comforting pat.

  9. A nothing-special girl.

  10. Fix somebody with a determined gaze.

VI. Make up plans of the chapters using consideration in the form of five special questions.

VII. Support the challenge of the following statements.

  1. Emma was seriously thinking of writing a book on relationships.

  2. Lissy kept her dancing classes secret from everyone.

  3. Jack Harper’s interview was a great success.

  4. Emma became a company laughing stock after the interview.

  5. The offended heroine felt very merciful about Jack.

VIII. Write up a dialogue between Emma and Connor in the narrative form (Chapter XIX).


A narrative presents a connected series of events, either imaginary or based on your own experience, in a vivid descriptive style. It may be written in the first person (I/we) or third person (he/she, etc.) singular, and often includes the thoughts, reactions, etc of the main characters, describing the action as it would be seen through their eyes.

A good narrative should consist of:

  1. an introduction which sets the scene (place, lime, character(s), etc), creates an interesting mood/atmosphere to make the reader want to continue reading, and/or begins dramatically to capture the reader’s attention;

  2. a main body which develops the series of events clearly, gives vivid description of the people/places involved, etc, and

  3. a conclusion which completes the story, perhaps in an unexpected way, and may describe people's feelings/reactions, the consequences of what happened, etc.

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