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Kinsella (analytical reading).doc
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II. Translate into Ukrainian/Russian a passage beginning with “a low, insistent drumbeat starts playing over the loudspeakers ...” ending with “'Hello darling, wave to Daddy!'” (Chapter XXV).

III. Give the English for the following and use these English phrases in reproducing the contents of the chapters under discussion.

  1. vast, huge

  2. very movable, erratic

  3. an example or instance used to justify later similar occurrences

  4. a newspaper usually characterized by an emphasis on photographs and a concise and often sensational style

  5. marked by readiness to fight or argue; aggressive

  6. calm and unconcerned about things

  7. the act or condition of containing, esp. of restraining the power of a hostile country

  8. to happen once again, esp. at regular intervals

  9. peevish; sulky

  10. occurring with almost no delay; immediate

  11. to pour a liquid from one container to another

  12. a store that sells goods at prices that are reduced

  13. to trip or fall while walking or running

  14. the female members of the human race; women collectively

  15. to restrain or immobilize somebody, especially by tying his or her arms

  16. to turn or make something turn round rapidly, as if on an axis

  17. to fall away or decline

  18. not willing to compromise; obstinately maintaining an attitude

  19. to run or move about with short hasty steps

  20. to push slowly or lightly

  21. an action taken to avoid a dangerous or undesirable event

  22. a shape, picture, etc., drawn aimlessly

  23. to surrender or renounce

  24. to cause something to appear more valuable by fraud or pretence

  25. showing or feeling contempt; disdainful

IV. Insert the correct articles, prepositions and postpositions into the following sentences from the text if necessary and distinguish between the functions of the articles.

  1. Her face is heavily made ___ and her eyes are all huge and glittery, and she's got ___ blue feathers ___ her hair too.

  2. ___ trembling legs I hurry ___ the corner ___ the court­yard, well away ___ earshot.

  3. If hadn't opened my mouth ___ that stupid plane ___ the first place, I wouldn't be ___ this mess now.

  4. I'll just keep trying her mobile and as soon as I get ___ I'll explain ___ words of one syllable that she has to call this guy ___ and if she doesn't I will break her legs.

  5. All ___ dancers are there, still ___ costume, and all the audience, and ___ fair number ___ people who seem to have come ___ just for ___ ride.

  6. Connor's standing there ___ a suit, holding ___ glass of wine, his hair all shiny and blond ___ ___ spotlights.

  7. She takes ___ few steps ___ him, folding her arms and lifting her chin ___ satisfaction.

  8. I once did some stuff ___ her ___ her computer, and I opened ___ file ___ mistake - and there it was.

  9. I push my way ___ the double doors ___ the foyer, flicking ___ light switch as I pass, then step ___ into ___ courtyard.

  10. I can't help giving ___ snuffle of laughter, but Jack carries ___ regardless, his gaze fixed ___ mine.

V. Translate the following idioms and phrasal verbs; provide the corresponding idioms in Ukrainian/Russian.

  1. Be taken ill

  2. Take ones eyes off something

  3. A dart of surprise

  4. Be somebody’s strong suit

  5. Go nuts

  6. Get revenge on somebody

  7. Fall silent

  8. Be in floods (of tears)

  9. Cut somebody off

  10. Burst open

  11. Build bridges

VI. Make up plans of the chapters using consideration in the form of five special questions.

VII. Support the challenge of the following statements.

  1. Jack Harper came to Lissy's dancing show meaning to tell Emma his Scottish secret.

  2. Jemma brought her new boyfriend along to the show.

  3. Emma’s ex-boyfriend complained of being very lonely after their braking up.

  4. Jack came to a conclusion that Emma had an intention to make his secret public.

  5. Jack Harper was a great fan of Panther Cola.

VIII. Present a written description of the emotional condition of Lissy right after the show. (Chapter XXV).


A narrative presents a connected series of events, either imaginary or based on your own experience, in a vivid descriptive style. It may be written in the first person (I/we) or third person (he/she, etc.) singular, and often includes the thoughts, reactions, etc of the main characters, describing the action as it would be seen through their eyes.

A good narrative should consist of:

  1. an introduction which sets the scene (place, lime, character(s), etc), creates an interesting mood/atmosphere to make the reader want to continue reading, and/or begins dramatically to capture the reader’s attention;

  2. a main body which develops the series of events clearly, gives vivid description of the people/places involved, etc, and

  3. a conclusion which completes the story, perhaps in an unexpected way, and may describe people's feelings/reactions, the consequences of what happened, etc.

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