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Kinsella (analytical reading).doc
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II. Translate into Ukrainian/ Russian a passage beginning with “I have never seen Jemima look quite so appalled.” ending with “It's like going into battle in a nightie.” (Chapter 12).

III. Give the English for the following and use these English phrases in reproducing the contents of the chapters under discussion.

  1. to look closely to see clearly, as a near-sighted person does

  2. of antique or classic style or excellence

  3. gurgle

  4. sweet cherry of the highest quality imported to the UK from Spain

  5. too pleased with one's own goodness, cleverness, respectability, or accomplishments; self-satisfied; complacent

  6. able to exist together; that can get on well together; agreeing; in harmony

  7. a set of clothes worn together, especially for a special occasion

  8. a very thin, transparent or opaque adhesive tape for mending, patching, and sealing

  9. with wild excitement

  10. splendid

  11. elegant or fine in appearance; stylish; luxurious

  12. an alcoholic liquor; strong drink

  13. to make or become extremely excited

  14. to disrupt the composure of; disconcert

  15. a shellfish somewhat like a clam. In some kinds the large muscle that opens and closes the shell is good to eat

  16. to stare with the mouth open

  17. full of juice; juicy

  18. a ring of platinum, gold, or other precious metal, placed on the third finger of the left hand of the bride. In a double-ring ceremony, the bride places a ring on the bridegroom's finger

  19. a flirtation

  20. not committing oneself; not saying yes or no

  21. one pound sterling; a sovereign

  22. to say suddenly or without thinking

  23. a false belief or opinion

  24. to grow less or weaker

  25. an allotted portion of work; task assigned

IV. Insert the correct articles, prepositions and post-positions into the following sentences from the text if necessary and distinguish between the functions of the articles.

  1. I gesture ___ ____ back ___ ___ door, where my black dress is hanging ____.

  2. There's ___ couple ____ our right, and as we walk past, ____ middle-aged woman ____ platinum hair and ____ gold jacket catches ___ my eye.

  3. ____ waiter helps me ____ my chair and fluffs ____ napkin ____ my knee, while another pours ____ some water, and yet another offers me ___ bread roll.

  4. Feeling as though I'm ___ ___ dream, I get ___ ____ bus and head ___ ___ front door.

  5. My head jerks ___ ___ slight dismay.

  6. I'm not going to be ____ one to say I can't bear to stand next ___ him ___ half ___ hour.

  7. I'm not going to worry ___ Connor.

  8. There's no need to add ____ small detail that we had ___ big row and I stormed ____ and he had to follow me ___ ___ bus stop.

  9. I pull ____ face ____ her ____ her back as she leaves, and start putting ____ my mascara.

  10. I haven't quite sorted _____ your stuff yet, so I'll bring it ___ ____ office, shall I?

V. Translate the following idioms, provide the corresponding idioms in Ukrainian/ Russian.

  1. Loads of dates.

  2. Make one’s mouth water.

  3. Fair point.

  4. Be on one’s own.

  5. Call the shots.

  6. Peter out.

  7. Go out.

  8. If you don't like it, you can lump it.

  9. Keep a straight face.

  10. Cross one’s fingers.

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