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Kinsella (analytical reading).doc
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III. Give the English for the following and use these English phrases in reproducing the contents of the chapters under discussion.

  1. mild; gentle

  2. a stupid or annoyingly ignorant person; dullard; dunce

  3. to harass, annoy, nag

  4. to make up for; balance

  5. any short, rough growth

  6. to make, or move with, a crunching noise

  7. of or having to do with the four Georges, kings of England from 1714 to 1830

  8. long pieces of cloth having the colors and designs of a flag, used to decorate buildings and streets on holidays and special occasions

  9. to decorate with or as if with festoons

  10. a memorandum

  11. long, thick, and rough

  12. not mindful; forgetful

  13. perceive or appreciate by taste or smell

  14. to feel annoyed by what someone says or does

  15. to be very excited; be stirred up

  16. to get rid of; abandon; reject

  17. arranged or made in a stealthy or underhanded manner; secret; private; concealed

  18. a mysterious fascination; alluring charm; magic attraction

  19. that which keeps something from falling; a critical point

  20. to go out for entertainment

  21. a custard pie baked in a rich crust and containing various ingredients

  22. to make a living; manage

  23. the paying out and getting back of the money involved in a business transaction

  24. very ugly; frightful; horrible; revolting

  25. to meddle; interfere; intrude

IV. Insert the correct articles, prepositions and post-positions into the following sentences from the text if necessary and distinguish between the functions of the articles.

  1. He kisses me _____ each cheek, and I feel ___ flood ____ warm relief.

  2. We both leap ____ shock, and I drop my cocktail ___ ____ ground.

  3. 'I don't want to be Snow White —' I begin, then break ___ as I see Moira ____ Accounts miserably being pushed ____ ____ big shaggy gorilla costume.

  4. I glance ___ my watch and feel ___ fresh spasm ___ fright.

  5. I peer bewilderedly ___ ____ crowded scene, my eyes squinting ___ ____ sunshine.

  6. I watch ____ total disbelief as Jack settles comfortably ___ ____ ____ rug.

  7. I stare ____ her, frozen ____ horror.

  8. Perhaps Kerry could put ___ ___ good word ____ you, Jack!

  9. As he carefully balances his glass ____ his plate and gets ____ his feet, ___ whole family exchanges confused glances.

  10. Then I catch sight ____ myself ___ ____ gilded mirror, and gasp ____ dismay.

V. Translate the following idioms, provide the corresponding idioms in Ukrainian/ Russian.

  1. Off the beaten track.

  2. Trigger a memory.

  3. Be one-off.

  4. Grit the teeth.

  5. Pull a face.

  6. In full swing.

  7. Be taken aback.

  8. Have a brief word with smb.

  9. Turn smb down.

  10. Get under someone’s skin.

VI. Make up plans of the chapters under consideration in the form of 5 special questions.

VII. Support or challenge the following statements.

  1. Emma and Jack managed to have dinner at an expensive restaurant.

  2. Emma’s presence at Panther House on the Corporate Family Day was her first visit to that place.

  3. Emma invited her parents to the Corporate Family Day but they never came.

  4. According to Kerry the secret of her financial success was golf.

  5. When kids Emma and Kerry made friends but when they grew older they started to quarrel openly.

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