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Kinsella (analytical reading).doc
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Points to Consider

  • Before you start writing, you must first think of a suitable story outline, then you should decide on a detailed plot, including how the story will begin, who the characters will be, where the story will happen, the events in the order you will present them, and how the story will end.

  • Writing techniques include the use of vivid description of people, places, objects, etc. especially to set the scene at the beginning of the story; description of feelings and actions, suggesting a certain mood/atmosphere; the use of direct speech and a variety of adjectives, adverbs, etc. This will make your writing more interesting.

  • Narratives are normally set in the past, and therefore use a variety of past tenses. For example, Past Continuous is often used to set the scene (e.g. The wind was howling...); Past Simple is used for the main events (e.g. He entered the room, looked around, and...); Past Perfect is used lo describe an event before the main events (e.g. She had set out in the morning, full of hope, but now she felt...)

  • The sequence of events is important; therefore you must use lime words such as before, after, then, in the beginning, later, in the end, until, while, during, finally, etc.


Paragraph 1

set the scene


Main Body

Paragraphs 2-3-4

develop the story

(describe incidents leading up to the main event and the event itself in detail; describe people/place/emotions/actions etc)


Final Paragraph

end the story

(complete the plot; describe feelings/reactions; explain the consequences)

IX. Express your personal opinion on the following points:

    1. 'An eye for an eye, Emma! That man totally betrayed you, and we're going to do the same to him.

    2. How can I have known someone for over twenty years and have no idea they could dance?

    3. 'Do all women have secrets?'

    4. Not only have I wrecked my own relationship, now I've wrecked theirs too. I have to do something. I have to try to build bridges.

    5. Because what I've really learned is, if you can't be honest with your friends and colleagues and loved ones, then what is life all about?

X. Identify the stylistic devices and lexical expressive means in the following sentences.

  1. A horrible image comes to me of Lissy standing like a startled rabbit, unable to remember her steps.

  2. After what seems like several eternities, I turn round, as nonchalantly as I can.

  3. 'Only a handful of people know about this.'

  4. Jack turns again, and I watch him walking slowly away over the gravel, feeling completely torn.

  5. OK. Just calm down, I tell myself for the zillionth time.

  6. New resolution: I am never giving away a secret again. Never, ever, ever.

  7. I stand perfectly still, trying to ignore my thrusting panic, trying to work out what to do.

  8. This could be the understatement of the year.

  9. His face is growing pillar-box red.

  10. Jemima is continuing delightedly, like a cat tearing apart its prey.

General discussion and interpretation


Give the general description of the following characters. Tell in what situations their qualities are revealed.

  1. Emma Corrigan

  2. Jack Harper

  3. Emma’s friend Lissy

  4. Emma’s another “friend” Jemma

  5. Connor


  1. Can the reader figure out an image of a character out of dialogues?

  2. Are the characters portrayed in the novel static or dynamic?

  3. What are the significant peculiarities of the novel’s structure?

  4. Find the exposition, complications, climax and denouement of the novel. Is the structure of the novel traditional or is it unusual?

  5. How does the first person narrative help to portray events and characters of the novel?


Dwell on the following topics. Present all the pros and cons.

  1. It is not an easy thing to build up a professional career for a young woman at a company.

  2. There is always place for a chance in everybody’s life.

  3. Parents are the most important people in the life of any person.

  4. Genuine love happens only once.

  5. It is no good telling all your secrets to anybody.


  1. The action of the novel is mostly set in a British company. Research the structure of a typical British company, positions in a company and their functions.

  2. The novel tells much about the relationships between parents and their grown-up children of today in Britain. Investigate the sociocultural element of these relationships that is peculiar to British people.

  3. The story may be considered a variation of a Cinderella theme. Consider this theme historically. How is it treated in contemporary literature of English-speaking countries?

  4. Prove that one of the by-themes of the novel is that of the American dream. What evidence can be found in the text?

  5. Research S.Kinsella’s innovative approach to the English word. What is it revealed in?

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