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Vocabulary notes

dense плотный

density плотность

structural frame строительный каркас

sheathing обшивка

gravity load гравитационная нагрузка

pier устой; столб

pile свая

caisson кессон

cross-bracing крестовая связь

lateral боковой; поперечный

rigid жесткий; устойчивый

rigidity жесткость; устойчивость

to bundle связывать

curtain wall навесная стена

mullion средник

muntin горбылек (оконного переплета)

egress выход

retail розничная торговля


I. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What is a high-rise building?

2. When were the first skyscrapers constructed?

3. What kind of foundation can be used in high-rise buildings?

4. What kind of walls was used in construction of high-rises?

II. Speak on high rise buildings making use of the following words and word combinations:

first high-rise building

urban areas




curtain walls


life-safety systems

III. Put questions to the following sentences:

1. The first skyscraper was built in American city Chicago.

2. Steel was the main structural material for framework.

3. The walls were hung to the skeleton as curtains.

4. The principle means of vertical transport in skyscraper is the elevator.

5. The first high-rise building was designed for commercial purposes.

IV. Retell the text using questions and answers of ex. III.

Glass-walled skyscaper

Delicate and transparent a narrow shaft of glass 24 stories high pierces the NEW YORK CITY, mirror like exterior incongruously reflecting its massive opaque skyscraper neighbors.

Its broad, two-story high base keeps surrounding buildings at a respectable distance. This glass tower was designed to be seen by the man in the street as well as to capture daylight for interior illumination.

It is the new headquarters office LEVER BUILDING in New York.

The building, which is completely air conditioned, contains 21 office floors, plus three floors for mechanical equipment on top.

A garage in the basement accommodates 50 automobiles. Cross building area is 289,600 sq. ft. net office area 131,000 sq. ft.

Street level is occupied by an auditorium seating 200, a demonstration kitchen, service areas in the rear, including provision for off-street, loading and a glass-enclosed lobby, with stainless steel trim.

Though there are entrances from the three bordering streets, the lobby is set back on all three sides, leaving space for an arcade and garden. Building columns outside the lobby thus are exposed to view from the street. Hence, the structure appears to be standing on stilts.

The second floor covers the entire lot, except for an open well directly over the garden. Purpose of the well is to admit daylight into the interior of the building base.


I. Read the text and translate it.

II. Discuss the most interesting facts.

26-Storey blocks at wyndford, glasgow

Four 26-storey blocks of flats were erected for the Scottish Special Housing Association at the old Maryhill Barracks site in Wyndford, Glasgow.

The four identical blocks are the highest dwellings on the site. They provide 600 dwellings for tenants from all over Glasgow.

The ground floors house stores, water tanks, etc., and on each floor above there are six dwellings, four single-bedroom flats and two bedrooms flats.

Two of the buildings have raft foundations and two piled foundations. One block was built on a foundation of 195 two-foot diameter bored piles, 22 ft. deep and sitting on solid rock.

The blocks are of in situ concrete floor and cross-wall construction with precast concrete Italian mosaic-faced cladding panels.

A distinguished feature of the flats is three-foot fins projecting from each corner. Adding to the attractive design, fretwork panels run up the sides of the blocks.

A striking effect has been obtained on the walls of the ground-floor, where etched plywood has been placed against the wet concrete to give a grained appearance.

Two eight-person lifts serve all floors in each block and the flats are centrally heated by electric off-peak storage heaters.

There are also 24 garages, additional parking and landscape areas, and a fire pumping station.


I. Read and translate the following text.

II. Retell the text using questions below as a plan.

1. In what country were 26-storey blocks constructed?

2. How many dwellings do the four identical blocks provide for tenants?

3. What kind of rooms is there on the ground floor?

4. What types of foundations do the buildings rest upon?

5. What is the distinguished feature of the flats?

6. What can you say about the walls of the ground floor?

7. How are the flats heated?

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