- •Preface
- •Contents
- •1 An Introduction to Logic
- •The Purpose of Logic: Philosophical: Computational
- •Logical Inference and Consistency
- •The Propositional Calculus
- •Connectives and Truth Tables
- •Equivalent Statements
- •Disjunctive and Conjunctive Normal Forms
- •Complete Sets of Connectives
- •The Calculus of Indications
- •Venn Diagrams
- •The Predicate Calculus
- •Prenex Normal Form
- •Decidable Fragments of Mathematics
- •The Theory of Dense Linear Order
- •Arithmetic Without Multiplication
- •References and Further Work
- •Exercises
- •2 Integer Programming
- •Linear Programming
- •The Dual of an LP Model
- •A Geometrical Representation of a Linear Programme
- •Integer Programming
- •The Branch-and-Bound Algorithm
- •The Convex Hull of an IP
- •Yes/No Decisions
- •The Facility Location Problem
- •Logical Decisions
- •Set-Covering, Packing and Partitioning Problems
- •Non-linear Problems
- •The Knapsack Problem
- •The Travelling Salesman Problem
- •Other Problems
- •Computational Complexity
- •Problem Classes and Instances
- •Computer Architectures and Data Structures
- •Polynomial and Exponential Algorithms
- •Non-deterministic Algorithms and Polynomial Reducibility
- •Feasibility Versus Optimisation Problems
- •Other Complexity Concepts
- •References and Further Work
- •Exercises
- •3 Modelling in Logic for Integer Programming
- •Logic Connectives and IP Constraints
- •Disjunctive Programming
- •A Geometrical Representation
- •Mixed IP Representability
- •Alternative Representations and Tightness of Constraints
- •Disjunctive Versus Conjunctive Normal Form
- •The Dual of a Disjunctive Programme
- •Splitting Variables
- •Modelling Languages Based On Logic
- •Algebraic Languages
- •References and Further Work
- •Exercises
- •Resolution and Absorption
- •Representation as an Integer Programme
- •The Relationship Between Resolution and Cutting Planes
- •Simplest Equivalent Logical Statement
- •Constraint Logic Programming
- •Modelling in CLP
- •Solving CLP Models
- •Hybrid CLP and IP systems
- •Applications
- •Electrical Circuit Design Using Switches
- •Logical Net Design Using Gates
- •The Logical Analysis of Data (LAD)
- •Chemical-processing networks
- •Other Applications
- •References and Further Work
- •Exercises
- •References
- •Index
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