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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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VIII. Запитання до тексту

1. What is pharmacy? 2. What has pharmacy risen from? 3. Are many of the drugs used by the ancients still employed? 4. How were the healing powers of certain herbs, roots and juices discovered? 5. What plants were described by Dioscorides and are many of them used today? Can you name some of them? 6. What do you know about the origin of the word "galenical"? Can you name any galenical prepa­rations?

IX. Випишіть із текстів уроку всі складнопідрядні речення, перекладіть їх на українську мову та визначте тип і сполучники підрядності, за допомогою яких вони з'єднуються з головним реченням.

X. Прочитайте та перекладіть подані нижче тексти про деякі складові частини науки фармації — фармакологію та токсикологічну хімію:

Pharmacology may be defined most simply as the study of drugs. In the broadest sense it includes, all the scientific knowledge of drugs, such as the name, source, physical and chemical properties, and the mixing or preparing of drugs in the form of medicine. It is concer­ned also with physiological action of drugs — their absorption, action, and rate in the body — and with their therapeutic uses, as well as the poisonous effects that result from overdosage.

Toxicology is the scientific study of poisons — their source, chemical properties, action, detection and the treatment of conditions produced by them. A poison is a substance which, when introduced into the body in small quantities, may produce death or cause serious injury to one or more organs in the average healthy indi­vidual. It is often difficult to distinguish between drugs and poisons. All drugs are potential poisons, since over­dose may cause dangerous or fatal symptoms, and many poisons are useful drugs if they are administered in small doses.

21. Chemist's Shop - the future employment of student-pharmacist Аптека – майбутнє місце роботи студента-фармацевта

І. Lead-in

1. Translate the following words with the suffixes -tion and -ity.

-tion: prescription, medication, respiration, contribution, digestion, urination, exacerbation, contradiction, contraindication, instruc­tion, direction, production.

-ity: authority, authenticity, perplexity, proximity, safety, quality.

2. Form the words using the suffixes -tion and -ity.

Donor, sanitate, ulcer, difference, mobile, mature, reduce, simulate, nutrient, rotate, cancel, proximal, deviate.

3. Learn the following words.

remedy лікарський засіб, ліки;

retailроздрібна торгівля;



designateвизначати, вказувати;


expiry date термін придатності;


danger небезпека;


adjuvant допоміжний засіб;

vehicleсередовище для ліків, розчинник;


authenticityавтентичність, достовірність;


4. Match the explanation with the term.

1. an unwanted effect produced by a drug in addition to its desired therapeutic effects

a. dose

2. any substance that affects the structure or functioning of a living organism

b. prescription department

3. powerful, strong-effective

c. drug

4. the safekeeping of goods in a depository

d. narcotic

5. the amount of medicine to be taken

e. adjuvant

6. insufficient, incorrect

f. side effect

7. a substance producing sleep or other undesirable conditions

g. potent

8. the department where medicines are ordered

h. inadequate

9. a substance used in medical treatment, internally or externally

i. medication

10. an ingredient (as in a prescription or in a solution) that modifies the action of the principal agent

j. storage

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