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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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8. Read the interview again and answer the questions.

1. When do students suffer from stress?

2. What social occasion can be difficult for shy people?

3. What is a good way of organizing work or studies?

4. Whom can people talk to about their problems?

5. What exercises can help to reduce stress?


Develop a "beating the blues" programme for yourself. Write an outline and a description of the methods you prefer, the type of good foods you eat and health programme you like to follow.


Text l

1. Read the text to find the words conveying key information in each sen­tence.


Antidepressants are medicines that treat depression. Your doctor can prescribe I hem for you. They can improve your mood, sleep, appetite and concentration. It may take several weeks for them to help. There are several types of antidepressants. Your doctor and you may have to try several before finding what works best for you. Medicines sometimes cause un­wanted side effects. For example, when you first start your antidepressant you may feel tired, have trouble sleeping or feel sick in your stomach. The side effects usually go away after a short time. Tell your doctor if you have any side effects. You should also let your doctor know if you take any other medicines, vitamins or herbal supplements. It is important to keep taking your medicines, even if you feel better. Do not stop taking your medicines without talking to your doctor. You often need to stop antidepressants gradually. Researchers continue to study the benefits of products and suggest that natural alternatives may provide fewer or less severe side effects than most conventional antidepressants drugs. Phytomedicines may also have com­pounds that can aid in treating depression. Almost half of the people who suffer repeated panic attacks develop a major case of depression. With this in mind, herbs such as kava and ginkgo, which have been proven to help with anxiety, may also help in treatment of depression.

2. Ask all kinds of questions based on the text

Text 2

1. Read and translate the text.


Depression has been called the common cold of mental disorders because it is one of the most common problems encountered by mental health workers. The following tips may help if you are depressed, or even if you just feel sad regularly.

See a doctor. If you feel sad or depressed talk to your doctor about how you have been feeling. Some medical conditions, including hormonal disorders and nervous system disor­ders can contribute to depression. Your doctor may suggest antidepressant medication. Medi­cation can aid recovery, and it is particularly helpful in cases of severe depression. Talk to your doctor regularly about whether the prescribed medication is helping.

Make plans to be active. When you feel down you become tired, self-absorbed and don't feel like doing anything, you may become inactive and avoid social contact which makes you feel more depressed. Keeping busy is a good way to break the cycle. Ac­tivity helps distract you from your problems and turn your focus to the world around you.

a. Exercise regularly. Just moving more helps you feel better. Think of ways to become more physi­cally active — walk a little further each day, do some gardening or housework or climb stairs rather than use the lift.

b. Do something you enjoy.

c. Congratulate yourself for doing something that needs to be done.

d. Link up with friends and family. Supportive relationships are some of the best safeguards against loneliness and depression. Friends can give emotional support.

Look after your health. It is easy to neglect your health when you feel down and uninspired. Some people lose their appetite and eat very little. Others stop cooking and try drinking too much alcohol or taking drugs.

Try to get quality sleep. Avoid napping during the day, wake at the same time every day, use your bed for sleep only, make sure you are comfortable, avoid stimu­lants before bed, avoid alcohol as a way of getting to sleep, don't stay in bed if you can't stop thinking.

Try to solve problems that make you stressed. Identify your most stressful problems, brainstorm solutions, list the advantages and disadvantages of each solu­tion, identify the best solution, list the steps you need to take, carry out the solution and check to see if it has been effective.

Talk to someone. Talking honestly about your feelings can help you to develop an understanding of your situation and assist you to move forward.

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