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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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3. Say whether the sentences are true or false.

1.Kidney stone may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl.

  1. Around half of all people who have previously had a kidney stone will nevei develop another.

  2. Sometimes a stone may get stuck in the urinary tract and block the flow ol urine.

  3. One of the main signs of kidney stones that need a doctor's help is a sore throat.

  1. Initial treatment of kidney stones includes surgery.

  2. There are no procedures that can remove kidney stones without surgery.

  3. To help to prevent any type of kidney stone you should drink more fluid.

4. Retell the text.

51. The Reproductive System.

Репродуктивна система.

I. Vocabulary.

1. Read and learn the topical vocabulary.

ovum (pi. ova) — яйце;

ovary — яєчник;

uterus — матка;

fallopian tubes — фаллопієві труби;

fertilization — запліднення;

pregnancy — вагітність;

fetus — плід;

puberty period — період статевого дозрівання;

testis (pi. testes) — яєчко;

scrotum — мошонка;

spermatozoon (pi. spermatozoa) — сперматозоїд;

prostate gland — передміхурова залоза;

epididymis — придаток яєчка.

2. Match the definitions and terms.

  1. the female sex cells a) placenta

  2. the process of giving a birth b) ova

  1. the birth of more than one baby from c) contraception

the same pregnancy

  1. an organ that connects the embryo to d) multiple birth

the blood supply of the mother

  1. any method used to prevent fertilization e) parturition

3. Form word combinations.

  1. sex a) changes

  2. human b) intercourse

  3. sexual c) organs

  4. physical d) cells

  5. body e) beings

II. Reading.

Read the information about human reproduction. Get ready to comment the text.


Human reproduction is the pro­cess by which human beings create more of their own kind. A new individual develops from the joining together of two sex cells, one from a female parent and one from a male parent. The union of these cells is called fertilization.

Biologists refer to sex cells as gametes. Females produce gametes called eggs or ova. Male gametes are called sperm. Fertilization may oc­cur after a male delivers sperm to the female's egg by means of sexual intercourse. Fertilization begins a remarkable period of development in which the egg develops into a fully formed baby within the body of the female. This period of development, called pregnancy, takes about nine months.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the fertilized egg is smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. The egg develops into a growing mass of cells called an embryo. Gradually, the cells rearrange themselves to form tissues. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, all the major body organs and organ systems have formed and the embryo looks distinctly human. During the rest of pregnancy, the embryo is called a fetus. The fetus grows while its systems prepare for the day when they must function outside the mother's body. Pregnancy ends when the new baby passes out of the mother's body at birth.

Human beings are born with the body organs needed for reproduction. But reproduction cannot actually occur until these organs mature. This maturation pro­cess takes place during puberty, a period of several years in which a boy or girl goes through dramatic physical changes. These changes are regulated by certain hormones (chemicals produced by the body). Puberty begins during or just before the early teen-age years.

The reproductive systems of females and males differ greatly in shape and structure. But both systems are specifically designed to produce, nourish, and trans­port the eggs or sperm.

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