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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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1. Answer the questions.

a) What is SAD? When does SAD appear?

b) What is the treatment for classical SAD?

c) What are the symptoms for SAD and depression?

d) What is the role of genetic factor?

e) What is depression?

2. Find in the text the definition of SAD. Identify key words in each para­graph. Find sentences which summarize the text.

3. Complete the following table. Use a dictionary if you need.










4.Make up a dialogue. You are a doctor going to interview a patient with

5. Are the following statements true or false?

1. You can get the "blues" through loss or disappointment.

2. SAD is caused by a good mood.

3. Some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change.

4. Genetic factors don't put a person at greater risk.

5. Depression is a more persistent condition.

6. There is no treatment for SAD and depression.

6. Read the questions and think of possible answers.

1. Which of these people can suffer from stress?

a) police officers

b) students

c) factory workers

d) teachers

2. Which of these factors can cause stress?

a) a lot of free time

b) problems with people

c) some social situations

d) doing sport

3. What can we do to relax and reduce stress?

a) organize our work/studies

b) eat a lot

c) exercise

d) talk to people about problems

7. Read the interview and check your predictions.

Presenter: Good afternoon and welcome to Lifestyles. Today we're going to talk about stress — what causes it and what we can do to relax and prevent it. We have in the studio Dr. Klinsmann, an expert on stress. Good morning, Dr. Klins-mann.

Doctor: Good morning.

P: Dr. Klinsmann... er... what kinds of people actually suffer from stress?

D: Well, anybody can suffer from stress. There are certain jobs that are very stressful, like some jobs in business or the police. But, probably everyone suffers from stress at some time in their life — students, doctors, factory workers — any­body.

P: But, what really causes it?

D: There are different factors. One is getting tired of work and study. At school, for example, students can become stressed when they have a lot of homework to do and they feel they haven't got enough time to do it all. Other factors can be social — if you have a problem with your family or friends or at school. And it depends on the person — if you're shy, social occasions like parties can be very stressful.

P: And what can you do to stop stress and worry? Because stress is very bad for us, isn't it?

D: Yes, it can cause a lot of health problems. But to answer your question, there are lots of things you can do to reduce stress. You can organize your work or studies. For example, you can make a list and do all the important things first. You must eat well — have a good diet — and of course do exercises regularly. Finally, you can talk to people about your problems — talk to a friend, someone in your family or, if you're studying, talk to a teacher. You can also do relaxation exercises...

P: Can you describe some of these...

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