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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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I. Put the word to the correct paragraph:



Iatrogenic disease

Factitious disease

Psychosomatic disease




Too little exercise

II. Read and say what disease it is.

l. One major form of cardiovascular disease is.... It is a medical term for clotted arteries. Over a period of time, an artery may be narrowed because of a buildup of fatty deposits called plaque. Plaque causes the once-smooth lining of an artery to become thick and rough. The opening to the artery narrows and its elasticity is reduced. The artery cannot expand and contract as it should. As a result, blood flow is affected. The heart must pump harder to force blood through the artery. Thus, blood pressure is increased. If too much plaque builds up in a blood vessel, it forms a thrombus, or a clot, that shuts off the flow of blood.

2. 1t is a chronic high blood pressure. It affects more than one in five adults in the world. What is most alarming about it is that over 25 percent of its victims are unaware of their problem. They do not know they need treatment that would relieve the condition.

It creates several conditions that can severely damage the cardiovascular system. It can cause the heart to work harder to pump blood, thus weakening it. It can cause a speedier buildup of plaque on the walls of arteries. This increases the chances of clot formation. It may cause pressure severe enough to burst an artery wall. In many cases, the causes of this disease are not known.

3. This disease, especially when due to thrombosis, is sometimes preceded by a history of angina pectoris or primary hypertension. Many patients, however, have had no previous cardiovascular com plaints. It is sometimes completely or relatively asymptomatic.

The most characteristic complaint is severe substernal oppression, often described as squeezing, pressing or constricting. Dyspnea is a common accompaniment; the patient complains that the crushing pressure on his chest prevents him from breathing properly. Nausea, vomiting, hiccups and abdominal distension sometimes occur. Extreme weakness and fear of impending death are occasionally present. The blood pressure usually falls within a few hours after onset of the attack.



1. Learn the expressions connected with SAD.

~ seek advice — look for advice

~ beat the blues — overcome moodiness, condition of being sad

~ bouts of melancholy — a fit of melancholy

~ pinpoint a link — underline a link

~ lift one's spirit — make more hopeful, cheerful, etc.

~ feel down — have negative thoughts

2. Match the words/word combinations and their definitions.







drugs given to people who are ill

the act of killing yourself

the fact of no longer having smth

very bad or serious illness, problem

smth that you add to smth else to improve it


3. Learn the words/word combinations and use them to make a sentence.

starchy foods — їжа, яка містить крохмаль

year after year — рік за роком

persistent — постійний

maintaining activities — підтримка дій

snap out of — звільнитися (від поганого настрою)

perform activities — виконувати дії

overall sense — повний сенс

4. Learn the adjectives used to describe:

5. Make sentences of your own using the new words. Mind the synonyms.

bad mood => dark mood => moodiness => negative emotion => the blues => depression => SAD


Read the text.


Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or, less frequently, in the summer, re­peatedly, year after year. The US National Library of Medicine notes that some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. They may sleep too much, have little energy, and crave sweets and starchy foods. They may also feel depressed.

There are many different treatments for classic (winter-based) seasonal affec­tive disorder, including light therapies with bright lights, anti-depression medica­tion, ionized-air administration, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and carefully timed supplementation of the hormone melatonin. SAD can be a serious disorder and may require hospitalization. There is also potential risk of suicide in some patients ex­periencing SAD. At times, patients may not feel depressed, but rather lack energy to perform everyday activities.

Everyone feels sad or down from time to time. You can get the "blues" through loss or disappointment, such as missing out on something that was important to you or losing something valuable. Sadness or the "blues" is a normal reaction to negative situations. These feelings usually lessen after a few hours, a day or two, or a good night's sleep. Depression is a more persistent condition, which can last for weeks, months or even years. It affects not only the way you feel, but also the way you think and behave. Depression is not just a mood that you can "snap out of. Depression affects your overall sense of wellness and your motivation to get even the simplest things done.

Common signs of depression include:

- feeling sad or miserable most of the time;

- losing interest in activities you once enjoyed;

- changes in appetite or weight;

- having difficulty in getting to sleep or waking early;

- feeling tired and lacking in energy;

- feeling guilty or worthless;

- feeling lethargic, restless or edgy;

- having difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms of depression may include a persistent sad or empty feeling; a loss of energy and appetite; and a lack of interest in socializing, work or hobbies. Genetic factors may put a person at greater risk for developing depression, and alcohol or drug use can make symptoms worse.


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