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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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VII. Translate the dialogue into English:

Ганна: Доброго ранку, лікарю!

Лікар: Доброго ранку. Ваше прізвище?

Ганна: Стельмах.

Лікар: Ось Ваша картка. Що з Вами?

Ганна: Мене морозить і, гадаю, в мене температура. Я погано спала цю ніч, але вранці поїхала до коледжу. Після двох занять я змушена була піти — я почувала себе дуже погано.

Лікар: Давайте я огляну Вас, але спочатку зміряйте температуру. (Подивившись на термометр) Температура зависока. Відкрийте рот і скажіть «А-а».

Ганна: А-а-а.

Лікар: Гортань трохи запалена Зніміть кофтину, я хочу Вас послухати Вдихніть, тепер видихніть. Покашляйте. Достатньо. Скільки днів Ви кашляєте?

Ганна: Другий день.

Лікар: У Вас, типова (typical) простуда. Треба полежати кілька днів у ліжку та попити ліки. Ось рецепт.

Ганна: Скільки разів на день приймати ліки?

Лікар: Три рази на день після їди. Попийте гарячий чай з молоком.

Ганна: Як Ви гадаєте, скільки часу мені доведеться пролежати в ліжку?

Лікар: Днів три-чотири. Я впевнений, що до кінця тижня Ви почуватимете себе добре.

Ганна: Дякую, лікарю.

Лікар: До побачення.

VIII. Complete the following dialogue:

Doctor: Good morning, Mr Thompson. What's the trouble? Mr Thompson:...

Doctor: Any pain?

Mr Thompson: ...

Doctor: Please, strip to the waist and lie down on the examination couch. I shall examine you. Mr Thompson:...

Doctor: Certainly, for a week or ten days. There's a prescription. Take a spoonful of this medicine three times a day.

Mr Thompson:...

Doctor: Oh, don't mention it, please. Be sure to follow my instructions. Goodbye.

IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

Patient: Doctor, I have a bad headache and I have no appetite.

Doctor: Show me your tongue. (The patient opens his mouth and shows his tongue.) Yes, you have nasty tongue. Have you a pain in your stomach?

Patient: Yes, doctor, sometimes; especially after meals. I have a temperature after meals, too.

Doctor: I must examine your stomach ... Does it hurt here?

Patient: No, not there.

Doctor: Here?

Patient: Oh, yes, it does here.

Doctor: You have digestion trouble, but it is not serious.

I shall prescribe some tablets. You must take two before each meal. Do not eat any roast meat or any heavy food. Eat boiled vegetables and milk puddings. If you follow my instructions you will feel better tomorrow and in two or three days you will be quite well again.


Doctor: What's the matter?

Patient: I'm quite ill. I think I've got the flu (influ­enza).

Doctor: Very likely. What are your symptoms?

Patient: I feel very weak and dizzy. I have a cold in my head and a sore throat.

Doctor: What is your temperature?

Patient: I've been running a high temperature since yes­terday. Today it is 37.9 (thirty-seven point nine).

Doctor: Please, strip to the waist, I must examine you. Your throat is inflamed.

Patient: Tell me, doctor, is it very serious? I was down with the flu only last month.

Doctor: It will be serious if you don't follow my instruc­tions. You've only caught a cold. You have to lie down immediately. I'll prescribe you some medi­cine and ask you to gargle.

Patient: Shall I have to stay in bed long?

Doctor: No, I think you'll recover in a few days. Please take this note to the reception office in the poli­clinic this week. You'll have your chest X-rayed and your blood examined to make sure that everything is all right.

Patient: How shall I take the medicine?

Doctor: Gargle as often as you can and take a tablespoon-ful of the medicine three times a day. Shake up the bottle before use.

Patient: Thank you ever so much, doctor.

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