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Grammar study: Participle I.

Present Participle часто употребляется в функции определения и переводится на русский язык причастием действительного залога с суффиксами –ущ, -ющ, -ащ, -ящ, -вш.

Sample: devastating typhoon – опустошающий тайфун;

increasing hurricane – усиливающийся ураган.

Exercise 2. Define the –ing forms of the words in the text:

warming, reading, surrounding, becoming, breaking, flooding, trapping, working, warning, seeking, monitoring.

Exercise 3. Insert the proper word into the sentence.

  1. Not long ago a lot of countries (поражать) by two powerful tropical storms.

  2. These typhoons were extremely (опустошительный).

  3. Extreme weather phenomena are becoming (банальность).

  4. Carbon dioxide (выбросы) cause the global temperatures to rise.

  5. The poorer countries are expected (принять удар) of floods, (засуха), and storms.

  6. The scientists (стремиться) to set up an (система раннего оповещения) for extreme weather events.

  7. (Сильный ураган) (опустошил) New Orleans.

  8. The weather catastrophes (происходят из-за) global (потепление).

Exercise 4. Translate into English:

  1. Глобальное потепление является причиной природных катастроф.

  2. Результатом ураганов и тайфунов становятся разрушения и опустошения.

  3. Многие страны не готовы к атакам штормов и наводнений.

  4. Повышение температуры и наводнения – взаимосвязанные события.

  5. К сожалению, ураганы, наводнения, засуха часто случаются.

  6. Люди стремятся облегчить последствия природных катастроф.

Exercise 5. Read the additional text and translate it without dictionary:

How scientists forecast hurricanes and typhoons

Weathermen have yet to learn to predict accurately the moment when tropical hurricane or typhoon is born. The places on earth where this typically happens are well known, however typhoon motion paths are not. In other words, scientists know where but do not know when. Nevertheless, from the moment a hurricane is born, its movement is closely tracked. This is done with the help of weather satellites and cyclone monitoring aircraft that patrol areas hundreds of kilometers from the coast line, often penetrating into the centre of a cyclone to get more accurate data.

The basic criteria used to assess the danger of a particular hurricane are wind speed, the height of waves, the impact on ground - based installations and the coast line, and pressure at the eye of the hurricane. By the level of pressure, Katrina ranks third on the list of the most devastating hurricanes in history, recorded since 1851. Katrina was a Category Five storm, the highest ranking on the five-point scale.


Exercise 6. Make an abstract of two texts, using key vocabulary and tell about:

    1. what do the scientists warn about;

    2. what is the reason of global changes in the earth’s climate;

    3. what is the main danger of tropical storms;

    4. what are the basic criteria of assessing the danger of hurricanes.

Checklist for Section III

  1. How is Participle I in the function of an attribute translated into Russian?

  2. What is the meaning of the suffix –ment?

  3. Why tropical storms are dangerous?

  4. How is it possible to forecast hurricanes and typhoons?

Section IV

Grammar: To be in modal function.

Word-formation: suffixes –age, -al.

Speaking: Tsunami damages.

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