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2. Времена (Simple Past и Present Perfect).



The export department of Goodman & Co. sent the Russian Trade Dele­gation their offer of compressors.

When Mr. Kozlov came back from Edinburgh, he and Mr.

Zotov considered the prices, the terms of payment and delivery and the technical information of the offer. They found that their compressors were of the latest design1. So Mr. Kozlov decided to meet Mr. Lipman again to

discuss the offer.


Kozlov: Good afternoon, Mr. Lipman.

Lipman: Good afternoon, Mr. Kozlov. Will you take a seat? Have a

cigarette, please. Kozlov: Thank you.

Lipman: Did you enjoy your trip to Edinburgh ? Kozlov: Yes. It was pleasant, indeed. I also had a good opportunity to

contact businessmen of different British companies. Lipman: I see. Now, Mr. Kozlov, what do you say to our offer?

Kozlov: On the whole your terms and conditions are acceptable to us. But I'm afraid your prices are not quite competitive. They are some­what higher than the prices of other firms. Could you reduce your price by 7 per cent?

Lipman: I say2, Mr. Kozlov, we've sold our compressors at the price of £ • • • each. They are the best on the world market at this price. However, if you increase your order, we'll give you a discount of 5 per cent.

Kozlov: I believe we can buy 15 more compressors.3

Lipman: Fine. That will settle the price problem.

Kozlov: Quite so. Now, there is another point, Mr. Lipman. Your delivery dates don't suit us. We require the first parcel of 20 compressors a month after we sign the contract.

Lipman: So I understand that we are to ship the first parcel in December. And what about the remaining goods?

Kozlov: We can accept them in March.

Lipman: Very good. Well, Mr. Kozlov, as regards the terms of payment I

hope you'll pay against shipping documents by a Letter of Credit.

You are to open it with the London Bank after our cable that the

goods are ready for shipment. Kozlov: Quite right. I'll be glad to sign the contract when you get it ready. Lipman: We can sign it tomorrow. I'll be glad, Mr. Kozlov, if you and

Mr. Zotov join our Sales Manager and me for lunch after we

sign the contract. Kozlov: Thank you.

Lipman: So we hope to see you at our office at 12 tomorrow. Kozlov: Good. See you tomorrow.4 Lipman: Good-bye.


  • Their compressors were of the latest design — их компрессоры были новейшей конструкции

  • I say — послушайте

Этот оборот разговорной речи употребляется, чтобы привлечь внимание собеседника к последующему высказыванию.

I say, the weather is fine. Let's go for a walk. — Послушайте, погода хорошая, давайте пойдем погулять.

  • ... we can buy 15 more compressors. — ...мы можем купить еще 15 компрессоров.

  • See you tomorrow может переводиться как «До свидания», «До завтра».


8 department [di'patmant] и отдел, отделение, управление

an export department экспортное управление

an import department импортное управление

You will have to clear up this point Вам придется выяснить этот вопрос

with the import department. в импортном отделе.

to consider [kan'sidoj v 1. рассматривать (цену, условия)

We are going to consider the prices now. Мы собираемся сейчас рассмотреть


2. считать, полагать

I consider that we can take part deliv- Я считаю, что мы можем принимать

eries. товар по частям.

technical ['tekniksl] adj технический

a technical department технический отдел

a technical school техническое училище

information [infa'meijn] п сведения, информация

Our engineers will give you the necessary Наши инженеры предоставят вам

technical information. необходимые технические сведения.

' This information is necessary for us. Эти сведения нам необходимы.

I This is very important information. Это очень важные сведения.

j ■■'..- -'

j Существительное information имеет только форму единственного

| числа и никогда не употребляется с неопределенным артиклем.

design [di'zain] п конструкция

The design of the machine meets our Конструкция машины отвечает на-

requirements. - шим требованиям.

These machines are of the latest design. Эти машины новейшей конструкции.

again [э'деш] adv снова, опять

I hope you will soon be well again. Я надеюсь, вы скоро снова будете

чувствовать себя хорошо.

to take a seat сесть, занять место

Не asked me to take a seat. Он попросил меня сесть.

trip п поездка

to make a trip совершить поездку

We made a trip to Odessa last month. Мы совершили поездку в Одессу

в прошлом месяце.

indeed [m'di'd] adv в самом деле, действительно

We have made a very pleasant journey, Мы действительно совершили очень

indeed. приятное путешествие.

Thank you very much, indeed. Большое спасибо.

whole [houl] adj весь, целый

I'm afraid I'll not be able to read the Боюсь, я не смогу прочитать всю

whole book this week. книгу на этой неделе.

on the whole в целом

On the whole your offer is acceptable В целом ваше предложение прием-

to us. лемо для нас.

condition [kan'dijn] п условие

Your conditions suit us. Ваши условия нас устраивают.

What are the technical conditions of the Каковы технические условия за-

order? каза?

competitive [kam'petitiv] adj конкурентоспособный

a competitive price конкурентоспособная цена

somewhat adv несколько

somewhat high несколько высокий

Your prices are somewhat high. Ваши цены несколько высоки.

per cent [pa'sent] n процент, проценты

by prep на (какое-то количество)

г ———— j

We can reduce the price by 5 per cent. .Мы сможем снизить иену на 5%.


We can reduce the price го $ 900. Л1ы можем снизить иену до 900 долларов. I

~ : J

each pron каждый

Each of the children received a book. Каждый из детей получил книгу.

I've gone through each enquiry. Я просмотрел каждый запрос*

market ['moukitj n рынок

the world market мировой рынок

Compressors EK are in great demand Компрессоры модели EK сейчас

on the world market now. пользуются большим спросом на

мировом рынке.

however [hau'eval adv однако

My friend told me the train would come Мой друг сказал мне, что поезд при-

at 5. However, I decided to check that, дет в 5 часов. Однако я решил по­ смотреть расписание.

to increase [m'krfcs] v увеличивать(-ся)

We are going to increase our order by Мы намерены увеличить свой заказ

50 machines {to 50 machines). на 50 машин (до 50 машин).

The world prices of mining equipment Мировые цены на горно-шахтное обо-

have increased lately. рудование увеличились за последнее


discount t'diskaunt] п скидка

to give a discount давать скидку

We can give you a discount of 5 per cent. Мы можем предоставить вам 5%

We can give you a S per cent discount, скидку.

Could you give us a discount off (on) Смогли бы вы предоставить нам

the price of the goods? скидку с цены товаров?

to settle v решать, разрешать, урегулировать

We'll settle this point with the sellers. Мы урегулируем этот вопрос с про­ давцами.

problem ['ргэЫэт] п вопрос, проблема

Now let us settle the price problem. Теперь давайте урегулируем цену

(вопрос цены).

parcel ['pasl] п партия (машин)

We are going to ship the first parcel Мы собираемся отгрузить первую

of the machines in June. партию машин в июне.

lot п партия (товара, груза)

We'll deliver the goods in two lots of Мы поставим товар двумя партиями

500 tens each. по 500 тонн каждая.

to understand [,And9'staend] (understood, понимать understood) v

I'm sorry I don't understand you. К сожалению, я вас не понимаю.

remaining [n'memirj] adj остальной

We asked the sellers to ship the remain- Мы попросили продавцов отгрузить

ing goods as soon as they could. остальной товар как можно скорее.

as regards что касается, относительно, в отно­ шении

As regards the price we consider it is Что касается цены, мы считаем, что

competitive. она конкурентоспособная.

to pay (paid, paid) v платить

The buyers will pay for this lot of the Покупатели оплатят эту партию то-

goods in advance. варов авансом.

to make payment производить платеж

The buyers are to make payment not Покупатели должны произвести

later than the 10th of April. платеж не позднее 10 апреля.

against [s'geinst] prep против

On the whole 1 am not against your plan. В целом я не против вашего плана.

document I'dokjumsnt] л документ

shipping documents отгрузочные документы

You are to pay for the goods against Вы должны оплатить товар против

shipping documents. отгрузочных документов.

a letter of credit (сокр. L/C) аккредитив

The buyers are to pay for the goods Покупатели должны оплатить товар

by a letter of credit. по аккредитиву.

bank n банк You are to open a letter of credit with Вы должны открыть аккредитив в

the London Bank. Лондонском банке.

Sates Manager ['seilz 'тгеп^зэ] коммерческий директор

as soon as conj как только

till conj до тех пор, пока

until [лп'Ш] coaj до тех пор, пока не

if conj если

to be (to) модальный глагол

We, are to ship the goods in a month. Мы должны отгрузить товар через

месяц (по договоренности). Не says I am to book a return ticket. Он говорит, что мне следует купить

обратный билет (предложение од­ного лица другому).


Grammar Exercises

Употребление настоящего времени в значении будущего в условных и временных придаточных предложениях

I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The firm will reduce their price if we buy 10 more machines from them. 2. We'll be able to discuss the prices with them after we study their quotation. 3. Mr. Denisov said that when he arrived in Manchester he

would telephone a hotel and reserve accommodation for us. 4. As soon as I contact my people I'll let you know our final reply. 5. The representatives of the firm will not miss the opportunity of visiting our exhibition before they leave Moscow. 6. I'll go through the catalogues while you are speaking to the engineers. 7. I'll stay in till it stops raining. 8. If tomorrow it is not so cold as today, we'll go skiing.

II. Составьте предложения, пользуясь следующими таблицами:

1. If it rains tomorrow we shan't go to the country.

they won't go to the beach, the children will have to stay in. they won't be able to come to see us. he won't go sightseeing.

2. We'll let them know when ! they come back, about it as soon as I

, after \

3. Before we go to the j we'll pack our things.

station, J we'll speak to our friends on the phone.

: we'll have to reserve a room at the hotel.

4. We shan't sign the until we check all the points.

contract till they give us their final reply about the

delivery of the goods. we have a word with the director of the factory.

5. He said that when he he would have a word with the President came to the office the about it.

next day, he would contact the factory.

he would have to go through the mail, he would be able to attend to the letter.

HI. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. We shall buy the goods from you if ... 2. If I reserve a room at a hotel, I ... 3. As soon as it begins raining, we ... 4. We shall see you off when ... 5. You will have to go through the mail before ... 6. We shan't have to change trains if ... 7. If you don't hurry to the station you ... 8. The president won't be available until... 9. The children will watch TV after ...

10. Don't accept the goods if ...

IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What will you do in the Crimea or in the Caucasus when you come there for a holiday? 2. What hotel will you reserve accommodation at if you go to Petersburg on business? 3. What will you have to declare when you come to the Customs office? 4. What will you do at the airport before the plane takes off? 5. How long will it take you if you go to London by plane?

6. What goods will your office send to London if there is an exhibition there?

7. What answer will you give to the sellers if their goods do not meet your requirements? 8. How long will your engineers discuss the contract before they sign it? 9. What points will you have to clear up as soon as you receive an order? 10. What will you let the buyers know before you ship the goods?

11. With whom will you have a word about an order as soon as you receive an enquiry? 12. What points will you have to discuss before you sign a contract ?

V. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Мы не разместим у них заказ, если они не снизят цены. 2. Как только их представитель прибудет в Москву, мы выясним все три вопроса. 3. После того, как мы обсудим условия платежа, постав­ки, цены и некоторые другие вопросы, мы подпишем с ними кон­тракт. 4. Мне придется переговорить с господином Сосновым, преж­де чем ответить на письмо фирмы. 5. Они вышлют вам свое пред­ложение на чай, когда получат ваш запрос, б. Господин Панин по­звонит вам после того, как обсудит все эти вопросы с директором завода. 7. Подожди меня здесь, пока я не вернусь. 8. Я поеду на вокзал за билетом до того, как упакую вещи. 9. Если мы не пото­ропимся, мы опоздаем на поезд. 10. Пока ты будешь заполнять бланк, я пойду в зал ожидания. 11. Когда станет тепло, моя семья будет жить за городом. 12. Он сказал, что если завтра погода будет хорошая, они пойдут на пляж.

Модальный глагол to be to

VI. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Our director is to come back next month. 2. You are to collect all the people of our office at 5 o'clock in room 428. 3. Mr. Petrov is to meet the British businessman at Sheremetievo airport tomorrow. 4. He is not to come before seven. 5. The mother says the children are not to go out as it's very frosty today. 6. Ycu are not to sign the contract until you clear up all the points. 7. I'm to go on business to France next Sunday.

VII. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол to beto в соответствующем времени:

1. Our president (to be) to sign the contract with the British firm at 10 o'clock today. 2. We (to be) to begin our journey on the 5th of May. 3. Who (to be) to meet the representatives of the British firm at Shere­ metievo Airport last Saturday? 4. Machinoexport (to be) to begin shipment of the goods not later than the 1st of December. 5. The sellers wrote in their letter that the customers (to be) to accept the goods in ten days. 6. The sec­ retary said that she (to be) to get the materials ready for the talks by 11 o'clock. 7. Our director told us that he (to be) to come from abroad in a fortnight. 8. Mr. Camp couldn't wait any more as he (to be) to go to the airport in an hour. 9. Mr. Nikolaev said that we (not to be) to give

the final answer to the firm that day. 10. We found out that the sellers (not to be) to begin shipment of their goods in August.

VIII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Who is to go on business soon? 2. When are you to go on business? 3. What place are you to go to? 4. What points are you to discuss there? 5. When are you to come back?

1. Have you made a contract lately ? 2. What goods are you to sell to the firm? 3. How many machines are you to ship to the firm? 4. When are you to ship the goods? 5. On what terms are you to ship the goods?

1. What foreign businessman did you meet the other day? 2. Who told you that you were to meet him? 3. Where were you to meet him? 4. What points were you to clear up with him?

IX. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Завтра утром я должен поехать в аэропорт проводить дирек­тора нашей конторы. 2. Кто должен заказать номер в гостинице для г-на Грина? 3. Представитель фирмы не приедет в Москву до января. 4. Врач говорит, что ты не должен загорать, когда на пля­же будет очень жарко. 5. Кто из вас должен поехать в командиров­ку на следующей неделе? 6. Сейчас нет председателя, но он должен вернуться до 5 часов.


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

X. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим предложениям из текста:

1. Они нашли, что их компрессоры новейшей конструкции. 2. Садитесь, пожалуйста. 3. Она (поездка) была действительно прият­ной. 4. Что вы скажете в отношении нашего предложения? 5. В це­лом ваши условия для нас приемлемы. 6. Они несколько выше цен других фирм. 7. Могли бы вы снизить цену на 7%? 8. Они (компрес­соры) — лучшие на мировом рынке по этой цене. 9. Однако, если вы увеличите заказ, мы предоставим вам скидку на 5%. 10. Еще один вопрос, г-н Липман. 11. Это разрешит вопрос цены. 12. Итак, на­сколько я понимаю, мы должны отгрузить первую партию в декаб­ре. 13. Что касается условий платежа, я надеюсь, вы произведете его против отгрузочных документов по аккредитиву. 14. Вы долж­ны открыть его (аккредитив) в Лондонском банке. 15. Я буду рад подписать контракт, когда он будет готов.

XI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, обращая внимание на временные формы глагола:

1. What will you have to do if the technical conditions of the order don't suit you? 2. Will you open a Letter of Credit if you don't receive a cable of the readiness of the goods for shipment? 3. Will you give the Buyers a discount off the price if they increase their order? 4. What discount on the price wMlyougive the Buyers if they increase their order? 5. What will you do before you place an order with a foreign firm? 6. What will you do after you receive the cable from the Sellers that the goods are ready for ship­ment? 7. Where will you go next Sunday if you don't have to do any work at home?

1. Where will you go if the weather is fine tomorrow?

if the weather is bad tomorrow? if it rains tomorrow? if it snows tomorrow? if it is very hot tomorrow? if it is very cold tomorrow?

2. What will you do before you go home on Saturday?

before you go to work tomorrow?

before you go to the theatre next Sunday?

after you come back from the theatre next Sunday?

after you have dinner on Sunday?

as soon as you come home tonight?

when your friends come to see you next Sunday?

XII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на временные формы глагола в придаточных предложениях:

1. Интересно, когда они смогут открыть аккредитив. 2. Когда они откроют аккредитив, мы отгрузим товар. 3. Я не знаю, дадут ли они нам 5% скидку с цены. 4. Если они увеличат заказ на 15 машин, мы дадим 5% скидку. 5. Я не знаю, когда они смогут уре­гулировать вопрос цены. 6. Мы будем обсуждать условия платежа, как только урегулируем вопрос цены. 7. Он сказал, что они рас­смотрят их предложение, как только получат его. 8. Я не знаю, когда вернется наш коммерческий директор. Но как только он вер­нется, я передам ему это. 9. —-Они интересовались, когда мы рас­смотрим этот вопрос.—Мы не будем рассматривать этот вопрос до тех пор, пока не вернется наш директор.

XIII. Закончите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на временные формы глагола.

1. The Sellers can give us a large discount off the price if ... 2. The buyers are to open a Letter of Credit after ... 3. The buyers increased their order because ... 4. The conditions of the order were on the whole accept­able though ... 5. The buyers wondered whether ... 6. The Sales Manager wanted to know if .... 7. We shall not be able to accept the delivery dates as... 8. We had to buy chemical equipment at high prices because ... 9. The director of the office asked the secretary when ... 10. Our engineers will meet to discuss the offer after ... 11. I can't understand why ...

XIV. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужное по смыслу время (Simple Past, Present Perfect):

1. The first lot of chemical equipment (to arrive) yet? Yes, we (to receive) a cable from the port that the goods (to arrive) on the 20th of December. 2. Our engineers (to consider) the technical information of the order, however, they not (to give) their final answer yet. 3. When the sellers (to ship) the remaining goods? They (to ship) the goods last week. 4. We just (to receive) some information that the world prices of compressors (to increase). In this case we shall not be able to give a discount off the price. 5. Our office (to open) a letter of credit with the London Bank last week. However, we just (to receive) a cable from the sellers. They write they not (to get) any information that we (to open) a letter of credit. 6. We (to settle) a few points as regards the delivery of the goods since the representative of the firm (to come) to Moscow. 7. The world prices of mining equipment (t© be) high lately. However, we (to sign) a few contracts at competitive prices last week. 8. I not (to see) Oleg for the last few days. He (to go) on business? I don't think so. I (to see) him last Monday.

XV. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Simple Past и Present Perfect:

1. Мы уже рассмотрели ваше предложение, и полагаем, что оно приемлемо для нас. 2. Мы рассмотрели ваше предложение вчера и решили, что оно приемлемо для нас. 3. После того как мы получили вашу телеграмму, мы открыли аккредитив в Лондонском банке. 4. Мы не можем открыть аккредитив, потому что мы еще не получили вашей телеграммы о том, что товар готов к отгрузке. 5. Мы улуч­шили конструкцию наших машин и полагаем, что сейчас они от­вечают вашим требованиям, б. Мы уже отправили вам первую партию товара. Вы должны получить ее 7 августа. 7. Мы отправили вам первую партию товара 15 мая. 8. Я давно вас не видел. Вы силь­но изменились. 9. Я не встречал его с тех пор, как он изменил адрес. 10. Где вы делали пересадку по дороге из Твери в Сочи в прош­лом году?

XVI. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужное по смыслу время:

An American farmer wanted to make an air trip. He never (to have) an opportunity to fly before. There (to be) an airport some miles (миль) off his farm. So one morning he (to come) there to ask if he (can) make a short air trip.

"You see," he said to one of the fliers, "I never (to make) an air trip and if you (to let) me fly, I (to pay) you for it." The flier told him that he (must, to pay) 10 dollars for a ten-minute trip. "Why, it's a dollar a minute," the farmer (to say) in surprise. "Can't you reduce the price? It (to be) somewhat high, indeed." The flier (to think) a minute and (to say), "I not (to take) any money, if you not (to say) a word during the whole trip. But if you (to begin) speaking, the price (to increase)." The farmer (to think) that it (to be) a good condition.

"By the way," said the flier, "if your wife (to want) to join you. you may-take her also." The farmer (to be) very happy. He (to think) he (to have) a pleasant trip.

When he (to come) home, his wife (to cook) dinner. "I (to have) pleasant news to tell you," he began. "We (to make) an air trip tomorrow. I (to settle) it with one of the fliers." By 3 o'clock the next day the farmer and his wife (to come) to the airport. Soon they (to be) up in the air.

Though the plane (to go) up and down at a high speed, the passengers not (to say) a word. When they (to land), the flier said to the farmer, "I say, you (to be) brave (смелый) people, I thought you (to be afraid) to fly." "Well," said the farmer, "I (to be glad), I not (to have) to pay for the trip as I not (to say) a word but I (to be about) to speak to you when my wife fell (упала) out of the plane."

XVII. Раскройте скобки, употребив every и each:

1. (Every, each) engineer of our office speaks a foreign language. 2. The price for the boilers was competitive. It was £ ... (each, every). 3. My family and I go to the sea-side to spend our holidays there (every, each) year.

4. We were to deliver (each, every) lot of the goods by railway. 5. There is a private bath in (each, every) room at modern hotels. 6. (Every, each) passen­ ger is to go through the customs if he goes abroad or comes from abroad. 7. (Every, each) of them has gone on business abroad this year. 8. At Shere- metievo airport passenger planes from different countries land (every, each) quarter of an hour. 9.1 take (every, each) opportunity of speaking English during the talks with British representatives. 10. (Each, every) of us will consider the technical information of the order.

XVIII. Заполните пропуски артиклями или притяжательными местоимения ми:

1. Our office is interested in buying ... compressors. Last month we sent ... enquiries for ... compressors to some foreign firms. We have already received ... quotations from four firms. They are offering us ... compres­sors of ... latest design. Our people considered... prices,... terms and ... technical information of ... offers. On ... whole ... terms and conditions are acceptable to us, but we find that ... compressors of Jarret & Co. suit us best of all. They are ... best on ... world market now. We believe, ... prices of ... compressors are not higher than ... prices of ... other firms. They are quite competitive. ... other day ... Sales Manager of Jarret & Co. arrived in Moscow and we are going to have talks with him one of these days and settle all ... necessary problems.

2. ... firm is to deliver us ... goods in two lots. They have already shipped us ... first lot. As regards ... remaining goods they will ship them after they receive ... cable from us.

3. Mr. Freeman said that they would give us ... discount of 3 per cent if we placed ... larger order with them. They are offering us their machines at ... price of £ ... each.

XIX. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. When our machines are ready ... shipment, we shall let you know and you will pay ... shipping documents ... a Letter ... Credit. You are to open it ... the Bank for Foreign Trade ... Russia. 2. We require the first lot ... 125 cars ... January. As regards the remaining 75 cars we would like to have them ... the first ... June. 3. If you increase your order ... 20 machines ... 30 machines, we'll give you a discount ... 5 per cent ... the price. 4: Our equipment is ... great demand .-.. the world market.

  • We can place an order ... you if you reduce your price ... 10 per cent.

  • We wonder if you can sell us the machines ... the price ... £ ... each.

  • As your compressors are not ... the latest design we can't buy them ... this price. 8. If you don't take a taxi you won't be able to come to the sta­tion ... time. 9. "What can you say ... our plan? Is it acceptable ... you?" "... the whole it is, but we'd like to change some points." 10. Your price will be competitive if you reduce it ... 3 per cent. 11. They said that they would send us a cable as soon as their equipment was ready ... shipment.

XX. Заполните пропуски активными словами

competitive, remaining, a discount, market, to settle, to understand, each, to increase, somewhat, on the whole.

1. The buyers asked the sellers to reduce their price for the goods, as they thought it wasn't quite .... 2. I couldn't ... the teacher's question and asked him to say it again. 3. We let the firm know that we had received the first and the second lots of the goods and required the ... goods in a month. 4. The customers told us that our price was ... high and asked us to give them ... of 3 per cent off the price. 5. ... engineer of our office speaks one or two foreign languages. 6. "We are going ... the terms of payment one of these days," said the manager. 7. The Sales Manager said that their firm ... the export of chemical equipment because it was in great demand on the world market. 8. The buyers said that ... all the terms and conditions of the order suited them well, but they asked us ... the discount from 5 to 7 per cent. 9. The prices for manufactured goods have increased on the world... for the last few months.

iXXiX Переведите на английский язык:

  • Мы не можем купить ваш товар по этим ценам. Мы считаем, что ваши цены не конкурентоспособные, они выше цен других фирм. Однако, если вы снизите цены, мы разместим у вас большой заказ, так как нас интересуют ваши машины.

  • — В целом ваши условия устраивают нас. Что касается даты поставки, то мы хотели бы получить оборудование в октябре. — Я полагаю, мы сможем разрешить этот вопрос и отгрузить вам первую партию товара в октябре. А когда вам потребуется осталь­ной товар? — В декабре. Это устраивает вас? — Да, вполне.

  • Г-н Вуд сказал, что они предоставят нам 3% скидку, если мы увеличим свой заказ.

  • Если мы решим вопрос о ценах сегодня, мы сможем подписать контракт.

  • — По какой цене вы купили эти компрессоры? — Мы купили их по цене £ .. каждый.

  • — Каковы их условия платежа? — Аккредитивом против от­грузочных документов. — А в каком банке мы должны открыть аккредитив? — В одном из лондонских банков.

  • Мы рассмотрели ваше предложение на компрессоры. Ваши новейшие модели отвечают нашим требованиям, но мы находим, что ваши цены несколько выше цен других фирм.

8. Г-н Блэк сказал, что, как только они рассмотрят наши цены —mm/.i/yjQ информацию, они сообщат нам об этом.

аю, что я смогу просмотреть всю техническую докумен-ч>, как вернется коммерческий директор.

  1. Вы должны открыть аккредитив в нашем банке после того, как вы получите нашу телеграмму о том, что товар готов к отгруз­ке.

  2. — Послушайте, г-н Смит, наш транспортный отдел отправил вам недавно наше первое предложение. Мы просим вас прислать нам ответ, как только вы получите и рассмотрите его. — Разве вы его еще не получили?


Speech Exercises

  1. Воспроизведите диалог урока.

  2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и из ответов составьте краткий рассказ:

1. What points do you consider when you discuss a contract with a foreign firm? 2. What do you do when you find that the Sellers' prices are somewhat higher than the prices of other firms? 3. What do you do if the Sellers don't want to give you a discount off the price? 4. In what case do you decide not to accept the offer?

1. When are the prices of our equipment somewhat higher than the prices of other firms? 2. In what case do you give the Buyers a discount off your price? 3. In what case do you give the Buyers a discount off your price? 4. What discount can you give the Buyers?

1. In what case can't you ship all the goods in one lot? 2. What do you say to the Buyers when you can't ship all the goods in one lot? 3. Do the Buyers sometimes take part deliveries? 4. In how many lots do you usually ship the goods in that case?

1. How do you usually make payment when you buy goods ? 2. When are you to open a Letter of Credit? 3. With what bank do you usually open a Letter of Credit when you buy goods from British firms?

1. What will you do before you go on a trip to Sukhumi on holiday?

  • Why will it be better to get accommodation on the train in advance?

  • Will you book a single or a return ticket? 4. Will you have to change trains on your way to Sukhumi? 5. Is there a through train to Sukhumi from Moscow?

XXIV. Дайте развернутые ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Why are we interested in developing trade relations with more and more countries of the world? 2. What points do the buyers consider before they accept the sellers' offer? 3. Does the price of the goods change if the buyers increase their order? 4. What do you do if you don't find the sellers' price of the goods competitive? 5. On what condition can the sellers give the buyers a discount off the price? 6. How can you make payment? 7. When are you to open a Letter of Credit if you buy goods?

XXV. Составьте ситуации на основе следующих предложений:

1. So they had to meet the next day again. 2.1 enjoyed my trip to Odessa. 3. We couldn't consider their technical information in advance. 4. They will have to consider their prices again. 5. The representative of the firm asked us to give them a discount of 5 per cent. 6. As regards the design of the machine it met our requirements.

XXVI. Составьте ситуации, употребив следующие слова и выражения:

  • an offer, to consider, to find, somewhat, to ask, to give a 5 per cent discount off the price* to be not of the latest design, to reduce by ...

  • to buy, to be of the latest design, to take part deliveries, in 3 lots, to ship, the remaining goods, to accept, on the whole, the terms of delivery, acceptable.

  • to consider, the terms of payment, to open a Letter of Credit, shipping documents, to be ready, to send a cable.

  • to discuss, points, to clear up, to sign, to get ready, to invite, to accept.

XXVII. Закончите следующие ситуации:

1. Mr. Petrov was to go on a trip to Edinbourgh on business. He went there by train, and it took him 6 hours to get to Edinbourgh. He arrived early in the morning. When he got off" the train he saw ...

  • During the talks with the Sales Manager of Roberts and Co. Mr. Sedov said that he was going to place a large order for suits with them. He also said that, on the whole, the terms and conditions suited him but as regards the price problem ...

  • We were going to place an order for boilers with Brown and Co. as we found that the boilers were of the latest design and met our requirements. However, the delivery dates of the sellers ...

XXVIII. Воспроизведите следующий диалог:


Bently: Good afternoon, Mr. Fedin.

Fedin: Good afternoon, Mr. Bently. Will you take a seat?

Bently: Thank you. You're having hard frosts in Moscow now.

Fedin: Yes, it's been frosty this week, indeed, but it isn't unusual for this

time of the year. All in good time, you know. Bently: You are quite right. Fedin: Well, Mr. Bently, yesterday we discussed the price of our turbines

and the volume of your order. What's your final answer? Bently: I've thrashed the points out with my people, and we decided to

increase the order to 25 turbines. Fedin: In this case we can give you a 5 per cent discount off the price. Bently: Fine. So we've settled the price problem. And what are your terms

of payment? Fedin: Our buyers usually make payment against shipping documents by a

letter of credit.

Bendy: What bank are we to open it with?

Fedin: Russia's Vnesheconombank.

Bently: That suits us on the whole.

Fedin: Very good. What is your suggestion as regards the delivery dates,

Mr. Bently? Bently: We'd like to have the first parcel in 2 months and the remaining

goods by the 1st of January. Fedin: Very good. Now, Mr. Bently, I'll give instructions to Mr. Sedov, our

engineer, to arrange your visit to the factory. What time will suit you? Bently: Any time you say. Fedin: Tomorrow afternoon then. Bently: Fine. Good-bye. Fedin: Good-bye.

hard frosts сильный мороз; all in good time все в свое время; to thrash out урегулировать; volume объем; a suggestion предложение; to arrange устроить, организовать

^XXIX. Перескажите следующий текст:

An English writer was travelling in France. Once a few French writers invited him to their meeting. The English writer did not want to go as he was afraid he would not understand the speakers. However, he decided not to miss the opportunity of seeing his new French friends and promised to come to the meeting. Not to show that he did not understand a word he decided to do what the other people did. So when everybody laughed or applauded he laughed or applauded together with the other people. However, it was a surprise to him that the people looked only at him when he was applauding or laughing. The writer understood all when after the meeting a young man came up to him and asked, "Why did you applaud the loudest when the people applauded you and laughed when they laughed at you?" once [wAns] однажды; everybody все; to laugh [laf] смеяться; to applaud [s'plodl аплодировать; loudly ['laudli] громко

XXX. Выполните следующие задания:

1. .Your office has received an offer of electric motors. The motors meet your requirements but you would like to discuss the terms of payment and the time of delivery with the firm. Meet a representative of the firm and dis­ cuss these points with him.

  • Meet Mr. Black and discuss your offer of watches. Promise him a discount of 5 per cent if he places a big order with you.

  • You have an appointment with Mr. Smith at 3 o'clock tomorrow, but you haven't yet contacted your people and haven't cleared up all the points. Telephone Mr. Smith and ask him to give you an alternative date of the appointment.

  • Meet Mr. Gray at your office and discuss the price of their compressors with him. Ask him to reduce the price by 5 per cent.

XXXI. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

  • Discussing prices.

  • Discussing terms of delivery.

  • Discussing terms of payment.

VII. Tarn these sentences Into the Passive Voice:

1. Can we reserve a single room with a private bath in your hotel? 2. The receptionist asked him to fill in a form in English. 3. The secretary showed Mr. Black into the President's private room. 4. We must settle the problem in the shortest possible time. 5. They told me they would improve their model. 6.1 could not find the book anywhere. 7. They serve breakfast from eight to eleven at this hotel.

VIII. Answer these questions and sura up the answers:

1. Are any defects found during tests ? By whom are they to be eliminated ? Is another test to be made after the defects are eliminated ? 2. Is the Tretjakov Gallery visited by a lot of people? Whose pictures are shown there? Can pictures from other countries be found there? What museum can they be found in? 3. Are foreign businessmen usually met at the airport? Where are they taken from the airport? Is accommodation booked for them in ad­vance? Why is accommodation to be booked in advance?

IX. Open the brackets using the verb ia the correct voice and tense-form:

Comrade Nikitin came to Manchester to inspect the goods which Sojuzimport were buying from a British firm. All the necessary arrangements for Comrade Nikitin's visit to'the factory (to make) on Monday. As soon as Comrade Nikitin (to come) to the factory he (to take) Lo the shop where machines usually (to test). Only a few temperature tests (to make) that day. During the tests some defects in the motors (to find). Тле chief engineer (to promise) Comrade Nikitin that the insulation (to improve) and all the other defects (to eliminate) in two or three days. He also (to say) that the goods (to ship) in time. When all the necessary documents (to sign) Comrade Nikitin (to leave) Manchester for London.

X. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Почему так поздно была послана телеграмма? 2. Я думаю, вам зададут много вопросов о вашей поездке. 3. Козлов спросил, где продаются костюмы, и ему сказали, как пройти в отдел гото­вого платья. 4. «Декларации должны быть заполнены сейчас же», — сказал таможенный чиновник. 5. Новая картинная галерея должна открыться в ноябре. 6. Меня попросили помочь Петру. 7. Если вы вовремя пошлете телеграмму, вас встретят на вокзале. 8.' Нам по­рекомендовали заказать рыбу, в этом ресторане ее хорошо готовят. 9. Сколько вопросов еще нужно уточнить? 10. Сообщите мне, как только будут получены необходимые сведения от фирмы Лонгман и Ко. (Longman &Со.). 11. Мы думаем, что заказ будет размещен у фирмы Кроули и Ко. (Crowley and Со.)- 12. Результаты могут быть проверены через два дня.

XI. Read and translate these sentences:

1. No news is good news. 2. We got this information yesterday. 3. Let's listen to the latest news. I expect it to be interesting. 4.1 have little money and can't buy the book now. 5. I*m sorry to say he has made little progress

in German. 6. We got little information on this machine-tool. We would like to get s6me more information. 7. I hope he'll give you a piece of good advice.

ХП. Translate into English:

1. Эти новости очень интересные. 2. Кто оставил эти деньги? 3. «Вы получили сведения о результатах испытаний?» — «Нет еще. Мы надеемся получить их на следующей неделе». 4. Ваши советы мне всегда очень помогают. 5. Боюсь, у меня мало денег, чтобы ку-

Еить хороший подарок. 6. У меня очень приятная новость для вас. . Фирма добилась больших успехов. Сейчас ее товар пользуется элыийм спросом на мировом рынке. 8. У нас очень мало сведений о этому вопросу. 9. «Что вы можете сказать об его успехах?» — Зоюсь, они незначительны (небольшие)». 10. Вы всегда следуете советам друзей?


Before taking up the text read these words and word combinations:

a) 'various, 'fair, 'popular, a'chievement, 'science, 'industry, 'agriculture, pro'mote, /intro'duce, interpreter, suc'cess, efficient, 'advertise, in 'detail b) the Russian Chamber of Commerce, they were interested, were on dis-

play, over a thousand firms, do a lot to establish, to promote trade, helped to

Fdvertise, as they were interested, was the main participant, to adver­ se the goods W Text,


; Russia stands for the development of trade with all countries therefore the Russian Chamber of Commerce arranges various fairs and exhibitions both in our country and abroad. Our fairs and exhibitions are very popular with the people abroad and each of them is called an "eye-opener".* They show our great achievements in science, industry, agriculture and other fields of our national economy. Foreign visitors are interested both in the exhibits and the Russian way of life in general. These fairs and exhibi­tions do a lot to establish contacts and to promote trade, and trade, as we know,1 promotes peace.

In September, 19... one of the biggest international exhibitions of chem­ical machinery and equipment was held in Moscow. Many foreign firms took part in it as they were interested in introducing their goods to new markets. Russia was the main participant. Over 7,000 exhibits could be seen on display in the Russian pavilions. They showed the progress that Russian chemical industry and science had made for the last few years.

The efficient staff of stand-attendants, guides and interpreters did their best to make the exhibition a success. Colourful leaflets helped to advertise

* the exhibition is an eye-opener — выставка открывает глаза

the goods. The exhibition was crowded with visitors from opening to closing time. It was visited by a lot of foreign businessmen as weD. The entries in the visitors' books show that the visitors were greatly impressed by the exhibi­tion. As a result new business contacts were established and a lot of con­tracts were signed.

A VISIT TO RUSSIAN PAVILION (The Russian pavilion in Sokolniki park, Sept. 1965)

Mr. Menon, an Indian businessman called at the Russian pavilion. His firm was interested in radiators. After he had seen the latest models on display he met Mr. Sokolov of Sojuzexport.

Menon: Good morning.

Sokolov: Good morning. Glad to see you in Moscow again. How do you like the exhibition?

Menon: It's wonderful. It's the biggest chemical exhibition, isn't it?

Sokolov: Oh, yes, over a thousand firms are taking part in it.

Menon: I've just seen your pavilion. 1 must say you've made great prog­ress, your exhibits show it.

Sokolov: Yes, we are doing good business in chemical goods now.

Menon: I saw your Radiator Model B-73 in operation. You've just started producing it, haven't you?

Sokolov: Yes, six months ago.

Menon: It'll go for export, won't it?

Sokolov: Certainly. All the exhibits that are on display in our pavilion are for sale.

Menon: We'd like to place an order for Model B-73. It meets our require­ments.

Sokolov: I'm pleased to hear it. ,

Menon: When could we discuss the matter in detail?

Sokolov: What about Monday, say eleven in the morning.

Menon: That suits me all right, but I'm afraid I must be leaving* now, I have an appointment at twelve. Thank you very much. Good bye.

Sokolov: Good bye. See you on Monday.


1. as we know — как (нам) известно Kiev, as we know, is one of the most beautiful cities in the Ukraine.


stand for v . стоять за, отстаивать, под-

держивать Russia has always stood for trade with all countries.

* I must be leaving — мне нужно идти

development [development] n развитие, рост

Our country is interested in the development of

foreign trade, therefore ['deafo:\adv поэтому, следовательно

The price of the goods was very high therefore

our office did not accept the firm's offer. feir n ярмарка

to be popular ['popjula] пользоваться любовью, по-


be popular with smb. пользоваться любовью, попу-

лярностью, успехом у ко­го-л.

I hear, the young poet is very popular with the

students, achievement fe'tjfcviront] я "* достижение

achieve fa'tjiv] v достичь, достигнуть

Russia has achieved good results

in the development of foreign trade, science ['saisnsj n наука

industry f'mcLvstri] n промышленность

Russia is interested in the development of

industry and science. industrial [ln'dAstrisl] adj промышленный

agriculture ['aegrHovltjs] n сельское хозяйство

Russian people are doing a lot to develop

agriculture. field [ffcld] n 1. иоле, большое пространство

in the fields в поле, на поле

It is very pleasant to walk in the fields in


2. сфера, область деятельности

What field of science is your son working in ? (the) national economy ['najfrnal l'konami] народное хозяйство, нацио-

нальная экономика

What can you tell us about the national economy

of India? exhibit [lg'zibit] n экспонат

exhibit [lg'zibit] v выставлять, экспонировать

Rembrandt's pictures are exhibited in the

world's biggest galleries. life л жизнь

the way of life образ жизни

Foreign visitors are interested in our way of

life. in general вообще, в общих чертах

In general he is a fine man. I hope you'll

like him. establish [is'tsbhf] v устанавливать

Russia does a lot to establish trade

contacts with different countries.

promote [pre'mout] v способствовать, содействовать

развитию peace n мир

The Russian people have always stood for peace all over the world, international [.mts'nsejsnl] adj международный

Russia often takes part in interna­tional fairs and exhibitions.

hold [hould] (held, held) v проводить, устраивать (обычно

в Passive Voice) hold a meeting

ав exhibition a fair

a conference talks

Very important business talks will be held at

our office next week. introduce [,intre'dju:s] v вводить, вставлять

introduce to, into вводить, ввести в

All firms and companies are interested in

introducing their goods to new markets.

New words are introduced into English every

year. main adj главный, основной

participant [poytisipant] n участник

over ['ouva] adv свыше, более

Over a million people visited the International

Exhibition. be on display [dis'plei] быть выставленным (на показ)

There are a few of Picasso's pictures on display

in the Pushkin Museum. pavilion [pa'viljan] n павильон

progress f'prougres] n прогресс, движение вперед

The progress of science in our days is wonder­ful.

make (good, much, little) progress делать (большие ...) успехи

He has made good progress in his studies for

the last two months.

efficient [I'fijant] adj" квалифицированный, знающий

свое дело, умелый I must say, she is an efficient secretary.

staff [staf] n штат, персонал

stand-attendant ['staend a'tendant] n стендист

guide [gaid] и гид, экскурсовод

interpreter [in'ta:prita] n (устный) переводчик

We need efficient stand-attendants, guides and

interpreters for the exhibition that will be held

in a few months. success [sak'ses] n vcnex, удача

be a success иметь успех

His last book was a great success. colourful fkAbful] adj цветной, красочный

advertise ['aedvataiz] v рекламировать

Our objedinenije is advertising new models of

machine-tools. advertisement [ad'vastismsnt] n реклама

You have read the advertisement about the

new mode! of compressor, haven't you? crowd [kraud] v толпиться, собираться толпой

be crowded with быть полным

It was a fine summer day and the park was

crowded with school children.

We could not get on ihe bus as it was crowded. as well adv также, тоже (обычно стоит

п конце предложения)

We asked the firm to send us leaflets, catalogues

and price-lists as well.

syn. too, also

entry f'entri] n запись

visitors' book книга отзывов

impress [lm'pres] v поражать, производить глу-

бокое впечатление

The film "Nine Days of a Year" impressed

everybody very much. impression {im'pre/sn] л впечатление

What is your impression of the exhibits you've

just seen?

make aa impression on smb. производить впечатление иа


What impression did their new testing depart­ment make on you?

as a result [n'zivlt] в результате

in operation [ppe'rei/эи] ' в действии

When could we see the machine-tool in opera­ tion? produce [pra'dju:s] v производить, вырабатывать

What models of compressors are Brown and C° producing?

syn, make

for sale для продажи

be for sale продаваться, поступать в про-


Are these dresses for sale? matter n дело, вопрос

"The secretary will attend to the matter right

away," Mr. Brown said.

What's the matter? Что случилось?

What's the matter with Peter?

He hasn't come yet.

It doesn't matter Это не имеет значения; это

не существенно; ничего, не­важно

"I'm afraid I can't finish the letter today."

"It doesn't matter. It is to be sent tomorrow." in detail подробно, детально, обстоя-


Now let's discuss the delivery terms in detail.

Supplementary List

display n выставка, показ

an enquiry desk справочное бюро

open-air grounds открытая площадка

show-room n демонстрационный зал

You are welcome! добро пожаловать


I. Sayi'rom what verbs these nouns are:

development, achievement, advertisement, establishment, exhibition, instruction, collection, impression, visitor, inspector, interpreter, exporter.

П. What are the English equivalents for (see the text):

1. Как в нашей стране, так и за границей. 2. Наши выставки пользуются большим успехом у публики. 3. Они были заинтересо­ваны в том, чтобы внедрить свои товары на новые рынки. 4. В немецком павильоне было выставлено свыше семи тысяч экспо­натов. 5. Более тысячи фирм принимает участие в выставке. 6. Все экспонаты продаются. 7. Выставка произвела огромное впечатление на посетителей. 8. Скажем, в 11 часов утра.

Ш. Paraphrase or explain (see the text): a) paraphrase the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. Russia stands for the development of trade. 2. Foreign visitors are interested in our way of life in general. 3. These fairs and

exhibitions do a lot to promote trade. 4. One of the biggest international exhibitions was held in Moscow. 5. Over 7,000 exhibits could be seen on display. 6. They showed the progress that our chemical industry and science had made for the last few years. 7. The exhibition was crowded with visitors from opening to closing time. 8. It was visited by a lot of businessmen as well. 9. You've just started producing it, haven't you? 10. All the exhibits that are on display in our pavilion are for sale. 11. That suits me all right.

b) explain the meaning of the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. Our fairs and exhibitions are very popular with the people abroad and each of them is called an "eye-opener". 2. Foreign firms were interested in introducing their goods to new markets. 3. The efficient staff of stand-attend­ants, guides and interpreters did their best to make the exhibition a success. 4. The entries in the visitors' books show that the visitors were very much impressed by the exhibition. 5. We are doing good business in chemical goods now.

IV. Insert one of these word combinations to be a success or to make progress in the correct tense-form:

1. The boy ... in English for the last six months. Now he can read English books. 2.1 have seen a new film lately. I don't think it ... . It's not interesting. 3. Ulanova ... in all the performances. 4. Our science ... for the last few years. 5. "If you work much at your English you will easily said the teacher. 6. When the Bolshoi Theatre was abroad it ....

V. Use the conjunction both ... and in these sentences:}

Modjel: 1. Peter and John like skating. Both Peter and John like skating. 2. He was interested in English and French. He was interested both in English and French.

1. International fairs and exhibitions are held in our country and abroad. 2. The stand-attendants and guides did a lot to advertise the new achieve­ments of our science and industry. 3*Visitorstothe exhibition were inter­ested in the exhibits and the life of our people in general. 4. Peter and

Ann were very much impressed by the new performance. 5. The firm sent letters to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry for Foreign Trade.

VI. Make-up sentences according to the given models:

1. Both my son and my daughter have made great progress in then-studies. 2. He was interested both in Model BC-75 and Model BC-73.

VII. Answer these questions:

1. There are flights to London daily, aren't there? 2. You are not going shopping, are you? 3. These shoes are for summer wear, aren't they? 4. There isn't always accommodation, available at hotels, is there? 6. He has tried on the shoes, hasn't he? 7. You will be sent on business one of these days, won't you? 8. New York is one of the main industrial cities in the U.S.A., isn't it?

VIII. Add tail-questions to the sentences and answer them:

1. The students have made good progress in their English for the last three months. 2. He does not know the matter in detail. 3. The train will not be crowded now. 4. That was the main problem. 5. We shall have no inter­ preter. 6. Bobrotf is an efficient worker. 7. They are advertising the new model. 8. You hive, seen the advertisement. 9. He has seen the machine- tool in operation. 10. They have contacted the Chamber of Com­ merce.

IX. Filljin prepositions or adverbs:

1. Are you going to take part... the talks which are to be held the day after tomorrow? 2. We shall discuss all these points after they see the equip­ment ... operation. 3. We stand ... cooperation (сотрудничество) ... all countries. 4. In 1957 the Russian word "sputnik" was introduced ... many languages. 5. The museum was crowded ... visitors, therefore it was rather difficult to come up ... some of the exhibits that were ... display. 6. Mar­shals books are very popular ... children, aren't they? 7. The professor said, "Petrov's work made a very good impression ... me, I'd like you to read it too." 8. Have you read ... our latest achievements ... the field ... biology? $>.1 wonder if the shoes which are exhibited ... the shop window arey... sale. 10. When are you going to discuss the new plan ... detail? 11. Let's go for a walk ... the fields. 12. The Leipzig Fair which is held . Leipzig twice a year, ... autumn and ... spring is very popular ... busi­nessmen ... different countries. They come ... the fair as they are interest^ ed . . introducing their goods ... new markets.

Russia always takes part ... the fair. Our country is interested ... doing business ... as many countries as possible.

X. Say in what situations these words and word'combinations are used in the text:

therefore, be popular with, agriculture, our way of life, as we

know, on display, to make the exhibition a success, as well, to make prog­ress, exhibits, in operation, the matter, in detail, say 11 o'clock.

XI.^Paraphrase these sentences using the active vocabulary:

1. What do you think of the pictures that are shown in the Manezh Exhi­ bition Hall now? 2. Thpse cars are/made at our plant. 3. Our trade representatives in Grea^ Britain did their best to develop trade between the two countries. 4. Best of all we liked his last picture. 5. The exhibition will be arranged in Sokolniki park. 6. Can any of the goods which are on display be bought? 7. We expect to get a discount of more than 3 per cent. 8. Smok- tunovsky is a great success with many theatre-goers. 9. Foreign stu-

dents asked Boris Stepanov, a Russian student, a lot of questions, as they wanted to know how Russian people lived. 10. In summer there are a lot of people in the trains as a lot of Moscovites live in the country. 11. "I'm sorry, I've forgotten to bring the book." — "Oh, it's nothing/'

XII. Translate these sentences into[Englisfa paying attention to the words and word combi­nations given ii bold type:

1. Россия стоит за развитие торговли со всеми стра­ нами мира. Торговля помогает установлению дружеских (friendly) отношений между странами и способствует укреплению мира. 2. За последние годы Индия достигла больших успехов в различных отраслях национальной экономики. Россия много делает

для того, чтобы помочь Индии развить свою национальную про­мышленность. 3. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы подробно рассказали мне об основных вопросах, которые обсуждались на конференции (conference). 4. Несколько дней назад в Москве начались торговые переговоры между компанией «Союзэкспорт» и представителя­ми фирмы «Домби и'Ко». Они продлятся (будут проходить) не­сколько дней. Обе стороны (parties) заинтересованы в установлении деловых отношений и делают все возможное, чтобы переговоры прошли успешно. Стороны надеются достичь хороших результа­тов. Они считают, что будет подписан контракт, выгодный (profi­table) для обеих сторон. 5. Кремль всегда производит большое впечатление на иностранцев, не так ли? 6. Были ли выставлены ваши новые модели на Лейпцигской ярмарке этой весной? 7. ЭКСПО--67 проходила с апреля по октябрь 1967 года, ^не так ли? 8. Ива­нов — один из наиболее энергичных и опытных инженеров объеди­нения, поэтому он часто принимает участие в переговорах.

ХП. Make up sentences using the given words and word combinations. Use the Passive Voice where it is possible.

to advertise, industrial, agriculture, national economy, to exhibit, therefore, to makesmth. a success, in detail, as we know, in general, as well efficient, international, main.


  • Retell the text.

  • Reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech.

XV. Answer these questions and sum up the answers:

  • Have you ever worked at an exhibition abroad? When and where was it held? You were a stand-attendant, weren't you? What exhibits were on display in the show-room? You had a lot of leaflets to advertise your goods, didn't you?

  • You are going to have business talks to-day, aren't you? What prob­lems are to be discussed? What's the main problem? Will it take you long to settle it?

  • When were you at the theatre last? What was on? Were you impressed by the performance? Which of the]actors made a great impression on you?

XVI. Which phrases out of those given at the end of the exercise you would use in answer to these questions:

1. Could you tell me what accommodation you would like to have? 2. When is the train for Liverpool due? 3. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please? 4. When is breakfast served here? 5. Will Friday in the afternoon suit you? 6. Could I have an extra blanket? 7. What's the charge? 8. I'm sorry, I haven't told him about the meeting. Could you do it? 9. How do you like the room?

(It doesn't matter, I'll tell him myself. It suits me all right. I'm sorry, I have an appointment. He isn't available at the moment. I'll attend to it, sir. From seven-thirty to ten. At eight-fifteen in the morning. Three pounds a nhzhi:. A double room with a private bath.)

XVII. Give extensive answers to these questions:

1. What is Russia doing to establish contacts with other countries? 2. Are foreign firms interested in exhibitions which are held in Russia ? Why ? 3. Why are our exhibitions so popular abroad ? 4. Why do a lot of firms take part in international fairs and exhibitions? 5. Are all firms interested in introducing their goods to new markets? Why? 6. Why is it necessary to advertise goods? 7. What information can you get from adver­tisements? 8. What do our trade organizations do to advertise their goods? 9. Why is it necessary to have an efficient staff of stand-attendants, guides and interpreters at exhibitions? 10. What can you tell us about the Leipzig Fair? 11. In what way does foreign trade help our country develop the na­tional economy?

XVIII. Read and reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech.


Telephone Operator: 249 1305.

Stepanov: 7A9 1305? May I have Extension 265, please?


Operator: Engaged. Will you hold on?

Stepanov: Well, yes, if it doesn't take too long.


Operator: Are you there? I'm putting you through now.

Stepanov: Thank you.

Secretary: Extension 265.

Stepanov: May I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

Secretary: I'm afraid Mr. Brown is away at present. This is his secretary speaking. Can I help you?

Stepanov: Yes, please. My name is Stepanov. I should like to make an appointment to see Mr. Brown. I believe Mr. Jones wrote to Mr. Brown about me.

Secretary: Oh, yes, Mr. Stepanov, that's right. Mr. Brown wants to meet you very much. When would you like to come?

Stepanov: Well, as soon as possible. When is Mr. Brown coming back? I'm going to Leeds at the beginning of next month, and I should like to see him before I go.

Secretary: Oh, he's away only for a few days. He is coming back on Mon­day. I'll just get his diary. Can you come next Tuesday, Sep­tember 22nd?

Stepanov: In the morning or in the afternoon?

Secretary: The afternoon, about half past three.

Stepanov: Yes, half past three suits me very well. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

(it is) engaged [m'geid3d] — занято; extension 265 [iks'tenjsn] — добавочный 265; he is away—его нетв Лондоне; diary ['daiori] л — записная книжка-календарь; at the beginning of next month [bi'gmirj]—'в начале следующего месяца

XIX. Read and retell the story. Answer the questions given below:

Once the English poet Samuel Coleridge was walking along a village street. The postman was delivering letters at that time. When the postman came up to the door of a small house a young girl came out. "Here is a letter for you. I believe it's from your brother," said the postman. The girl took the letter and looked unhappy. Coleridge came up to them and asked: "What's the matter?" "I've got no money," said the girl and returned the letter to the postman. Coleridge felt sorry for the girl. He paid the postage and gave the letter to her.

When the postman had gone the girl thanked Coleridge but told him she was sorry he had paid the postage because there was nothing written in the letter. She told Coleridge that her brother had gone to work in London. Before he left, they had agreed that as they had no money to pay for the postage, he would send an envelope with nothing in it. She was to return the envelope to the postman. If the envelope arrived regularly, she would know that her brother was all right.

Coleridge was greatly impressed by the story. He told it to his friend who worked in the Post Office. His friend thought it would help many people if the charge for postage could be reduced. He thought it would be good to introduce stamps. A few years later the government agreed to his idea.

Samuel Coleridge['saemjual'koulnds] —С. Колридж, английский поэт (1772—1834); poet ['point] — поэт; postman ['poustmsn]—почтальон; postage ['poustidd—eroHMOCTb почтового отправления; to feel sorry for smb.— жалеть кого-л., to agree [э'дгЬ] — договориться; to agree to smth. — согласиться на что-л.; envelope ['enviloup] — конверт


1. What was Samuel Coleridge ? Z Why did Coleridge decide to help the girl? 3. Why did the girl say she was sorry Coleridge had paid the postage?

  • Who was to pay the postage in those days: the receiver or the sender?

  • What did Coleridge advise his friend to do?

XX. Make up short stories or dialogues using these words and word combinations:

1. The exhibition I worked at

to be held, international, to be on display, to impress, guide, stand-attendant, to make the exhibition a success, to be a success

2. An invitation to visit an exhibition

to invite, to be arranged, the Chamber of Commerce, to be crowded, agri­culture, to make progress, field, to be popular, therefore

3. Exhibition is an "eye-opener"

to be held, to exhibit, achievement, development, to produce, the way of life, to be impressed, in general, as well, to stand for

XXI. Make up dialogues based on these assignments:

  • At the exhibition of British agricultural machinery you (a represen­tative of Sojuzimport) got interested in a new model of tractor which was on display in the British pavilion. You saw the machine in operation and decided that itjwould meet the requirements of your clients. Contact the firm and ask them to make you an offer. Discuss the problem of a discount.

  • Not long ago your friend worked at an exhibition which was held in a foreign country. Ask him about his work there and about the business con­tacts which were established there.

  • One of your friends has been on business to London and has just come back. He signed a contract there. Ask him questions about his stay in Lon­don and the business talks he had there.

XXII. Speak on the topics:

I. A visit to a foreign exhibition in Moscow. 2. A Russian exhibition abroad.

IV. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Новая модель «Волги», выпускаемая Горьковским заводом, пользуется большим спросом на рынке. 2. Предложенные фирмой образцы не отвечают нашим требованиям. 3. Цена на оборудова­ние, названная вашими конкурентами, примерно на 5% ниже вашей цены. 4. Мы обещали фирме досрочно отгрузить заказанное ими оборудование. 5. Скажите Петрову, чтобы он внимательно изучил документы, приложенные к этому письму. 6. Условия поставки, предложенные Вами в Вашем письме от 5 мая, неприемлемы для нас. 7. Фирма сообщает, что поставки, запланированные ими на май месяц, начнутся с опозданием.

V. Make up sentences using the ghco tables:

1. He is visiting London next week. They are the museum next Thursday.

We a friend of mine one of these days.

the Tretyakov Picture tomorrow.

Gallery next Tuesday, a new factory

2. What is a friend of yours doing tomorrow?

are his children on Sunday?

your sister's husband tonight?

his friends the day after tomor-


VI. Translate these sentences into English using the Present Continuous Tense:

1. «Где вы встречаетесь с ним?» — «Около метро «Смолен­ская» в семь часов вечера». 2. Мы собираемся навестить своих ле­нинградских друзей на следующей неделе. 3. Я слышал, что экспер­ты заканчивают работу в следующий четверг. 4. Вы знаете, что Анна танцует в «Жизели» завтра вечером? 5. У них будет собрание сегодня вечером. (Они проводят...). 6. Петр уезжает на Кавказ через несколько дней. 7. Они приглашают еще пять человек. 8. «Он работает в субботу?» — «Да. У него выходной день в воскресенье и понедельник». 9. Их поезд прибывает в девять часов вечера. 10. У вас завтра будет урок французского языка? 11. «Когда вы посы­лаете им ответ?» — «Я думаю через день — два».


Before taking up the text read these words and word combinations:

a) 'journal, 'excellent, 'purchase, re'liable, re'quest, su'perior, in'ferior, com'petitor, /diaracte'ristics, ^ublic'ations, ,specifi'cations

b) in the journal the advertisement we are interested

sit down the above machine an engineer of our de-

your lowest price in view of the above partment

w w they are in great de-




The latest model of cutter1 prpduced by Messrs. Smith and Co. was advertised in the journal "Industry" of August, 19 .... The advertisement said that the machine tool had excellent working characteristics and was reliable in operation. Sojuzimport hoped that the advertised machine-

tools were superior to those offered by other firms2 and they immediately sent the following enquiry to Messrs.3 Smith and Co.

Moscow, September 21, 19 ...

Messrs. Smith and Co., London

Dear Sirs,

We are interested in Cutter Model GH-66 advertised by you in the latest issue of the "Industry".

We shall be obliged if you will send us a tender for the above Machine-Tool. Please quote your lowest price and state the time of delivery and the most favourable terms of payment. The price for the Machine-Tool is to be quoted f.o.b. English port.

We also request you to send us specifications and all your publications.

We should also like to inform you that Mr. Sokolov, an engineer of our department, is visiting the London Industrial exhibition next month and will get in touch with your firm to start talks for the purchase of the Machine-Tool required by us.

We are looking forward to your early reply,4

Yours faithfully,

- V


Sokolov: We've carefully studied all the technical data we got from you. Model GH-66 is just what we need.

Black: I'm pleased to hear it.

Sokolov: But I'm sorry to say that your price seems too high.

Black: I'm afraid I can't agree with you here. Our price is quite reason­able if you consider the superior quality of our machine-tools. Besides prices for this type of equipment are going up. These machine-tools, as you know, are in great demand now.

Sokolov: Yes, we know that. We're in close touch with the world market.

But your competitors quote lower prices. Black: I'm afraid we can't reduce the price. However, we could grant

you a discount, if you order more than 10 machine-tools. Sokolov: What discount could you give us? Black: About 3 per cent. Sokolov: I see. Now, could I see the machine-tool in operation at your

factory? Black: That can be easily arranged. Ill see to it. Sokolov: Thank you. As to the price I think we'll settle it after we have

seen the machine-tool in operation.


1. The latest model of cutter. В данном сочетании перед названием оборудования артикль не употребляется.

2. Sojuzimport hoped that the advertised machine-tools were superior to those offered by other firms.

Чтобы избежать повторения существительного (machine-tools), упомянутого в начале предложения, употребляются местоимения that (those).

Your prices are higher than those of your competitors.

The quality of our goods is superior to that of the goods offered by other firms.

3. Messrs. ['mesaz] является сокращением от Messieurs (француз­ ское «господа»). Messrs. употребляется перед названием фирмы, в которое входят имена собственные. В настоящее время, однако, имеется тенденция опускать его.

Stockley & Co. Ltd.

London, S.W.

4. We are looking forward to your early reply. —Мы надеемся, что скоро получим от вас ответ.


journal['(1зэ:пэ1] п журнал (специализирован-

ного типа) Could you recommend any journals on agri­culture?


The "Export Trade", the "Industry", the "Chemical Engineering Industry" are journals. The "Look" is a magazine, machine-tool n станок

excellent ['ekssbnt] adj отличный, превосходный

excellent man book journal

working characteristics Lkaerakts'nstiks] рабочие характеристике

What are the working characteristics of this

machine-tool ? reliable (n'hmblj adj надежный, прочный

We've been doing business with them for a Jong

time, and we know that the firm is a reliable

one. superior [sju/piaria] adj лучший, хороший

be of superior quality быть высокого качества

This equipment is of superior quality.

be superior to быть выше, лучше (по качеству)

чем ...

The quality of Model B-70 is superior to that of

Model B-65.

ant. inferior [in'fiano] adj . худший, плохой

be of inferior quality быть низкого качества

This model is of inferior quality, they say.

be inferior to быть ниже, хуже (по качест-

ву) чем...

The quality of the goods is inferior to that of the

sample, issue ['isju:] n номер (газеты, журнал*)

Have you seen the latest issue of the "Econ­ omist"? There is an interesting article there. be obliged [e'blaidsd] быть благодарным, признатель-


We shall be obliged if you will send us your

catalogues. tender n предложение (как правило на

машины и оборудование)

syn. offer, quotation <he above [эЪлу] вышеупомянутый

the above letter

equipment goods order contract, etc.

We are interested in machine-tools G-21, H-23,

GH-26 as the above machines have excellent

working characteristics.

in view ofibe above [vju:] ввиду вышеизложенного

In view of the above we cannot reduce the

price. state v указывать, сообщать

In their letter of the 2nd March they stated

their terms of payment and delivery dates.

We have to state that the quality of the goods

delivered by you is not in accordance with the


as slated above как указано выше

As stated above the preliminary tests are to be

made in two days. request smb. [n'kwest] v просить кого-либо

We request you to quote your c.i.f. prices.

syn. ask

request n просьба

meet one's request удовлетворить чыо-л. просьбу

We are sorry we cannot meet your request as we do not produce this model any longer.

at one's request по чьей-л. просьбе

At the firm's request the goods will be shipped

a little later. specification [,spesifi'keiln] n спецификация

I believe you have already studied our specifi­ cation of the machine-tool, publications LpAbli'keiJnz] n pi зд. вся литература (по опре-

деленному вопросу) get in touch [MJ] with smb. связаться с кем-л.

Will you get in touch with Mr. Smith and make

an appointment for Friday please.

be in touch with smb. быть в контакте с кем-л.

agree [a'grfc] у соглашаться

agree with соглашаться с кем-л., разде-

лять чье-л. мнение

I believe everyone agrees with you (with your


agree to соглашаться на что-л. (при-

нять чей-л. план, условие и т. д.)

We can't agree to your price, it is too high. consider [ksn'sida] v принять в расчет, во внимание

Your discount is not much if you consider the

fact that we are going to order thirty machine- tools. type я тип, вид

go up v подниматься, расти (о ценах)

Prices for this type of equipment are going up

now. go down v падать, понижаться (о ценах)

Prices for machine-tools B-22 will go down as

they are not in demand on the world market. close [klous] adj тесный, близкий

close J relations I friend j contact

I believe you know that there are close relations

between our firms.

I believe you're in close touch with Brown &

Co. grant [grant] v " предоставлять, давать

We shall grant you a discount if you order

more than twenty machine-tools.

syn. give

grant one's request удовлетворить чью-л. просьбу

syn. meet one's request as to prep что касается

As to the prices we find them quite reasonable. syn. as regards

Written Speech Patterns Used in Business Language

  • as stated above ... - как указывалось выше...

  • in view of the above ... - ввиду вышеизложенного ...

  • we are pleased to offer you as - имеем удовольствие предло-follows: ... жить вам следующее...

  • the advertisement said ... - в рекламе говорилось...


1. a) Say from what verbs these nouns are;

production, exhibition, operation, quotation, information, accommo­dation, addition, department, advertisement, appointment, arrangement, equipment, requirement, shipment

b) Give the nouns corresponding to these verbs:

to reply, to purchase, to request, to visit, to dance, to stage, to wonder, to wish

I. What are the English equivalents for (see the text):

1. Последняя модель режущего станка, изготовленная фирмой >шт и Ко., ... 2. Машина надежна в эксплуатации. 3. Мы будем очень признательны вам, если вы вышлете нам предложение ... 4. Господин Соколов приедет в Лондон на промышленную выставку в следующем месяце ... 5. Он свяжется с вашей фирмой ... б. На­деемся получить от вас ответ в ближайшем будущем. 7. Модель ДН-бб — это как раз то, что нам нужно. 8. Очень рад слышать это. 9. Цены на этот вид оборудования повышаются (растут).

Ш. Paraphrase or explain (see the text):

a) paraphrase the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. The advertised machine-tools were superior to those offered by other firms. 2. They immediately sent the following enquiry to Smith & Co. 3. We also request you to send us specifications and all other publications. 4. Mr. Sokolov is visiting the London Industrial exhibition next month. 5. He will get in touch with your firm. 6. We are looking forward to your early reply. 7. We've carefully studied all the technical data we got from you. 8. We could grant you a discount.

b) explain the meaning of the words and word combinations given in bold type:

  • We also request you to send us all your publications.

  • We're in close touch with the world market.

IV. Add tail-questions to these sentences and answer them:

1. You've read the advertisement in the latest issue of the journal.

2. The delivered goods were of inferior quality. 3. We cannot agree to the terms of payment stated in their offer. 4. The machine-tool is reliable in operation. 5. The specification wasn't enclosed with their order. 6. They will grant us a discount if we increase the order. 7. The delivery dates were changed at their request. 8. He's got in touch with Mr. Camp.

v*. Fill in prepositions and adverbs:

1. We request you to get ... touch ... Mr. Smith concerning the Purchase ... the above machine-tools. 2. The second lot ... the goods

received ... us yesterday is ... inferior quality. 3. The quality ... the wheat (пшеница) shipped ... Contract No. 21/182 is inferior ... that ... the samples ... the basis ... which the contract was concluded. 4. We are interested ... machine-tool L-5 as machine-tools ... this type are reliable ... operation. 5. Prices ... chemical equipment are going ... as it is ... demand ... the world market. 6. We shall be able to get the necessary in­formation concerning the latest model ... this machine-tool as we are ... close touch ... the firm who are producing it. 7. We cannot agree ... your price as the world prices ... this type of equipment are going ... 8.1 am sorry but I cannot agree ... your point of view (точка зрения) on this problem. 9. ... view ... the above we shall not be able to grant your request. 10. ... our request the firm remedied the defects ... the machine tools delivered ... Contract No. 15/193.

VI. Fill in articles or possessive pronouns where necessary:

1. We find ... quality of ... delivered goods inferior to that of ... samples on ... basis of which ... contract was concluded. 2. We have just received ... latest issue of .. • journal "Chemical Engineering". There are ... few interesting articles in it. 3. We have sent ... specifications and publications required by you by ... mail. 4. We are sending ... latest catalogues and price-lists to Brown & Co. at ... request.

Dear Sirs,

We are interested in ... Turbines (турбины) advertised by you in ... "Industry" of ... 1st April. We shall be obliged if you will send us all ... information concerning ... above model. We also request you to quote ... lowest price,. ... most favourable terms of ... payment and to state ... shortest possible time of ... delivery. We wish to know as well if you grant ... discount to ... buyers who purchase more than 3 Turbines.

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for ... enquiry of .... 23rd March for ... Turbines Model AB-66. We are enclosing our catalogue which gives all particulars concerning ... model required by you. ... price of ... Turbine is ... c.i.f. Manchester. Payment is to be made by ... Letter of Credit which you are to open with ... Bank for Foreign Trade . We can ship . •.

Turbines from Murmansk in May-April this year. We are prepared to grant you ... four per cent, discount if you order more than three Turbines. All ... other terms are stated on ... enclosed form of ... contract.

VII. Say in what situations these words and word combinations are used in the text:

excellent, superior, state, request, consider, go up, in close touch, grant a discount, as to.

Vni. Paraphrase the words and word combinations given in bold type; use [the active vo­cabulary: 1. Our equipment is of high quality. 2. The quality of this boiler is

higher than that of the previous model. 3. We shall be very much obliged

if you will contact the firm. 4. I'm afraid we cannot accept your price. 5. The world prices for these goods are increasing. 6. I'm sorry we can't give you a twenty per cent discount. 7. We ask you to send us samples of oil (нефть) as soon as possible as we are interested in buying it. 8. As regards the Letter of Credit it will be opened next week.

IX. Complete these sentences:

1. We shall be obliged if ... 2. You'll be satisfied with the quality of the machine as ... 3. The machine advertised in the journal "Electric Motor" has ... 4. In view of the above we cannot ... 5. Please get in touch with the firm and find out.. .7. We request you to send us ... 8. The firm stated in their letter that ... 9. As stated above we can't agree to your terms ... 10. Our representative is leaving Moscow this week ... 11. If you consider the high quality ...

X. Make up sentences according to these models, use the verbs given in brackets:

  • They have already examined the samples sent by the firm, (to adver­tise, to state, to request, to require, to purchase)

  • All the points discussed during the talks have been settled, (to con­sider* to grant, to quote, to enclose, to conclude)

XI. Translate these sentences paying attention to the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. «Что вы сейчас делаете?» — «Я просматриваю спецификации, полученные со вчерашней почтой». 2. В настоящее время цены на мировом рынке на этот тип станков падают, так как они не пользу­ются большим спросом. 3. К сожалению, мы должны заявить, что качество поставленного вами товара ниже качества образца, на основании которого был заключен контракт. 4. Мы будем призна­тельны, если Вы сообщите нам название и адрес организации, являющейся экспортером товара, который нас интересует. 5. Цены на товар, предложенный фирмой, выше цен, указанных другими фирмами, б. Вы будете удовлетворены качеством наших машин, так как они имеют отличные рабочие характеристики и надежные эксплуатации. 7. Я не могу согласиться с Вами, что цены на этот тип оборудования будут расти. 8. Мы заинтересованы в за­купке станков высшего качества. 9. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы связались с этой фирмой сами и выяснили, когда их представитель приез­жает в Москву. 10. В вышеупомянутом письме Вы указали, что постараетесь сделать все возможное, чтобы доставить машины, заказанные нами по контракту от 25 января 19 ..., без задержки. По просьбе господина Брауна мы встречаемся завтра в пять часов дня.


Мы внимательно рассмотрели Ваше предложение и хотели бы сообщить Вам следующее: Нас удовлетворяют технические данные

и рабочие характеристики предложенных Вами станков, но мы не

можем принять указанную Вами цену, так как она гораздо выше цен Ваших конкурентов. Мы могли бы разместить у Вас заказ, если Вы согласитесь снизить Вашу цену на 10%.

Надеемся получить Ваш ответ в ближайшем будущем.

XII. Make up sentences using these words and word combinations:

to be obliged, to grant a request, to be in close touch with, to be superior to, to go down, to grant a discount, as stated above, to get in touch with, as follows, in view of the above.


ХШ. Retell the text.

XIV. Reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech.

XV. Turn these indirect questions into direct ones, answer them and sum up the answers:

  • Ask A.: 1) the purchase of what machines his company is interested in; 2) if they have received any tenders for the machines of this type; 3) if the working characteristics of the offered machines meet their requirements; 4) what firm they are going to place their order with.

  • Ask B: 1) what goods they are exporting; 2) if the goods sold by them are of superior quality; 3) if they are in close touch with the market; 4) if the market situation is favourable for their goods. Why?

  • Ask C.: 1) if goods of inferior quality have ever been deliv­ered to their customers; 2) if buyers ever agree to accept goods of inferior quality; 3) on what condition they agree to accept them.

XVI. Say whether you agree or disagree with these statements. Give your reasons:

1. If you see a machine-tool in operation no specification is required.

2. You quote the most favourable terms of payment only to your regular buyers. 3. You do not study any instructions before you put the equipment bought by you into operation. 4. It is easier to sell goods than to buy them. 5. If the goods are in great demand on the world market prices for them go up.

XVII. Give extensive answers to these questions:

1. What information caa buyers find in advertisements? 2. In what case will you ask the firm to show you their machine-tools in operation?

3. What is a tender? What is usually stated in it? 4. In what case can prices of goods go up? 5. Why is it necessary for our companies to be in close touch with the world market?

XVUI. In what circumstances you would say:

1. What can I do for you? 2. See you soon! 3. Meet my friend, Mr. Bobrov. 4. Have a good time! 5. Not at all. 6. That suits me very well.

7. That's all right. 8. It was a real pleasure for me to do it. 9. Don't mention it. 10. It doesn't matter. 11. The pleasure is mine. 12. Would you mind re­peating it? 13. It's quite all right.

XIX. Read and discuss these letters:

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter of the 6th January and are pleased to in­form you that we are interested in the purchase of Chipboard that you offer. As this is our first transaction please,, send us a small sample so that we may see the quality, and if it meets our requirements we shall send you our enquiry. We find your price somewhat higher than that of your competitors. If you could reduce it-we would be very much obliged to you. As the above Chipboard is required by us as soon as possible we should also like to know when you could deliver it. We are looking forward to your early reply.

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for yourletterand are pleased to give you all the partic­ulars concerning the purchase of Chipboard from us. We are sending our samples by separate mail and hope their quality will meet your requirements. As to the price we cannot agree with you that it is high. We ask you to con­sider the fact that prices for these goods are going up on the world market. Our Chipboard :s also of superior quality. However as we hope to establish close business relations with you we could grant you a 5 per cent discount. The Chipboard can be delivered in May. All other terms are stated in our General Terms and Conditions. We hope that you will agree to them and send us your enquiry.

XX. Read and reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech:

A. I'm sorry to say I've got some bad news for you.

B. What is it? Anything wrong with the machines?

A. Yes, you're right. The point is we are not satisfied with the result of the test made at our. factory. -

B. May I see the Test Report?

A. Here it is. You ~ee the working characteristics are not so good as we expected. The capacity is somewhat lower than that stated in the specif­ ications.

B. I'm surprised to hear it. As you remember the preliminary tests at our factory showed excellent results. Are you quite sure that the tests at your factory were made in accordance with our instructions?

A. I think so, though I didn't take part in them myself.

B. Let's make another test in the presence of both your and our inspectors. A. All right. When could it be arranged? I'd like it to be done as soon as

possible. -B- We'll try and do our best to make the necessary arrangements this week. A. Fine.

*rong—неверный, неправильный; capacity—мощность; to be sure—быть уверен­ным; in the presence of—в присутствии

XXI. Render tills letter in English and discuss it. Pay attention to the words and word combinations given in bold type:

Уважаемые господа!

Мы внимательно рассмотрели Вашу просьбу о снижении нашей цены на 10%, но, к сожалению, мы не можем этого сделать. Как вы знаете, наши станки пользуются большим спросом на мировом рынке, так как они отвечают самым высоким мировым стандартам, имеют отличные рабочие показатели и надежны в эксплуатации! Кроме того, Вы, конечно, связаны с рынком и заметили, что цены на наши машины несколько возросли за последние три месяца. Что касается Вашей ссылки на цену наших конкурентов, то мы согласны, что она несколько ниже нашей, но Вы должны принять во внимание, что качество материала из которого сделаны их стан­ки, значительно ниже качества материала наших станков. Ввиду вышеизложенного мы не можем согласиться, что наши цены не­обоснованно высоки. Однако, если Вы пожелаете увеличить свой заказ до 15 машин, мы могли бы предоставить Вам 5% скидку. Надеемся получить Ваш ответ в ближайшем будущем.

С уважением»

сделать из чего-л. — to be made of; ссылка на что-л. - reference to

XXII. Finish these situations:

1. In the latest issue of the "Engineering" you read an advertisement about the latest model of the machine-tool you are interested in. The above advertisement said .... 2. The latest model of Compressor was advertised in a German journal. As Messrs. Brown and Co. were interested in buying compressors of this type .... 3. Mr. Smith has come to Moscow to discuss the price for compressors offered by Sojuzexport. As these compressors are in great demand on the world markets ..

XXIII. Make up situations or dialogues using these words and word combinations:

1. Impressions of a new model

to be satisfied with, excellent, working characteristics, reliable, to be of superior quality, to be favourably impressed, in operation, to be up to standard, to be in demand

2. The discussion of the price

to be interested, purchase, to quote high prices, to state, to go up, to be in close touch, to reduce, to be regular buyers, to agree, request, to increase the order

3. Granting a discount

to examine, to state, to find defects, inferior to the sample, to return, to reduce the price by 20%, to agree to, to accept

XXIV. Make up dialogues based on the following assignments:

1. You have read an advertisement concerning the goods you are in­terested in. Get in touch with the firm and ask them about all the particulars. 2. Ask the firm to make you an offer for the equipment you are interested in. 3. Discuss with the firm the quality of the samples as you are going to place an order on some of them.

XXV. Compose letters according to these assignments, use the patterns given in brackets.

  • Write a letter to the sellers and state that you have read their adver­tisement of the new model and you have got interested in it. You would like them to send you all particulars concerning the delivery dates and the discount, (the advertisement said, we shall be obliged if you will ..., as stated above, to be prepared, we are pleased to learn, to look forward to, reply)

  • Compose a letter to your regular Buyers and inform them that you have started producing a new model of ..., give its characteristics, (to wish to inform, to be pleased to offer as follows, we shall be glad if you will ..., yours faithfully)

XXVI. Read and retell these stories. Answer the questions given below.


A rich businessman was dying. He asked all his family to leave him alone with his partner who had been in the same business with him for years. The rich man considered him a reliable partner and an excellent man. The dying man wanted to tell him something important and he did not want anybody to hear their conversation. "George," the man said when they were left alone. "I'm dying.... I must tell you. Listen, please. I've always been bad to you. When you were away on business two years ago, I took a big sum of money from the safe and never put it back. I've always tried not to let you be a success in business. I've greatly disliked you all my life. You, certainly, remember that plan of yours. I did my best to fail it. You thought that the changes in business had caused its failure, but it wasn't so. The real reason was quite different. I had sold your secret to another company for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Oh, George, forgive me, please." "Don't worry, Jim," said George, "That's all right. I've also got to tell you some­thing. I was not so reliable as you thought I was. It was I who put poison into your soup at dinner yesterday."

to die — умирать; to fail — проваливать; failure ['feilpj — неудача, провал; to forgive (forgave, forgiven) — простить; poison — яд; sum — сумма


1. Can you call the partners "friends"? Why not? 2. Why did they dis­like each other? 3. Why couldn't they become close friends?


Joe and Delia both loved art. Joe came to New York to study paint­ing. Delia left the little town she was born in for New York to study music. Joe and Delia met at the friend's studio. In the evening the studio was always crowded with young artists who were fond of talking about painting, theatre and music. Delia attracted Joe's attention the moment he saw her. They often met at the studio and soon got to know each other well. A year later they were married. They were very happy, they had their art and they had each other. But one day they found that they had no money. Delia said she had to give music lessons and she started looking for pupils. A few days later she came home very pleased with herself. "Joe, dear," she said. "I have found a pupil. She is the only daughter of a famous architect. I'm to give her three lessons a week. The family is rich, they'll pay me five dollars a lesson!" However Joe was not happy about that. He did not want his wife to work, he wanted her to study and be a famous pianist.

A week later Delia brought home fifteen dollars. To her surprise Joe put four five dollar bills on the table too. "I've sold one of my paintings to a gentleman from the country," he said, "and he asked me to paint another picture for him."

Every morning Joe went to Central Park to paint his pictures and came back only in the evening. One Saturday evening Joe came home before Delia. Delia was late. When she appeared her right hand was bandaged and she looked very tired. "What's the matter?" — asked Joe. "The architects's daughter invited me to dinner after her lesson and she spilled some hot sauce on my hand. She was very sorry about that. Oh, Joe, did you sell another picture?" she asked when she saw the money on the table. "I did. And I'm going to sell some more next week," Joe added. "At what time did you burn your hand, Delia?" "About five. The iron ... I mean the sauce was ready about five. Why ?" "Darling," Joe took her hands in his, "where are you work­ing? Tell me!" And she told him the truth.

Delia could not find any pupils and as she very much wanted Joe to study painting she had to work in a laundry. Delia pressed shirts there. "How did you know I wasn't giving music lessons?" she asked. "I sent up these bandages this afternoon for a girl who had burnt her hand with an iron. I'm working in the machine room of the same laundry."

(After O. Henry)

pianist ['pjaenist] — пианист; to bandage ['baendidsl — перевязывать; bandages — бинты; to spill — проливать; sause [sas] — coyc; to burn (burnt, burnt) — обжигать; iron [aisn] — утюг; I mean [mm] — я хочу сказать; darling—дорогая; to tell the truth [tnr.6] — сказать правду; laundry ['bsidri] — прачечная


1. Why did Delia start looking for a job? 2. Why was it difficult for Joe to sell his pictures and for Delia to find pupils? 3. Why did Joe not tell her the truth about his work in a laundry? 4. What do you think of their love for each other? 5. Do you think their life will change in future?

V. Ask and answer questions using the given model, use the verbs given below:

Model : Are they travelling in the Caucasus now? How long have they been travelling there? Нате they travelled a lot? When did they travel there? Were they travelling in the Caucasus when you met them? How long had they been travelling there before you met them? Had they travelled in the Crimea before they came to the Caucasus? Do they travel much? Are they travel­ling next summer?

(to paint, to consider, to dance, to hold a meeting, to play, to improve)

VI. Translate these sentences into English: ~

1. Все утро идет дождь. Боюсь, что мы не сможем поехать за го­род. 2. Последние три месяца цены на эти станки растут. 3. Уже несколько дней мы думаем (планируем) о том, как провести отпуск. 4. Зрители аплодировали до тех пор, пока ведущий актер не поя­вился на сцене. 5. Мы изучали предложение фирмы Смит и Ко. на станки несколько дней, прежде чем решили принять его. 6. Я по­лагаю, он может перевести эти спецификации. Он уже три года изучает французский язык.


Before taking up the text read these words and word combinations:

a) e'fficiency, world, in'cluding, irrevocable, re'eeipt, su'pplying, ,guaran'tee, 'period

  • studied the publications, found that Model B-3, at the price of, accept the terms, on the world market, in the middle of May, is that all right, as short as that, pleased to offer, concerning the Drilling Rigs, among the best, selling the machines

  • Cairo ['kawrou], Alexandria [aehg'zamdira]



Sojuzexport were recommended to El Nazr, Cairo as makers of Drilling Rigs of high efficiency. Experts of El Nazr studied the publications of Sojuzexport concerning the Drilling Rigs. They found that Model B-3, which the Russia had been producing for the last few years, was

among the best on the world market.

El Nazr sent an enquiry to Sojuzexport.

Here is the reply of Sojuzexport.

15th September, 19 ...

Messrs. El Nazr Cairo

Dear Sirs,

Re:1 Enquiry for Drilling Rigs

We thank you for your enquiry of 8th September this year concerning our Drilling Rig Model B-3. We are pleased to offer you 10 machines at the price of ... per unit c.i.f. Alexandria including packing. Payment is to be made against a Bill of Lading- an Invoice2 and a Works' Test Certificate2 by an irrevocable Letter of Credit.2 The Letter of Credit is to be opened in our favour with the Russian Vnesheconombank, Moscow, for the full value of the goods intended for shipment.

The machines can be dispatched within 6 months upon receipt of your formal order. We enclose a list of firms whom we have been supplying with our machines for the last few years.

Yours truly,3 Sojuzexport


Mulki: I've seen your Drilling Rig Model B-3 in operation.

Sokolov: And how did you find it?

Mulki: Oh, I am quite satisfied with its efficiency.

Sokolov: We thought you would be. We've been selling the machines for

the last few years and all our customers are satisfied with them. Mulki: The machine is certainly good. Now there are some points I'd

like to discuss. Can you make us an offer for shipment in April —

May? Sokolov: Yes, in how many lots would you like the machines to be shipped? Mulki: In two lots of 5 machines each. Sokolov: We could ship the first lot at the beginning of April and the second

in the middle of May. Is that all right? Mulki: Yes, that suits us very well. What's your guarantee period? Sokolov: 12 months from the date of putting the machines in operation and

not more than 15 months from the date of shipment. Mulki: We didn't expect it to be as short as that. We hoped to get at least

18 and 24 months respectively. Sokolov: I am afraid that goes against our usual practice.4 Mulki: Please try and see our point of view. This is our trial order and

we'd like to have a longer guarantee period. Sokolov: Well, if you insist, we can meet you half way5 and extend it to

15—18 months respectively.

Mulki: Thank you. Now we'd like you to specify payment terms. Sokolov: You are to open a Letter of Credit within 7 days after you receive

our notification of readiness. Mulki: Then I think, we can accept the terms. Sokolov: When will you be able to send us your formal order? Mulki: In about 10 or 12 days and I hope the order will lead to further

business between our firms. Sokolov: Yes, I hope so too.


1. Re: — касательно.

Представляет собой сокращение Латинского выражения in re — «по делу» и имеет значение «касательно», «относительно». Иногда вместо Re употребляется About или же это слово опускается совсем.

Re: Contract No. 18/239 About: Contract No. 18/239 Contract No. 18/239

  • В письмах названия документов пишутся с заглавной буквы. We have received an Invoice enclosed with your letter of December 2.

  • Yours truly — С уважением

syn. yours faithfully

Yours faithfully употребляется в основном, в английских письмах, тогда как в американских письмах употребляется Yours truly.

4. that goes against our usual practice.— это противоречит нашей практи-

ке; это идет вразрез с устано­вившейся у нас практикой.

"Could you extend your guarantee period to a year and a half?" — "I am afraid we shan't be able to. It goes against our usual practice."

5. to meet smb. halfway — пойти кому-л. навстречу (удов-

летворить просьбу частично) to meet smb.'s request — удовлетворить чью-л. просьбу


You insist on a 20 per cent discount. We consider it too high. We can meet you half way and grant you a 10 per cent discount (We cannot meet your request).


as adv в качестве

She worked as an interpreter at our exhibition in London.

maker n производитель, изготовитель

We have known the firm for many years as one

of the best makers of tractors Model HG. efficiency [l'fijensi] n производительность, коэффи-

циент полезного действия

These machines are in great demand, because

their efficiency is very high. Drilling Rig турбобур

unit ['ju:nit] л единица (товара и т. п.), штука

Our price is £ 100,00 per unit. include [in'klu:d] v включать, содержать в себе

The charge at the hotel usually includes break-

fast. packing л упаковка

The packing of the goods was not up to stand­ ard. bill of lading n коносамент

invoice л счет-фактура

works' test certificate [ss'tifikit] заводской сертификат испыта-


Who was the works' test certificate signed by? irrevocable letter of credit [l'revsksbl] безотзывный аккредитив

Payment is to be made by an irrevocable

L/C. in favour o/{feivs] в пользу кого-л., на чье-л.


open а L/C in favour of.,. открывать аккредитив на чье-л.

имя, в пользу кого-л.

The L/C is to be opened in favour of the

sellers. Ml adj полный

value fvseiju:] n стоимость

Payment is to be made by an irrevocable Letter

of Credit, which is to be opened for the full

value of the goods. intended for shipment [m'tendid] предназначенный к отгрузке

The goods intended for shipment have just been

inspected. dispatch [dis'paetj] v " отправлять

The goods can be dispatched within 3 weeks

after the contract is signed, dispatch n отправка

The dispatch of the goods has been delayed. receipt [ri'sfct] и получение

«угол receipt по получении

We shall dispatch the goods within 2 months

upon receipt of your order, formal order [Тэ:тэ1] оформленный заказ

Please let the firm know that we've received their

formal order. supply [sd'plai] v поставлять, снабжать

supply smb. with smth. поставлять кому-л. что-л.

We shall be pleased to supply you with any

further information on the model in the shortest

possible time. guarantee period [,gaeran't* 'pioriad] срок гарантии

Your guarantee jferiod seems very short. guarantee letter гарантийное письмо

A guarantee letter of a first-class British bank

is to be sent to us within five days of the date of

signing the contract. at the beginning of в начале

We shall go to the Caucasus at the beginning of


ant. at the end of in the middle </* в середине

The weather suddenly changed in the middle of


There was a table in the middle of the room. pat smth. into (in) operation вводить что-л. в эксплоатацию

Have the machines delivered under contract

No. 1045 been put into operation? at least [at 'IfcstJ adv по крайней мере, по меньшей


We hoped you would reduce your price by at

least 6 per cent. respectively [ns'pektivh] adv соответственно

We are interested in buying Machine-tools

Model H-5 and G-10. The prices are too high.

We hope that the firm will agree to reduce the

price by 3 and 4 per cent respectively, point of view точка зрения

I cannot agree with your point of view, trial order ['traial] пробный заказ

They hope that the prices will be the same as

under the trial order of last September. Insist [m'sist] v настаивать

insist ok smth. настаивать на чем-л.

What guarantee period do they insist on ? extend fiks'tend] v продлевать (срок)

extend by продлить на (какой-то срок)

extend to продлить до (какого-то срока)

They did not agree to extend the guarantee

period to twenty four months.

Сравните; increase by

reduce to specify f'spesifai] v точно определять, уточнять

We'd like you to specify the delivery dates. notification ^noutifi'keijbn] л извещение, уведомление

notification of readiness уведомление о готовности

товара к отгрузке

The firm is to send a steamer to the port as soon

as they receive our notification of readiness, lead [l*d] (led, led) v вести

lead to smth. вести, приводить к чему-л.

We believe that these talks will lead to a big


Written Speech Patterns Used in Business Language

  • Payment is to be made ... — Платеж производится ... Shipment is to be made ... — Отгрузка производится ... A Letter of Credit is to be — Аккредитив открывается ... opened ...

  • You are to open a Letter of— Вы открываете аккредитив на Credit in our favour (in наше имя (на имя Союз-Sojuzexport's favour). экспорта).

  • The Buyers are to open a Letter — Покупатель открывает аккреди-of Credit for 80 per cent of the тив на 80% стоимости контрак-value of the contract. (... for the та ( ... на полную стоимость full value of the contract). контракта).

  • The firm is to open a Letter of— Фирма открывает аккредитив Credit for 80 per cent of the на 80% стоимости товара, пред-value of the goods intended for назначенного к отгрузке, shipment.

  • We shall ship the goods upon — Мы отгрузим товар по получе-receipt of your instructions. нии ваших инструкций.

  • The firm needs the goods for — Фирме нужен товар с отгрузкой shipment in April (...for im- в апреле ( ...с немедленной mediate shipment). отгрузкой).

  • These terms go against our usual — Эти условия противоречат на-practice. шей практике.

  • Yours truly. — С уважением.

  • We shall deliver the machines — Мы поставим машины тремя in 3 lots of 5 machines each. партиями no 5 машин каждая.


I. Give nouns corresponding to these verbs and translate them into Russian:

to dispatch, to order, to supply, to value, to guarantee, to call, to act, to crowd, to dance, to exchange, to purchase, to touch, to book, to oner, to wish, to contact, to cook.

II. What are the English equivalents for (see the text):

1. Мы бы хотели обсудить некоторые вопросы. 2. Вас это устраи­вает? 3. Мы не ожидали, что срок гарантии будет таким коротким. 4. Это противоречит нашей практике. 5. Поймите и нашу точку зрения. 6. Мы можем пойти Вам навстречу.

Ш. Paraphrase the words and word combinations given in bold type (see the text):

1. Sojuzexport were recommended to El Nazr, Cairo as makers of

Drilling Rigs. 2. They found that Model B-3 was among the best on the world market. 3. We thank you for your enquiry of 8th September concerning our Drilling Rigs Model B-3. 4. The machines can be dispatched within six months. 5. We enclose a list of firms whom we have been supplying with our machines. 6.1 hope the order will lead to further business.

IV. Fill in prepositions or adverbs:

1. Our firms have been doing business ... 19... and we hope our busi­ness relations will lead ... more contracts ... future. 2. Mr. Brown said their firm had never granted a guarantee period ... twenty months before as it was ... their practice. He added, however, if we increased our order ... fifteen machine-tools they would agree ... a longer guarantee period. 3. They are to put the reactor ... operation .:. the end ... this month .. ■

accordance ... the contract. 4. "Do you know ... how many lots the goods are to be shipped?" — "... three lots ... ten machine-tools each." 5. "Did they agree to extend the guarantee period ... twenty four m^ntLs'i" — "No. They are prepared, however, to extend it ... three months." 6. "How long have you been supplying_them ... your machine-tools?" — "... five years. And they've always been satisfied ... their quality and efficiency." 7. "Do you still insist ... a longer guarantee period?" 8. I hope to have ... least two hours to prepare ... the lesson. 9. The Letter ... Credit is to be opened ... our favour ... the London Narodny Bank ... the full value ... the goods intended ... shipment ... seven days ... your receipt ... notifica­tion ... readiness.

V. Fill in articles or possessive pronouns where necessary:

Dear Sirs,

We are obliged for ... enquiry of ... 5th March concerning ... pur­chase of Cotton from us. We are pleased to offer you 6,000 tons of ... Cotton Grade A and 3,000 tons of ... Cotton Grade В at ... prices of £ ... and £ ... per ton respectively. ... price includes packing. ... goods can be delivered in two lots on c.i.f. terms.

We can dispatch ... first lot at ... beginning of June, and ... second in ... middle of September.

Payment is to be made against ... shipping documents by ... irrevo­ cable Letter of Credit. . -... Letter of Credit is to be opened in our favour with ... Vnesheconombank, Moscow, for 80 per cent of...

lot intended for ... shipment. ... remaining 20 per cent is to be paid within 3 weeks after ... last lot is delivered.

We enclose ... list of ... firms whom we have been supplying with ... Cotton for many years.

... samples have been sent to you by separate mail. We hope they will meet ... requirements and if you need any further information, please let us know.

Yours truly, Sojuzexport.

cotton -г- хлопок; grade — copTf ton — тонна

VI. Open the brackets using the verb in the correct form:

Smith and Co., Ltd. (to recommend) to us as makers of computers. We (to tell) that they (to produce) various types of these machines for a few years and all the firms who (to buy) computers from them (to be satis­fied) both with the design and the efficiency.

As we (to be going) to buy a few computers for our clients in Sverdlovsk we (to get in touch) with Smith and Co., Ltd. Soon we (to receive) all the publications concerning the machines produced by them.

At our request the firm (to make) us an offer for two models of com­puters: model AB-25 and model BC-20.

The machines (to offer) at the price of £ ... and £ ... per unit re­spectively. The prices (to quote) c.i.f. Russian port. Payment (to be to) (to

make) by an irrevocable Letter of Credit. The Letter of Credit (to be to) (to open) for the full value of the goods intended for shipment. With the letter the firm (to enclose) a list of firms to whom they (to deliver) their machines for the last two years. On the whole the offer (to look) good to us. But as we not (to do) any business with the firm before we (to request) them to extend their guarantee period to three or four months. We also (to ask) them to change the delivery dates.

In their reply the firm (to write) that they (to meet) us half way and (to extend) the guarantee period to twenty four months as it was our trial order. As to the delivery dates they (to promise) to dispatch the goods in the middle of August if they (to receive) our formal order within a fortnight.

computer — счетная машина; client ['klaiant] — клиент

VII. Say in what situation these words and word combinations are used in the text:

as, bill of lading, invoice, works' test certificate, upon receipt, formal order, at the beginning of, to put into operation, respectively, it goes against our practice, point of view, specify, notification of readiness.

VIII. Paraphrase these sentences using the active vocabulary:

1. What firms are producers of the new type of equipment? 2. We are obliged for the publications you sent us by separate mail. 3. What price do they quote for each machine? 4. In whose name is the Letter of Credit to be opened? 5. We sell our power equipment to some Indian firms and they are all pleased with it. 6. We shall give you all the necessary information on the new type of equipment.

IX. Open the brackets using the correct form of the participle:

  • a) The model of compressor (to advertise) by Brown and Co., Ltd. is quite new. b) The office of the firm (to advertise) his model is in Liver­pool.

  • a) We have offers from firms (to quote) much lower prices for these goods, b) We find the price (to quote) in your letter of the 5th May somewhat high.

  • a) The equipment (to export) from Germany

is usually of high quality, b) What is the name of the office (to export) power equipment?

  • a) The goods (to supply) under contract 73/14 are of inferior quality, b) The firm (to supply) this equipment is a very reliable one.

  • a) The first transaction (to conclude) between our firms will lead to further business, b) (to conclude) the transaction we knew that it would lead to further business.

X. Translate into English paying attention to die words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. Мы получили ваше письмо от 8 августа с приложенными к нему сертификатом заводского испытания» счетом-фактурой и

гарантийным письмом. 2. Мы хотели бы, чтобы вы уточнили некото­ рые пункты контракта. 3. Безотзывный аккредитив должен быть открыт в течение шести дней по получении вами нашего уведомле­ ния о готовности товара к отгрузке. 4. Фирма, поставившая нам эти станки в конце прошлого года и в начале этого года, сейчас выпускает другую модель. 5. Наша цена за машины ... за штуку. б. Уже более 30 лет фирма Ллойд и Ко. производит упаковку то­ варов, покупаемых Россией в Англии. 7. Они ожидали, что мы предоставим им, по крайней мере, 10% скидку, поскольку они имели с нами деловые отношения уже с 19 ... года. 8. Пред­ ставитель фирмы, изготовляющей данное оборудование, сказал, что они поставляют его многим покупателям уже несколько лет. 9. На прошлой неделе мы пустили в эксплоатацию станки, получен­ ные по контракту 81/321. 10. Вы уже просмотрели полученный вчера коносамент?

Уважаемые господа!

Кае. Вашего письма от 10 сентября 19 ... г.

Мы получили Ваше письмо от 10 сентября и сообщаем, что в настоящее время мы пересматриваем цены, указанные в нашем тендере от 1 сентября, и через несколько дней пришлем Вам новые котировки.

Что касается условий платежа, мы не сможем удовлетворить Вашу просьбу и вынуждены настаивать на условиях, указанных в нашем письме от 1 сентября. Вы должны открыть безотзывный аккредитив в нашу пользу во Внешэкономбанке на 90% стои-

мости товара, предназначенного к отгрузке, оставшиеся 10% дол­жны быть оплачены после истечения периода гарантии.

Поскольку это пробный заказ, мы можем пойти Вам навстречу и продлить срок гарантии до 24 месяцев.

Товар может быть поставлен в начале марта. Наша цена вклю­чает стоимость упаковки.

Мы надеемсяг что эти условия будут для Вас приемлемыми.

Ожидаем Вашего ответа.

С уважением,

•»• пересматривать — to reconsider; истечение — expiration


XI. Retell the text.

XII. Reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech. ХШ. A. Answer these questions and sum up the answers:

1. You are having business talks now, aren't you? How long have you been having them? What points have you already discussed? Have you

discussed the guarantee period? How long is it? Did you have to ask the firm to extend it?

2. What are your terms of payment? With what bank do your Buyers usually open a Letter of Credit? Do they open a Letter of Credit for the full value of the contract or for 80 per cent only? When are they to open a Letter of Credit: before they receive your notification of readiness or after it? Will you dispatch the goods if the firm hasn't vet opened a Letter of Credit? Why?

B. Turn these indirect questions into direct ones and sum up die answers:

Ask Comrade N. 1) if they have made a contract lately, 2) what goods they have sold, 3) on what terms of deliver)' and shipment they sold the goods, 4) if the guarantee period suited the Buyers.

Ask Comrade C. 1) if the machines they sold are of high efficiency, 2) how many countries they sell their machines to. 3) how Jong their guarantee period is, 4) whether they discuss the guarantee period each time they make a contract.

XIV. Give extensive answers to these questions:

1. What is a trial order? 2. What terms of payment does your office prefer? 3. When is a Letter of Credit usually opened? 4. Against what docu­ments is payment usually made? 5. What documents do we call shipping ones? 6. When are Buyers satisfied with the offered goods? 7. Does the price always include packing?

XV. Read and discuss these letters:

Dear Sirs,

We have learned your address from the company we deal with who have informed us that you are the sole exporters of Crude Oil from the Russia.

We are regular buyers of Crude Oil and write to enquire whether you could offer us Crude Oil for immediate shipment as well as for shipment at regular intervals this year.

We request you to send us samples of different grades of Crude Oil available for export from Russia stating your lowest prices and all the particulars concerning delivery dates and terms of payment.

Yours faithfully;

crude oil — нефть; grade — сорт; at regular intervals — через определенные проме­жутки времени

Dear Sirs,

About: Your Enquiry of March 22

We thank you for your enquiry of the 22nd March concerning Crude Oil and wish to inform you that our samples have been sent to you by sepa­rate mail.

We can offer you for immediate shipment, 6,000 tons of Crude Oil for sample A5 at the price of ... per ton c.i.f. London.

Payment is to be made in cash against shipping documents in London. You are to present a Guarantee Letter of a first class British Bank for the full value of the contract.

As regards Crude Oil for shipment at regular intervals during 19 ... we would request you to let us know the quantities and the time of shipment required by you and we shall be pleased to send you our quotations.

in cash — наличными; to present— представить

XVI. Read and reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech.

A. Can you supply us with machine-tools BH-68?

B. Certainly. When would you like them to be delivered?

A. We should like them to be delivered at the beginning of December.

B. I'm sorry to say we shan't be able to dispatch them until the middle of January. Will that suit you?

A. Well, I think it will have to, if you can't send them sooner. And what's your price?

B. It's £ ... per unit c.i.f. Liverpool including packing.

A. I'm afraid that's rather high, it's higher than the price of your competi­ tors.

B. But you should take into account the high efficiency of our machine- tools.

A. Certainly, but still I hope you'll reduce the price.

B. Well, probably, we can meet you half way, we'll grant you a discount for a confirmed irrevocable Letter of Credit.

A. Thank you.

B. You're to open a Letter of Credit in our favour for the full value of the goods intended for shipment with the Vnesheconombank.

A. All right, let's consider the matter settled. When will you be able to make us a formal offer?

B. In about three or four days. A. Fine, thank you.

take into account — принять во внимание; a confirmed Letter of Credit — подтверж­денный аккредитив

XVH. Render these letters in English and discuss them:

Уважаемые господа!

Кае. Вашего предложения от 15 марта

Благодарим Вас за Ваше предложение от 15 марта с. г. на шесть дизелей, модели ГН-64, и десять дизелей, модели ГН-75.

Мы внимательно изучили Ваше предложение. КПД дизелей пол­ностью отвечает нашим требованиям, цена и сроки поставки, ука­занные в Вашем предложении, также приемлемы для нас.

Что же касается сроков гарантии, они представляются нам не­приемлемыми, они слишком коротки.

Мы уже несколько лет покупаем дизели у английских фирм, и во всех случаях продавцы предоставляли нам более длительный срок гарантии как от даты пуска дизелей в эксплоатацию, так и от даты отгрузки товара.

Если бы Вы нашли возможным пойти нам навстречу и увели­чить срок гарантий на шесть и восемь месяцев соответственно, мы бы выслали обратной почтой наш оформленный заказ.

С уважением,

Diesel — дизель; by return — обратной почтой Уважаемые господа!

Ваше предложение от 20 апреля

Имеем удовольствие сообщить Вам, что мы рассмотрели Ваше предложение от 20 апреля и решили разместить у Вас пробный за­каз на пять станков модели МТ-52, КПД которых должен соот­ветствовать спецификации, по цене ... за штуку, сиф Ливерпуль, включая упаковку в деревянные ящики.

В Вашем предложении указано, что отгрузка может быть произ­ведена в августе-сентябре. Поскольку эти станки требуются нам срочно, мы просим Вас произвести отгрузку в конце июля.

Что касается платежа, то Ваши условия идут вразрез со сложив­шейся у нас практикой, мы никогда не открываем безотзывный ак­кредитив на полную стоимость контракта. Однако мы готовы пойти Вам навстречу и открыть аккредитив на полную стоимость стан­ков в течение 10 дней от даты получения Вашего уведомления о готовности станков к отгрузке.

Как указывалось выше, это пробный заказ, и если качество стан­ков удовлетворит нас, мы разместим у Вас заказ на большее коли­чество.

С уважением,

a wooden case — деревянный ящик

XVIJI. Compose letters according to these assignments:

  • Write to the firm that you have received their letter of ... stating their general conditions for sale. Everything suits you except the price and the guarantee period. Give them your reasons. (We thank you for your letter ..., We wish to inform you ..., We shall be obliged if you will.... Yours truly)

  • Compose a letter informing your Sellers that you have received the goods delivered under contract No. 25/811, but you are not pleased with

the quality of the goods, as it is inferior to that of the samples. Ask for a discount. (We have to inform you..., We are prepared ..., We are looking forward to your early reply, Yours faithfully)

XIX. Make up dialogues based on the following assignments:

  • Receive Mr. Nelson in your private room. Have a talk about his impression of Moscow. Then discuss the price. They ask you for a discount, but you cannot grant it. Give your reasons.

  • During your talk with Mr. Kley discuss the guarantee period and the delivery dates. Ask him to extend the guarantee period and ship the goods within four months.

  • Receive Mr. Brown in your private room. Have a talk about his impression of the exhibition he has just visited in Sokolniki Park. Then discuss the working characteristics of the machine he got interested in at the exhibition. Tell him of your terms of payment and delivery.

XX. Compose dialogues using the given words and word combinations:

1. Discussing price

to specify, to clear up, to include packing, to dispatch, to meet smb. half way, £ ... per unit, to insist, in ... lots, within, to supply smb. with smth., notification of readiness

2. Discussing a guarantee period

... months from the date of ..., in the middle of ..., guarantee letter, to extend, respectively, to settle the problem, the guarantee period, to go against one's practice, at least, to see one's point of view, to meet one's request

XXI. Read and retell this story. Answer the questions given below.


This happened in Vienna at the beginning of 1922.1 was slowly walking along one of the main streets of the city and though the day was warm and sunny everything seemed gloomy to me as I was out of work.

I had no idea whom to ask for help. Suddenly I remembered that a friend of mine, John Smith by name, had been working as an editor in Vienna for the last few months. I got in touch with him and we made an appointment for that evening.

When I told him my story he smiled and said happily, "I can help you. Listen..." The matter was that his boss wishing to get greater profits had decided to publish a number of detective novels which were to be translated from Spanish. They needed a man who could do it for them.

"So you will do it," he finished.

"How can I do it? I don't know Spanish."

"It doesn't matter," answered he. "I dislike detective stories. Any translation will do." I protested, he insisted, I protested, he insisted and at last he got me to agree to do it.

"Here is the novel, and some money in advance. The rest you'll get after you have finished it. I guarantee good money," he added. "I give you four days. Not more." With these words he went away.

I was at a loss what to do. Then I went to a cheap restaurant where I knew I would meet my friends. There I found Hans. We all believed that he knew at least five or six languages including Spanish. I asked him to translate the novel. After some time he said, "You see I've been out of practice lately. But I'll help you. I'll take the novel, read it and then tell you its contents." I liked the plan.

In some two or three days I wrote down the contents of the book and went to the editor. Smith was too busy to listen to what I wanted to tell him. "Here is your money. You earned it honestly. See you one of these days," he said and went out. Later on I met Hans and gave him half the money.

"I think I ought to study Spanish," he said taking the money.

"But don't you know it?" I asked him in great surprise.

"Certainly, I don't," he said. "I told you the contents of an English detective novel, I only changed the English names for Spanish."

I immediately phoned Smith but could not get him on the phone. Some weeks later I met him and told him the truth. I expected him to get angry. Nothing of the kind. He said laughing, "I'm glad I asked you to translate the book. It's so terrible the people will never touch another detective story after they have read yours."

a friend in need is a friend indeed — друг познается в беде; Vienna [vi'ena] — Вена; 'editor—редактор;'profit — прибыль; detective— детективный; 'Spanish —ис­панский; it will do — сойдет, подойдет; 'contents — содержание; to earn honestly — честно заработать; to get angry — рассердиться


1. Why did the author decide to turn for help to a friend of his, an editor? 2. Why did the editor give the author a novel for translation though he understood that the author did not know Spanish? 3. What do you think of Hans, the translator of the novel? 4. How do you understand the title of the novel?

Как видно из примеров, третий тип условных предложений так же, как и второй, переводится на русский язык глаголем в форме сослагательного наклонения, которая внешне совпадает с формой прошедшего времени. Поэтому в русском языке третий тип условных предложений можно отличить от второго только по наре­чиям времени или по контексту. Сравните:

If you had arrived a few minutes E с ли бы вы приехали на нес ко ль- earlier you would have met him. ко минут раньше, вы бы

встретили его. If you went to see the film you Если бы вы посмотрели (пошли would enjoy it. посмотреть) этот фильм, вы

бы получили большое удоволь­ствие.


1. Read and translate these sentences:

1. I should have called on him yesterday if I had known of his arrival.

2. If I had not been told his name I should never have recognized him. 3. You would not have caught cold if you had had your coat on. 4. If you had taken the medicine yesterday the temperature would have gone down. 5. If he had not helped us yesterday the project would not have been completed. 6. The firm would not have reduced their prices if they had not been much higher than the world prices. 7. I could have found out all the particulars if you had asked me to.

П. Make up sentences using the given table:

I (we) should (would) have called on if I (we) had not been invited to a you yesterday dinner party.

if you had not been away.

if my sister had not come on a

visit. if I had not had to do my home­ work. He (she, they) would (could) have if the weather had been fine,

gone down to the country last if it had not rained hard.

Saturday if he had not been called to a pa-

tient, if his sister had not been taken to a hospital.

Ш. Turn conditional sentences of type II into sentences of type Ш:

1. The theatre would be packed if the audience liked the performance^ 2. He would get to the museum quicker if he went straight ahead. 3. He could draw up the contract if you asked him to. 4. jlf it stopped drizzling we could

go out. 5.1 should go down to the country if it kept fine. 6. If she read a lot she would make good progress in her studies. 7. If you read his last book it would impress you favourably.

IV. Change these sentences according to the model:

Model: He did not like the play that's why he did not go to the theatre. If he had liked the play he would have gone to the theatre.

1. The leading actress made a great impression on the audience that's why everybody applauded. 2. He did not have anything to declare that's why he did not have to pay customs duties. 3. He did not book a room in advance that's why it was difficult to get a room in the hotel when he arrived there. 4.1 lacked information that's why I could not finish the article. 5. The ap­pointment was put off that's why we could not settle the problem.

V. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Если бы он не устал так сильно в воскресенье, он бы присое­динился к вам. 2. Если бы вы свернули направо, вы бы не заблу­дились. 3. Если бы не отвратительная погода, дети смогли бы погу­лять утром. 4. Если бы у нее вчера не болела так сильно голова, она бы закончила перевод. 5. Если бы ты попросил его вчера вечером, он бы зашел на почту и купил конверты и марки. 6. Если бы вы все объяснили ему, он бы помог вам.


Before taking up the text read these words and word combinations:

  • de'parture, de'lighted, a'fford, 'unemployed, dis'cover, 'otherwise, 'nowadays, 'social 'bureau, ounce, 'postage, weigh, 'urgent, ,alto'gether

  • for America, or eight years ago, after all these years .here on the plat-

form, never act, an hour on Tuesdays, here is my passport, at the next window, said the attendant, that these letters, to pass the time, he was then.

c) Euston ['justan], Hubert Le Ros ['nubat le 'ros], Max Beerbohm ['maeks 'btbom]



On a cold November morning I duly turned up at Euston to see off an old friend of mine who was starting for America. I saw some of our common friends who had also come to say "good-bye" to him.

Stiff and ill at ease we stood near the carriage* looking at the face of our friend.

* Stiff and ill at ease we stood near the carriage. — Мы стояли около вагона и чувст­вовали себя скованно и неловко.

"Have you got everything?" asked one of us, breaking the silence.

"Yes, everything," said our friend with a smile.

There was a long silence. One of us with a smile at the traveller said:


The traveller returned the smile.

The silence was broken again by one of us with a fit of coughing. It seemed to me he did it intentionally but it helped to pass the time. There was no sign of the train's departure.

A middle-aged man who was talking to a young lady at the next window attracted my attention. His face seemed familiar to me. The young lady was evidently American, and he was evidently English, otherwise I could have taken him for her father.

Suddenly I remembered. The man was Rubert Le Ros, an actor. But how he had changed since I saw him last. That was seven or eight years ago. He was then unemployed and borrowed half-a-crown from me. It seemed a privilege to lend him anything. He was always magnetic.

It was strange to see him, after all these years here on the platform of Euston, looking so smart. I should be proud if I were seen off by him.

"Stand back, please," said the attendant. The train was about to start and we said "good-bye" to our friend. Le Ros did not stand back. He had the hands of the young American in his. "Stand back, sir, please!"

He stood back but then quickly came up to the window to say some final word. I think there were tears in her eyes. There certainly were in his when he turned round.

I came up to him. He looked delighted to see me. We walked slowly along the platform. I told him how much he was missed on the stage.

"Ah, yes," he said, "I never act on the stage nowadays." I asked him then where he did act.*

"On the platform," he said, striking the platform with his stick. "I sup­pose," he said, giving me a light for the cigar which he had offered me, "You have been seeing a friend off." He asked me what I supposed he had been doing. I said that I had watched him doing the same thing.

"No," he said. "That lady was not a friend of mine. I met her for the first time this morning, less than half an hour ago here."

I should never have believed it if he had not told me about it. When I said that he smiled.

"Have you heard of the Anglo-American Social Bureau?" I had not. He explained to me that of the thousands of Americans who pass through England there are hundreds who have no English friends.1 In the old days they used to bring letters of introduction.2 But the English are so inhospitable that these letters are hardly worth the paper they are written on. "The Anglo-American Social Bureau" supplies Americans with English friends. Fifty per cent is paid over to "the friends". The other fifty goes to the A.A.S.B.

"I'm sorry I'm not a director. If I were I should be a very rich man. I am only one of the seers-off. But even so I do very well," Le Ros added. "What do you mean by 'a seer-ofT?" I asked.

* I asked him where he did act. — Я спросил его, где же он все-таки играет.

"You see it's rather expensive to pay 'the friends' of the Bureau. Many Americans cannot afford it. But they can all afford to be seen off. The pay is only five pounds for a single traveller, and eight pounds for a party of two or more. So they send money to the A.A.S.B. and then — well, then they are seen off."

"But is it worth it?" I asked.

"Of course, it is worth it," said Le Ros. "Their fellow-passengers believe they have English friends and become friendly to them. The attendant is very attentive to them too. Besides, it is a great pleasure to be seen off. You saw me seeing that young lady off. Didn't you think I did it beautifully?"

"Yes, beautifully," I said, "And there was I ..."

"Yes, I can imagine. You stood looking at your friend, trying to make conversation. I know. That's how I used to be myself before I studied how to do it. It's not an easy job. If I had not studied I should not have been able to do it the way I did it. A railway-station is the most difficult of all places to act, as you discovered for yourself."

"So you've been taught to have those tears in your eyes," I said in great surprise.

"Yes, and I can teach you too. I have a lot of students already. I could give you an hour on Tuesdays and Fridays," he said consulting his black note-book.

(After "Seeing People Off" by Max Beerbohm)


Mr. Brown: Here is my passport. Are there any letters for me?

Clerk: There are two, one is registered. Sign your name here, please.

Here are the letters. Mr. Brown: Thanks. And where can I get envelopes and stamps?, Clerk: Next window, please.

Mr. Brown: (at another window) What is the postage for a letter to Dublin? Clerk: Ten pence if it doesn't weigh over four ounces.

Mr. Brown: Can I have three envelopes, five postcards and a book of ten

pence stamps, please. Clerk: Here you are. It will make ... altogether.

Mr. Brown: (pays the money). Could I have a foreign telegram form here? Clerk: Window 15, please.

Mr. Brown: Thank you. (At window 15) Please a telegram form to Moscow

and what are the rates?3 Clerk: What kind of telegram: ordinary, urgent or express?

Mr. Brown: I'd like to send an E.L.T. When will it be delivered? Clerk: Within 24 hours. It will cost ...

Mr. Brown: Thank you.


1. ... of the thousands of Americans who pass through England there are hundreds who have no English friends.

В этом предложении thousand и hundred являются существитель­ными и поэтому употреблены в форме множественного числа. В том случае, когда thousand, hundred и million выступают как числительные, они употребляются только в форме единственного числа. Сравните:

Millies of people all over the Of the five thousand tourists who

world stand for peace. visited the museum that month

there were nine hundred people who came from Africa.

2. they used to bring letters of — они, бывало» привозили (имели introduction. обыкновение привозить) с со­ бой рекомендательные письма.

used to do smth. [ju?st] иметь обыкновение делать что-


Эта конструкция употребляется для выражения повторяюще­гося действия, которое имело место в прошлом.

Не used to call on us every day last — Он, бывало, навещал нас каж- уеаг. дый день в прошлом году.

3. What are the rates? — Какой тариф?


curious ['kjuarias] adj удивительный, возбуждающий

любопытство profession [pro'fejbn] л профессия

duly adv в положенное время

turn ар v появляться, появиться

Boris promised to come in time, it's nine o'clock already but he hasn't turned up yet. turn round v обернуться

When the man turned round I recognized my old school friend in him. start v трогаться, отправляться

What time does the train start?

start for a place отправиться куда-л.

They are starting for the Caucasus tomorrow. common adj общий

common interests ideas

language \

friends, etc. have something (nothing, much, little) иметь что-л. (ничего, много, Ma-

te common with smb. ло) общего с кем-л.

I think they have very little in common, they are so different. break [breik] (broke, broken) v 1. ломать, разбивать

When playing football the boys broke a window.

2. нарушать, не сдержать break one's promise one's word an appointment Do you mean to say he broke his promise again?

break down v сломаться, разбиться

As the car broke down they had to spend the

night in the field. break n перерыв

Let's have a ten minutes' break.

syn. interval

silence n молчание

break silence нарушить молчание

We were at a loss what to say and no one broke the silence.

ant. keep silence хранить молчание

return [n'ts:n] v возвращаться, идти обратно

He returned to ask me something. When did you return home last night ? -

return smth. to smb. возвращать что-л. кому-л.

He said he would return the money to her the next week.

syn. give back

return to the matter (the point) вернуться к вопросу

I think we'll have to return to the matter

tomorrow. return л возвращение

on one's return по возвращении

She promised to ring me up on her return from


by return (of) mail = by return обратной почтой

We hope to receive your reply by return (of) mail

(by return), a fit of coughing [Irafin] приступ кашля

intentionally [in'tenjonsli] adv намеренно, умышленно

pass [pets] v проходить, пройти мимо

When I was passing the school-building a lot of

children ran out of it.

pass the time провести время

sign [sain] n знак, признак

departure [di'patje] n отъезд, отправление

Peter's departure was quite unexpected, middle-aged adj средних лет

familiar to smb. ' хорошо знакомый, известный

familiar name face song place, etc.

The name is familiar to me but I cannot remem­ ber the man. evidently ['evidantli] adv очевидно

otherwise ['Aoewaiz] adv или же, иначе, в противном


You should call on him otherwise he will be

angry with you. take smb. for smb. принять кого-л. за ...

unemployed ['Anim'pbid] adj безработный

He had been unemployed for about a year

before he found a job. borrow v занимать, брать взаймы

borrow smth. from smb. занимать, брать взаймы у кого-


How much money did he borrow from you?

borrow books from the library брать книги в библиотеке

Не borrowed these books from the library. lend (lent, lent) v давать взаймы, одалживать

lend smb. smth. давать взаймы кому-л. что-л.

Can you lend me this book till tomorrow


ant. borrow magnetic [maeg'netik] adj притягивающий, привлекатель-

ный smart adj модный, щеголеватый

be proud [praud] гордиться

I am proud that I live in Russia.

be proud of smb., smth. гордиться кем-л., чём-л.

The old woman was proud of her son. tear [tie] n слеза

be delighted быть восхищенным

I am delighted to see you.

be deHghted Ay smth., wirA smb. восхищаться чём-л., кем-л.

The audience were delighted by the perform­ance.

They were delighted with Smoktunovsky. slowly adv медленно

miss (smb., smth.) v скучать, чувствовать отсутст-

вие кого-л., чего-л.

Her son is away and the old woman misses him

very much. nowadays ['nauedeiz] adv в настоящее время

A lot of people are learning foreign languages


syn. at the present time, now

stick n палка, трость

a letter of introduction ^intra'dAkfrn] рекомендательное письмо

hospitable adj гостеприимный

Most of the foreigners say that Russian people

are very hospitable.

ant. inhospitable hardly adv едва ли, не совсем

be worth [w3:6] стоить, заслуживать

The picture is not worth the money you paid .

for it.

be worth doing smth. • стоит сделать что-л.

Is the film worth seeing?

The book is not worth reading, afford [a'fsd] v позволять себе, иметь средства

afford smth. позволять себе что-л.

afford to do smth. позволять себе, иметь средства

сделать что-л.

Note: This verb is usually used with can, could, be able to.

Can you afford a trip round Europe this year ?

He could not afford to go away for a holiday. even adv даже

friendly adj дружеский; дружественный

Russia has friendly relations with a

lot of countries.

in a friendly way по-дружески, дружелюбно

The matter can be settled in a friendly way.

attentive [e'tentiv] adj внимательный, заботливый

be attentive to smb. быть внимательным по отноше-

нию к кому-л. Не is very attentive to his younger sister.

attention [a'tenjan] n внимание

draw smb.'s attention to smth. (drew, drawn) обратить чье-л. внимание на [dro:, dru:, drona] что-л. (намеренно, целенаправ-

ленно) I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that these two points are to be settled right away.


The young painter's picture attracted my attention.

I'd like to draw your attention to these facts, imagine [i'm;ed3in] v вообразить, представить себе

I cannot imagine her in the part of Anna Karenina. discover [dis'kAva] v 1. обнаружить

When I came home I discovered I had lost my key.

2. открыть Columbus discovered America in 1492. consult [kan'sAlt] v справляться (по книгам, сло-

варям ...) consult a doctor консультироваться

one's friends a dictionary a notebook, etc. If you do not know how to spell a word consult the dictionary. post-office [poust] n почтовое отделение, почта

post v отравлять по почте

post I a letter j a parcel I am afraid she hasn't posted the letter yet. postman л почтальон

postage ['poustid3] л почтовая оплата, почтовые

расходы postage for (on) smth. What is the postage for a letter to London? registered letter ['red3isted] заказное письмо

envelope ['enviloup] n конверт

stamp n марка (почтовая)

weign [wei] v весить

How much does the parcel weigh?

Have you had your luggage weighed?

ounce [aims] n унция

postcard n почтовая открытка

altogether [р&э'дебэ] adv всего

There were ten of us altogether,

telegram ['teligraem] л .телеграмма

ordinary < telegram простая телеграмма

urgent срочная телеграмма

express телеграмма-молния

I advise you to send an urgent telegram.

P.L.T. (European Letter Telegram) письмо-телеграмма


1. Say from what verbs these nouns are:

passer-by, seer-off, traveller, imagination, congratulation, consultation, return, turn, break, start, change, smile, surprise, study

П. What are the English equivalents for (see the text):

1. В положенное время я появился на вокзале Юстон ...

2. Наши общие друзья, которые тоже пришли попрощаться ...

3. Отъезжающий улыбнулся в ответ ... 4. Последовало долгое мол­ чание. .. 5. Ничто не говорило о том, что поезд скоро отправляется, б. Молчание нарушил один из нас. 7. Я сказал, что на сцене чув­ ствуется его отсутствие. 8. Эти письма не стоят и бумаги, на кото­ рой они написаны. 9. Но несмотря на это, я зарабатываю хорошо. 10. Их попутчики относятся к ним более дружелюбно. 11. Когда-то я был тоже таким.

Ш. Paraphrase or explain (see the text):

a) paraphrase the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. On a cold November morning I duly turned up at Euston to see off an old friend of mine who was starting for America. 2. His face seemed familiar to me. Э. It was strange to see him looking so smart. 4. He looked delighted to see me. 5. Many Americans cannot afford to have English friends. 6. He said consulting his black note-book. 7. What's the postage for the letter?

b) explain the meaning of the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1.1 saw some of our common friends. 2. There was no sign of the train's departure. 3. It seemed a privilege to lend him anything. 4. He was missed on the stage. 5. These letters are hardly worth the paper they are written on. 6. But even so I do тегу well.

IV. Add tail-questions to these sentences and answer them:

1. The actor's face seemed familiar to you. 2. He. lent you the book you need. 3. Your friend was delighted to see you. 4. Your sister found them very hospitable. 5. You could not afford to stay there for another week. 6. He is friendly and attentive to everyone. 7. Your brother is not starting for London tomorrow. 8. The machine-tool broke down yesterday.

V. Make up sentences using the given table:

The problem is (are) worth discussing. The matter returning to.

The palace visiting.

The stamps buying.

The offer ; accepting.

These postcards

VI. Change these sentences according to the given models:

Model 1: This book is interesting (to read). This book is worth reading.

1. The film is excellent (to see). 2. The article is very interesting (to translate). 3. The performance is marvellous (to see). 4. The dialogue is good (to learn by heart). 5. The singer is wonderful (to hear). 6. His advice is very good (to follow).

Model 2: When I lived in the country I usually got up very early. When I lived in the country I used to get up very early.

1. She often consulted the dictionary. 2.1 often borrowed books from my teacher when I was at school. 3. My Tather often took me to the ship he was captain of. 4. Our grandfather often told us about his life before the revolu­tion. 5. When I was a student I went to the theatre twice a month. 6. When he lived in the country he usually went to the post-offce for the mail in the after­noon. 7. When we worked on the farm we usually had a break at eleven in the morning.

Model 3: This suit is expensive. I cannot buy it.

As the suit is very expensive / cannot afford to buy it.

1.1 have a lot of work to do. I cannot go to the cinema tonight. 2.1 have little money. I cannot lend him any money. 3. I'm very busy. I cannot go skiing today. 4. I cannot go on a trip to the Crimea this year.

Model 4: I think I've seen the film. I remember the name. The name of the film seems familiar to me.

1.1 think I've read this book. I remember the title. 2.1 believe I've seen this street. I think I've passed it once. 3.1 believe I've seen the man. I remem­ber his face. 4.1 believe I saw the play once. I remember some of the char­acters.

Model 5: I'd like you to know the latest achievements in this field of science.

I'd like to draw your attention to the latest achievements in this field of science.

1. I'd like you to know the changes introduced into the model. 2. I'd like him to know the defects discovered during the tests. 3. I want him to see that advertisement in the latest issue of the "Industry". 4. I'd like you to know those particulars. 5. I'd like him to have a look at items two and three in the guarantee letter. 6. I'd like you to see those stamps.

VII. Turn conditional sentences of type П into sentences of type III:

1. We should come and see him off if we knew of his departure. 2. If our car did not break down on our way we could get there in time. 3. If the post-office was not closed he would post the letter tonight. 4. If you sent an urgent telegram it would get there before the office was closed. 5. If he turned up one of these days I'd phone you.

VIII. Choose the right word:

1. Plushkin never (to borrow, to lend) anyone money. 2. Tony Bicket had been unemployed for about three months and his wife was ill. He had nobody (to borrow, to lend) money from. 3. The teacher (to attract the attention, to draw the attention) of the students to the fact that there was a difference in the meanings of the verbs "realize" and "understand". 4.1 am sure his new book will (to attract the attention, to draw the attention) of the readers. It describes the life of our young scientists. 5. I am sure the teacher will (to attract the attention, to draw the attention) of the pupils to the fact that the definite article is used before the names of ships. 6. "You needn't worry. He'll turn up at the right moment," she said (friendly, in a friendly way). 7. Do you think the relations between them are (friendly, in a friendly way)?

IX. Change these questions according to the given model:

Model: 1. Why did the author lend Le Ros half-a-crown?

Why do you think the author lent Le Ros half-arcrown ? 2. Is the exhibition worth visiting?

Do you think the exhibition is worth visiting ?

1. Will it take six shillings altogether? 2. Why did he break his promise? 3. Have the brothers anything in common? 4. Does Ann know about his departure? 5. How much time has passed since his return from Kiev? 6. Has he posted the letters? 7. Have they had a break already? 8. He misses his parents very much. 9. He has consulted the doctor.

X. FJIJ in prepositions or adverbs:

1. We shall return ... the price problem after we have seen the equip­ment ... operation. 2. The music teacher was delighted ... her pupil. She was making good progress. 3. No wonder she is proud ... her boy, he is really talented. 4. I think Ann has much ... common ... her elder sister. 5. I heard them speak ... the performance, they were delighted ... it. 6. Who have you borrowed this book ... ? When are your friends starting ... the North? 8.1 wonder if Peter will ever turn ... ? We have been wait­ing ... him ... an hour. 9. When the man turned ... I recognized an old friend of mine. 10. When did the machine-tool break ... ? Have you found ... what the matter is? 11. What's the postage ... a parcel (an express telegram, ordinary telegram) ... London? 12. You should be more attentive ... your mother.

XI. Fill in articles or possessive pronouns where necessary:

"I say, I'm delighted to see you," said ... little man standing by ... pillar-box.

"Hallo," I answered. ... man's face seemed familiar to me but I could not remember ... name. And then I recognized him.

"Oh, Mr. Simpson, isn't it?" .. Simpsons were ... newcomers to ... town and my wife and I had only met them once or twice.

"Yes, that's right," returned Simpson.

"I wonder if you could lend me three pennies. You see ... wife gave me ... letter to post and I've just discovered it has no stamp. I don't think I could find ... post-office open at this time of night."

As it was about eleven o'clock I agreed it seemed impossible.

"So I thought, I'd get ... stamp out of ... automatic stamp machine," explained Simpson, "only I discovered I hadn't got any coppers on me."

I put ... hand in ... pocket. "I'm awfully sorry but I'm afraid I haven't got any coppers," I said. "May be you would be able to borrow them from somebody else," I added.

We waited for ... quarter of ... hour but no one turned up. Simpson looked unhappy. "... letter must go .tonight, it really must. It is ... invita­tion to tomorrow's dinner. ... wife would get angry with me if I did not post it."

"You should come to ... place, it's only ... few blocks away. I hope I've got some pennies," I said.

Simpson kept silence while we were walking. It took me some minutes to find ... three pennies he needed.

He thanked me and went out. Five minutes later he turned up at ... door again. He said he was at ... loss where to go. I returned with him to ... post-office. He put ... pennies in ... automatic stamp machine but it did not produce ... stamp.

"I'm afraid it's broken down," he said.

"You'll have to post... letter unstamped, that's all. ... addressee will have to pay ... double postage for it in ... morning." "I wouldn't like to do that," said Simpson.

"Now hurry or you'll miss ... last collection," I said. When he was putting ... letter in ... pillar-box he looked at ... address and suddenly smiled. ... next day when I had to pay ... postman ... double postage for ... letter I understood what his smile meant.

(After Colin Howard)

'newcomer — вновь прибывший; improbable— невероятный; automatic stamp-ma­chine [p:ts'matik] — автомат по продаже марок; copper—медная или бронзовая монета; block — квартал; addressee [,aedre'si:r— адресат

XII. Say in what situations these words and word combinations are used in the text:

common, to pass the time, otherwise, unemployed, proud, to turn round, delighted, to miss, nowadays, pass, friendly, imagine, discover, registered, envelope, weigh, altogether, E.L.T.

XIII. Paraphrase these sentences using the active vocabulary:

1. How much shall I pay for an E.L.T. ? 2. He appeared when he was least expected. 3. I'm afraid I'll never make friends with her. We are too different. 4. They are fond of guests. They'll be delighted to see you. 5. If I were you I'd find more time for your little brother. 6. The date of his leaving for London isn't yet known. 7. "Could you give me thirty pounds?" "I'm

sorry I haven't got this sum on me." 8. On the way to the Ministry I found I had left some papers at home. 9.1 can't buy this dress. It's too expensive. 10. The boy was most happy to receive that present. 11.1 have no idea who that man is.

XIV. Complete the sentences using the words and word combinations given in brackets:'

1. If Le Ros had not been unemployed for a long time ... (to borrow).

2. They would not have invited the Smiths to stay with them if ... (to be hospitable). 3. She would have bought that collection of stamps if ... (to afford). 4. He would have come to the station to sec her off if ... (to break down). 5. If he had not broken his word ... (to get angry). 6. He would have done well at school if ... (to miss). 7. If they had not got an answer by return ... (to send an express telegram).

XV. Translate these sentences into English paying attention to the words given in bold type:

1. У братьев много общего, не правда ли? 2. «Вы можете гор­диться своей дочерью. Она хорошая ученица и внимательна к своим товарищам», — сказал учитель матери. 3. Если бы он сдер­жал слово, нам не пришлось бы возвращаться к этому вопросу. 4. Если бы вы могли одолжить мне эту книгу на пару дней, я был бы благодарен вам. 5. Лицо Пугачёва показалось знакомым Савельи-чу. б. Давайте сделаем перерыв и выпьем кофе. 7. Если бы она не проконсультировалась у наших специалистов, она не закончила бы проект вовремя. 8. Когда он учился в институте, он обычно брал книги в библиотеке. 9. Вам следует остановиться у ее родителей. Они очень гостеприимные люди. 10. Если бы машина не сломалась, мы бы вернулись домой вчера. 11. Я не могла представить себе, какая трудная это работа. 12. Я не уверен, что эту книгу стоит прочитать. 13. Вы уже взвесили посылку? 14. Вы не знаете, сколь­ко стоит отправить срочную телеграмму в Лондон? 15. «Сколько все это стоит?» — спросила она у продавца.

XVI. Make up conditional sentences (types П and III) using these words and word combina­ tions:

to afford, to break down, to discover, friendly, to miss nowadays, otherwise, to pass, on one's return, by return, to break the silence, to turn up, to be worth.


XVTJ. Retell tbe text: a) as it is, b) in the person of Le Ros. ХУШ. Reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech. ХГХ. Give extensive answers to these questions:

1. Why do you think the author was surprised to see Le Ros look so smart? 2. Why did Le Ros advise the author to learn to see people off?

3. Do you think the author would take lessons from Le Ros? Why? 4. Would you have agreed to take such lessons if you had been in the author's place? Why? 5. What do you think of the story?

1. Are you fond of seeing people off? 2. What is more pleasant to see people off or to meet them? 3. What do people come to the post-office for? 4. What would you do if the postman put a stranger's letter in your letter­box? 5. What would you do if you received an express telegram wrongly delivered to you? 6. What would you do if you had no stamp for a letter you were to send immediately?

XX. Read and reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech:


Customer: How much is it to send this parcel to Moscow, please?

Clerk: Do you want it to go by air mail or by surface? Let us see how much it weighs — 1 lb. 3*ozs.

Customer: How long would it take by post?

Clerk: About four days.

Customer: That's all right, it'll be in time for my brother's birthday on December 6th. Oh, by the way, should I register it?

Clerk: Well, it's advisable if there's anything valuable in it.

Customer: It's an old cigarette-box and a few books. It would be very unpleasant if the parcel got lost. The cigarette-box belonged to our grandfather. I think I'd register the parcel.

Clerk: It's 8s. for the registered parcel.

Customer: Here you are. And I also want three postcards and two envel­opes for registered letters.

Clerk: That'll be 2s. more.

parcel — посылка; by surface ['ss.fis]—по почте; oz=ounce [auns]— унция; 1Ь.(£л/. libra) — сокр. от pound — фунт (мера веса = 453 г.); to register ['redsisto] — объяв­лять ценность; s.— сокр. от shilling

XXI. Read and retell this story. Answer the questions given below:


Ainsley, a post-office sorter, turned the envelope over and over in his hands. The letter was addressed to his wife and had an Australian stamp.

Ainsley knew that the sender was Dicky Soames, his wife's cousin. It was the second letter Ainsley received after Dicky's departure. The first letter had come six months before, he did not read it and threw it into the fire. No man ever had less reason for jealousy than Ainsley. His wife was frank as the day, a splendid housekeeper, a very good mother to their two children. He knew that Dicky Soames had been fond of Adela and the fact that Dicky Soames had years back gone away to join his and Adela's uncle made no difference to him.

He was afraid that some day Dicky would return and take Adela from him.

Ainsley did not take the letter when he was at work as his fellow-workers could see him do it So when the working hours were over he went out of the post-office together with his fellow-workers, then he returned to take the letter addressed to his wife. As the door of the post-office was locked, he

had to get in through a window. When he was getting out of the window the postmaster saw him. He got angry and dismissed Ainsley. So another man was hired and Ainsley became unemployed. Their life became hard, they had to borrow money from their friends.

Several months had passed. One afternoon when Ainsley came home he saw the familiar face of Dicky Soames. "So he had turned up," Ainsley thought to himself.

Dicky Soames said he was delighted to see Ainsley. "I have missed all of you so much," he added with a friendly smile.

Ainsley looked at his wife. "Uncle Tom has died," she explained "and Dicky has come into his money." "Congratulations," said Ainsley, "you're lucky."

Adela turned to Dicky. "Tell Arthur the rest," she said quietly. "Well, you see," said Dicky, "Uncle Tom had something over sixty thousand and he wished Adela to have half. But he got angry with you because Adela never answered the two letters I wrote to her for him. Then he changed his will and left her money to hospitals. I asked him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen to me!" Ainsley turned pale. "So those two letters were worth reading," he thought to himself. For some time everybody kept silence. Then Dicky Soames broke the silence, "It's strange about those two letters. I've often wondered why you didn't answer them?" Adela got up, came up to her husband and took him by the hand. "The letters were evidently lost," said she. At that moment Ainsley realized that she knew everything.

(After "Lost in the Post" by A. Philips)

Ainsley ['einzh], Adela ['aedil]; sorter — сортировщик; fire —огонь; jealousy ['d3elasi] — ревность; uncle — дядя; postmaster ['poustmasta] — почтмейстер; to dismiss —уволить; will— завещание; frank as the day — как ясный день


1. Why do you think Ainsley did not want his wife to receive letters from Dicky Soames? 2. Do you think he had reasons for jealousy? 3. Why did Ainsley think that his wife knew everything? 4. Would anything change in their life? Why? 5. Did Dicky guess what had happened? 6. What would you have done if you had been in Adela's place?

XXII. Speak on the topics:

1. Meeting a friend returning from a journey. 2. Seeing off a friend starting on a journey. 3. My last trip.

ХХШ. Make up dialogues based on these topics:

1. At the post-office. 2. At the railway-station.

XXIV. Read these letters and do the assignment given below:

Dear Sirs,

We think you will be interested in the new brands of coffee and cocoa we have just introduced to the trade. Samples of both have been dispatched to you by separate mail.

We hope that the high quality of our products will meet your customers' requirements and you will place at least a trial order with us.

You will see that the prices quoted are low, and as they are likely to go up very soon we would advise you in your own interests to place an order as early as possible.

Yours truly, Brown & Co.

brand — сорт; cocoa ['koukou] — какао; they are likely to go up — они, вероят­но, поднимутся

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter dated the 5th July and for the samples of your goods which you have so kindly sent us. Both types of goods are of superior quality though your prices seem somewhat high. We should be obliged if you would consider some reduction on large order.

■ Yours faithfully, Sojuzimport


Make up a dialogue between a representative of Sojuzimport and a representative of Brown & Co. Discuss the price-problem.

XXV. Translate these letters and do the assignment given below:

"Уважаемые господа!

Мы получили Ваше письмо от 20 марта сего года, из которого мы были рады узнать, что Вы желаете установить с нами деловые отношения.

Согласно Вашей просьбе, высылаем Вам образцы наших тка­ней отдельной посылкой. Мы надеемся, что образцы Вам понра­вятся и Вы разместите у нас свой заказ.

Цены на ткани указаны в прейскуранте, который прилагается к данному письму.

Условия платежа следующие:

Покупатель открывает безотзывный аккредитив в пользу про­ давца в ... банке в Москве на полную стоимость партии, предназначенной к отгрузке. Аккредитив должен быть открыт в течение 5 дней от даты уведомления о готовности товара к отгрузке. Платеж производится против отгрузочных документов.

Мы хотели бы добавить, что мы предоставляем 5% скидку поку­пателям, заказывающим товар на сумму свыше . . . рублей.

С уважением, pattern — образец

Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за Ваше письмо от 28 марта, а также за вашу


Мы ознакомились с образцами и имеем удовольствие сооб­щить Вам, что качество образцов удовлетворяет нашим требова­ниям. Особенно благоприятное впечатление произвели на нас об­разцы №№ 38, 42 и 47. Однако Ваши цены на вышеупомянутые об­разцы слишком высоки, они выше цен, предлагаемых другими фир­мами, и мы вынуждены отклонить Ваше предложение.

Мы, однако, согласились бы начать переговоры о закупке значи­тельных количеств тканей по вышеупомянутым образцам, если бы Вы снизили свои цены на 5,4 и 10% соответственно.

С уважением,

to decline [dildam] — отклонить; quantity t'kwontm] — количество Assignment

Make up a dialogue between the representatives of the two firms. Discuss the price and terms of payment and delivery.

XXVI. Make up dialogues based on the following assignments:

  • You have received the first lot of the goods from Green & Co. and found that the quality of the goods is inferior to that of the samples on the basis of which the contract was made. Phone Mr. Green and discuss the matter with him.

  • Phone Mr. Brown and arrange about an appointment. Have an appointment with him and discuss packing.


phonetic: exercises

Before taking up the text read these words and word combinations:

  1. 'object, caused, 'drawing, 'indicate, 'valid, 'maintenance, a'ssembly, consignment, con'formity, release, divisible, ,consig'nee.

  2. the sellers sell, pounds sterling, with the accepted standards,

4^ s_^ ^^ ч^у

there in, prices are understood, at the price of, at the rate of, in their specification, in three parcels, in favour of, an irrevocable Letter of Credit.



As a result of the talks held in London between the representatives of * Robinson and Co., Ltd. and Sojuzimport the following order was


Purchase Order

No. 46/41787-H22

Dated: March 16, 19 ... Transport No. 534-668

The Buyers: Sojuzimport Narjad No. 441/2603

Address: Smolenskaya-Sennaya PL, 32/34

Moscow The Sellers: Robinson and Co., Ltd. Address: 432, Oxford St.

London, Wl.

OBJECT OF ORDER: The Sellers sell and the Buyers buy the goods listed in the Specification attached hereto,* at the prices and in the quantities indicated therein.** The said specification forms an integral part*** of this Order.

* hereto — при сем 1 ** therein в ней I письменные штампы, употреоляемые в документах.

*** integral part — неотделимая часть

  1. PRICES AND TOTAL AMOUNT: Prices are understood to be c.i.f. Petersburg. Total amount of this Order is £....

  2. DATE OF DELIVERY: The goods are to be delivered in three parcels at the rate of one consignment each month. The first parcel is to be shipped in May.

  3. PACKING: Export packing in conformity with the accepted standards.

  4. MARKING: Each case is to be marked in weather-proof paint as follows:

Order No. 46/41787-H 22, Narjad No. 441/2603.

Transport No. 634-668.

Name of Shipper: Robinson and Co., Ltd.

Name of Consignee: Sojuzimport.

Case No. 1 (and up)*

Net weight:

Gross weight:

6. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION: Two sets of drawings, assembly,

operation and maintenance instructions are to be shipped with the goods. One set is to be airmailed to the Buyers no later than 30th April.

7. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Payment is to be effected in English pounds sterling by an irrevocable and divisible Letter of Credit to be valid for 90 days. The L/C is to be opened by the Buyers in favour of the Sellers for the total amount of the Order with a London Bank within fifteen (15) days after the Buyers receive notification of readiness and notifica­ tion that the necessary Export Licence has been obtained.

Documents required for payment:

  1. Commercial Invoices (3)

  2. Original Bill of Lading (1)

  3. Packing Sheets (3)

  4. Test and Inspection Certificate (1)

  5. Copy of the Export Licence (1)

  6. Insurance Policy (1)

8. GUARANTEE: 24 months after dispatch. Should the machines prove to be defective1 during the guarantee period, the Sellers undertake to replace or repair any defective part free of charge. The guarantee is not applied to damage caused by improper storage or careless maintenance. All other terms are stated in the General Conditions attached hereto.

For and on behalf of the Buyers Ivanov, President of Sojuzimport


Smith: Smith speaking.

Bogdanov: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. Bogdanov of Sojuzimport here.

* case No. 1 (and up) — ящик 1 (и последующие)

Smith: Good afternoon, Mr. Bogdanov.

Bogdanov: We've got your cable to-day that the machines are ready for

the inspection and test. Smith: So when are your inspectors coming? Bogdanov: We suggest that you should test the machines without our

inspectors.* Smith: So you are waiving the inspection? Fine. Then we'll be able to

ship the goods earlier. Bogdanov: When are you starting the tests? Smith: The day after tomorrow, I think. The preliminary tests that we

made a fortnight ago were quite satisfactory and I hope we'll

be able to send the test report next week. Bogdanov: Splendid. We'll send "you our release note for shipment as soon

as we receive the test report. Smith: Right.


1. The machines proved to be defective. — Оказалось, что машины по­вреждены.

Не proved (to be) a very efficient


The goods proved (to be) damaged.


order n заказ

dated adj от такого-то числа

We have received your letter dated January 15,


syn. зд. of

Object of Order предмет заказа

list v вносить в список, перечислять

в списке attach [a'taetj] v прилагать

aiiach to smth. прилагать к чему-л. (докумен-

ту, письму) A catalogue was attached to their letter. ,

syn. enclose with smth.

quantity ['kwontiti] n количество (по отношению к

неисчисляемым существитель­ным)

We can deliver the quantity of wheat required

by you in two lots.

syn. number n количество (по отношению к

исчисляемым существитель­ным)

What number of machines can you deliver to


* We suggest [safest] that you should test the machines without our inspectors. — Мы предлагаем Вам провести испытание машин без наших инспекторов.

in the quantity в количестве

Can you ship us the goods in the quantities

stated in our enquiry? indicate ['indikeit] v указывать (числе, количество)

The quantity indicated in your offer is smaller

than we expected. total adj общий, целый

The total quantity of cotton under the contract

is 100,000 tons. amount [a'maunt] n сумма

amount v составлять (сумму), равняться

amount to smth. равняться чему-л.

The bill amounts to one hundred roubles. at the rate of в размере, в количестве

The Buyers are to pay for the goods in advance

at the rate of 50 per cent of the contract value. consignment [kan'sainmsnt] n партия груза (обычно готовая

к отправлению, находящаяся в пути или получаемая поку­пателем)

We hope that the first consignment will be

delivered in the middle of the month as it is on

board a ship now.

syn. lot, parcel

conform [кэпТэчп] v соответствовать

conform to smth., with smth. соответствовать чему-л.

The quality of the delivered goods does not

conform to that of the sample on the basis of

which the contract was concluded. conformity [кэпТэтаШ] n соответствие

in (full) conformity with в (полном) соответствии с

4 чем-л.

The Buyers informed us that the machine-tools

were in full conformity with the specifications. mark v маркировать

marking n маркировка

do marking маркировать, сделать марки-


Marking is to be done at the Supplier's plant. case n ящик

weather-proof paint несмываемая краска

shipper n грузоотправитель

consignee [,konsai'ni:] n грузополучатель

weight [weit] n вес

The weights of the three cases are 50, 75 and

90 kgs respectively. The weight of this case is

840 pounds. net weightn вес-нетто

gross weight [grous] n вес-брутто

set« комплект

set | of instruments j of documents, etc.

We asked them to deliver five sets of instru­ ments. drawing ['dro.irj] n чертеж

assembly instructions инструкция по сборке

We cannot put into operation the machines

delivered under Contract No. 25/732 as we

have not yet.receivedyour drawings and assembly

instructions. assemble v собирать (машину, станок,


The tractors under order 32/553 will be assem­ bled next month. effect [l'fekt] v осуществлять, производить

effect | payment | shipment

Shipment is to be effected in the middle of


syn. make payment, shipment

divisible [di'vizabl] adj делимый

divisible letter of credit "* делимый аккредитив

A divisible letter of credit is opened if the goods are shipped in several lots.

valid ['vaelid] adj действительный, имеющий силу

The Letter of Guarantee is valid for three

months. original bill of lading оригинал коносамента

packing sheet упаковочный лист

A copy of the Packing Sheet is to be put in each


syn. packing list, packing note

insurance policy [m'Juarans 'polisi] страховой полис

insurance company страховая компания

insure [m'fua] v страховать

insure smth. with an insurance company застраховать что-л. в страхо-

вой компании

What insurance company have they insured

their goods with? defective [di'fektiv] adj дефектный, поврежденный,


During the test some parts proved defective. undertake (undertook, undertaken) v обязаться, взять на себя обяза-


The Sellers undertake to eliminate all the

defects found during the guarantee period. replace v заменить

The Sellers promised to replace defective parts

in the shortest possible time.

replace smth. by smth. заменить что-л. чём-л.

replacements n сменные части, запасные части

repair [п'реэ] v > чинить, ремонтировать

Where can I have my watch repaired ? repairs и ремонт, починка

The repairs are to be made by the Sellers. free of charge бесплатно

Samples are usually sent free of charge. damage ['daemidj] n повреждение, вред, ущерб

damage to smth. повреждение чего-л.

The damage to the machine-tool was caused by

poor packing. damage v повреждать; наносить ущерб

The insurance company had to pay for the

machines damaged on board a ship.

storage ['stDTids] n хранение на складе, складиро-

вание You are to pay for the storage of the goods, careless adj невнимательный, неаккурат-

ный, небрежный careless man

mistake storage packing, etc. Some machines were damaged at the port because of careless storage. for and on behalf of smb. от имени и по поручению кого-л.

Mr. Brown signed the document for and on behalf of "American Engineering, Ltd." waive (test, inspection) v отказаться от (испытания,

осмотра) I think we can waive the test of the machines at the Sellers' plant. release noteybr shipment разрешение на отгрузку (доку-

мент) As soon as we receive a release note for ship­ment we'll start shipping the goods.

Supplementary List

occur [э'кэ:] (occurred) v происходить, иметь место

expenses [iks'pensiz] n расходы

expenses on smth. расходы по чему-л., на что-л.

storage expenses расходы по складированию в

in transit пути


1. Say from what verbs these nouns are:

instruction, requirement, paint, payment, dispatch, inspection, replace­ment, damage, indication, conformity, guarantee, operation, signature, cause, specification.

П. What are the English equivalents for (see the text):

1. Товар должен быть поставлен тремя партиями, по одной пар­тии в месяц. 2. Экспортная упаковка в соответствии с принятыми стандартами. 3. Каждый ящик маркируется несмываемой краской по следующей форме. 4. Гарантия не распространяется на быстро изнашивающиеся части.

Ш. Paraphrase or explain (see the text):

a) paraphrase the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. The Buyers buy the goods listed in the specification attached hereto.

2. The goods are to be delivered in three parcels. 3. Packing is in conformity with the accepted standards. 4. Payment is to be effected in pounds sterling. 5. The Sellers undertake to replace or repair any defective part free of charge.

b) explain the meaning of the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. Prices are understood to be c.i.f.Petersburg. 2. Export packing is to be in conformity with the accepted standards. 3. The Consignee is Sojuz-

import. 4. Net weight, gross weight, packing sheets. 5. Payment is to be effected by an irrevocable and divisible Letter of Credit. 6. The guarantee does not apply to damage caused by improper storage or careless mainte­nance. 7. Case No. 1 and up.

IV. Add tail-questions to these sentences and answer them:

1. They are waiving the inspection. 2. Prices are understood to be c.i.f. London. 3. Packing is to conform to the accepted standards. 4. Each case is marked in two languages. 5. The Sellers undertake to replace or repair any defective part free of charge. 6. You will not be able to ship the goods earlier.

V. Change these sentences according to the given models:

Model 1 : The quality of the goods conforms (does not conform) to the world standards.

The quality of the goods is (not) in conformity with the world standards.

1. The technical characteristics of the Machine-tools conform to the specifications. 2. The quality of the Cotton (хлопок) received under Con­tract No. 53/348 does not conform to the standards. 3. The capacity of the Drilling Rigs does not conform to that stated in the catalogue. 4. The effi­ciency of the Turbine fully conforms to our requirements.

Model 2 : The firm is to ship the goods in the middle of June.

The firm undertakes to ship the goods in the middle of June.

1. The firm is to open a Letter of Credit within ten days after they receive the Notification of Readiness. 2. They are to obtain an import licence within 20 days. 3. We are to deliver the goods in five lots at the rate of one consignment each fortnight. 4. The firm is to replace the goods free of charge if any defects are found during the guarantee period. 5. The factory is to complete the work in two months.

Model 3 : The book was interesting.

The book proved (to be) interesting.

1. The machines were defective. 2. The transaction was profitable. 3. The machines were in conformity with their requirements. 4. He is an efficient engineer. 5. The game was thrilling. 6. The defence of "Dynamo" was excellent.

Model 4 : The goods were packed yesterday.

We had the goods packed yesterday.

1. His car is to be repaired next week. 2. All the cases can be marked today. 3. The bill of lading will be made out. 4. The damaged parts have been replaced free of charge. 5. The insurance policy is to be received to-morrow. 6. A set of drawings and assembly instructions has been airmailed.

VI. Insert the words number or quantity:

1. Unfortunately we cannot deliver the ... of machines enquired by you. 2. What... of cotton (хлопок) do you need? 3. The ... of oil (нефть) delivered from Russia is increasing from year to year. 4. In January

we bought five drilling rigs and in July we shall buy the same ... .5. We can deliver wheat (пшеница) in the ... required by you.

VII. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

1. I hope they have received catalogues enclosed ... our letter ... December 25. 2. Please attach ... the letter a list of firms we are doing business with. 3. We are prepared to sell cotton ... the quantity indicated ... your enquiry. 4. The quality ... the goods is to conform ... that ... the samples ... the basis ... which the contract was made. 5. Payment is to be effected ... an irrevocable divisible Letter of Credit which is to be valid ... 2 months. 6. Which company have you insured the goods ... ? 7. The firm replaced the defective machines ... new ones free ... charge as they proved to be defective. 8. The damage ... the goods occurred ... unloading. 9. Who is to sign the contract ... and ... behalf ... the firm? The President is away ... present. 10. We shall send you a release note ... shipment next Thursday if no defects are found ... the test. 11. We under­take to deliver the goods ... four lots ... the rate ... one lot ... month. 12. The total value ... the contract amounts ... £ ... .

Dear Sirs,

We regret to inform you that the examination ... the Wool delivered ... s.s. "Ob" has shown that the quality does not conform ... the samples ... the basis ... which the contract was concluded.

Besides the total weight... the Wool does not correspond ... the weight indicated ... the Original Bill of Lading.

... view ... the above we hope that you will replace the Wool ... the Wool which will be ... full conformity ... our enquiry and ... the quantity ordered ... us.

We would be greatly obliged if you would look ... the matter immediate­ly as the storage ... this large quantity presents considerable difficulty.

Yours truly, Sojuzimport

we regret — с сожалением; wool [wul] —. шерсть; to present — представлять со­ бой :

VIII. Say in what situations these words and word combinations are used in the text:

dated, total amount, consignment, to do marking, consignee, gross weight, set, divisible, to be valid, insurance policy, to insure, expenses, careless, release note for shipment.

IX. Paraphrase these sentences using the active vocabulary:

1. The first lot under Contract 1273 has been shipped this week. 2. I am afraid we cannot ship the goods in the quantities stated in your order. 3. The

Sellers will supply new parts instead of the defective ones and the Buyers are not to pay any money for that. 4. The machine-tools were manufactured in accordance with the Buyers' specification. 5. The Buyers informed us they were not going to inspect the goods. 6. Two machine-tools were broken in transit. 7. The Sellers will eliminate all the defects in these machines. 8. When is the Bank to make payment? 9. The damage was caused by improper handl­ing of the machine. 10. The firm promised to eliminate all the defects within a week.

X. Fill in articles or possessive pronouns where necessary:

Recently Machinoimport placed ... order with Jackson and Co.,

Ltd. for 15 Machine-Tools Model AB-25. In accordance with ... contract signed by Machinoimport Jackson and Co., Ltd. undertook to deliver

... goods in three parcels at ... rate of one consignment ... month. ... first parcel was to be shipped in July. ... Sellers guaranteed that... goods would be in conformity with ... technical specification of ... order and there would be no defects in design, material and finish. If ... goods prove to be defective during ... period of 18 months of ... date of putting ... machines in operation or 24 months of... date of shipment or if ... capac­ity of ... goods proved to be inferior to that specified in ... order, ... Sell­ers undertook to eliminate ... defects promptly free of charge or to replace ... defective parts within ... shortest possible time. It was agreed that ... Sellers are to deliver ... replacements to any Russian Port named by ... Buyers, ... cost of transport and insurance was to be paid by ... Sellers.

XI. Change these indirect questions into direct ones, .answer them and sum up the answers:

Ask A: 1. If they have ever received damaged goods. 2. What the

cause of the damage was. 3. Where the damage occurred. 4. If the firm eliminated the defects or replaced the defec­tive goods. 5. How long it took the firm to do it.

Ask B: 1. How their goods are usually packed. 2. In what way they

mark cases. 3. If their goods require special marking. 4. If the Buyers sometimes ask for special packing or marking of the goods.

Ask C: 1. What a packing sheet is. 2. Why it is necessary to put a

packing sheet in each case. 3. If sheets are ever missing. 4. In what way drawings and all kinds of instructions are usually sent.

Ask D: 1. If they have ever had to pay storage expenses. 2. What

they were caused by. 3. What the sum amounted to.

Ask E: 1. If the weight of the delivered goods may be different

from that indicated in the bill of lading. 2. What can cause the difference. 3. In what wayfthe matter can be settled.

XII. Translate into English paying attention to the words given in bold type:

1. Платеж производится по безотзывному, делимому аккреди­тиву против оригинала коносамента, счета, страхового полиса и

акта заводского испытания. 2. Мы не можем собрать оборудование, так как до сих пор не получили от фирмы комплекта чертежей. 3. Почему вы считаете, что повреждение товара произошло вследствие небрежной упаковки? 4. Мы полагаем, что они откажутся от испы­таний, и это даст нам возможность отгрузить станки раньше срока. 5. Узнайте, почему фирма задерживает отправку «разрешения на отгрузку». 6. Расходы по складированию товара составили..., эта сумма указана в счете, приложенном к их письму. 7. Кто произ­ведет ремонт станков, поврежденных в пути? 8. Общая сумма рас­ходов по упаковке оказалась очень высокой. 9. От имени и по пору­чению Союзэкспорта контракт подписал председатель объедине­ния. 10. Мы решили застраховать товар в той же страховой ком­пании, в которой мы страховали товар по контракту № 18/911. 11. В ящике № 1 нет упаковочного листа. 12. На какой срок открыт аккредитив? 13. Сообщаем Вам, что до настоящего времени мы не получили инструкций по сборке, уходу и эксплоатации машин. 14. Мы надеемся, что фирма пришлет сменные части на следующей неделе.

Уважаемые господа!

Мы получили товар по контракту № 1543 и должны сообщить Вам нижеследующее:

Вес нетто 3 ящиков за №№ 20/10, 30/15, 14/10 не соответствует весу, указанному в оригинале коносамента. Вес недостающего то­вара составляет 15 кг.

Кроме того, качество товара в 2 ящиках за №№ 18/10, 15/6 оказалось ниже качества образцов, на основе которых был под­писан контракт. Мы считаем, что Вы должны заменить этот товар другим, качество которого соответствовало бы качеству образцов.

Надеемся получить от Вас ответ в ближайшем будущем.

С уважением» недостающий — short-shipped


ХШ. Retell the text.

XFV. a) Reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech.

XV. Imagine you are the Buyers. What would you do if...

.1. the machines you bought proved to be defective. 2. the goods you or­dered were damaged in transit. 3. the Sellers could not replace the damaged parts in time. 4. you wished to waive the inspection. 5. the Sellers did not send you the necessary sets of drawings, assembly, operation and mainte-

nance instructions. 6. the capacity oft he delivered machines did not conform to your specification. 7. the results of the preliminary tests were not satisfac­tory.

XVI. Read and discuss the letter. Do the assignments given below.


Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter dated January 2,19 ... and the documents attached to it.

You write that the damage to the Machine-tools delivered to us by S.S. "Svir" occurred in transit and therefore you advise us to apply to the Insur­ance Company with whom the goods were insured.

We are sorry to say we cannot agree with you. We think the damage to the Machine-tools occurred during packing. If the Machines had been dam­aged in transit the packing would have been damaged as well. However during the examination at the port of destination our inspector did not find any de­fects in packing.

We have been doing business with your firm for a long time and this is the first time we have received defective Machine-tools from you. We hope that you will either replace these machine-tools or repair them free of charge. We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully, Smith and Co.

by S. S. "Svir" — пароходом «Свирь»; die port of destination — порт назначения Assignments

  1. Meet a representative of the firm and settle the matter.

  2. Write a reply to the firm.

XVII. Read and reproduce the dialogue: a) as It is, b) In indirect speech.

A. Let's discuss the guarantee period.

B. We guarantee the good running of the machines within 15 months of the date of putting them in operation but not more than 18 months of the date of delivery.

A. I see.

B. It's self-understood, we expect you to observe our operation and mainte­ nance instructions.

A. No doubt we shall. Within what period of time will you eliminate the de­ fects if there are any?

B. Within the shortest possible time.

A. I'd like you to be more exact on the point.

B. Well, within two months' time. Will it be all right? A. That suits us.

XVIII. Render these letters in English and discuss them:

Уважаемые господа!

Подтверждаем получение Вашего запроса на сверлильные стан­ки от 10 апреля с. г.

В ответ на Ваш запрос сообщаем, что мы смогли бы выполнить Ваш заказ и поставить станки в полном соответствии со специфи­кацией, приложенной к запросу.

В своем запросе Вы не указали количество требующихся Вам станков, поэтому нам трудно точно определить даты поставки.

Мы могли бы отгружать требующиеся Вам станки по одной партии в 5 станков каждый месяц. Отгрузка первой партии может быть произведена в начале июня.

Согласно Вашей просьбе мы можем выдать Вам гарантию на вышеуказанные станки на срок в 24 месяца со дня отгрузки.

Качество машин высокое, и наши постоянные покупатели очень хорошего мнения о них. Что касается упаковки, то мы обычно упако­вываем эти машины в прочные деревянные ящики.

Маркировка производится согласно общепринятым стандартам. Если у Вас есть какие-либо предложения в отношении маркировки или упаковки, мы с удовольствием примем их.

С уважением, Lake and Co.

прочные деревянные ящики — strong wooden cases

Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за Ваш запрос от 23 января относительно пше­ницы. Имеем удовольствие предложить Вам ... тонн пшеницы.

Вышеуказанное количество предлагается по цене ... за тонну сиф английский порт.

Отгрузка может быть произведена шестью партиями по одной партии в месяц.

Платеж должен производиться против отгрузочных докумен­тов из безотзывного делимого аккредитива, который Вы должны открыть на наше имя в Народном Банке в Лондоне на полную стоимость товара сроком на 7 месяцев.

Все остальные условия указаны в прилагаемой форме кон­тракта.

Это предложение делается нами твердо, при условии Вашего подтверждения в течение 15 дней от даты этого письма.

С уважением^ Союзэкспорт.

  • пшеница — wheat; при условии вашего подтверждения — subject to your confir­mation