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АНГЛ ЯЗ 1.doc
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Урок второй (the second lesson)

Grammar: 1. Конструкция there is/are в настоящем и прошедшем


2. Количественные прилагательные many, much, few, little.

3. Наречия much, little.

4. Объектный падеж личных местоимений .

Revision: 1. Притяжательные местоимения.

2. Повелительное наклонение.



There are a lot of modern buildings in new districts of Moscow now But manу years ago there were only small villages there.

Mr. Bunin lives in a new block of flats. He has a three-room flat. His living-room is large and comfortable. There is a big window in it. To the right of the window there is a sofa and a standard lamp. To the left of the window you see a piano. Bunin likes music very much. He plays the piano well. The book-case is near the door. Mr. Bunin has a lot of Russian and English books. The television-set is in the right-hand corner of the room. Near it there are two easy-chairs and a little table with news­papers and magazines on it.

Mr. Bunin's bed-room is not very large. There are few things in it: two beds, a dressing-table and a wardrobe.

His children's room is very light. There is a lot of sunshine in it. There is not much furniture there. You see two small beds, a desk and two chairs. The children's books are on the shelves.


Camp: Hallo. Is that Machinoexport?

Secretary: Yes, it is.

Camp: This is Camp speaking. I'd like to speak to Mr. Bunin. Is he

in now?

Secretary: Yes. Just a moment,1 please.

Bunin: How do you do,2 Mr. Camp.

Camp: How do you do, Mr. Bunin. I'd like to meet you and discuss

our enquiry for boilers.

Bunin: Very good. Come and see us3 tomorrow morning,4 please.


Just a moment — Сию минуту, одну минуту.

How do you do — Здравствуйте.

Это обычная форма официального приветствия.

  • Come and see us — Заходите к нам, приходите к нам.

  • tomorrow morning — завтра утром.

Это словосочетание всегда употребляется без предлога в отличие от in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon.

Аналогично образуются следующие сочетания:

tomorrow morning завтра утром; tomorrow afternoon завтра днем; yesterday morning вчера утром; yesterday afternoon вчера днем.


second ['sekand] пит второй (порядковое числительное)

the second lesson второй урок

the second text второй текст

a lot я много, множество

Не has a lot of time. У него много времени.

Не has a lot of books. У него много книг,

a lot adv много

Не studies a lot. Он много занимается.

modern ['modan] adj современный

building ['bildin] и здание

This is a good building. Это хорошее здание,

newjnju:] adj новый

Is it a new book? Это новая книга?

district ['distrikt] район (города)

We live in a new district of Moscow. Мы живем в новом районе Москвы,

many pron много, многие (употребляется с ис­ числяемыми существительными)

Do you know many engineers at the Знаете ли вы многих инженеров

ministry? в министерстве?

village п деревня

My friend's parents live in a village. Родители моего друга живут в


block of flats ['blok av 'flaets] многоквартирный жилой дом

Do you live in a block of flats? Вы живете в многоквартирном доме?

living-room гостиная

Our living-room is very large. Наша гостиная очень большая,

comfortable adj удобный, комфортабельный

Your room is very comfortable. Ваша комната очень удобна.

big adj большой

window ['windou] л окно

There are two windows in our room. В нашей комнате два окна.

right [rait] adj правый

to the right of ... направо от ...

I see a desk to the right of the window. Я вижу стол направо от окна.

left adj левый

to the left of налево от ...

There are two chairs to the left of the Налево от стола стоят два стула.


standard lamp л торшер

piano ['pjaenou] л пианино

to like v любить, нравиться

Children like milk. Дети любят молоко.

I like my friend's children very much. Мне очень нравятся дети моего друга.

После глагола to sее в значении «любить делать что-либо» употребляется герун­дий — неличная форма глагола. Она образуется от инфинитива глагола без частицы to и суффикса -ing, герундий переводится на русский язык инфинитивом. Это соче­тание передает постоянное действие, характеризующее подлежащее.

He likes reading. Он любит читать.

music ['mju: zik] и музыка (с неопределенным артиклем

не употребляется) I like music. Мне нравится музыка.

much adv много

We speak English very much. Мы очень много говорим по-англий-

ски. much adj много (употребляется только с неис-

числяемыми существительными) I have very much work today. У меня сегодня очень много работы.

to play [plei] v играть

После глагола to play в значении «играть на музыкальном инструменте» предлог не употребляется, перед названием инструмента всегда употребляется определенный артикль.

My son plays the piano. Мой сын играет на рояле.

book-case ['bukkeis] я - книжный шкаф

near prep близко от, рядом с, недалеко от

I live near my office. Я живу недалеко от своего учреж­ дения.

door [do:] л дверь

television-set телевизор

Lteli'vijan-set] л

hand л рука

corner ['кэша] n угол

in the corner , в углу

in the right-hand (left-hand) corner в правом (левом) углу

There was a book-case in the left-hand В левом углу комнаты стоял

corner of the room. книжный шкаф.

easy-chair кресло

easy adj легкий (по трудности)

This text is easy. Этот текст легкий. little adj маленький, небольшой, мало (употреб-

ляется с неисчисляемыми сущест­вительными)

Do you see a little table near the sofa ? Вы видите небольшой столик около

дивана? little adv мало, немного

Не plays the piano very little now. Он теперь мало играет на рояле.

with prep с

I live with my parents. Я живу с моими родителями.

newspaper газета

magazine журнал

bed-room ['bedrum] спальня

few adj мало (употребляется с исчисляемыми

существительными) thing п вещь

bed п кровать

dressing-table туалетный стол wardrobe гардероб

light adj светлый

sunshine п солнечный свет (с неопределенным

артиклем не употребляется)

Is there much sunshine in that room? В той комнате много солнца?

furniture мебель (с неопределенным артиклем

не употребляется)

We haven't much furniture. У нас в комнате немного мебели.

This is modern furniture. Это современная мебель. to be in v присутствовать, быть дома

Is Mr. N. in ? Господин H. у себя ?

to meet v встречать, встречаться с

После глагола to meet в значении «встречаться с кем-либо» предлог не уиотреб-ляется.

We meet him етегу day. Мы встречаемся с ним каждый день.

meeting л собрание

to speak at the meeting выступать на собрании Не often speaks at our meetings. Он часто выступает на наших


to discuss [dis'kAs] v обсуждать

We discuss a lot of questions at the Мы обсуждаем много вопросов на lessons. уроках.

enquiry [m'kwaisn] л запрос

We have your enquiry for coffee. У нас есть ваш запрос на кофе.

boiler ['boils] л котел

tomorrow adv завтра

whom ^ron кого, кому

Grammar Exercises there is/are

I. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе, сделав все необходимые изменения:

1. There is a brown desk in this room. 2. There is a fork and a knife

on the table. 3. There is a blue sofa in his room. 4. There was a telex on

Mr. Zotov's desk. 5. Thefe is a good exercise in this lesson. 6. There

was an English book on the shelf. 7. There is a large kitchen in our flat.

8. There is a man and a woman in the room.

II. Составьте предложения, пользуясь следующими таблицами:

1. There is a watch on the table.

are a fork

two knives three spoons a tea-pot

2. Is there a bag on the desk? Are a pen

pencils two books ! letters

3. There I are no telexes on the table.

! is bag

i was letters

{ were book

4. There aren't many economists in our office.

weren't three engineers two telephones

five secretaries

5. What is there on the shelf?

was on the desk?

on the plate? in the room? in the kitchen?

Ш. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. There is a little girl in the room. 2. There was a telex on the table. 3. There are students there. 4. There were forks on the table. 5. There are telexes on the desk. 6. There were women in the room. 7. There are fifty children at the nursery-school.

IV. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в соответствующей форме:

1. There ... only a Russian book on the table but there ... no English book on it. 2. There ... 15 lessons in our English book. 3. There ... six hundred workers at this factory last year. Now there ... seven hundred workers there. 4. ... there a nursery-school in your house? Yes, there I take my son there. 5. There ... forks, spoons and knives on the table but there ... no cups on it. 6. ... there cheese and ham on the table now? Yes, there .... 7. There ... a letter on this table. Where is it now? 8. ... there a bath-room in Ann's flat? Yes, there.... 9. There ... no shelf in my room. Now I have a good shelf. 10. There ... a tea-pot and three cups on the table.

V. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. There are students in this room (1). 2. There were English books on the shelf (2). 3. There is a woman in the kitchen (1). 4. There was a watch on the table. (1). 5. There are good texts in this book (2).

VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is there a book on the table? 2. Are there students in the room? 3. Were there pupils or students in this room yesterday? 4. Were there six or seven engineers in our office last year? 5. What's there in this room? 6. Who's there in that room now? 7. Is there a bath-room in your flat? 8. Are there letters and telexes on your desk? 9. What's there in your bag? 10. What's there on your desk?

VII. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Наша квартира большая. В ней две комнаты и кухня. 2. — Что на столе? — На столе ручка и карандаш. 3. В нашей семье трое детей. У нас два сына и дочь. 4. В прошлом году в нашей кон­торе было пять инженеров, два экономиста и секретарь. 5. — В ва­шей компании есть молодые инженеры ? — Да. В нашей конторе трое молодых инженеров, б. На моем столе нет десяти писем. Там только восемь. 7. — Какие карандаши на столе? — Там красные и синие карандаши. 8. Вечером в парке не было детей. 9. У меня есть книги. На столе книги. Книги не на столе, они на полке. 10. У нас есть дети. В комнате дети. Дети сейчас в комнате. 11. У г-на Смир­нова две комнаты. В его квартире две комнаты. Эти комнаты боль­шие. 12. У нас есть хороший врач. На заводе есть врач. Врача сей­час нет. Он на заводе.

many, much, little, few

VIII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. There are a lot of institutes in Moscow. 2. There is a lot of coffee in the coffee-pot. 3. Many engineers of our office study English now. 4. We haven't many English letters today but we have a lot of telexes. 5. We haven't much ham but we have a lot of cheese. 6. There were very many telexes on this table in the morning. Where are they now? 7.1 have very much work to do today. 8. Few students have lessons in the evening at our Ministry. 9. I know few engineers of that office. 10. Nick has very little time today.

11. Our students study a lot. 12. They write very little at their English lessons but speak very much. 13. She doesn't translate much in her office. 13. Does your father know much about old Moscow?

IX. Заполните пропуски словами many, much, a lot, few, little, a lot of:

1. There were ... large houses in old Moscow. 2. My mother-in-law is a teacher. She has ... pupils. 3. ... people live in the country. My parents live there too. 4. We have ... time. But there is still ... work to do. 5. There was ... milk in his tea. 6. Our students write ... exercises at the les­son, but they write ... exercises at home. 7. My friend reads ... English books. 8. ... children go to nursery-schools now. My son also goes to the nursery-school. 9. There are ... boys, but ... girls at our Institute. 10. Does your brother work ... ? No, he doesn't. He works ... now. 11. Do you read ... at the lesson? Yes, we do. 12. Our students don't speak Russian ... at the lesson. They speak English .... 13. We read ..., but write ... at the lesson. 14. Pavlov is a good student. He studies ... and knows .... 15. He knows .-.. English words. He reads ....

X. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Эти экономисты сейчас много работают. 2. В Киеве было мало заводов в 1945 году. 3. У нас мало сыра сегодня. 4. Мои дети не пьют много кофе. 5. В чайнике немного чаю. 6. Многие люди пьют кофе за завтраком. 7. Много было студентов на уроке в прош­лую среду? 8. В этом доме немного трехкомнатных квартир. 9. Мой сын мало читает по-английски. 10. В нашей конторе работает мало экономистов. 11. К сожалению, у меня сейчас очень мало времени.

12. В нашем министерстве работает много хороших инженеров.

Объектный падеж личных местоимений

XI. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном па­ деже и в соответствующей форме:

1. Translate this letter into Russian. 2. Answer these questions, please. 3. Give Mr. Petrov this book, please. 4. He reads books in the evening. 5. He does not know Nina. 6. Give me and my friends these books. 7. Take the books off the shelf. 8. Do you see Pete every day? 9. Does she know Ann and Mike? 10. Look at your watch, please.

XII. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Это книги твоего брата. Не бери их. 2. — Вы изучаете англий­ский язык или вы знаете его? — Я изучаю английский язык. 3. Возьмите это письмо и переведите его с английского на русский язык, пожалуйста. 4. Дайте нам письма и телексы. Они на столе г- на Семенова. 5. — Ваша сестра знает моего друга? — Да. Она знает его очень хорошо, б. Это хорошие упражнения. Сделайте их дома. 7. Возьмите эту английскую книгу и прочитайте из нее пять страниц. 8. — Где мои карандаши? — Они на столе. — Возь­мите их со стола. 9. Наш преподаватель задает нам много вопросов на уроках. 10. Моя мать живет за городом. Мы часто ездим наве­щать ее.


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

XIII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. There are new blocks of flats in every district of Moscow. 2. Ann likes playing the piano very much. 3. Our living-room isn't large but comfortable and light. 4. There isn't much furniture in my bed-room. 5. There are desks to the left and to the right of the door in our office. 6. Whom did you discuss the enquiry for boilers with?

XIV. Составьте предложения по образцам:

1. То the right of the window there is a book-case. 2. To the left of the window you see a wardrobe. 3. He likes reading very much. 4. There are a lot of things on the table. 5. There is not much sunshine there. 6. We like your new flat very much. 7. There are few old houses in our district.

XV. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. My sister plays the piano well (2). 2. We live in a new block of flats (3). . 3. He was born in a village (2). 4. My parents have a flat in a new district (2). 5. He sometimes gives me English books (3). 6. There is a television-set in the right-hand corner (1). 7. There were old small houses in the district six years ago (2). 8. Nina's brother has a piano (3). 9. The dressing-table is near the window (2). 10. I'd like to discuss the enquiry tomorrow (2).

XVI. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужной форме, и перескажите текст:

I often (to go) to see my friend's family. My friend's name (to be) Peter Smirnov. He (to be) an engineer. He (to work) at a factory. He (to have) a large family: a wife and three children. His parents (to live) with them too. Now they (to have) a comfortable flat in a new block of flats. Peter's old

flat (to be) not very good. There (to be) only two rooms in it. It (to be) in a small house in the country. There (to be) three rooms in Peter's new flat. The rooms (to be) very light. There (to be) a lot of sunshine in this flat. It (to be) in anew district of Moscow. Many years ago there (to be) only a small village there.

XVII. Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо, и перескажите текст:


I have .-'.. friend. His name is Oleg Mitin. He is married. He has ... wife, ... son and .'.. daughter. Gleg and his family live in ... new block of flats now. Their old flat was small. Now they have ... three-room flat in ... modern house. They like their flat very much. There is ... living-room, ... bed-room and ... children's room in Oleg's new flat. .. .living-room is large but there is not much furniture in this room. ... furniture is

good and modern. I like their furniture very much. To ,,., left of .. „ door you see ... sofa and ... television-set. Near .., window there is ..; piano and four easy-chairs. Oleg's children play ... piano in .. . living-room but they do ... lessons in their room. ....., children's room is not large but

it has ... large window and there is ... lot of ... sunshine in it. .,*... chil­dren's beds are to ... right and to,./ ? left of.... window and their desk is at

... window. Near ... door there is ... small wardrobe. ... children have

not many books and there is no book-case in their room.

XVIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами и перескажите текст:

1. My sister Ann lives ... Minsk. There are a lot ... modern buildings ... Minsk now. My sister has a nice two-room flat ... a new district ... Minsk. She lives there ... her husband and son. Her husband is an engineer ... a factory, their son is a pupil.

There is a living-room and a bed-room ... my sister's flat. Her living-room is light and comfortable ... two windows ... it. There is a lot ... furniture ... her living-room. There is a sofa, a standard lamp, a piano, two easy chairs and four chairs ... it. There is also a book-case ... the right ... the door and a television-set... the left-hand corner ... the room. My sister likes sitting ... the sofa ... the evening and reading a book.

My sister's bed-room is not large. There are few things ... it: a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and an easy chair.

They'd like to discuss their enquiry ... boilers ... us.

We usually speak English ... our teacher ... the English lessons.

Do you translate a lot ... Russian ... English ... home?

XIX. Замените выделенные существительные притяжательными местоиме­ ниями в соответствующей форме:

1. This is Mr. Sedov's house. 2. Ann's parents live in a new block of flats. 3. There is a window near Mike's bed. 4. The children's room is light and comfortable. 5. These women's children are at the nursery-school. 6. There's not much furniture in my sister's living-room, 7. This is Ami's watch.

XX. Выберите подходящие местоимения:

1. (I, me, ту) parents are old people. (They, them, their) are retired. (They, them, their) have a house in the country. (They, them, their) house is small. (I, me, my) usually go to see (they, them, their) on Sunday. 2. (I, me, my) brother and (he, him, his) family live in Kiev. Sometimes (I, me, my) go to Kiev and see (they, them, their). 3. (We, us, our) students study a lot. (They, them, their) have four lessons every week. (They, them, their) lessons begin at 8 o'clock in the morning. At the lessons (they, them, their) teacher asks (they, them, their) a lot of questions and the students answer (they, them, their). 4. (I, me, my) elder sister has a new flat now. (She, her) flat is very good. (She, her) likes (it, its) very much. 5. (We, us, our) have a children's room. (It, its) windows are large and (it, its) is very light. (We, us, our) children like (they, them, their) room. (They, them, their) usually study and play in (it, its). 6. Mr. Dedov is (we, us, our) student. (I, me, my) know (he, him, his) well. (1, me, my) see (he, him, his) at (we, us, our) lessons. (He, him, his) English is good and (I, me, my) speak only English to (he, him, his). l Mr Dedov has a lot of English books. (He, him, his) gives (I, me, my) (he, him, his) books to read. 7. (I, me, my) have a little daughter. (She, her) name is Nina. (She, her) is five years old. (She, her) is a nice girl. (I, me, my) like playing with (she, her). Every day (I, me, my) take Nina to the nursery-school. (She, her) nursery-school is near (we, us, our) house.

XXI. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя притяжательные местоимения или существительные в притяжательном падеже:

1. In whose family are there two children? 2. Whose parents were workers? 3. Whose mother-in-law lives in Kiev? 4. Whose parents live in the country? 5. Whose friend was a student last year? 6. In whose flat is there much sunshine? 7. In whose flat is there new furniture? 8. Whose watch is this? 9. On whose desk are there many newspapers and magazines? 10. Whose children play the piano? 11. Whose questions do you answer at the lessons? 12. Whose day off is Monday? '

XXII. Поставьте следующие повелительные предложения в отрицательную форму:

1. Take these newspapers and magazines off the desk. 2. Discuss this question today > please. 3. Give me that enquiry for boilers. 4. Telephone me at two o'clock, please. 5. Do these exercises at home. 6. Put the news­paper into the book-case. 7. Close the piano, please.

XXIII. Заполните пропуски глаголами to speak, to tell в соответствующей фо рме:

1. Many engineers of our office ... English well. 2. ... us about your family. 3. He often ... us about his work. 4. Don't ... Russian at your English lessons. 5. He ... a lot but does very little. 6.1 don't like ... at the meetings. 7. My wife often ... to her friends about music. 8. I'd like ... to my secretary about it.

XXIV. Составьте предлежения со следующими словосочетаниями:

  • much (little) sunshine, many students, much furniture, a lot of buildings, few magazines, a lot of newspapers.

  • to read a lot, to write very little, to speak a lot, to like very much, to work very much, to know a lot, to translate very little.

XXV. Переведите на английский язык:

1. — У тебя много или мало английских журналов? —У меня мало журналов, но много газет. 2. — Кто играет на рояле в вашей семье? — Моя жена хорошо играет. — А вы играете на рояле? — Да. Я тоже очень люблю играть на рояле. 3. — У вас есть телеви­зор? — Да. Он стоит в правом углу гостиной. 4. — Что находится слева от окна в вашей комнате? — Гардероб. Около него стоят диван и торшер. 5. В детской комнате нет книжного шкафа. Там есть только две книжные полки. На них много детских книг. Мои дети изучают английский. Они много читают. Они любят чи­тать английские книги, б. В спальне Майка мало вещей: две кро­вати, туалетный столик и кресло. 7. Два года тому назад в этом районе не было новых зданий. 8. — Это фирма «Браун и Ко.»? Я хотел бы поговорить с г-ном Брауном. — Одну минуту. Простите, господина Брауна сейчас нет. Позвоните ему в два часа, пожалуй­ста, или приходите завтра утром. 9. Г-н Кент, я хотел бы встретить­ся с Вами завтра утром и обсудить наш запрос на котлы. 10. Мне очень нравится гостиная в квартире моей сестры. Она небольшая, но очень светлая и уютная. В ней всегда много солнечного света.


Speech Exercises

XXVI. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог.

XXVII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий рассказ:

1. Do you live in Moscow? 2. In what district dp you live? 3. Have you a flat in a new block of flats or in an old house? 4. Is your flat comfortable?

1. Have you a two-room flat or a three-room flat? 2. Is your living-room large or small? 3. What things are there in your living-room? 4. Is there a lot of sunshine in it? 5. When is there sunshine in your living-room?

1. Where do your parents live? 2. Are they old people? 3. How old is your father? 4. When was your mother born? 5. Are they retired now?

6. What flat have they? 7. Is it in a new block of flats?

1. Is your room large and light? 2. Are there two windows in your room? 3. What is there near the window in your room? 4. Is there a sofa in your room? 5. Have you a piano? 6. Who plays the piano in your family?

7. Have you a television-set? 8. Where is your television-set?

1. Is there a bed-room in your flat? 2. Is there a lot of sunshine in your bed-room? 3. Have you a dressing-table? 4. Where is the dressing-table? 5. Is there a wardrobe in your bed-room?

XXVIII. Прочитайте и перескажите следующий текст:

I am an engineer. I am 25 years old. I work at a Ministry.

I am married , but I have no children. My wife is a teacher. She has a lot of pupils at school.

I live near the Ministry in a new block of flats. I have a one-room flat. It is very comfortable. There is a small kitchen and a bathroom in my flat. It is a modern flat. Our room is large and lights There are two big windows in it. The walls of our room are blue. The ceiling is white. The floor is brown.

There is a small table and a standard lamp near the sofa. To the left of the sofa there is a comfortable easy-chair. I often sit in it and read news­papers in the evenings. In the right-hand corner there is a book-case. A large side-board is near it.

We have a piano. My wife plays it very well. I also like music, but I don't play the piano.

a wall [wo=l] стена; a ceiling f'stliij] потолок;

a floor [fto:] пол; a side-board ['said bo:d] сервант

XXIX. Составьте ситуации или диалоги со следующими словами и словосо­ четаниями:

new districts, a lot, modern buildings, flats, many people, to live;

many years ago, small old houses, no television-set, no telephones, in those days;

a living-room; comfortable, light, to the right (left) of, in the right-hand corner, an easy chair, a television-set;

a bed-room, furniture, a bed, a wardrobe, a dressing-table, to the right (left) of, to like ... very much;

to live, new district, block of flats, furniture, to like, modern;

a children's room, light, sunshine, a bed, a little table, in the left-hand corner, a wardrobe, a book-case, to study.

XXX. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. My flat. 2. My friend's flat. 3. My living-room. 4. New districts of Moscow. 5. My children's room.

XXXI. Выполните следующие задания:

Позвоните в Машиноэкспорт и спросите у секретаря, у себя ли господин Бунин. Скажите ей, что вы хотели бы поговорить с ним.

Позвоните господину Бунину и сообщите ему, что вы хотели бы с ним встретиться и оосудить запрос на котлы.

Позвоните своему другу и расскажите ему, что у вас теперь новая двухкомнатная квартира со всеми удобствами, в большом доме, в новом районе Москвы.

4. Расскажите своему другу при встрече, что ваши родители живут теперь не за городом, а в Москве. Скажите ему, что у них , хорошая солнечная комната и что у них новая мебель.

XXXII. Напишите сочинения на следующие темы, употребив слова и слово­сочетания.


a new district of Moscow, a large block of flats, a two-room flat, a living-room, a bed-room, a kitchen, a bath-room, light, windows, much, furniture, to the left, in the right-hand corner.


a son, a daughter, to go to school, to do well at school, to have a piano, to like... very much, to read, a lot, a children's room, furniture, com­fortable, to the left, a bed, a table, a book-case, a shelf, to play with their friends.


work, to begin, on Monday (Tuesday) ..., to have lessons, during, to write, to translate, a letter, to speak to, an engineer, an economist, to dis­cuss, a lot of questions, every day, sometimes, to go to a factory.


Grammar: 1. Модальные глаголы can, may, must

Прямое, косвенное и предложное дополнение

Порядковые числительные

Обстоятельство цели, выраженное инфинитивом Revision (Повторение): 1. Простое настоящее время (Simple Present).

2. Количественные числительные.



Mr. Bunin is an engineer at Machinoexport. Machinoexport does business with different countries of the world. They sell mining equip­ment, power equipment and other goods1.

Mr. Bunin's office is on the second floor. There are six desks in it. You can see a lot of telexes, letters and cables on them. There is a telephone on every desk.

All the engineers and economists at his office can speak one or two foreign languages. The engineers of our Ministry must know foreign languages to do business with foreign firms.

v Mr. Bunin's working hours begin at 9 o'clock, but he usually comes to the office at a quarter to nine to get ready for work. At 9 o'clock the secretary brings him the mail. He goes through the betters, cables and telexes and sends answers to foreign firms or telephones them. He sometimes receives foreign businessmen from Great Britain, France, Germany and other countries. They usually discuss prices, terms of payment and delivery.

At half past one Mr. Bunin has dinner. After dinner he sometimes meets directors or engineers of our factories. He finishes work at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.


Camp: Good morning, Mr. Bunin.

Bunin: Good morning, Mr. Camp. Won't you sit down?2

Camp: Thank you.

Bunin: Have a cigarette?3

Camp: No, thank you. I don't smoke.

Bunin: How are you, Mr. Camp?

Camp: Very well, thank you. And how are you?

Bunin: I'm well too. What can I do for you, Mr. Camp?

Camp: Well, you see,4 Mr. Bunin, I'm here to make a contract with you

for boilers.

Bunin: Very good. How many boilers would you like to buy?

Camp: Four or five boilers. May I have your catalogues and price-lists?

Bunin: Yes, certainly. Here you areA


1. They sell mining equipment, power equipment and other goods... ©ther— другой, другая, другое, другие.

Местоимение other может употребляться в предложении в функ­ции определения к существительному в ед. и мн. числе. Неопре­деленный артикль пишется слитно с местоимением another.

My sister has two children. У моей сестры двое детей. One child is a boy, the other child is a girl. Один ребенок — мальчик, другой — девочка. Give me another pen, please. Дай мне другую ручку, по­жалуйста. This pen is bad. Эта ручка плохая. There are many Eng­lish, Russian and other books on the table. На столе много английских, русских и других книг.

Примечание. В английском языке после слова other часто упо­требляются слова-заместители: one для ед. числа и ones для мн. числа, чтобы избежать повторения ранее упомянутого существительного.

I don't like this magazine. — Мне не нравится этот журнал.

Give me another one, please. - Дай мне другой, пожалуйста.

Won't you sit down? ['wount ju 'sit daun] — Садитесь, пожалуйста.

Have a cigarette? — He хотите ли сигарету (папиросу)?

You see ... — Видите ли ...

Неге you are. — Пожалуйста.

Это выражение употребляется при ответе на просьбу дать кому-л. какой-то предмет:

Can you give me your book?

Here you are.


third третий (порядковое числительное)

the third lesson третий урок

business ['biznis] n дело, торговля

to do business v торговать, заключать сделки Machinoexport does a lot of business Машиноэкспорт заключает много

every year. сделок каждый год.

Different adj - различный, разный

country страна

What countries do we do business with? С какими странами мы торгуем?

world / мир (земной шар)

Существительное world, как правило, употребляется с определенным артиклем.

. .

Инженеры нашего министерства часто

The engineers of our ездят в разные страны мира.

Ministry often go to

different countries of the world.

to sell v продавать

What does Machinoexport sell? Что продает Машиноэкспорт?

equipment [I'kwipmsnt] л оборудование

j Существительное equipment никогда не употребляется с неопределенным

! артиклем.

| This is new equipment Это новое оборудование.


mining equipment горно-шахтное оборудование

power equipment энергетическое оборудование

other другой,

goods товар, товары

С существительным good* глагол всегда стоит в форме множественного числа-

The goods are already in Odessa. Товар уже находится В Одессе.

floor этаж

My flat is on the third Моя квартира на третьем этаже.

floor. 2. пол (в комнате)

The floor in my room is brown. Пол в моей комнате коричневый.

can v мочь (модальный глагол)

My brother can translate this text. Мой брат может перевести этот текст.

cable п телеграмма

telephone -phone п телефон

Have you telephone at home? У вас есть телефон дома?

to speak on the phone говорить по телефону

I often speak on the phone Я часто разговариваю по телефону

to my friend. с другом.

telephone number номер телефона

What's your telephone number? Какой ваш номер телефона?

All the engineers of our office speak Все инженеры нашей конторы гово-

English. рят по-английски.

All of us speak English. Мы все говорим по-английски.

all of us мы все

all of tbem они все

all of you вы все

language язык

What foreign language does your wife Какой иностранный язык знает

know? ваша жена?

mustv должен, нужно, надо (модальный


I most telephone Mr. Green today. Я должен позвонить сегодня

г-ну Грину.

firm л фирма

We do business with different foreign Мы торгуем с разными иностранными

firms. фирмами,

hour час (мера времени)

We work seven hours every day. Мы работаем 7 часов каждый день.

working hours рабочий день

When do your working hours begin? Когда начинается ваш рабочий


quarter четверть

to prep без (предлог, указывающий время)

I get up at a quarter to seven. Я встаю без четверти семь.

ready ['redi] adj готовый

to be ready' быть готовым

to get ready подготовиться, приготовиться

Get ready for your English lesson, please. Подготовьтесь к уроку английского

языка, пожалуйста.

Are you ready for the meeting? Вы готовы к собранию?

to bring v приносить, приводить

Bring me my watch, please. Принеси мне, пожалуйста, мои часы,

mail л почта, почтовая корреспонденция

Who usually brings you the mail? Кто обычно приносит вам почту?

to go through v просматривать

Every morning I go through the news- Каждое утро я просматриваю

papers. газеты.

to send v посылать, присылать

I must send this letter Я должен послать это письмо

today. сегодня.

answer л ответ

Can you send us your answer this week? Вы можете прислать нам ответ

на этой неделе?

to receive v 1. принимать

I sometimes receive engineers from Иногда я принимаю инженеров

foreign firms. иностранных фирм.

2. получать

Do you often receive letters from your Вы Часто получаете письма от своего

brother? брата?

businessman ['biznismsn] л коммерсант

Great Britain n Великобритания

France [fra-ns] л Франция

Germany л Германия

price n цена

We'd like to know the price of (for) this Мы хотели бы знать цену на это новое

new equipment. оборудование.

terms of payment л условия платежа

I'd like to discuss the terms of payment Мне хотелось бы обсудить с

with you. вами условия платежа.

terms of delivery условия поставки

What are your terms of delivery? Каковы ваши условия поставки?

half[haf]n половина

half an hoar полчаса

I was there half an hour ago. Я был там полчаса тому назад.

past [past] prep после

It's half past ten now. Сейчас 10.30.

dinner л обед

to have dinner обедать

When do you usually have dinner? Когда вы обычно обедаете?

director [di'rekta] n директор

Перед именной частью составного сказуемого, выраженного существительным, обозначающим должность, которую может занимать одно лицо, артикль не употреб­ляется.

Mr. Petrov is director of a large factory. Господин Петров - директор большой


tо finish v заканчивать, кончать


После глагола to finish употребляется либо существительное, либо герундий.

On Friday she finishes work at 3. В пятницу она заканчивает работу в

3 часа.

I can finish reading the book on Sunday. Я могу закончить чтение книги в воскресенье. ■


cigarette [siga'ret] и сигарета, папироса

to smoke v курить.

Don't smoke very much. He курите очень много.

well int ну, итак (междометие)

here [his] adv здесь, сюда

Come here at 5 o'clock. Приходите сюда в 5 часов.

contract ['kontrakt] n контракт

to make v делать, производить, изготовлять

to make things изготовлять вещи

Our factory makes furniture. Наша фабрика производит мебель.

to make a contract заключать контракт

We'd like to make a contract with your Мы хотели бы заключить с вашей

firm for furniture. фирмой контракт на мебель.

how many pron сколько (употребляется с исчисляе­ мыми существительными)

how much pron сколько (употребляется с неисчисляе-

мыми существительными)

How many children has your friend? Сколько детей у вашего


How much milk is there in the cup? Сколько в чашке молока?

to buy [bai] v покупать

Many foreign firms buy mining equip- Многие иностранные фирмы покупа-

ment from our country. ют в нашей стране горно-шахтное


may v мочь (модальный глагол)

May I close the window? Можно закрыть окно?

catalogue ['katobg] л каталог

price-list п прейскурант

Please, go through our catalogues and Просмотрите, пожалуйста, наши ка-

price-Iists. талоги и прейскуранты.

certainly ['s3:tnli] adv конечно

  • Can I telephone you at 10 o'clock — Разрешите (можно) позвонить вам in the evening? в 10 часов вечера?

  • Certainly. — Конечно.

one, pi. ones pron слово-заместитель

minute I'minit] я минута

It's five minutes past six now. Сейчас 5 минут седьмого.

Grammar Exercises

can, may, must

I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. They must study English. 2. He can play the piano very well. 3. You may read this book. 4. Must we discuss these questions today? No, you needn't. 5. Can I speak to Mr. White? Yes. Speaking. 6. Can your son speak English? Yes, he can. 7. Must your daughter go to school today? Yes, she must. 8. May I sit down? Yes, please. (Yes, you may.) 9. May I open the window? No, you mustn't.

II. Составьте предложения, пользуясь следующими таблицами:

1. I can read French. He can't speak English. My friend's son play the piano.

We answer your questions.

2. Can you ; meet me tomorrow morning?

I us

them I those workers

3. Must I answer this question ? No, you needn't.

we do these exercises? Yes, you must,

meet these engineers ? j begin our lesson?

| read those letters ? j

4. May j that student open the window? Yes, she may.

Mr. Petrov's take those telexes ? No, she mustn't.

secretary phone the factory?

translate this letter?

III. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Can you give me a magazine to read ? 2. Can I telephone you tomor­row morning? 3. May we begin our lesson at 9 o'clock? 4. Must you go to a factory today? 5. Must your engineers discuss a lot of enquiries today? 6. Must you take a lot of books to your lesson or can you take only one English book? 7. Can you answer my question or must I translate it? 8. When can you and your family go to the country? 9. What must our students do at the lesson? 10. May I take your pen? 11. Who must sometimes work in the evening? 12. What engineers can speak English well?

IV. Заполните пропуски глаголами must, can, may, needn't

1. Ann's brother .. * read, but he ... speak German. 2. ... I speak to

Mr. Sonin? I'm sorry he is out now. ..... you telephone him at 12? 3. ...

I ask you a question? Yes, you .... 4. ... we learn thirty-five words?

No, you .... You ... know only the first twenty words. 5. My daughter is

fourteen, but she ... already cook very well. 6. Pete ... go to school today. He is not well. 7. ... we write these exercises now? No, you .... Just read

them. 8. ... I open the window? No, you ... . I am not well. 9. Bob, you ...

take Kate's spoon. Take your spoon. It is on the table. 10. ... I come to the

meeting today? Yes, you ....

V. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Я должен вставать в 7 часов каждый день. 2. Я не могу от­ветить на ваш вопрос сейчас. 3. — Я могу взять вашу книгу? — Да. 4. — Можно мне убрать твои книги со стола? — Нет. Я должен заниматься сейчас. 5. Сын моей сестры хорошо говорит по-англий­ски. 6. Вы должны сказать об этом на собрании. 7. К сожалению, я не могу встретить их в это время. 8. — Можно закрыть окно? — Да, пожалуйста. 9. — Мне нужно перевести этот текст на русский язык? — Нет, не нужно. Он легкий. 10. — Я могу позвонить вам вечером? — Да.

Прямое, косвенное и предложное дополнения

VI. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Take my watch off the table and give it to me. 2. Give us these news­ papers, please. 3. I often read books to my son in the evening. 4. I often write letters to my friends. They live in Kiev now. 5. Our teacher usually gives us two or three exercises .to do at home. 6. I often translate English letters to Mr. Semenov. He doesn't know English. 7. On Sundays I

usually go to the country with my family. 8. Look at my new bag. Do you like it?

VII. Переведите на английский язык:

1. У меня много друзей в Киеве. Мы редко встречаемся. Но я часто пишу им письма. 2. Вы видите газеты на письменном столе господина Петрова? Дайте их нам, пожалуйста. 3. — Кто дает вам английские книги?—Наш преподаватель. У него много английских книг. Он часто дает книги своим студентам. 4.—Где мои вещи?—Они на столе. — Дайте мне их, пожалуйста. 5. — Кто переводит вам письма и телеграммы с английского языка на русский? - Господин Семенов. Он хорошо знает английский язык. 6. — Когда вы читаете книти своему сыну? — Я обычно читаю их ему по вечерам, после работы. 7. Переведите это письмо на английский и пошлите его фирме. 8. Посмотрите на это здание. Это наше министерство.

Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

VIII. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Our office sells a lot of different goods to foreign firms (3). 2. Our director usually receives businessmen at half past ten (3). 3. Our engineers must send three enquiries to foreign firms today (5). 4. The secretary usually brings the mail to our director at 9 o'clock (4). 5. Our country buys a lot of different equipment from Great Britain (3).

IX. Замените прямое дополнение» выраженное существительным, местоиме­ нием, и измените порядок слов там, где это необходимо:

1. Take that cup off the table and give it to Ann. 2. Give me those telexes, please. 3. I have a lot of English books at home. I often bring Boris English books to read. 4. Do not send the firm this cable today. 5. We have a lot of different goods in our country. We sell our goods to very many countries of the world. 6. The secretary brings us the mail in the morning. 7. Please, send the firm our catalogues and price-lists. 8. This foreign firm's equipment is very good. They sell their equipment to different countries of the world.

X. Измените место прямого дополнения, где это возможно:

1.1 cannot give you his telephone-number. 2. This is Mike's watch. Give it to him. 3. Take that book off the table and give it to me, please. 4. I'd like to read this telex to you. 5. When can you send us your answer? 6. We write letters to foreign companies every day. 7. The secretary brings telexes to the director every day. 8. We can send our goods to the firm this week.

XI. Образуйте порядковые числительные и напишите их по-английски:

1, 2, 5, 13, 18, 22, 30, 47, 54, 43, 50, 68, 79, 11, 12, 87, 83, 92, 35, 38, 43, 99, 57.

XII. Прочитайте следующие даты:

1218, 1475, 1509, 1600, 1812, 1941, 1900, 1917, 1965, 1970, 1953.

XIII. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык в двух вариантах по образцу:

Образец: the tenth lesson, lesson ten,

пятнадцатая комната, десятый дом, пятидесятая квартира, двад­цать второй текст, седьмой урок, третья контора, семнадцатое упражнение, девяносто пятая страница

XIV. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужной форме:

My elder sister's name (to be) Nelly. She (to work) at school. She (to be) a teacher. Nelly (can) speak two foreign languages. She (to know) them well. Nelly (to like) her work very much. All her pupils (to do) well. Nelly

usually (to go) to work in the morning. Her lessons (to begin) at half past eight. At 3 o'clock Nelly (to finish) her work at school, but she always (to have) a lot of work to do at home.

My sister (to have) two children. One of them is a boy and the other one is a girl. Her son (to be) 11 years old and her daughter (to be born) five years ago. Her children also (to learn) English. They (can) already speak English to their mother.

Nelly's husband (to be) director of a large factory. The factory (to make) different equipment for export. In the morning his secretary (to bring) him the mail. He (to receive) a lot of mail every morning. He (to go) through it and (to answer) it. He often (to receive) engineers and workers from his factory and from other factories.

XV. Заполните пропуски артиклями или притяжательными местоимениями, где необходимо. Воспроизведите диалог:

Orlov: Hallo. Can I speak to Mr. Lamson ?

Lamson: Speaking.

Orlov: Good morning, Mr. Lamson. This is Orlov of Machinoexport.

Lamson: Good morning, Mr. Orlov. I am happy you are in London.

Orlov: Well. We have ... enquiry for ... mining equipment and I'm here to discuss it.

Lamson: Very good. We have ... catalogues, but we haven't ... price-lists. ... firm would like to buy ... mining equipment.

Orlov: Yes, ... mining equipment is quite good. We do business with ... lot of ... foreign firms. They buy ... mining equipment, ... power equipment and ... other goods from us.

Lamson: Well, Mr. Orlov, I'd like to meet you to discuss ... prices, ... terms of payment and ... terms of delivery with you.

Orlov: I can come to ... office today. When do you finish ... work?

Lamson: Today is Friday and we close at 1 o'clock on Fridays.

Orlov: Can we meet at ... quarter to twelve?

Lamson: Yes, certainly. ... office is on ... third floor in ... room 212.

Orlov: Thank you.

1. All ... engineers of our Ministry must know ...

foreign languages. 2. She has two brothers. One of them is ... student, ... other one is ... engineer. 3. There are 12 people in ... office. Six of them know ... English language, ... other people know French or German, k I don't like this book. Please, give me ... other one to read. 5. Is ... director in now? I'm sorry, he is out. 6.1 don't know ... telephone number. Give it to me, please. 7. Where are ... engineers of our office? They are at ... meeting.

XVI. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. My friend's name is Borisov. He is an economist. He works ... an office ... the fifth floor ... our Ministry. His office does business ... a lot... firms. They sell very many goods ... foreign countries. They also buy goods ... them. 2. Mr. Lidin knows English well. He often meets

foreign businessmen and speaks English ... them. Every day he receives a lot ... mail ... foreign firms and sends answers ... them. 3. Mr. Petrov gets up ... 8 o'clock. He has breakfast ... half ... 8. ... breakfast he goes ... his office. He lives ... the Ministry. He comes ... his office ... a quarter ... 9 to get ready ... work, 4. ... ten minutes ... 9 Mr.

Petrov comes ... his office, goes ... the letters and cables ... foreign firms

and answers them. 5. Take all the letters and cables that bag and put

them ... my desk. I'd like to go ... all ... them now. 6. Must I speak ... our work ... the meeting? Yes, you must. 7. You can speak ... him ... it ... the phone.

XVII. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на оборот there is/are и глагол to be:

1. — Где вы были утром? — Я и другие инженеры нашей кон­торы были на заводе. Там много нового оборудования. Мы должны заключить контракт с иностранной фирмой на это оборудование. 2. — Здесь вчера были каталоги и прейскуранты. Мне бы хотелось их просмотреть. Вы мне можете их дать? — Да, конечно. Пожа­луйста. 3. На столе директора есть телефон, но на других столах телефонов нет. 4. — Сколько писем на столе у секретаря? — Там только два письма. — Где другие письма? — Они на столе господи­на Доронина. 5. — Есть новое оборудование на этом заводе? — Да. Этот завод покупает новое оборудование каждый год. б. — Здесь нет писем от фирмы «Роберт и Ко.». Где они? Мне бы хотелось про­смотреть их сейчас. — Они на столе секретаря. Вы можете их взять.

XVIII. Составьте предложения по следующим моделям:

1. Не usually comes home at a quarter past seven. 2. They have dinner at half past one. 3. The lesson begins at twenty minutes to three. 4. I don't like this magazine. Please, bring me another one. 5. How many engineers are there at your office? 6. How much time do you learn English every day? 7. "Give me your pen, please". "Here you are."

XIX. Прочитайте следующие обозначения времени:

3.30, 4.25, 5.55, 12.35, 7.30, 11.15, 6.40, 8.10, 10.45, 9.15, 2.50, 3.15, 1.58, 12.20, 11.20, 10.10, 1.45, 2.42, 5.12, 3.45, 12.05, 2.18, 11.25, 6.15, 9.40.

XX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, обращая внимание на указание времени:

1. What is the time now? 2. What time do you usually get up? 3. When do you have breakfast? 4. What time must you come to your office? 5. When does your secretary bring you the mail? 6. When do your working hours begin? 7. When do you have dinner? 8. When do you have your English lessons? 9. What time must your English lessons begin? 10. When do you finish your work on Saturday? 11. When do you come home after your work?

XXI. Заполните пропуски словами another, the other, other:

■ 1. I have two brothers. My elder brother is an engineer, ... one is a student. 2. This newspaper is old. Give me ... one. 3. We must meet Mr. Camp, Mr. Flint and two ... businessmen today. 4. We usually discuss terms of payment, delivery and ... terms with foreign businessmen. 5. Three of our engineers are in. ... ones are out. 6. Flink and Company cannot sell us power equipment. We must send an enquiry for power equipment to ... firm. 7. Here are two cables. One of them is from Watson and ... one is from Kent and Co. 8. Ouf office sells power equipment, mining equipment, and ... goods. 9. Here are five catalogues of power equipment. I can go through these two catalogues, and you must read ... ones. 10. Our office does business with Great Britain, France, Germany and many ... countries.

XXII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слова other:

1. Наши заводы производят энергетическое, горно-шахтное и другое оборудование. 2. Наша страна ведет торговлю с Англией, Францией и другими странами мира. 3. Мы покупаем этот товар у английских, французских и других иностранных фирм. 4. Сегодня я должен послать две телеграммы. Одну телеграмму — в Велико­ британию, другую — во Францию. 5. Инженеры и экономисты на­ шей конторы изучают английский, французский и другие иностран­ ные языки, б. В нашей конторе два телефона. Один телефон на моем столе, другой — на столе г-на Носова. 7. Мне не нравится

этот журнал, принеси мне, пожалуйста, другой.

XXIII. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив обстоятельство цели, выраженное инфинитивом:

1. The director of our office must go to Great Britain ... 2.1 must meet Mr. Grey ... 3. We must work a lot ... 4. Come to the office at half past eight. ... 5. We can go to the country on Sunday ... 6. Please, phone Ivanov ... 7. We learn foreign languages ...

XXIV. Задайте вопросы к данному тексту и перескажите его:

My brother lives in Moscow. He has a comfortable one-room flat in a new block of flats. His flat is on the seventh floor.

My brother is single. He was born in 19... He is an engineer. Now he works at a large factory. There are a lot of workers and engineers at his factory.

My brother learns English. He must know this language to read foreign magazines. His working hours begin at half past seven and he finishes work at half past four.

On Tuesday and Thursday after work he has English lessons. He likes learning English and he studies a lot.

XXV. Переведите иа английский язык:

1. Я работаю в Машиноэкспорте. В нашей конторе работает 10 инженеров и экономистов. Мы продаем оборудование, машины и другие товары. Мы торгуем со многими странами мира. 2. Все мои друзья работают в нашем министерстве. Они инженеры. Они знают иностранные языки и хорошо говорят на них. 3. В понедельник мы обычно получаем много почты. В ней много писем и телеграмм от иностранных фирм. 4. Я живу близко от министерства. Я прихожу в контору в половине девятого, чтобы подготовиться к работе. 5. —Какие товары покупает ваша контора? —Мы заключаем много контрактов и покупаем различные товары у иностранных фирм. 6. К сожалению, я не могу позвонить вам в половине одиннадцатого. Я должен принимать представителей иностранных фирм в это вре­мя. Позвоните мне без четверти два. 7. — Где я могу получить ваши каталоги? Я бы хотел просмотреть их. — Позвоните, пожалуйста, нашему секретарю. У нее есть все каталоги и прейскуранты. 8. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, номер телефона г-на Петрова. Я бы хотел позвонить ему сегодня. 9. Мы посылаем запросы на товары различным фирмам. 10. Вы часто разговариваете с иностранными фирмами по телефону? — Да.


Speech Exercises

XXVI. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог.

XXVII. Ответьте на вопросы и из ответов составьте краткий рассказ:

1. Who is director of your office? 2. When does he discuss business with you and other engineers? 3. Whom does your director receive at his office? 4. What does he discuss with them? 5. What language does he speak with foreign businessmen?

1. What's your secretary's name? 2. What does she bring to the director in the morning? 3. What does she bring you and other engineers? 4. Does she usually telephone other offices? 5. Who asks her to telephone other offices?

1. Does your office receive a lot of letters, cables and telexes? 2. What countries do you receive them from? 3. Who usually goes through them? 4. Must you ask other engineers to translate them? 5. Who sends answers to these letters and cables? 6. With whom do you discuss prices and terms of contracts?

1. How many engineers work at your office? 2. What do they do during their working hours? 3. Do all the engineers work a lot? 4. How many new engineers work at your office this year? 5. What must all the engineers know to do business with foreign firms? 6. How many years must you learn English to know it well?

1. What are you? 2. What office do you work at? 3. Does your office buy or sell goods? 4. Must you receive foreign businessmen at your office? 5. What do you discuss with them? 6. What language can you speak with

foreign businessmen?


XXVIII. Прочитайте и перескажите следующий текст:

I'm an engineer of Avtoexport. Avtoexport does business with a lot of countries. We sell cars, trucks and other machines to different countries of the world.

Our office is on the fifth floor. It is a large room with three windows in it. There is always a lot of sunshine in our room. There are seven desks in our office with a telephone on every desk. You can also see four book-cases in our room. There are a lot of letters, cables, catalogues and journals in them.

Many foreign businessmen come to our office every day. But we do not receive them in this room. There is another room for it.

Our engineers discuss prices, terms of payment and delivery and a lot of other questions with them. All our engineers know one or two foreign lan­guages and they can have talks with foreign businessmen in different languages.

a truck грузовая машина; a machine [ma'Jin] машина; a journal ['<1зэ:п1] журнал (экономический, научный, технический); to have talks вести переговоры

XXIX. Составьте диалог на основе следующей ситуации:

Nick and Nina are school-mates. Now Nick is an engineer and works at the Ministry of Foreign Trade. In the morning he learns English. He must know English. He does well in English. He sometimes receives foreign busi­nessmen and has talks with them. He makes contracts for different equip­ment for our factories. Nina is a teacher of English now. She teaches English at an institute. She likes teaching very much. Nick meets Nina and he is happy to see her.

school-mates школьные товарищи; to have talks with вести переговоры с ...

XXX. Закончите следующие ситуации:

1. I work at the Ministry. We do business with ... 2. My working hours begin at 9 o'clock. 1 have very much work to do every day ... 3. The director of our office often meets foreign businessmen. They come to the office to discuss ... . 4. On Sunday I don't work. I sometimes go to see my parents. They live in the country. 5. My office is on the fifth floor. It is a large room ....

XXXI. Составьте ситуации со следующими словами:

the Ministry , a manager, to do business, different countries, a lot of businessmen, to discuss contracts, to sell (to buy) other goods;

to have a lot of work to do, to go through, to send, catalogues, to receive, prices of different goods, the terms of payment and delivery;

our office, floor, there is/are, a telephone, to receive, mail, to go through the mail, an answer, to have a lot of work to do;

sometimes, to receive engineers, a factory, to discuss business, to go to a factory, to see the new equipment, to telephone, other offices, to dis­cuss the terms of a contract.

XXXII. Выполните следующие задания:

Позвоните на фирму «Грин и К°». Узнайте, когда и где вы могли бы встретиться с г-ном Грином, чтобы обсудить с ним цены, условия платежа и другие вопросы.

Примите г-на Харта (Hart), осведомитесь о его здоровье, узнайте, какое оборудование они хотят купить у вас. Предложите ему каталоги и прейскуранты на ваши товары.

Вы встретили своего друга. Поговорите с ним о его рабочем дне. Попросите его описать свою контору.

Узнайте у одного из инженеров Автоэкспорта, где находится их контора, с какими странами они ведут торговлю и какие товары продают.

XXXIII. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. My work. 2. At my office. 3. My friend's office.

XXXIV. Напишите сочинения на темы, используя следующие слова и слово­ сочетания:


to do business with, a lot of firms, to telephone, to write letters, to receive cables, to go through ..., at half past ..., to meet businessmen, to discuss, to make contracts, different goods, to speak a foreign language, to sell, to buy.


to come to the office, at a quarter to ..., to get ready for, on the fourth floor, a lot of sunshine, large windows, a book-case, shelves, a telephone, there is/are, in the corner, to the left of, near, our secretary's desk.


Grammar: 1. Простое прошедшее время (Simple Past)

2. Неопределенные местоимения some, any.

3. Именные безличные предложения.

4. Сложносочиненные предложения.

Revision: 1. Оборот there is/are.

  1. Глагол to be.

  2. Many, much, few, little.



It was Sunday yesterday. It was our day off. We got up at half past eight but it was still dark. In winter it gets light very late. At 10 o'clock we had breakfast. We had some coffee, ham, cheese and eggs for breakfast.

Then we went for a walk. It was so wonderful outside. There was a lot of snow in the streets. The air was frosty but it was not very cold. We had a good walk that morning.

On our way back my wife went to buy some bread and sugar. I went to the theatre box-office and bought two rickets for "The Three Sisters". It was on at the Art Theatre that night1.

We came back just in time for dinner2. After dinner my wife and children watched T.V. and I went through some magazines and newspapers.

At half past five my wife and I went to the theatre. The performance was wonderful and we liked it very much. It was over at a quarter past ten. We took a taxi, and in half an hour we were at home. It was already late. We had supper, listened to the news on the radio and went to bed.


At the theatre Mr. Camp meets Mr. Bunin during the interval.

Camp: Good evening, Mr. Bunin.

Bunin: Oh, Mr. Camp, this is a surprise3. Glad to see you4. How do you

like the performance? Camp: It's wonderful.

Bunin: Did you see any performance of the Moscow Art Theatre in London ? Camp: No, I didn't. I wanted to see it very much but I couldn't get any

tickets. I heard a lot about this theatre. So I decided to go to this

theatre in Moscow.


1. It was on at the Art Theatre that night. —- Она (пьеса) шла в Художественном театре в тот вечер.

Если перед существительным, обозначающим время, стоит ука­зательное местоимение this или that, то предлог в этом сочетании не употребляется. that night — в тот вечер that day — в тот день this Saturday — в эту субботу

  1. We came back just in time for dinner. — Мы вернулись как раз к обе­ду.

  2. This is a surprise! — Какой сюрприз! Какая неожиданность!

  3. Glad to see you. = I'm glad to see you (разговорная форма) Рад вас видеть.


dark adj темный

It is dark in the room. В комнате темно.

season n время года, сезон

There are four seasons in the year. В году четыре времени года.

winter и зима

in winter зимой

The days are short in winter. Зимой дни короткие.

: But: this winter этой зимой

last winter прошлой зимой

spring n весна

It is spring now. Сейчас весна.

in spring весной

summer n лето ..•

in summer летом ,

The summer of 19... was very good. Лето 19... года было очень хорошее,

autumn ['o:tem] п осень

in autumn осенью

to get v становиться (глагол-связка)

to get light светать

It gets light at 5 now. Сейчас светает в 5 часов.

to get dark темнеть

to get old стареть

late adv поздно

ant. early рано

some [sAm, ssm, sml pron - несколько, некоторые, некоторое ко-


any ['eni] pron какой-либо, какой-нибудь, любой

for [f:*, fe] prep для, на

Buy a newspaper for me. Купи газету для меня,

then adv потом, затем, тогда

to go for a walk (went, gone) идти гулять, пойти на прогулку

After breakfast they went for a walk. После завтрака они пошли гулять,

to walk v идти пешком, гулять

I usually walk to the office. Я обычно хожу пешком на работу.

so adv так, такой

1 : ■

So употребляется перед прилагательными и наречиями для усиления их зна­чения.

It's so dark. here. Здесь так темно.

Не speaks English to well. Он так хорошо говорит по-английски.


! |

wonderful ['wAndsful] adj прекрасный, чудесный

She has a wonderful flat. У нее чудесная кварта да.

wonderfully adv прекрасно, чудесно /

She speaks English wonderfully. Она прекрасно говорит по-английски,

outside ['autsaid] adv снаружи, вне помещения

Не went outside. - Он вышел из помещения (на улицу).

Are there any people outside? На улице есть люди?

snow [snou] n снег

Is there much snow outside? На улице много снега?

street л улица

in the street на улице

What street do you live in? На какой улице вы живете?

air и воздух

There is a lot of air in this room. В этой комнате много воздуха.

frosty adj морозный

It's frosty to-day. Сегодня морозно.

cold [kould] adj холодный

warm adj теплый

to have a walk (had, had) прогуляться, погулять

We had a good walk. Мы хорошо погуляли.

on one's way [wei] по пути

on my way home по дороге домой

on oar way here по дороге сюда

on his way there по дороге туда

on your way to the office по дороге в контору

sugar сахар

I don't like much sugar in my tea. Я не люблю очень сладкий чай.

theatre театр

the Bolshoi Theatre Большой театр

She often goes to the theatre. Она часто ходит в театр.

We were at the theatre yesterday. Мы вчера были в театре.

box-office п касса (в театре)

ticket билет

Yesterday I bought a ticket for the Вчера я купил билет в театр.


to be on (was, were, been) идти (о пьесах, фильмах)

What is on at the Bolsboi Theatre to-day? Что сегодня идет в Большом


the Art Theatre Художественный театр

night [naitj л ночь, вечер

That night I was not at home. В тот вечер меня не было дома.

back adv назад

to come back возвращаться

to go back пойти обратно

to be back вернуться

to give back вернуть (что-то)

on our way back на обратном пути

When can you give back my book? Когда вы можете вернуть мою кн*

I can give it back to you today. Я могу вернуть ее вам сегодня.

in time adv вовремя

Аll of them came in time. Они все пришли вовремя, to watch T.V. «= to watch television смотреть телевизионную передача

pwotf'tfc 'vi]

In the evening she sometimes watches Вечером она иногда смотрит тел

T.V. зионную передачу.

performance [pa'fo:mans] л спектакль

a ticket for a performance

I bought a ticket for this performance Я купил билет на этот

yesterday. спектакль вчера.

to be oyer заканчиваться

The performance was over at 9.15. Спектакль закончился в 9.15.

to take a taxi ['taeksi] (took, taken) взять такси

We must take a taxi. Мы должны взять такси.

in prep через (предлог времени)

in half an hour через полчаса

in two and a half hours через два с половиной часа

in two days через два дня

in a quarter of an hour через четверть часа

late adj поздний

It is late. We must go home. Поздно. Мы должны идти домой.

to have supper ужинать

When do you have sapper? Когда вы ужинаете?

to listen flisn] v слушать

to listen to слушать кого-л., что-л.

Listen to me, please. Послушайте меня, пожалуйста.

Listen to the text, please. Послушайте текст, пожалуйста.

news[nju:z] новость, новости

—■ — ——— ——— , _______________

Слово news всегда употребляется в ед. числе.

ТЫ* is good news. Это хорошая новость.

This news is eood. Эти новости хорошие.

radio п радио

I listened to good music on the radio В прошлое воскресенье я слушала эту

last Sunday. музыку по радио.

to go to bed ложиться спать

I usually go to bed at И. Я обычно ложусь спать в 21 часов.

interval и - антракт

They met during the interval. Они встретились во время антракта,

surprise и сюрприз, неожиданность

to be glad быть довольным, радоваться

I'm always glad to meet you. Я всегда рад вас видеть,

to want v хотеть

I wanted to go to the theatre yesterday, Я хотел пойти в театр вчера, но я не

but I couldn't buy a ticket. смог купить билет.

to get (got, got) v доставать, получать

When did you get my letter? Когда вы получили мое письмо?

I must get this book. Мне нужно достать эту книгу,

to bear (heard, beard) слышать

[his, h3-.d, h9:d] v

Do you hear me well ? Вы меня слышите хорошо?

I heard this news on the radio. Я слышал эту новость по радио.

,.. > Сравните:

to bear слышать

to listen слушать

We listened to him but we did not hear him. Мы Слушали его, но мы не слышали

его (из-за шума).

so adv итак, поэтому

1 didn't see him yesterday so I couldn't Я не видел его вчера, поэтому

tell him about it. я не мог сказать ему об этом.

to decide [dt'said] v решать

I decided not to go there to-day. Я решил не ездить туда сегодня.

before [Ы'Щргер до

I came home before 6 o'clock. Я пришел домой до 6 часов.

the day before yesterday позавчера

the other day на-днях (по отношению к прошлому)

last adv в прошлый раз

last night вчера вечером

tonight сегодня вечером

Grammar Exercises

Simple Past

I. Прочитайте вслух три формы неправильных глаголов и выучите их:

to take — took [tuk] — taken [teikn]

to find — found [faund] — found

to give — gave — given

to go — went — gone fgon]

to do — did — done fdAn]

to see — saw [sa=] — seen

to know — knew [nju] — known [noun]

to read — read [red] — read [red]

to speak — spoke — spoken

to write — wrote — written

to begin — began [bi'gaen] — begun [Ь'длп]

to get up — got up — got up

to put — put — put

to sit down — sat down — sat down

to sell — sold [sould] — sold

to buy — bought [bo4] — bought

to bring — brought [bn*t] — brought

to come . — came — come

to meet — met — met

to make — made — made

to be — was, were — been

to have — had — had

to send — sent — sent *

to tell — told [tould] — told

to drink — drank — drunk

to eat — ate [et] — eaten

can — could [kud]

may — might [mart]

II. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. When did you last see your friend? 2. The day before yesterday the engineers of our office met foreign businessmen to discuss business with them. 3. What language did you speak to foreign businessmen yesterday?

  • The director of our office received French businessmen the other day.

  • Last year Machinoexport did a lot of business with British firms.

  • Did you meet the foreign businessmen yesterday morning? 7. Few engi­neers of our office spoke English last year.

Ш. Употребите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени и добавьте нужные по смыслу обстоятельства времени:

1. I get up at 7 o'clock. 2. Those economists and engineers have their German lessons on Monday. 3. I see them at the Ministry ,eyery day. 4. Who brings you the mail? 5. Their office can sell boilers to that French firm. 6. Our English lesson begins at half past eight. 7. We buy television-sets from that firm. 8. Mr. Volkov usually goes through the mail in the morning.

IV. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную


1. They discussed the terms of delivery with them last week. 2. They received this flat five years ago. 3. She bought this television last Sunday. 4. His son went to the nursery school last year. 5. The director of the factory was at our office yesterday. 6. He spoke at the meeting about it. 7. They came home at a quarter to eleven. 8.1 sent her a letter the other day.

V. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Did you get up at 8 o'clock on your last day off? 2. Did you shave in the morning or in the evening yesterday? 3. Did your friend telephone you yesterday? 4. Did your wife come home at six o'clock or at 7 o'clock yesterday? 5. When did you begin to work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade? 6. Where did you live seven years ago? 7. Whom did you meet the other day? 8. When did you last see your friend? 9. Who came to see you the day before yesterday? 10. Which of you did business with British firms last year? 11. Whose children began to learn English last year? 12. Who spoke at your meeting last Tuesday?

VI. Переведите на английский язык:

1. — Я звонил вам вчера вечером, но вас не было дома. Где вы были? — Я ездил за город навестить отца и вернулся очень поздно. 2. — Где вы жили три года тому назад? — Я жил в Киеве. Я там учился в институте. Теперь я инженер и работаю в Москве на боль­шом заводе. 3. Мой друг начал изучать английский язык два года тому назад. Сейчас он хорошо говорит по-английски и может при­нимать представителей иностранных фирм. 4. Вчера мы получили много писем от разных фирм. Одно из писем — запрос на наше электрооборудование. 5. На прошлом уроке мы не писали упраж­нений. Мы обсуждали пятый текст и, отвечали на вопросы препода­вателя. 6. На прошлой неделе наш директор заключил контракт с двумя фирмами. Мы продали им 10 котлов. 7. — Кто вчера дал вам наш номер телефона? — Ваш секретарь. 8. — Мне очень нра­вятся ваши новые часы. Когда вы их купили? — На-днях.

some, any, some of, any of

VII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Some engineers of our office learn French. 2. There are some catalogues on the table. 3. Did you make any contracts yesterday? 4. We did not receive any/cables from Nordon and Co. yesterday. 5. Have you any new magazines ? Yes, t have some. (No, I haven't any.) 6. Is there any cheese on the plate? Yes, there is some. (No, there isn't any.) 7. We'd like to discuss some of the terms of the contract to-day. 8. Can you bring me any of those maga­zines? 9. You mustn't take any of these letters. 10. Do any of your friends work at our Ministry?

VIII. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

1. Не has some new English books. 2. There were some newspapers and magazines on that little table. 3. They can speak some foreign languages. 4. He knows some engineers of our office. 5. We sent some letters to foreign firms.yesterday. 6. There is some milk in the cup. 7. You can see some cables and telexes on that desk. 8. Our director received some businessmen the day before yesterday.

IX. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any:

1. There are ... new words in this lesson. 2. There are not ... letters on your desk. 3.1 have ... other questions to ask you. 4. Have you ... questions? 5. ... of us learned English at school. 6. I haven't ... pencils

and she has 7. Are there... price-lists on your desk? Yes, there are ....

8. Can you give me ... magazines to read? 9.1 didn't see ... of them yester­day. 10. The other day we sent ... enquiries for furniture.

X. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Do you know any engineers at Klachinoexport? 2. Does your

office sell any goods to Great Britain? 3. Do you buy any equipment from foreign firms? 4. Do any engineers of your office learn French? 5. Did you have any English lessons last week? 6. Are there any magazines on the shelf? 7. Have you any books about Novgorod? 8. Have you any English books at home? 9. Can you give me any magazines to read? 10. Would you like some tea or milk? 11. Are there any things on the table? 12. Was there any mail from Great Britain yesterday?

XI. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Некоторые студенты очень любят переводить с русского язы­ка на английский. 2. Я не могу дать вам несколько французских книг. 3. Не берите со стола никаких вещей. 4. — Вам нравятся какие-нибудь из этих журналов? — Да, некоторые из них очень хорошие. 5. Несколько лет тому назад здесь была деревня. 6. Мне бы хотелось просмотреть некоторые прейскуранты.

Именные безличные предложения

XII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. It is winter. It's very cold in Moscow in winter. 2. What time is it now? It's eleven. Oh, it's already late. I must go home. 3. It was frosty outside yesterday. 4. When does it usually get dark in Moscow in spring? It usually gets dark at half past 8 or at 9 o'clock in spring. 5. It is very light in this room. There is always a lot of sunshine here. 6. In winter it is usually still dark at half past eight. 7. When does it usually get warm in Moscow? 8. What time did it get light yesterday? 9. Was it cold yesterday? No, it was warm outside.

XIII. Ответьте на вопросы;

1. Is it winter or autumn now? Is it cold now? Was it cold at this time last year? 3. Is it frosty today? 4. When is it usually frosty? 5. When is it warm in Moscow? 6. When does it get light in Moscow in winter? 7. When does it get dark in Moscow in summer? 8. Is it morning now? 9. Is it early now? 10. Is it wonderful in Moscow now? 11. What season is it now?

XIV. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Уже половина десятого. Я должен идти на урок. 2. В прошлое воскресенье было не очень холодно, и мы с женой ездили за город.

  • Вчера вечером на улице было чудесно, и мы хорошо погуляли.

  • — В Москве рано темнеет зимой? — Да. В 4 часа дня. 5. Сейчас уже половина одиннадцатого. Мы должны закончить наш урок.

6. Уже поздно. Дети должны идти спать. 7. Сейчас не очень поздно. Мы можем посмотреть телевизионную передачу. 8. — Сегодня хо­ лодно? — Нет, сегодня очень тепло. Вы можете открыть окно.


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

XV. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. At 11 o'clock we went for a walk (2). 2. We decided to go to the country on Sunday (3) 3. There is a theatre box-office in that new building (1). 4. I had supper at home with my family yesterday (4). 5. Sergei bought three tickets for us (2). 6. My sister's daughter usually goes to bed at 9 o'clock (4).

7. In summer it gets dark at 10 o'clock in the evening (2). 8. I spoke to the director of the factory on the phone yesterday (3).

XVI. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме, и перескажите текст:

1. It (to be) winter now. In winter the days (to be) short and the nights (to be) long. It (to get) light late and it (to get) dark early. There (to be) a lot of snow in the streets of Moscow in winter. It (to be) sometimes frosty in Moscow, but there (to be) not many cold days here.

2 It (to be) spring now. Yesterday (to be) my day off. I (to get up) at half past eight. There (to be) a lot of sunshine in the room. It usually (to get) light at 5 o'clock in spring. I (to come) up to the window and (to open) it. It (to be) warm outside. Then I (to go) to the bathroom to shave and to wash. At a quarter past nine I (to have) breakfast and at 10 o'clock my friend (to telephone) me. We (to decide) to go to see my friend's parents. They (to live) in the country. On our way there we (to speak) about our friends and our English lessons. In an hour and a half we (to be) there. His parents (to be) happy to see us. We (to have) dinner. Then we (to go) for a walk. It (to be) wonderful outside. We (to come) back in two hours and (to ,watch) T.V.


XVII. Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо:

My friend and I often go to ... theatre to see ... new performances. We like going to ... theatre on Saturday nights.

Last Saturday I finished ... work at 3 o'clock and went home. I had ... dinner and sat down in '... easy-chair to read ... newspaper. In half ... hour I decided to go for a walk. It was ... wonderful day. ... air was cold.

There was ... lot of snow in ....... streets. I had ... nice walk and at ...

quarter to six I came back. I phoned my friend, and we decided to go to ... theatre. We wanted to see... new performance "The Sixth of July". It was on at:'.. .Art Theatre. We met at six o'clock, took ... taxi and in ... quarter of ... hour we were at ... theatre. We bought ... tickets at ... box-office and came into ... theatre just in time for ... performance. We liked ... performance very much.

XVIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами, и перескажите текст:

Last Saturday "Little Dorrit" was the Art Theatre.'... his

way home Peter Belov went .. - the theatre box-office and bought two tickets ... the performance. It was already four o'clock ... the afternoon. .. half an hour he came home. Peter had dinner ... his family and ... six o'clock he and his wife were ready to go ... the theatre. They came there just ,.. time ... the performance.

The performance was wonderful. They liked it very much. ... the theatre Peter and his wife met some ... their friends and spoke .. them ... the performance.

.'.. half ... ten the performance was over. It was not cold outside. So Peter and his wife decided not to take a taxi. They walked home. ... eleven o'clock they came home, it was late, but they decided to listen ... the news .... the radio and then went ... bed.

XIX. Заполните пропуски глаголами to hear, to listen to:

1. Can you ... me well from there? 2. You must always ... your teacher at the lessons. 3.1 usually ... the news on the radio in the morning before work. 4. Did you ... the 6 o'clock news? 5. I'm very sorry but I can't ...

you now. 6. Yesterday I... a lot about this new performance. Fd like to see it very much. 7. Can you ... us now? We'd like to ask you some questions about London. 8. I'm sorry I didn't... the last word. 9. This is a surprise ... it from you. 10. The other day I ... some good music on the radio.

XX. Употребите оборот there is/are в правильной форме и нужном времени:

1. ... sixty minutes in an hour. 2. ,.. twelve months in a year. 3. ... a lot of snow in Moscow in winter. 4. ... not any cheese for breakfast to­day. 5. ... a lot of people at the theatre last night. 6. ... any bread for dinner? Yes, ... some. 7. ... some magazines on the table. You may take one of them. 8, ... not many tickets for this performance at the box-office.

XXI. Употребите в правильной форме оборот there is/are или it is в настоящем или прошедшем времени:

1. ... a lot of people at the theatre last night. 2. ... a frosty day. I am cold. 3. ... a book on the table this morning. Where is it now? 4. ... a won­derful performance. I liked it very much. 5. ... some magazines on the table. Give me one, please. 6. ... a lot of snow in the streets last winter. 1. ... cold yesterday, and our children couldn't go for a walk. 8. ... a lot of people near the booking-office a quarter of an hour ago.

XXII. Заполните пропуски словами much, many, tittle, few:

1, Was there ... snow in Kiev last winter? Yes, there was. And it was very cold. 2. Do ... people watch T/V in the evening? 3. ... children watch T/V after 9 o'clock in the evening. 4.1 don't like ... sugar in my tea.

  • I'm sorry we have very ... ham for breakfast, but we have a lot of cheese.

  • We must go to the theatre in half an hour. We have very ... time for dinner. 7. There were not ... nice days in Moscow last autumn. 8. Mr. Larin doesn't know German well, but he studies very ... now.

XXIII. Заполните пропуски словами some, any:

1. Last month we saw ... new performances at the Art Theatre. 2. Are there ... tickets for this performance at the box-office? Yes, there are

  • Nick, bring me ... sugar, please. I don't see ... sugar on the table.

  • I'd like to have ... brown bread for dinner. 5. Did you hear ... news yesterday? Yes, I did. What was it about? 6. There was still ... snow in the streets of Moscow last month. 7. Must I buy ... eggs to-day? No, you needn't. I bought ... yesterday. 8.1 can't do this exercise. There are ... new words in it. 9. There are a lot of magazines on that desk. You may take ... of them. 10. Did your office make ... contracts with British firms last year?

XXIV. Заполните пропуски глаголами to speak, to tell в соответствующей форме:

1. Не ... some foreign languages. 2. Many of our engineers ... at the meetingyesterday.3.He ... us about the new performance at the Art Theatre. 4. Who... you not to buy tickets for this performance? 5. Can you ... us about winter in Tomsk? 6. ... the children not to go for a walk today. It is very cold outside. 7. Yesterday my friend came to see me. We ... very much about her new flat. 8. Did you ... to them on the phone the other day? Yes, I ... .

XXV. Заполните пропуски активными словами и словосочетаниями в нужной

форме и перескажите текст:

to go for a walk, wonderful, on his way, to decide, to be on, to buy, to telephone, a performance, to like, to be over, to take a taxi, to listen to, on the radio, good

Last Saturday Mr. Titov ... in the afternoon. It was spring and it was ... outside. ... he saw a theatre box-office and ... to buy tickets for the Maly Theatre. "A Man From Stratford" ... on Saturday and on Sunday. But there were no tickets for the Sunday performance, there were tickets only for the Saturday performance at the box-office.'« Mr. Titov ... two tickets for the Saturday performance. It was already late and he decided not to go home. He ... his wife and she came to the theatre just in time for ... .

The performance was .... They ... it very much. It ... at a quarter past ten. Mr. Titov and his wife ,.. and came home at a quarter to

eleven. It was not very late and they had time ... the news ....

XXVI. Переведите на английский язык:

1. В прошлое воскресенье было очень холодно, и мы решили не ездить за город. 2. Она попросила нас не курить в комнате. 3. Мать велела детям не смотреть телевизионную передачу после ужина. 4. Зимой в Москве обычно бывает холодно. Светает зимой поздно. Дни короткие, а ночи длинные. На улицах много снега. Некоторые люди любят зиму. Я тоже люблю зиму. Я люблю гулять зимой по утрам. 5. Вчера у нас был выходной день. Мы встали в 7 часов утра. Было уже совсем светло. Мы позавтракали и поехали за город. Там было замечательно. Мы хорошо погуляли. Домой мы верну­лись поздно, б. — На вашей улице есть театр? — Нет, но в нашем районе есть 2 новых театра. Я очень люблю театр. В прошлый вы­ходной день я был в театре с женой. В тот вечер шел новый спек­такль. Он начался в 7.30. В театре было много народу. Нам очень понравился этот спектакль.

Speech Exercises (Речевые упражнения)

XXVII. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог.

XXVIII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы н на освове ответов составьте крат­ кий рассказ:

1. Was it a fine day yesterday? 2. Was it warm or cold? 3. Did you go for a walk? 4. With whom did you go for a walk? 5. What did you do after that?

1. Do you often go to the theatre? 2. When did you last go to the theatre? 3. Where did you buy tickets for the performance? 4. What perform­ance did you see? 5. Was the performance wonderful? 6. When did it begin? 7. When was it over?

1. Do you and your family like watching T. V.? 2. When do you usually watch T. V.? 3. What did you see last night? 4. Did your children see it too or did they go to bed? 5. Do your children like watching T. V. very much?

1. Which of you lived in Petersburg some years ago? 2. In what year did you live there? 3. Do you like Petersburg? 4. How many years did you live there? 5. Does it get warm there early or late in spring? 6. When does it get dark there in spring? 7. Do you like white nights? 8. Are they wonderful?

XXIX. Прочитайте и перескажите следующие тексты:

On our last day off the weather was very nice. It was not very cold. There was a lot of snow outside. After breakfast we went for a walk to the park. It was a wonderful winter morning. There were a lot of people in the park. All of us liked our walk very much.

On our way home we met my wife's brother and invited him to have dinner with us. We took a taxi and came home in half an hour. We were just in time for dinner.

weather [7шебэ] погода; to invite приглашать

My wife and I often go to the theatre on our days off. Last Sunday we went to the Bolshoi Theatre to hear an opera. "Ivan Susanin" was on that night. We liked the music very much. The opera was wonderful. It was over at a quarter past ten. We came home early. We had supper, listened to the news on the radio and went to bed at half past eleven.

an opera ['opera] опера

XXX. Составьте диалоги на основе следующих ситуаций:

Ann met Peter in the street the other day. Peter last met Ann a year ago and was happy to see her now.

Peter is an engineer. He works at our Ministry. He

works a lot. He likes his work very much. He also learns English and can already read books and speak English.

Ann is still a student of the Institute of Foreign Languages. She learns French. Ann often goes to the theatre. She likes the theatre very much. She last saw a wonderful performance at the Art Theatre.

Peter and Ann decided to go to the Ermolova Theatre to see "Pushkin" there.

Mr. Zernov met his friend Mitin at the theatre during the interval. "The Three Sisters" was on that night. It was a surprise to Mr. Zernov to see his friend at the theatre. They began to speak about the performance. They liked the performance very much.

Mr. Zernov likes the Art Theatre and the Maly Theatre very much.

Mr. Mitin seldom goes to the theatre. He studies at an evening institute. Sometimes he goes to the theatre on Sunday.

XXXI. Закончите следующие ситуации:

It was my day off yesterday. I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning, dressed, shaved, washed and had breakfast. Then ...

On our last day off" we decided to go to the theatre. A new performance was on. We came to the booking-office ...

It was wonderful outside yesterday morning. The air was frosty but it was not cold ...

XXXII. Составьте ситуации со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

  • in summer, short, long, warm, wonderful, on Sundays, to go to the country;

  • on my last day off, to have breakfast, to go for a walk, frosty, cold, a lot of snow;

  • to be on, to go to the theatre, wonderful, performance, to meet, a surprise, to be over;

  • on my way home, to buy, to have supper, to watch T. V., to listen to the news, to go to bed.

XXXIII. Выполните следующие задания:

  • Позвоните по телефону своему другу и расскажите ему о сво­ем прошлом выходном дне. Спросите его, где он был в этот день.

  • Обсудите пьесу, которую вы видели в выходной день с вашим товарищем. Товарища вы встретили в театре во время антракта. Спросите его, часто ли он ходит в театр.

  • Расскажите при встрече своему другу о своей прогулке с деть­ми в выходной день. Поговорите о погоде.

XXXIV. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. My day off. 2. An evening at home. 3. At the theatre. 4. A winter day.

XXXV. Напишите сочинения на темы, употребив следующие слова и словосо­четания:


winter, to begin, long, in winter, to get light, late, cold, outside, frosty, snow, streets, dark, to go for a walk.


on his last day off, to get up, light, to have breakfast, to decide to go to the country, on their way there, to buy ham, cheese, bread, milk, wonderful, to go for a walk, to read, to play, to come back, to have supper, to watch T. V., to listen to the news on the radio, to go to bed.


last Friday, to go to the Ermolova Theatre, to be on that night, to go to the theatre box-office, to come just in time, a lot of people at the theatre, the performance, during the interval, to meet, to speak about, to decide to meet on Sunday.

a holiday-home a sunshade

beautiful to have a good time

wonderful a film

the sea interesting


Grammar; 1. Понятие о причастии прошедшего времени (Participle II).

  1. Настоящее совершенное время (The Present Perfect Tense).

  2. Дополнительные придаточные предложения.

Revision: 1. Времена Simple Present, Simple Past, Present Continuous,

Past Continuous. 2. Неопределенные местоимения some, any.



Roberts and Company, a British firm, sent an enquiry for boilers to " Machinoexport ". The buyers were interested in boilers of different models. "Machinoexport" received the enquiry from the firm and the President of our office asked Mr. Bunin to be ready for the talks.

On the 3rd of April Mr. Camp, a representative of Roberts and Co. came to Moscow. The next day1 he had a talk with Mr. Bunin and got the necessary materials from him. Mr. Camp and Mr. Bunin made an appointment for the 6th of April.


Camp: Good afternoon, Mr. Bunin.

Bunin; Good afternoon, Mr. Camp. I hope you are having a good time.

Camp: Oh, yes. I like it here very much.

Bunin: Have you gone sightseeing yet?

Camp: Well, I've only been here since Tuesday and I haven't seen much

yet. I was at the Tretyakov Gallery yesterday and I've just been to

the Kremlin. It's wonderful.

Bunin: Glad to hear it. Now, what can I do for you?

Camp: I've gone through your catalogues and price-lists. I believe we can buy from you two boilers, Model PK-67 and three boilers Model BK-220. But your prices are too high, I'm afraid.

Bunin: I don't think so2. We usually sell our boilers at these prices. They are in great demand, and we have sold a lot of them at these prices lately. I'm afraid we can't reduce them.

Camp: I see.3 And what about the terms of delivery?

Bunin: We can offer you the goods c.i.f.4 London.

Camp: Good, then we accept the terms.

Bunin: When do you require the boilers?

Camp: We'd like to have them in May.

Bunin: That's all right.5 We can ship them in May.

Camp: Fine.* I'd like to contact.my people7 and let them know your an­swer. Can I see you on Friday?

Bunin: Certainly. What time is convenient to you?

Camp: Any time you say.8

Bunin: 11.30 then.

Camp: Very good. Good-bye.

Bunin: Good-bye.


1. next day — на следующий день.

Это слово всегда употребляется без предлога.

next week — на следующей неделе

next month — в следующий месяц

next year — на следующий год

Если эти словосочетания встречаются в коитексте прошедшего

времени, то перед ними, как правило, ставится определенный


On the 3rd of April Mr. Camp came to Moscow. The next day he had a

talk with Mr. Bunin.

  1. I don't think so. — He думаю. Я думаю, что это не так. I think so. — Я тоже так думаю. Я думаю, что это так.

  2. I see. — Ясно. Понятно.

  3. c.i.f. — это первые буквы слов cost, insurance, freight ['kost, m'Juarans, frert] (стоимость, страхование, фрахт). СИФ — условия поставки, по которым продавец обязан доставить товар до пункта приемки и застраховать его. Цена товара, таким образом, включает стоимость товара, фрахта и страхования.

We can sell our goods c.i.f. Liverpool. — Мы можем продать товар сиф Ливерпуль.

f.o.b. — это первые буквы слов free on board ['fri on 'bod] (франке борт судна). ФОБ — условия поставки, по которым продавец обязан доставить и погрузить товар на борт судна за свой счет. The firm has sold the goods f.o.b.Petersburg — Фирма продала това­ры фоб Петербург.

f.a.s. — это первые буквы слов free alongside ship ['fri e'forjsaid

'i!P] (франко вдоль борта судна). ФАС — условия поставки, по

которым продавец обязан доставить товар к борту судна за свой


The prices for the goods are f.a.s. Odessa. — Цены на товары фас


Запомните сочетания

on c.i.f. | на условиях сиф

on f.o.b.J- terms на условиях фоб on f.a.s. J ~на условиях фас

We can offer you the goods on c.i.f. terms. — Мы можем предложить товары на условиях сиф.

  1. That's all right. — Хорошо.

  2. Fine. — Прекрасно.

  3. I'd like to contact my people. — Мне бы хотелось связаться со своей фирмой.

  4. Any time you say. — В любое время.

Глаголы to say, to tell, to speak

to say (said, said) означает «говорить», «сказать». Он употребляется:

1. перед прямой речью

Не said: "Let's have a walk." — Он сказал: «Давай погуляем».

Примечание. Перед косвенным дополнением после глагола to say ставится предлог to.

Не said to us: "I've got some interesting news to tell you." Он сказал нам: «У меня есть интересная новость».

2. перед косвенной речью

Не says that he knows English well. — Он говорит, что хорошо знает английский язык.

3. с прямым дополнением

Не didn't say a word. — Он не сказал ни слова.

to tell (told, told) означает:

1. «рассказывать», «сообщать» (как правило, употребляется с кос­венным дополнением, за которым идет либо прямое, либо пред­ложное дополнение)

Не told us the news. — Он сообщил нам новость. Tell те about your holiday. — Расскажите мне о вашем отпуске.

Примечание. Без косвенного дополнения to tell употребляется только в словосочетаниях to tell the truth [tru: 6] 'говорить правду', to tell a lie [lai]'лгать', to tell a story ['storri] 'рассказывать историю'.

2. «сказать» (в этом значении он употребляется перед косвенной речью)

Tell him that you know it. — Скажи ему, что ты знаешь это.

3. «велеть»

Не told us to come here tomorrow. — Он велел нам придти сюда завтра.

to speak означает:

1. «говорить» (в этом значении глагол to speak непереходный и, как правило, определяется наречием)

Не speaks very well. — Он говорит очень хорошо.

2. «разговаривать», «беседовать», «говорить» (в этом значении to speak употребляется с предложным дополнением с предлогами to, with и about)

We spoke about it for 15 minutes. — Мы говорили об этом в течение 15 минут.

Speak to him about it, please.—Поговорите с ним об этом, пожалуй­ста.

3. «говорить на языке»

Не speaks English and German. — Он говорит по-английски и по-немецки.

4. «выступать»

Не spoke at the meeting yesterday.—Он выступал вчера на собрании.


1. Суффикс -able употребляется для образования прилагательных от глаголов.

to accept+able = acceptable приемлемый to read +able = readable «читабельный»

2. Суффикс -ment употребляется для образования существительных от глаголов.

to appoint+ment = appointment встреча to ship -fment = shipment отгрузка


buyer ['baia] л покупатель

The buyers would like to have the goods Покупатели хотели бы получить товар

in May. в мае.

seller ['seb] п продавец

to be interested in быть заинтересованным в ...,


Оборот to be interested in употребляется с последующим существительным или герундием.

We яге interested in your goods. Мы заинтересованы в ваших товарах.

Some firms are interested in buying our goods. Некоторые фирмы заинтересованы в

покупке наших товаров.

model n модель, образец

We'd iike to buy a TV set of a new model. Нам бы хотелось купить телевизор но­ вого образца.

president I'prezidentJ л председатель объединения

to ask (ask] v просить, попросить

Не asked me to give him a book to read. Он попросил меня дать ему почитать


Не asked me not to tell her about it. Он попросил меня не говорить ей об


talk [tok] п беседа

to have a talk вести беседу

to have talks вести переговоры

We bad talks with one of the French*' Мы вели переговоры с одной фран-

firms last week. цузской фирмой на прошлой неделе.

representative представитель

The firm sent their representative to Фирма послала своего представителя

Moscow. в Москву.

next adj следующий, будущий

I'm going to spend my holiday in the В будущем году я собираюсь прове-

Criiv.ea next year. сти свой отпуск в Крыму.

necessary [nesisari] adj необходимый

You can get the necessary catalogues Вы можете получить необходимые

tomorrow morning. каталоги завтра утром.

This book is necessary to me. Эта книга мне необходима.

material п материал

materials материалы, документы

All the materials were ready for the talks. Все материалы были готовы для


to make an appointment назначать встречу We have made an appointment with Мы назначили встречу с представ li­ the French businessmen for Friday. телями французской фирмы на


to hope [houp] v надеяться

I hope you know the news. Надеюсь, вы знаете эту новость.

to go sightseeing ['saitsfcirj] осматривать достопримечательности

I'd like to go sightseeing tomorrow. Мне бы хотелось осмотреть досто­ примечательности завтра. '

the Tretyakov Gallery n Третьяковская галерея

the Kremlin n Кремль

to believe v полагать

I believe I can phone you after dinner. Я полагаю, что сумею позвонить вам

после обеда.

too[tu:)adv слишком

This text is too short. Этот текст слишком короток.

high [has] adj высокий

The prices of the goods were very high. Цены на товар были слишком высоки.

low adj низкий

to be afraid бояться


Этот оборот часто употребляется в разговорной речи для смягчения категорич­ности высказывания.

I'm afraid I can't do it now. Брюсь, что я не могу сделать это сейчас.

I'm afraid it's already late. Боюсь, что уже поздно.

to think (thought, thought [бзд, думать


I think the secretary is in now. Я думаю, секретарь сейчас у себя.

at the price of... по цене

a pound денежная единица в один фунт стер­ лингов. На письме обозначается зна­ ком £.

We can offer you this equipment at the Мы можем предложить вам это обо-

price of £ рудование по цене... фунтов.

great [greit] adj ' великий, большой

Tolstoy is a great Russian writer. Толстой — великий русский писа­ тель.

to be in demand [di'mand] пользоваться спросом

The goods of V/O Machinoexportarein Товары Машиноэкспорта пользуются

great demand. большим спросом.

to reduce [n'dju: s] v сокращать, снижать

The Sellers couldn't reduce the prices Продавец не смог снизить цены на

of their goods. свои товары.

to offer ['oh) v предлагать

He offered me that book. Он предложил мне эту книгу.

offer ['ofe] п предложение

We've received an offer of power equip- Мы недавно получили предложение

ment from a French firm lately. на энергетическое оборудование от

французской фирмы,

on c.i.f. (f.o.b., f.a.s.) terms на условиях СИФ (ФОБ, ФАС)

We can offer you our goods on c.i.f. Мы можем предложить вам наш товар

terms. на условиях СИФ.

to accept fr'ksept] v принимать

an offer t предложение

a price цену

to accept terms of delivery принимать условия поставки

terms of payment условия оплаты

I goods l товары

The Buyers haven't accepted the Sellers' Покупатель не принял товар

goods. продавца.

acceptable [a'kseptabl] adj приемлемый

Your terms are acceptable to us. Ваши условия приемлемы для нас.

to require [ri'kwaia] v требовать (-ся)

The firm requires the goods in July. Фирме требуются товары в июле,

to ship v грузить, отгружать

The firm shipped the goods in time. Фирма отгрузила товары вовремя.

ship я судно, пароход

shipment п отгрузка

terms of shipment условия отгрузки

time of shipment время отгрузки

Your terms of shipment are not accept- Ваши условия отгрузки неприем-

able to us. лемы для нас.

fine adj прекрасный, хороший

It is fine outside today. Сегодня на улице харошо.

to contact flcen'tasktj v связаться с кем-л. (поговорить)


-После глагола to contact всегда употребляется прямое дополнение.

.' Contact Mr. Smith tomorrow moraine, please. Свяжитесь с г-ном Смитом завтра утром,

j пожалуйста.

convenient [kan'vtniant] adj удобный

The time of the appointment is conve- Время встречи у страивает меня (удоб-

nient to me. но мне).

to say (said, said) [set, sed, sed] v говорить, сказать

yet adv уже

Have you seen him yet? Вы уже видели его сегодня?

yet adv еще

I haven't spoken to him yet. Я еще не говорил с ним.

since prep с

since conj с тех пор как

ever adv когда-либо

never adv никогда



В английском языке в предложении возможно лишь одно отрицание. Поэтому, • если в предложении имеется наречие never, то сказуемое употребляется в утверди-) тельной форме.

; We have neter done business with that firm. Мы никогда не торговали с этой фирмой.

I ■ ■ |

( : ; I

just adv только что

lately adv за последнее время

how long сколько времени

How long have you known him? Сколько времени вы его знаете?

for a long time давно, в течение долгого времен;

I haven't seen him for a long time. Я давно его не видел.


Grammar Exercises The Present Perfect Tense

I. Назовите 3 основные формы следующих глаголов:

to find, to take, to give, to be, to go, to get, to thank, to learn, to trans­late, to play, to sit, to put, to see, to send, to know, to do, to speak, to read, • to begin, to write, to make, to have, to meet, to come, to bring, to buy, to sell, to decide, to work, to swim, to let, to spend.

II. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Fve found your book. Here you are. 2. You may take the magazine. I've gone through it. 3. Has your son ever seen the sea? 4. I've just seen Mr. Sergeev . He is at his office. 5. Have you finished the letter yet? 6. We've sold a lot of power equipment this year. 7. They haven't discussed the prices yet. 8. We've made a contract with a German firm lately.

1.1 haven't been to the Crimea since 1963.2. He hasn't skied since 1966. 3. Since when have you worked at the Ministry ? 4. How

long have you known Mr. S.? I've known him for 10 years. 5. We haven't met since he last came to Moscow. 6. It has been cold since last week.

Ш. Напишите следующие предложения во всех лицах и прочитайте их:

1.' I've seen this film. 2. He's never been to London. 3. Have you read this book? 4. Has she ever lived there?

IV. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. We have done business with this firm. 2. She has been to the theatre this week. 3. They have come back today. 4. She has phoned you this morn­ing. 5. They have had a good time.

I. The film has been on since last week. 2. I have known him for ten years. 3. They have lived in Moscow for a long time. 4. We have received two letters from him since he went to London.

V. Поставьте наречия на соответствующее место в предложении:

1. He's been to London, (never) 2. Have you bought this book? (yet)

3. They've gone for a walk, (just) 4. She has done well, (lately) 5. Have you swum in the sea? (ever) 6. The children have not got up. (yet) 7. Has it got light? (yet) 8. Who's telephoned you? (just)

VI. Закончите следующие предложения:

1.1 have just ... 2. He has never ... 3. Have you ever ... ? 4. They haven't yet ... 5. She has never ... 6. Our engineers have ... lately. 7. Has Petrov ... yet? 8. We haven't ... lately.

1. Peter hasn't telephoned me since ... 2. Our office has sold a lot of equipment since ... 3. They haven't been to the country since ... 4. Our engineers have discussed a lot of questions since ... 5. ... since I last met him at the theatre. 6. ... since the firm began to do business with us.

VII. Выполните следующие просьбы и ответьте на них:

Mr. N., open your book, please. 1. What is Mr. N. doing? 2. What has Mr. N. done? 3. Who has opened the

book? 4. What did Mr. N. do a minute ago?

Mr. N., write the word "foreign", please. 1. What is Mr. N. doing? 2. What has he done? 3. What word has he

written? 4. What did he do a minute ago?

Mr. N., open the window, please. 1. What are you doing? 2. What have you done? 3. Who has opened the window?

4. What did you do a minute ago?

Mr. N., give me your book, please. I. What are you doing? 2. What have you done? 3. Who has given me the book? 4. What did you do a minute ago?

VIIL Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Have you made any contracts with some British firms lately? 2. Have you received any foreign businessmen today? 3. Have you sent any en­quiries to foreign firms this month? 4. Has your office received any enquiries for your goods lately? 5. How many contracts have you made this year?

6. What countries have you been to? 7. What interesting films have you seen lately? 8, How many new performances have you seen this year? 9. Whom have you seen today? 10. Whom have you telephoned today? 11. Which of you has listened to the news this morning? 12. Which of you has been to the Caucasus? 13. Who has received a new flat this year? 14. How many English words have you learned since you began to learn Eng­ lish? 15. How long have you known Mr. X.? 16. How long have you I been an engineer? 17. How long have you been married? 18. Since when have you lived in Moscow?


IX. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. С какими странами вы заключили контракты за последнее время? 2. Мы только что обсудили условия поставки. 3. С этой фир­мой мы никогда не вели торговли. 4. — Вы получили наши каталоги и прейскуранты? — Да. — Вы уже изучили наши каталоги? — Нет. 5. — Ваша контора когда-либр продавала этой фирме горно-шахт­ное оборудование? — Да. Мы с ними вели торговлю два года тому назад, б. — Этот фильм еще идет?— Да, но я его еще не видел. 7. — Секретарь уже принес почту?—Нет еще. 8. Ваш завод когда-нибудь изготовлял это оборудование? 9. Мы только что послали фирме телеграмму об этом. 10. Он никогда не проводил отпуск на Кав­казе.

1. Я его знаю 5 лет. 2. Мы его не встречали с тех пор, как он уехал на Украину. 3. Он не был в Крыму с 1965 года. 4. — Сколько лет вы женаты? — 5 лет. 5. Я не видел его с тех пор, как он вер­нулся из Франции. 6. Мы не получали от него писем с прошлого года.

Дополнительные придаточные предложения

X. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Не says that he has never been to London. 2. They say that they did business with the firm last year. 3. I don't know how long he has lived in-Moscow. 4. He doesn't know what film is on at our cinema. 5. I'm afraid I can't tell you about it now. 6. I believe you have had a good time there.

7. Please, let us know at what price you can sell us the equipment. 8. Please* tell me whose telephone number it is.

XI. Закончите следующие предложения:

1.1 must say that ... (to phone, at half past ten). 2. My friend knows that ... (to sell equipment, last week). 3. Some of our engineers say that ... (to do business, this month). 4. We'd like to tell you that ... (to buy goods). 5.1 know that... (to like the film). 6. He says that... (to receive letters). 7.1 hope ... (to spend a holiday, in the Crimea, last sum­mer). 8.1 believe ... (to discuss the contract, yesterday morning).

XIJ. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Надеюсь, ваш сын хорошо проводит время в Крыму. 2. Я по­лагаю, вам здесь нравится. 3. Боюсь, что Петр не достал билеты на этот фильм. 4. Спросите их, в какой дом отдыха они хотели бы поехать. 5. Анна говорит, что в Малом театре сейчас идет очень интересный спектакль, б. Я не знаю, куда они решили пойти вече­ром. 7. Знаете ли вы, кто из них хорошо говорит по-французски? 8. Сообщите нам, сколько автомашин вы можете продать нам в этом месяце.


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

XIII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Have you made an appointment with Mr. Lake yet? Yes, we've made an appointment with him for Friday. 2. The firm is interested in buying our new model of boilers. 3. Mr. Semenov has got ail the necessary mate-

rials for the talks. 4. Milk is necessary for children. 5. We are going to have talks with a British firm one of these days. 6. I asked the secretary not to make any appointments for tomorrow.

1. The Bayers require the goods this month. Have you shipped the goods yet? 2. I believe we can buy their goods at this price. They've reduced it. 3. We've never sold this firm our goods on f.o.b. terms. 4. The representative of Brown and Co. says they've accepted our offer. 5. I'm afraid we can't buy your goods at these prices. 6. I've been here since Sunday but I haven't gone sightseeing yet. 7. We've just contacted Frank and Co. They say that they can't reduce their price. 8. Their goods are in great demand now and they've received a lot of enquiries for their goods lately.

XIV. Поставьте всевозможные вопросы к следующий предложениям:

1. We are interested in selling our mining equipment. 2. Our office is going to sell our new model of cars. 3. The secretary has made an appoint­ment with Mr. Brown for 12 o'clock. 4. We were having talks when the secretary brought us the cable.

1. She was at the Tretyakov Gallery last week. 2. They have reduced their prices. 3. I'm going to contact my people tomorrow. 4. The firm has accepted our oner of boilers.

XV. Найдите в тексте и диалоге эквиваленты к следующим предложениям и словосочетаниям:

1. Покупатели интересовались котлами различных моделей. 2. Быть готовым к переговорам. 3. 3 апреля. 4. На следующий день у него были переговоры с г-ном Буниным. 5. бн получил не­обходимый материал. 6. Они назначили встречу на б апреля.

1. Надеюсь, что вы хорошо проводите время. 2. Мне очень нра­вится здесь. 3. Вы уже осматривали достопримечательности? 4. Я только что был в Кремле. 5. Рад слышать это. б. Чем могу быть вам полезен? 7. Я полагаю. 8. Боюсь, что ваши цены слишком вы­соки. 9. Я не думаю. 10. На них большой спрос. 11. Понимаю. 12. А каковы ваши условия поставки? 13. Мы бы хотели получить их в мае. 14. Прекрасно. 15. Мне хотелось бы связаться со своей фир­мой и сообщить им ваш ответ. 16. Любое время.

XVI. Поставьте глагол в нужном времени, употребив одно из данных обстоя* тельств:

1.1 (to send) them the offer (this week, yesterday, just, a fortnight ago, this morning, last week). 2. We (to go sightseeing) today (three days ago, last week, just, the other day, this week). 3. They (to be) in (to) Kiev never (last year, lately, 2 years ago, this month).

XVII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на времена:

1. Они часто ведут переговоры с иностранными фирмами. 2. Они сейчас ведут переговоры. 3. Они вели переговоры с этой фир­мой на прошлой неделе. 4. Они вели переговоры с фирмой «Блэк и Ко.» на этой неделе. 5. Когда мы вернулись в контору, они все еще вели переговоры. 6. Мы собираемся вести с ними переговоры на будущей неделе.

1. Наша контора обычно отгружает оборудование вовремя. 2. Наша контора отгрузила оборудование в прошлом месяце. 3. Наша контора еще не отгрузила оборудование. 4. Наша контора может отгрузить оборудование в следующем месяце. 5. Наша контора со­бирается отгрузить оборудование через месяц.

XVIII. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме, и Есспрсигге- дите диалог:

Basov: Hallo, (to be) that Lake and Co.? I'd like to speakt о Mr. Lake.

Lake: Yes, Lake (to speak).

Basov: Good afternoon, Mr. Lake. This (to speak) Basov of Avtoexport-We (to see) your new model of cars lately and we (to be interested) in buying some of your new cars. Can you send us your offer?

Lake: I (to believe) we (to send) you our offer, Mr. Basov. You (to receive) it?

Basov: Not yet. When you (to send) it?

Lake: We (to send) it a week ago, I (to believe).

Basov: Then we must receive it today or tomorrow.

Lake: I (to think) so. How many cars would you like to buy ?

Basov: 5 or 6.

Lake: Good. And when you (to require) them?

Basov: In April or in May.

Lake: I (to believe) we can ship you the cars in April.

Basov: Thank you, Mr. Lake. Good-bye. Lake: Good-bye.

"(to be) the President in?" "Yes, but I (to be sorry) he cannot receive you now. He (to have talks) with some British businessmen."

They not (to buy) any goods from us since last year. But they (to say)

they (to require) these goods now. ■«.

"How long you (to be) in Moscow?" "I (to be) here for a week. I (to have) a nice time here. Every morning I (to get up) early and (to go sight­seeing). I (to see) a lot."

XIX. Заполните пропуски артиклями или притяжательными местоимениями, где необходимо:

1. We thank you for ... enquiry for ... power equipment of ... 10th of December. 2. ... prices are too high. I'm afraid we cannot accept ... offer. 3.1 hope you've had ... good time at... holiday-home. 4. We came to Petersburg on Saturday. ... next day we went sightseeing. 5. What time have you made ... appointment with ... representative of Parker & Co. for? 6. During ... talks we discussed all ... terms of ... contract. 7. We had ... talks with them ... other day. 8. ... air is necessary to ... people. 9. We must have ... first shipment of ... goods in September. 10. We are interested in ... different goods. 11. I've never been to ... Tate Gallery in London. 12. ... books are in great demand in our country.

XX. Заполните пропуски предлогами и составьте диалог на основе текста:

I work ... Machinoexport. A lot... foreign firms are interested

... doing business ... us. We have made some contracts ... boilers ... a new model lately. Our boilers are ... great demand now, and we sell them ... high prices.

The other day Mr. Gray ... Roberts & Co. came ... Moscow to have talks ... us. As soon as he came ... Moscow he phoned our secretary and made an appointment ... us ... the next day.

He came to see us ... half ... nine. We discussed a lot ... different questions. Our terms ... payment and delivery were acceptable ... him. When the talks were over we asked Mr. Gray to have dinner ... us ... Saturday.

XXI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на употреб­ ление last, lately:

1. Последнее время этот товар пользуется большим спросом. 2. — Когда вы были в Третьяковской галерее последний раз? — Я бы­ла там в прошлом месяце. 3. За последнее время у нас не было пе­реговоров с французскими фирмами. 4. Последний раз мы продали им товар на условиях сиф. 5. Последний раз мы имели дело с этой фирмой в ноябре прошлого года. 6. За последнее время мы получили

несколько предложений на горно-шахтное оборудование. 7. В по­следнее время цены на электрическое оборудование были высокими. 8. Последний раз мы встречались с представителем французской фирмы две недели тому назад.

XXII. Замените в следующих предложениях глагол to have на have got:

1. I have an interesting book to read. I can give it to you. 2. Nick has three tickets for the performance "Saturday, Sunday and Monday". Would you like to go with us ? 3. They haven't these magazines. 4. Have you many friends in Leningrad? 5. The firm can't offer us the goods. They haven't them now. 6. How many offers, from the German firms have we? 7. We haven't any enquiries for power equipment from Frank & Co. 8. I'm sorry I can't give you our catalogues now. I haven't the catalogues here.

XXIII. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any:

1. Please, give me ... coffee. I'm sorry but there isn't.... 2. We had ... tea, but there wasn't... sugar toput4in it. 3. I'm afraid I can'tspeak to you now. Come and see me ... other time. 4.1 can make an appointment with him for ... time. 5. I'd like to listen to ... good music on the radio. 6. He hasn't got... books to read and he asked me to bring him ... .7. ... of our goods are in great demand now. 8. He says that this time is not convenient to ... of our engineers.

XXIV. Откройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:

1. How many enquiries Jfrom foreign firms you (to receive) this month? We (to receive) two enquiries from a German firm last week. 2. You (to have) a holiday this year? Yes, I (to nave) it two months ago. 3. Where (to be) the materials for the talks? I think Mr. Petrov (to take) them. He (to come) to the office five minutes1 ago. 4. What film you (to see) lately? I (to see) "Hamlet". I (to like) it very much. When it (to be on)? It (to be on) last week. 5. Where you (to be) today? I (to phone) you in the morning, but you (to be) not in. You see, in the morning I (to be) at the factory and (to come back) only 10 minutes ago. 6. You ever (to do business) with Roberts & Co. ? Yes, we (to sell) them ten boilers of a new model lately.

XXV. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив данные в скобках гла­ голы и словосочетания в нужном времени:

1.1 believe you ... (to go sightseeing). 2. ... (to ski) ... while we were having a walk. 3. We haven't done business with Hadson & Co. since we ... (to make a contract) ... 4. When foreign representatives came to our office we ... (to have talks) ... 5. When I came in, they (to discuss) ... 6. I'm afraid your terms ... not (to be acceptable) ... 7. Before we buy goods we ... (to send) ... 8. I not (to be) ... since I saw "The Sixth of July" at the Art Theatre. 9. We don't know when you ... (to require). 10. Mr. Fedin was going through some letters while we ... (to get

ready) ... 11. The director asks for what day the secretary (to make an appointment) ...

XXVI. Заполните пропуски активными словами:

to have talks, buyers, to contact, representatives, offers, to be interested, to make appointments, acceptable, to be in great demand

Russia does business with different coun­ tries of the world. Every day our Ministry receives.,. and enquiries from different firms. Our goods ... and we have a lot of ... in different countries now. They ... in buying our equipment and raw [то=] materials. They send their enquiries to our country or their businessmen come here ... with our ....

When they come to our country they usually... different offices of our Ministry and ... with our businessman.

During the talks they dbc:iss different questions with them. Whsn our prices, terms of payment and delivery arc ... to them we make contracts.

XXVII. Заполните пропуски глаголами to sayf to speak, to tell в соответству­ ющей форме й переедите на русский язык:

1. The representative of the firm ... that our terms of payment are acceptable to them. 2. Fm afraid I cannot... you about it now. I can let you know our answer tomorrow morning. 3. The President ... to the represen­tatives of the firm about their offer when I came into the room. 4. What did you ... ? I didn't hear you. 5. He ... to us, "We require the goods this month." 6. You see, I don't know English well. I cannot ... it in English.

  1. The President ... the secretary not to contact Brown & Co. that day.

  2. The President is out now. Please, ... Mr. Ward to telephone us in half an hour. 9. Mr. Brown ... that 12 o'clock is quite convenient to them. 10. ... the representative of the firm that we are interested in buying their goods. 11. Mr. Harris ... their goods are in great demand now and they cannot reduce their price. 12. I've ... to Mr. Brown on the phone. He ... he is going to come to Moscow.

XXVIII. Прослушайте следующие предложения, повторите их и задайте во­ просы с оборотом What about... ?

Образец: I believe you like it here. What about your friends?

1.1 believe you like the new performance. 2.1 know you are going to the Caucasus. 3.1 usually watch TV every evening. 4. Our boilers Model BD-67 are in great demand. 5. Hardy & Co. are interested in our mining equipment. 6.1 see our terms of payment are acceptable to you. 7. This time of shipment is convenient to us. 8.1 see the price for boilers Model PK.-67 is acceptable to you.

XXIX. Выскажите возражение или согласие в связи со следующими на данное заявлениями, используя разговорные штампы "I don't think so", '7 think so".

Образец: Hardy & Co. do not require boilers now.

/ don.4 think so. I've jusc received an enquiry from them.

They are going to reduce the prices.

/ think so. They are very interested in our goods.

1.1 believe you wanted to see that film. 2. It is hot in Riga in summer. 3. Peter doesn't like skiing. 4. Fm afraid the terms of the contract are not acceptable to us. 5. I'm afraid we can't ship the goods this month. 6.1 believe you can ship the goods this month. 7. I believe the president has gone through the mail. 8.1 think they are going to contact Brown & Co.

XXX. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Мы получили ваше предложение на горно-шахтное оборудо­вание, но, к сожалению, мы не можем купить это оборудование по таким ценам. 2. Мы заинтересованы в покупке некоторых ваших товаров. 3. —Где ваши инженеры? — Они в 112-й комнате. Они ведут переговоры с французской фирмой. 4. — Вы уже назначили встречу с представителем этой фирмы? — Да. 5. С этой фирмой мы не вели никакой торговли с прошлого года. б. Я полагаю, что вы уже осмотрели достопримечательности. 7. Эти материалы не­обходимы нам. Я надеюсь^ что они готовы. 8. В последнее время он плохо себя чувствует. Вы должны навестить его. 9. Нам требует­ся это оборудование в апреле, но продавцы еще не отгрузили его. 10. Мы бы хотели предложить вам это оборудование на условиях сиф. 11. Сообщите им, что их условия неприемлемы для нас. 12. Мы уже связались с фирмой, и они говорят, что могут отгрузить товар в январе. 13. Дайте нам знать, когда вы можете отгрузить товар. 14. — Дети все еще плавают? — Не думаю. Я только что их видел на пляже.


Speech Exercises

XXXI. Перескажите текст урока.

XXXII. Ответьте наследующие вопросы и на основе ответов сое гавьтч. ^аткий рассказ:

1. What office do you work at? 2. What goods do you sell to foreign firms? 3. Are these goods in great demand in foreign countries? 4. What prices do you sell your goods at? 5. Do you sometimes reduce your prices? 6. What firms have you done business with lately?

1. Do you often have talks with foreign businessmen? 2. When did you last have talks? 3. What businessmen did you receive? 4. What goods were they interested in? 5. What questions did you discuss during the talks? 6. What materials did you require for the talks? 7. Have you made a contract for the goods?

1. What firm are you having business with now? 2. What questions have you discussed? 3. What is the price of the goods? 4. Is the price acceptable to the foreign businessmen? 5. Have they asked you to reduce the price? 6. What answer have you given them?

1. What contracts have you made lately? 2. What goods have you bought? 3. Have you bought the goods on c.i.f. or f.o.b. terms? 4. When is the firm going to ship the goods? 5. What time of shipment is convenient to you? 6. Are you very much interested in doing business with this firm?

XXXIIJ. Задайте вопросы по заданию и ответьте на них:

1. Ask Mr. X. what goods they are interested in. 2. Ask Mr. X. for what time he has made an appointment with a representative of a foreign firm. 3. Ask the representative of a foreign firm when he*d like to go sightseeing. 4. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what you can do for him. 5. Ask the representative of a foreign firm at what price his company sells power equipment. 6. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what models of boilers are in great demand. 7. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what goods they can offer you. 8. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what terms of shipment are acceptable to them. 9. Ask the represen­tative of a foreign firm what goods they require. 10. Ask Mr. X. since when they have done business with Brown & Co.

XXXIV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What do we do when we are interested in selling some goods? 2. What do we do when we require some goods? 3. On what terms can you sell (buy) goods? 4. When do you usually send enquiries? 5. What did you do when you received an offer from the firm the other day ? 6. What do you do before you make a contract with a firm? 7; What do you do when you find that the firm's price is too high? 8. What does a representative of a foreign firm do when he wants to make an appointment with you?

XXXV. Составьте краткий рассказ на основе следующего диалога:

Secretary: Mr. Smirnov, this is Mr. Gray to see you.

Gray: How do you do, Sir?

Smirnov: How do you do, Mr. Gray. Will you sit down, please?

Gray: Thank you.

Smirnov: What can I do for you, Mr. Gray?

Gray: You see, Mr. Smirnov, my firm is interested in your boilers.

Smirnov: Glad to heat it. We can offer you different models of boilers.

Have you seen our catalogues yet? Gray: Yes, I have. We require boilers, Model BL-220. Smirnov: I see. And how many boilers do you require? Gray: I believe, we can buy 2 boilers of the model. I must say, we would

like to have the machines in July or August. Smirnov: Very good. We can promise you July shipment, c.i.f. Manchester.

Are these terms acceptable to you? Gray: Yes, quite. But what about the price? Smirnov: I think we've written in our offer that our price is £ ... Gray: Can you reduce the price? Smirnov: I'm afraid we can't, Mr. Gray. Gray: All right.

a machine [ma'jMi] машина; to promise ['prams] обещать

XXXVI. Составьте диалоги на основе следующих ситуаций:

Mr. Sanin meets Mr. Black in his office. There are cigarettes on the table, and they smoke. Mr. Black has brought catalogues and price- lists. He offers our representative their power equipment. They discuss the time of shipment and the price. Mr. Sanin asks Mr. Black to reduce

the price. Mr. Black cannot give his answer. He is going to contact his people.

Mr. Minin of Machinoimport has come to the London office of

Wilson & Co. Mr. Wilson asks Mr. Minin how he likes London.

Mr. Minin lets Mr. Wilson know that Machinoimport is interested in

the goods of the company. He asks Mr. Wilson about the terms of delivery

and the time of shipment.

The Sellers can offer the goods c.i.f. Petersburg.

XXXVII. Прослушайте и перескажите следующее письмо. Задайте вопросы к письму:

We have received your offer of power equipment of the 3rd of November. We have studied your catalogues and price-lists. We are afraid that your prices are too high and they are not acceptable to us. We know that your equipment is in great demand now and that you have done well lately. But we have some offers of power equipment from other firms too, and their prices are not very high.

However we are interested in your equipment and we would like to discuss the matter with you.

Please, let us know your answer.

however однако; a matter дело, вопрос

XXXVUI. Закончите следующие ситуации:

1. A French firm is interested in buying our goods. A representative of the firm comes to Moscow and ... 2. On Wednesday the President of Machino-export received two foreign businessmen. They ... 3. Last week my brother-in-law came to Moscow from Vladivostok. Yesterday was Sunday, and we decided to go sightseeing. We ... 4. Our cars are in great demand in some African ['aefnkan] countries. The other day Avtoexport..

XXXIX. Составьте ситуации или диалоги со следующими словами и слово­сочетаниями:

  • to be interested, to send an enquiry, to let the firm know, to send cata­logues and price-lists, to go through, to be acceptable;

  1. to have talks, to discuss, prices, to ask, to reduce, to accept, an offer;

  • to offer, to be in great demand, c.i.f. Petersburg, to be acceptable, to require, to ship;

  • to come to Moscow, representative, to have talks, to go sightseeing, to go to the Art Theatre, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Kremlin.

XL. Выполните следующие задания:

1. Позвоните фирме и попросите секретаря назначить вам встречу с президентом компании на завтра. Скажите также, что вам требу­ются их каталоги и прейскуранты. 2. Сообщите г-ну Кэмпу при встре­че, что вас интересуют товары его фирмы. Скажите также, что вы хотели бы обсудить с ним условия поставки и что вам требуются товары в июле этого года. 3. Обсудите с представителем фирмы цены на товары. Скажите, что вы полагаете, что цены слишком высоки и неприемлемы для вас. Попросите его снизить цены. 4. Спросите г-на Кэмпа, был ли он в Москве раньше. Поинтересуйтесь также, посетил ли он Кремль и Третьяковскую галерею. Предло­жите ему билеты в театр на вечер.

XLI. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. An enquiry. 2. An offer. 3. An appointment. 4. A business talk.


Grammar: 1. Предпрошедшее время (Past Perfect).

  • Согласование времен (Sequence of Tenses).

  • Будущее время в прошедшем (F'Uure in the Past).

  • Уступительные придаточные предложения.

Revision: 1. Времена.

2. Глаголы to say, to speak, to tell.



Techmachimport got instructions to buy chemical equipment abroad. With this in view1 Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport went on business to Great Britain to place an order with a British firm.

He phoned the Intourist booking-office to book a seat for a plane to London. He found out that there were flights daily and that it would take him three and a half hours to get to London.

Mr. Kozlov booked a seat for the TU-104 jet-liner. The next morning he had arrived at Sheremetievo airport by seven o'clock, an hour before the plane took off.

After the clerk had registered his ticket and passport Kozlov filled in a declaration and went to the waiting-room. There were a few passengers there.

They were all waiting for the announcement to get on the plane. In ten minutes they heard the announcement, "Attention, please. Will passengers for London join Flight 31 ?"2

When Mr. Kozlov got on the plane, the stewardess showed him his seat.

At eight o'clock the plane took off. Although it flew at a high speed3, the passengers felt well. At 11.30 a.m.4 the plane landed at London airport.


Mr. Kozlov is going through the Customs at London airport.

Customs Official: Is this your suit-case, sir?

Kozlov: Yes, that's right.

Customs Official: Will you, please, open it?

Kozlov: Certainly.

Customs Official: Have you any things to declare?

Kozlov: No, I don't think so, though I have some cigarettes for

my own use. Customs Official: How many packets of cigarettes have you got? Kozlov: Oh, I've got only three packets. I believe they'll be duty

free. Customs Official: Yes, of course5. Have you got any presents or any things

liable to duty? Kozlov: No, I haven't.

Customs Official: Well, thank you, sir. Kozlov: Thank you.


  • with this in view—с этой целью

  • "Attention, please. Will passengers for London join flight 31?" — Вни­мание. Просим пассажиров пройти jk самолету, который летит рейсом 31.

  • at a high speed — с большой скоростью

  • at 11.30 a.m. — в 1L30 утра.

a.m. = ante meridium — время с 12 часов ночи до 12 дня p.m. = post meridium — время с 12 дня до 12 ночи

5. Yes, of course [кэз]. — Да, конечно.


Суффикс -(tjiou [fn] употребляется для образования существи­тельных от г лаголов:

to instruct указывать — instruction указание

to translate переводить — translation перевод to declare декларировать — declaration декларация


instruction [m'strAkJn] n инструкция, указание

to give instructions давать указания

to get instructions получать указания

The director gave us all the necessary Директор дал нам все необходимые

instructions. указания.

chemical adj химический

abroad adv за границу, за границей

to be abroad быть за границей

to go abroad ездить за границу

to come from abroad приезжать из-за границы

I have never been abroad. Я никогда не был за границей.

My friends haven't come from abroad Мои друзья еще не приехали из-за

yet. границы.

to go on business ездить в командировку

Some of our engineers are going on Несколько наших инженеров

business to France soon. поедут во Францию в командировку.

to place an order размещать заказ

Techmachimport is placing an order «Техмашимпорт» размещает за-

for chemical equipment with a British каз на химическое оборудование у ан-

firm. глийской фирмы.

booking-office п билетная касса (на вокзале, в аэро­ порту и т. п.)

to book v заказывать (билет)

We usually book tickets for the theatre Мы обычно заказываем билеты

in advance. в театр заранее (предварительно).

seat п место (в театре, поезде и т. п.)

to book a seat заказывать (место)

I couldn't book seats for a Sunday Мне не удалось заказать билеты на

performance. воскресный спектакль.

plane п самолет

to find out v выяснять, узнавать

I must find out where he lives. Я должен узнать, где он живет.

flight л 1. полет

Tell us about your first flight to London. Расскажите нам о своем первом по­ лете в Лондон. 2. рейс

Have you got any tickets for flight 657? у вас есть билеты на рейс 657?

daily adv, adj ежедневно, ежедневный

We receive two newspapers daily. Мы ежедневно получаем две газеты.

The "Pravda" is a daily newspaper. «Правда» — ежедневная газета.

it takes ... уходить, требоваться (о времени)

It took us two days to do the work. у нас ушло два дня на то, чтобы

сделать эту работу.

to get to v добираться до, доехать до

It takes me half an hour to get to my у меня уходит полчаса на то, чтобы

office. доехать до места работы.

jet-liner п реактивный, пассажирский самолет

to arrive v прибывать

to arrive in a country прибыть в страну,

to arrive in a city в большой город

But: Но:

to arrive at a village приехать в деревню,

to arrive at a town в небольшой город

The businessmen will arrive in Moscow Представители фирмы прибудут

tomorrow morning. в Москву завтра утром.

We arrived at the village at 8 o'clock. Мы приехали в деревню в 8 часов.

The mail hasn't arrived yet. Почта еще не пришла.

airport п аэропорт

There are some airports in Moscow. В Москве несколько аэропортов.

Перед названиями аэропортов артикль не употребляется.

London airport. Vnnkovo airport, Sberemetievo airport

before conj до того как, прежде чем

We had come home before it got dark. Мы приехали домой, до того как

стемнело. to take off v 1. подниматься (о самолетах), выле-

тать The plane is taking off in five minutes. Самолет вылетает через 5 минут.

2. снимать (пальто, шляпу и т. д.) after conj после того как

clerk п служащий, клерк

to register v регистрировать

The clerk registered my ticket for the Служащий (аэропорта) зарегистриро- plane. вал мой билет на самолет.

passport п паспорт

to fill in v заполнять (бланк, декларацию и т. д.)

to declare v заявлять о вещах, запрещенных

для ввоза и вывоза за границу I have no things to declare. У меня нет вещей, запрещенных для

ввоза. declaration л декларация

I've signed the declaration. Я подписал декларацию.

It is necessary to fill in a declaration Необходимо заполнить декларацию, when you go abroad. когда вы едете за границу.

to wait v ждать

Will you wait for me here? Вы подождете меня здесь?

waiting-room ['weitin rum] зал ожидания

There were a lot of people in the waiting- В зале ожидания было много народу. room. я few I'fju:] adj немного, несколько (употребляется

с исчисляемыми существительными)

I have few friends in Kiev. У меня мало друзей в Киеве.

I bar* a few friends in Moscow. У меня несколько друзей в Москве.

1*11 tell you я few words about my holiday. Я расскажу вам в нескольких словах

о своем отпуске.

a little асЦ немного (употребляется с неисчис-

ляемыми существительными)

There is little bread cm the plate.. На тарелке мало хлеба.

There is a little bread on the На тарелке есть немного хлеба. Вы

plate. You may take some. можете взять.

a little adv немного

My sister speaks French a little. Моя сестра немного говорит по-фран­ цузски.

passenger пассажир

announcement [a'naunsmant] п объявление (устное, письменное или


to make an announcement ~ делать объявление

The director made an announcement that Директор сделал объявление о том'

the talks would begin at 10. - что переговоры начнутся в 10 часов.

to get on v садиться (на самолет, поезд и т. д.) The passengers got on the plane 15 Пассажиры сели в самолет за 15 ми- minutes before the plane took off. нут до вылета.

to get off v выходить (из самолета, поезда и т. д.)

Are you getting off now? Вы сейчас выходите?

stewardess стюардесса

to show (showed, shown) v показывать

Will you show me the way to the air- Покажите мне, пожалуйста,. дорогу.

port? к аэропорту.

although, though conj хотя, несмотря на то, что

Although it was cold we went skating. Хотя было холодно, мы пошли катать­ ся на коньках.

to fly (flew [flu:], flown [floun] v летать

I'd like to fly to Leningrad for a holiday. Мне бы хотелось полететь в Ленин­ град на праздники.

to feel (felt, felt) v чувствовать

to feel well чувствовать себя хорошо

to feel bad чувствовать себя плохо

to feel fine чувствовать себя прекрасно

I felt well after I had had a walk. Я чувствовал себя хорошо после


to land v приземлиться

The plane landed at London airport at Самолет приземлился в Лондонском

10 o'clock. аэропорту в 10 часов.

Customs Office=Customs House л таможня

to go through the Customs проходить таможенный досмотр

All the passengers must go through the Все пассажиры должны проходить

Customs when they go abroad. таможенный досмотр, когда они

едут за границу.

Customs Official служащий таможни

suit-case ['sju: t keis] n чемодан

for my own use для личного пользования

These are things for my own use. Эти вещи для моего личного


packet ['paekit] п пачка

a packet of cigarettes пачка сигарет

to be duty-free не подлежать обложению пошлиной

Some goods are not duly-free. Некоторые товары подлежат обло­ жению пошлиной.

present I'prezent] л подарок

My friends hare made me a good Мои друзья сделали мне хороший

Present. подарок.

to be liable to duty ['laiabl] подлежать обложению пошлиной

What things are liable to duty? Какие вещи подлежат обложению


bus [das] п автобус

by prep на (видом транспорта)

to go by bus ездить на автобуса (автобусом)

to go by taxi ездить на такси

to come by bus приезжать на автобусе

to go by plane лететь самолетом

to get to ... by bus доехать до ... автобусом

Can I get there by bus? Могу я доехать туда автобусом?

I Grammar Exercises

The Past Perfect Tense

I. Назовите три основные формы следующих глаголов:

to leave, to put through, to clear up, to export, to think, to let, to ship, to require, to go, to have, to get, to find, to swim, to spend, to hear, to listen, to sell, to buy, to bring, to come, to speak.

II. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. We had discussed all the questions when you telephoned us. 2. The director of our office hadn't yet gone through all the cables and telexes when the secretary brought him some letters from foreign firms. 3. Mr.

Kotov had left Kiev before I came there. 4. After they had had dinner they went for a short walk. 5. The firm had shipped the goods by the 20th of December. 6. I was in the Crimea last year. I had never been there before. 7. Yesterday I met Mr Petrov. I hadn't seen him since we left school.

III. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. They went for a walk after ... 2. Before I went through the mail ... 3. The firm signed a contract with us after... 4. Before we let the firm know our answer we ... 5. When I came back from the lesson the director of the office ... 6. Before we made an appointment with the businessmen we ... 7. The sellers accepted our terms after ... 8. Before we contacted the firm we ... 9. We shipped the goods after ... 10. Before we discussed the price for the goods we ...

IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Had you come home by 8 o'clock last night? 2. Had you taken your child to the nursery school before you went to work yesterday? 3. What had you done before you came to the lesson? 4. Where had Mr. Smir-

nov worked before he began to work at this Ministry? 5. Where had your friend lived before he came to live in Moscow? 6. By what month had your office shipped the equipment to the buyers? 7. What points had you cleared up before you signed the last contract? 8. What had the engineers of your

office discussed when you came? 9. What did you do after you had conclud­ed a contract with the sellers? 10. What firms had you contacted before you sent an enquiry?

V. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Какой язык вы изучали до того, как вы начали изучать ан­глийский? 2. Председатель просмотрел контракт, прежде чем под­писал его. 3. Спектакль закончился к 10 часам вечера. 4. Мы легли спать после того, как прослушали известия по радио. 5. Фильм уже начался, когда мы пришли в кино. б. Николай ушел осматривать город, когда я зашел за ним. 7. Мы отправили вам оборудование до того, как получили ваше письмо. 8. Наша контора была заинтересована в покупке мебели. Мы свя­зались с фирмой Бауэр. Мы никогда не торговали с этой фирмой ранее. 9. В прошлом году я провел свой отпуск на Балтийском море. Мне там очень понравилось. Я никогда там не был раньше.

Согласование времен

VI. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The secretary said that the British businessmen had come to meet the president. 2. She said that the President was going through the mail. 3. The director of the office let us know that we must be ready for the talks with British businessmen. 4.1 didn't hear that you had made an appointment with the firm for 10 o'clock. 5. I thought that they would clear up some points in the firm's offer during the talks. 6. In a letter to my friend I wrote that I was very sorry he couldn't come to Moscow for a holiday. 7. My sister let me know that she was going to leave for Petersburg soon.

VII. Закончите предложения:

1. We knew that ... 2. They were afraid that ... 3. Mr. Orlov

asked the secretary when ... 4. She didn't tell us where ... 5. The represen­tative of the firm said that ... 6. They wrote when ... 7.1 thought that ... 8. He believed that ... 9. We were glad that ... 10. The other day I read that ... 11. We hoped that ... 12.1 didn't know who ...

VIII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Он сказал, что он купит билеты на этот спектакль. 2. Он сказал, что он купил билеты на этот спектакль. 3. Он сказал, что он часто покупает билеты в театр в театральной кассе министер­ства. 4. Я боялся, что вы не зайдете за мной. 5. В письме она напи­сала, что собирается провести свой отпуск в Крыму, б. Секретарь сказал, что председатель еще ведет переговоры с покупателями. 7. Я не знал, что он хорошо умеет кататься на коньках. 8. Пред­седатель спросил меня, когда будут готовы все необходимые мате­риалы для контракта. 9. Фирма вчера сообщила, что они не могут снизить свои цены. 10. Представитель фирмы сказал, что наши усло-

вия поставки неприемлемы для них. 11. Мы не знали, что на их товары широкого потребления большой спрос. 12. Он сказал, что он должен выяснить некоторые вопросы во время переговоров с фирмой.


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

IX. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим предложениям из текста:

1. Он позвонил в кассу Интуриста, чтобы заказать билет на самолет в Лондон. 2. Он выяснил, что рейсы бывают ежедневно и что у него уйдет три с половиной часа на то, чтобы долететь до Лон­дона. З.Он прибыл в аэропорт Шереметьево к 7 часам. 4. После того как служащий зарегистрировал его билет и паспорт, Козлов запол­нил декларацию и прошел в зал ожидания. 5. Есть ли у вас вещи, подлежащие обложению пошлиной? 6. У меня есть папиросы для личного пользования. 7. Я полагаю, они не облагаются пошлиной.

X. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной'форме:

1. When I (to call for) Pete his mother told me that he not (to come back) from abroad yet. 2. We were afraid that the goods (not to arrive) yet. 3. When we (to arrive) at the airport the plane (to take off). 4. When I (to see) that man last night I (to think) that I (to meet) him before. 5. He told me that they (to wait for) us outside the Ministry at 5 o'clock. 6. Mr. S. said

that they (to be going) to place an order with a French firm. 7. The firm let us know last week that they not (to ship) the equipment yet. 8. The firm did not accept our offer. They already (to buy) the goods from another firm. 9. The stewardess said that the plane (to take off) in 10 minutes. 10. Yester­day our director (to fly) to London on business. He never (to be) there before.

XI. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо, и перескажите первый текст:

We all know ... name of Chkalov. He was one of ... best (лучший) Russian flyers. In 1937 Chkalov, Baidukov and Beliakov made ... first non­stop (беспосадочный) flight: Moscow — the North Pole (Северный Полюс) — America. It took them 63 hours to get to Portland. They flew by

AN-25. That was very good plane. Though ... flight was difficult

(трудный) the flyers felt well. ... people in America were happy to see ... Russian flyers on their land. They went home by ship. It was ... large ship. It was going to France. There were ... foreign engineers, doctors, teachers and businessmen on ... ship. One day ... American businessman came up to Chkalov and asked, "Are you rich (богатый), Mr. Chkalov?" "Yes, I am," answered Chkalov. "I've got 170 million." "Have you got 170 million roubles or dollars?" "I've got 170 million people. All ... people work for me and I work for them."

1. When they made .... announcement about ... Flight 52, all ... passengers went to ... plane. 2. What airport arc we going to land at? I believe we'll land at ... Domodedovo airport. 3. I think you must make her ... present on the 8th of March. 4. I was afraid that they had not received ... cable and would not come to ... airport to meet me. 5. He said that Mr. P. had gone on business to ... Caucasus. 6. Have you booked ... tickets for ... theatre? I'm sorry, I haven't. But I'm going to ... booking-office tonight. 7. What's ... time? It's 7.45. 8. ... time flies and ... chil­dren will soon go to ... school.

XII. Заполните пропуски предлогами или наречиями и перескажите тексты:

A few days ago Mr. Semenov came ... abroad. He had gone ... business ... Great Britain. He had instructions to place an order ... chem­ical equipment.

Mr. Semenov came ... Moscow ... TU-104. It took him three and a half hours to get home. He had got ... the plane ... London airport ... 8 o'clock ... the morning. The plane landed ... Vnukovo airport ... half ... eleven.

His friends had come to meet him and Mr. Semenov was glad to

see them.

It didn't take him long to go ... the Customs. He had no things liable ... duty. He filled ... a declaration and gave it ... a Customs Official.

The Customs official came Mr Semenov and asked him to

open his suit-case. ... 15 minutes all the formalities (формальности) were ...

Mr. Semenov took his suit-case and joined his friends. The car was already waiting ... them. They got into the car and went home.

  • Where were you yesterday ... 5 and 6 o'clock? I phoned you.

  • I'm sorry, I was not .... I went ... the Bolshoi Theatre booking-office to book tickets . .. tomorrow.

  • And what will be ... ?

  • "Romeo and Juliette". I've booked two seats. Will you join me?

  • I'll be happy to. When and where shall we meet?

  • Let's meet ... a quarter ... six. I'll be waiting ... you outside the theatre.

ХШ. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив данные в скобках слева и словосочетания:

1. When I came into the waiting-room of the airport (all the passengers ... to wait ...). 2. Before Mr. Sobolev got on the plane (to fill in a declaration). 3. Since the representative of a British firm arrived in Moscow, (... to place a few orders). 4. We heard (... to feel bad). 5. The secretary told us (... to go on business). 6. We found out (... to arrive). 7. The passenger asked the Customs Official (... to be liable to. duty). 8. The Customs Official answered (... to be duty free). 9.1 did not know (.... to go abroad). 10. The engineers said (... to show us the new machines).

XIV. Заполните пропуски активными словами:

Customs-Office, announcement, to land, airport, to go through the cus­toms, to arrive, waiting-room, to declare, to fly, from abroad, flight, to feel well, plane.

The other day I went to Sheremetievo ... to meet my friend. He and his wife were coming back.... When our bus ... at the airport... had not yet landed. It was frosty outside and I went into the airport.... There were a lot of people there. Some of them were waiting for the ... to get on the plane, others had come there to meet or to see off (проводить) their friends.

In 15 minutes the plane .... My friends went to the ... . They had no things to ... and it didn't take them long to ... . My friends said they had enjoyed the ... and although the jet-liner ... at a high speed they ....

My friend and his wife were very happy to be back.

XV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, обращая внимание на глаголы to say, to tell, to speak.

1. What foreign language do you speak? 2. In what countries do people speak this language? 3. Can you say that you know this language well? 4. Who speaks this language in your family? 5. What do you say when you do not hear some words ?

1. Did you go to see a doctor when you felt bad? 2. What did the doctor tell you to do? 3. What did the doctor tell you not to do? 4. Did your friend phone you when you felt bad? 5. What did you speak to him about? 6. Did you speak English or Russian to your friend ?

1. What do your children say when they get up? 2. What do they say when they go to bed? 3. What do you say when you meet your friend? 4. What do you say when your friend gives you an interesting book to read?

1. Do you like speaking at meetings? 2. When did you have your last meeting at the office? 3. How many people spoke at it? 4. How long did they speak? 5. What did they speak about at the meeting?

XVI. Заполните пропуски глаголами to say, to speak, to tell в нужной временной форме:

1. What did the Customs Official ... you to do at the Customs-office?

2. Mr. N.... that it had taken him an hour to go through the Customs.

3. My friend ... two foreign languages. 4. How long did he ... ? He ... for half an hour. 5. If you don't know what things are liable to duty ask the Customs Official about it. He will ... you. 6. I'm going ... to the Presi­ dent about it. 7. She ... that we must come to the airport at 7.30. 8. Did you ... to Mr. Camp yesterday? What did he ... about our order? 9. Don't ... to him about it now. He feels bad. 10. Do you know who ... that?

XVII. Заполните пропуски словами a little, a few, little, few.

1. Let me think ... before I answer your question. 2. The plane had taken off and there were .... passengers in the waiting-room. 3. It didn't take me long to go through the Customs. There were very ... people at the Customs-office at that time. 4. I had very ... time last night and watched

TV for only ... minutes. 5. We've seen ... good English films lately. We've enjoyed them very much. 6. Would you like m\ch or ... sugar in your tea? 7. Our flat is not very large and there is ... furniture in it. 8. It was cold outside on Sunday evening and we skated very .... 9. The new jet-liner has made only ... flights abroad. 10. The director of the office had given us ... instructions before we began the talks.

XVIII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Господин Орлов сказал, что он скоро уезжает в командировку за границу. 2. — В какой аэропорт прибывают сейчас самолеты из Англии? — Я не знаю. В прошлом году они прибывали в аэро­порт Шереметьево. 3. Господин Иванов сообщил нам, что они на-днях заключили контракт на химическое оборудование с одной из не­мецких фирм. 4. Самолет еще не взлетел, когда мы уехали из аэро­порта. 5. Пассажир сказал, что он уже прошел таможенный до­смотр и'ждет объявления о посадке на самолет, б. Мы не знали, ка­кие вещи подлежат обложению пошлиной, и решили спросить об этом работника таможни. 7. Господин Носов получил указания свя­заться с фирмой Паттерсон и узнать, когда они могут отгрузить товар. 8. Хотя мы послали фирме свои каталоги и прейскуранты 2 недели тому назад, мы еще не получили от них ответа. 9. — У какой фирмы вы собираетесь разместить заказ на химическое обо­рудование? — У фирмы «Бейкер и сыновья». Они крупные (big) экспортеры химического оборудования. 10. — Сколько времени нам потребуется, чтобы добраться до аэропорта на машине? — Я полагаю, полчаса. 11. Вчера я заказал билеты в Художественный театр. Там идет новый спектакль. Я много слышал о нем и мне очень хочется посмотреть его. 12. Сколько рейсов ежедневно бывает на Петербург ?


Speech Exercises

XIX. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог.

XX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий


1. Have you ever been abroad? 2. When did you last go abroad? 3. What country were you in? 4. What instructions had your President given you before you went abroad? 5. What did you do when you were abroad? 6. When did you come back from abroad?

1. Have you ever flown by jet-liner? 2. On what lines do jet-liners fly in Russia ? 3. On what lines doRussianjet-liners fly? 4. Do you usually

enjoy flights on a jet-liner? 5. How do you feel when the plane is taking off (landing)? 6. At what speed does a jet-liner fly? 7. Do you have lunch on the plane?

1. When must passengers go through the customs? 2. What does a customs official ask a passenger about? 3. What things are usualy liable to duty? 4. What things are duty free? 5. Are presents duty free or liable to duty?

1. When did you last go through the Customs? 2. In what country was it?

3. Did you go there on business? 4. What did the customs official ask you to do? 5. What things for your own use did you have in the suit-case?

XXI. Поставьте вопросы на развитие содержания следующих предложений:

1. Comrade Petrov has gone on business. 2. All the passengers enjoyed their flight. 3. My friend went through the Customs at London airport.

4. Our plane landed at Sheremetievo airport at 11 p.m. 5. He had got in­ structions before he went abroad. 6. Last night I was at the theatre.

XXII. Перескажите следующие тексты.

Once a sergeant was giving instructions to his soldiers how to jump out. of a plane with a parachute.

A Soldier: What must I do if I find that the parachute doesn't open when

I jump out? • Sergeant: Oh, that's all right. You just bring it back and we'll give you

another one.

a sergeant ['sad^nt] сержант; a soldier psotild39] солдат; to jump прыгать; a parachute ['paerajurt] парашют

A train arrived at a border station. The passengers opened their suit­cases and'waited for the inspection of their things. One of the passengers had a lot of packets of cigarettes in his suit-case. He knew they were not: duty-free and he decided to put all of them into his pockets. When his pock­ets were already full of cigarettes he asked a man at the window, "Will you please take some of these packets and put them into your pockets?" "Why don't you leave them in your suit-case?" asked the passenger. "They must be liable to duty and I wouldn't like to pay duty on them," answered the man. "All right, I'll take the cigarettes but I shall not give them back to you." "Why?" "lamaCustoms official."

a train поезд; a border station пограничная станция; an inspection осмотр; a pocket карман; fall полный; why почему; to pay платить

XXIII. Составьте диалоги на основе следующих ситуаций:

  • Mr. Brown arrived in Moscow on business. He flew to Moscow by : TU-104. Mr. Brown felt well during the flight. The plane landed at Shere- . metievo airport at 6 p.m. Comrade Petrov came to the airport to meet Mr. Brown. When they were going from the airport Comrade Petrov asked him about the flight.

  • Comrade Smirnov is going to Paris on business. He telephones the Intourist booking-office and asks when they have flights to Paris. The clerk says that there are flights to Paris every other day.

Then Mr. Smirnov books a seat for a plane for Friday and finds

out that the plane takes off at ,10 a.m. on Fridays. The clerk asks Mr. Smirnov to be at the airport at 10 o'clock.

every other day через день

When Mr. Krylov came to the Customs House he saw a lot of

passengers there. They were all going through the Customs. The Customs official asked Mr. Krylov what things liable to duty he had. Mr.

Krylov answered that his things were all duty free. He also said that all the things were for his own use.

XXIV. Перескажите и закончите следующие ситуации:

Last year I was in Great Britain on business. I made two contracts with the British firms and in a few days was leaving London. I decided to fly to Moscow.

When I arrived at the airport there were a lot of passengers there. They were flying to different countries of the world.

After I had done some formalities I went to the Customs House ...

to do formalities выполнять формальности

Mr. Smith, a British businessman, phoned me yesterday to say that he wanted to see me. He also said that he had some business points to discuss with me. I made an appointment with him and in an hour he was in my office. After the greetings he said ...

a greeting приветствие

XXV. Составьте диалоги или ситуации, используя следующие слова и слово­ сочетания:

1. Russia, different countries, to have business relations, representatives, to go abroad, to place an order, raw materials, manu­factured goods;

  • to go abroad, by plane, to arrive, an airport, to go through the Cus­toms, to register, to fill in, a declaration, to declare;

  • to arrive, an airport, in time, to take off, a passenger, to get on, a jet-liner, to join, a flight;

  • a cable, to receive, to meet, a friend, to find out, the number of the flight, to get to, an airport.

XXVI. Выполните следующие задания:

  • Mr. Brown has arrived in Moscow on business. You have an ap­pointment with Mr. Brown at the Ministry. Receive Mr. Brown at your office and speak to him about his flight from London to Moscow.

  • You are going to New Delhi on business. Telephone the Intourist booking-office and book a seat for a plane.

  • You are in London. You've got instructions to buy chemical equip­ment. Contact Mr. Scott and tell him what points you'd like to discuss with him. Make an appointment with him.

  • Your office is interested in buying boilers. Meet a representative of Tailor and Co. and discuss the prices and the terms of delivery with him.

XXVII. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. Going abroad. 2. At the Customs House. 3. At the booking-office.


Grammar: 1. Дополнительные придаточные предложения, вводи-

мые союзом that и союзным местоимением what (см. § 57, стр. 333).

  • Дополнительные придаточные предложения, вводи­мые союзами if и whether (см* § 58, стр. 333).

  • Прямая и косвенная речь (см. § 59, стр. 334).

  • Придаточные предложения причины (см. § 60, стр. 336).

Revision: 1. Дополнительные придаточные предложения.

2. Глаголы to say, to speak, to tell.



The secretary of the Russian Trade Delegation* in London telephones the Tavistock Hotel1 to reserve a room for Mr. Kozlov.

Receptionist: Reception-desk. Tavistock Hotel. Good morning. Secretary: Good morning. This is theRussian Trade Delegation. We'd

like to reserve a room for Mr. Kozlov for three nights2 from

the 20th of October. Receptionist: Mr. Kozlov. Could you tell me3 what accommodation

Mr. Kozlov would like to have? Secretary: Yes, certainly. A single room with a private bath. Receptionist: Just a minute. I'll see whether we have the accommodation

available. Secretary: Thank, you. Receptionist: Yes, I can reserve a single room with a bath frbm the 20th

of October, for three nights.

Secretary: Thank you. What's the charge?

Receptionist: Fifty-five shillings4 a night.5

Secretary: Thank you. Good-bye.

Receptionist: Good-bye.


At about 1 o'clock in the afternoon Mister Kozlov arrived at the Tavistock Hotel. A hotel-porter took Kozlov's suit-case and showed him to the reception-desk. Kozlov told the receptionist that the Russian Trade Delegation had reserved a room in his name6 a few days before. The recep­tionist checked that and said that they could let him have a nice room on the third floor.7 After that the receptionist gave Mister Kozlov a form and asked him to fill it in.

Mister Kozlov wrote his name, address, nationality and occupation on the form and gave it back. Then the porter took the key to Kozlov's room and they went to the lift. In a minute they were on the third floor. The porter unlocked the door, brought in the suit-case8 and asked if that was all. Kozlov thanked him, gave him a tip and the porter went out. Kozlov unpacked his suit-case and rang the bell for a chambermaid9 because he wanted to have his suit pressed.

Chambermaid: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

Kozlov: Good afternoon. Could I have my jacket and trousers

pressed? Chambermaid: Very good, sir. I think I can do it right away. Kozlov: Thank you. By the way, could I have an extra blanket?

I'm afraid I'll be cold at night as the weather is damp to-day. Chambermaid: I'll attend to it, sir.

Kozlov: Thank you. I wonder if the restaurant is open now.

Chambermaid: Yes, sir. The restaurant serves breakfast from eight to ten,

lunch from twelve to two thirty and dinner from six to eight. Kozlov: Thank you very much.


  • the Tavistock Hotel ['taevistok]—гостиница «Тависток». Перед на­званиями гостиниц всегда употребляется определенный артикль.

  • ... for three nights— ... на тоое суток

  • Could you tell me ... — He могли бы вы сказать мне • • ■ Could—фор­ма прошедшего времени от глагола сап — часто употребляется в речи как вежливая форма по отношению к настоящему времени.

  • Fifty-five shillings = two pounds, fifteen shillings—55 шиллингов, или два фунта и 15 шиллингов

a pound — фунт (денежная единица). На письме фунт изобража­ется знаком £. В фунте 20 шиллингов; шиллинг изображается буквой s. В шиллинге 12 пенсов; пенс изображается буквой d.

£ 1.9 s. 6d. = one pound, nine shillings and sixpence, penny [pem] — ед. ч. — пенни; pennies — мн. ч., употребляется только по отношению к отдельным монетам, репсе [pens] — мн. ч., употребляется для выражения денежной суммы и пишется слитно с числительным от twopence до eleven­pence, twopence ['Upsns], threepence ['Orepans]

5. Fifty-five shillings a night. — 55 шиллингов в сутки.

В английском языке не употребляется предлог в сочетаниях «в

день», «в неделю», «в месяц» и т. д.

Не works eight hours a day. — Он работает 8 часов в день.

She reads 50 pages a week. —.Она читает 50 страниц в неделю.

  • ... in his name ... — на его имя

  • ... they could let him have a nice room on the third floor — • • • они могут предоставить ему хорошую комнату на третьем этаже.

  • The porter ... brought in the suit-case. — Портье внес чемодан.

  • Kozlov ... rang the bell for a chambermaid. — Козлов позвонил (на­жал кнопку), чтобы вызвать горничную.


Префикс ил [лп] употребляется главным образом перед прилага­тельными, глаголами и наречиями и придает им противополож­ное значение.

necessary необходимый, нужный — unnecessary ненужный, излишний

usually обычно — unusually необычно

to pack упаковывать — to unpack распаковывать

to lock закрывать на замок — to unlock открывать


to stay v 1. останавливаться (в гостинице),

They stayed at the Minsk Hotel. Они остановились в гостинице

«Минск». 2. оставаться I stayed at home on Sunday. Я остался дома в воскресенье.

How long did you stay in Peteisburg ? Сколько времени вы пробыли в

Петербурге ? to reserve [ri's^v] v заказывать (номер, билет и т. д.)

It's necessary to reserve a room for Необходимо заказать номер для Mr. Smith. г-на Смита.

Trade Delegation Ldeli'geijn] Торгпредство

The Trade Delegation of Russia Торгпредство России в Лондоне

in London is in Highgate. находится на Хайгейте.

receptionist [n'sepjanist] n служащий, который оформляет

гостей в гостинице, администратор reception-desk [n'sepjbndesk] п бюро администратора, где оформ-

ляют гостей Will you put me through to the reception- Соедините меня, пожалуйста, с адми- desk? нистратором.

accommodation [a,konWdeijn] я " номер в гостинице; помещение, жилье

Yesterday we couldn't get any accom- Вчера мы не могли получить номер

modation at this hotel. в этой гостинице.

single room номер на одного человека

private t'praivit] tuff частный, личный, индивидуальный

We've got a private letter in your name. На ваше имя у нас есть личное

письмо. whether ['wedaj conj союз, который вводит косвенный

вопрос Ask him whether he can come to-day. Спросите его, может ли он прийти

сегодня. available [a'veilobl] adj имеющийся в распоряжении, налич-

ный (употребляется в отношении как людей, так и вещей) to be available иметься в наличии

Mr. S. will be available in an hour. Господин С. будет через час. This book is not available. Этой книги нет (ее нельзя достать).

charge [t/cuds] л цена, стоимость, плата

Your charge for this room is too high. Ваша цена за комнату слишком

высокая. shilling ['/шп] п шиллинг

hotel-porter л портье (в гостинице)

The hotel-porter brought in my suit-case. Портье внес мой чемодан. to show (showed» shown) v проводить, довести, вводить

to (bow ...to л reception-desk проводить ... до стола администратора

to show ... into » room ввести в комнату

The secretary showed Mr. Bill into the Секретарь ввела г-на Билла в ком- room, нату. before adv раньше, прежде; тому назад (в ко­ свенной речи) Не said he had stayed at that hotel Он сказал, что он останавливался a year before. в этой гостинице год тому назад. to check v проверять (обычно путем сравне­ ния с чем-л.)

  • When is the plane to London taking — Когда вылетает самолет в Лондон? off?

  • Just a minute. I'll check that for you. — Одну минуту. Я проверю это для


form л бланк

Не filled in the form in English. Он заполнил бланк по-английски.

address [a'dres] л адрес

Could you tell me his address, please ? Вы не могли бы сказать мне его адрес?

nationality [,naeja'na?lm] л национальность

— What's your nationality? — Кто вы по национальности?

  • I'm Russian (British, German...). —Я русский (англичанин, немец). occnpati on [,okju'peifn] л род занятий, профессия

  • What's your occupation? — Кто вы по профессии?

  • I'm a doctor. — Я врач. key [kfc] я ключ

I can't find the key to my room. Я не могу найти ключ от своей ком-

наты. lift п лифт

The b'ft will take you to the seventh На лифте вы поднимитесь до седь- floor. * мого этажа.

to lock v закрывать (на замок)

ant. to unlock открывать

!a door a suit-case a desk

Have you locked the door? Вы закрыли дверь?

if conj союз

I don't know if they have locked the Я не знаю, закрыли ли они дверь, door.

tip п чаевые to give a tip

Не gave the porter a tip. Он дал портье чаевые.

to pack v упаковывать ant. to unpack

topack | *** ^ \ a suit-case

He asked me to unpack my suit-case. Он попросил меня распаковать че­ модан.

chambermaid ['tjeimtomeid] п горничная

because [ЬГкэг] conj потому что

I couldn't come to the office yesterday Я не смог прийти на работу вчера,

because I felt bad. потому что я плохо себя чувствовал.

suit fsjurt] я костюм (дамский, мужской)

to press v гладить, утюжить

to have a thing pressed погладить вещь (действие совер­ шается другим лицом)

l mat to have ту suit pressed. Я хочу, чтобы мне погладили мой ко"


But: Но:

Не pressed his suit. Он (сам) погладил свой костюм.

jacket ['d3aekit] п пиджак

trousers ['trauzaz] п брюки

Существительное trousers всегда употребляется во множественном числе.

I'm afraid the trousers are too long for me. Боюсь, что брюки мне слишком длинны.

right away adv немедленно, тут же, сию минуту

I'll come right away. Я приду сию минуту.

extra ['ekstre] adj дополнительный, добавочный

There is no extra charge for this. За это нет дополнительной платы.

blanket f/blsnkit] n одеяло

at night adv ночью

Don't close the window. He закрывайте окно.

It's warm here at night. Здесь тепло ночью.

as conj так как

We didn't see the film as there were no Мы не видели фильма, так как в

tickets at the booking-office when we кассе не было билетов, когда мы

came there. пришли туда.

weather ['weds] п погода

Существительное weather никогда не употребляется с неопределенным артиклем.

I like walking in good weather. Я люблю гулять в хорошую погоду.

The weather was fine in July. В июле погода была хорошая.

What'» the weather like to-day? Какая сегодня погода?

What will the weather be like to-morrow? Какая будет погода завтра?

1 — 1— i -

damp adj влажный, сырой

I don't like damp weather. Я не люблю сырую погоду.

to attend [ytend] v заняться чём-л., проследить за

чём-л., уделить внимание чему-л.

I'll attend to this work. Я займусь этой работой (прослежу

за ее выполнением).

to wonder ['WAnda] v хотеть знать, интересоваться

I wonder who he is. Интересно, кто он?

She wondered whether he was still Ее интересовало, за границей ли он

abroad. все еще.

restaurant ['restart*)] п ресторан

open adj открытый

The restaurant is open till 12 p.m. Ресторан открыт до 12 ночи.

to serve [s*v] v обслуживать, подавать (на стол)

lunch п второй завтрак, ленч

Do you serve lunch now? Сейчас можно позавтракать?

the following day ['folouin] на следующий день (в косвенной речи)

the previous week pprfcvias] на предыдущей неделе (в косвенной


whyerfv почему

Why didn't you go to the cinema Почему ты не пошел в кино вчера?



Grammar Exercises

Дополнительные придаточные предложения, вводимые союзом that и союзным местоимением what

I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1.1 didn't know that he had said that. 2.1 didn't know what he had said. 3. Tell him that these things are liable to duty. 4. Tell him what is liable to duty. 5. Did he tell you that he had cleared up all the points? 6. Did he tell you what he had cleared up during the talks ? 7. He found out that they would discuss the terms of payment the next day. 8. He found out what they would discuss at the meeting the next day.

II. Заполните пропуски словами that или what.

1. The secretary said ... the President had signed the contract. 2. She asked me ... film I wanted to see. 3.1 told him ... I should wait fbr him in the waiting-room. 4. I told him ... he must get ready for the talks.

  • The clerk said ... the plane would take off in a quarter of an hour.

  • The Customs official told us ... goods were duty free. 7.1 don't know ... he has said. 8. I heard ... he had gone on business. 9. I'm sorry I haven't heard ... you said just now.

III. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Спросите его, пожалуйста, что он хочет узнать. 2. Скажите ему, что мы уже разместили заказ на это оборудование у английской фирмы. 3. Я не знал, что на эту работу уйдет так много времени. 4. Он сказал, что это вещи для его личного пользования. 5. Я хотел бы узнать, что я должен делать сейчас. 6. Скажите мне, пожалуй­ста, что написала фирма в своем письме о нашем запросе.

Дополнительные придаточные предложения, вводимые союзами if и whether

IV. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. I don't know if she has filled in the declaration. 2. We didn't know whether they had come back from abroad. 3. I'd like to know if Mr. P. can translate the Contract into English. 4. Will you find out if we have ever done business with this firm? 5. Will you telephone the airport and find out whether the plane from Odessa has landed ? 6. The Customs official asked if we had any things liable to duty. 7. The President asked whether our terms of delivery were acceptable to them.

V. Закончите предложения, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. When I met my old friend, I asked him if... (to be married). 2. She asked me whether ... (to do well). 3. We did not know if ... (to be retired). 4. The passenger asked the clerk whether ... (to land). 5. The Customs official asked the passenger whether ... (to declare). 6. They did not know whether ... (to arrive). 7. The president asked the secretary whether .'.. (to book a seat for a plane). 8.1 asked the clerk if ... (daily flights). 9. We did not know whether ... (to go on business).

VI. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Я не знаю, есть ли в их квартире телефон. 2. Ему хотелось бы знать, есть ли у вас какие-нибудь английские газеты и журналы. 3. Катя спросила меня, хорошо ли моя дочь играет на рояле. 4. Мне хотелось бы знать, купили ли они уже новую мебель. 5. Спроси его, знает ли он, что идет сегодня в Малом театре, б. Коля спросил меня, не пообедаю ли я вместе с ним. 7. Мы хотели бы узнать, обсудили ли они уже наш запрос на котлы. 8. Представитель фран­цузской фирмы спросил нас, будем ли мы экспортировать товары широкого потребления во Францию в будущем году. 9. Директор спросил, могут ли они снизить свои цены. 10. Нам хотелось бы знать, есть ли у них каталоги и прейскуранты на новый товар. 11. Мы не знали, приемлемы ли будут для них наши условия платежа. 12. Мы не знали, собираются ли они разместить заказ у нас.

, Прямая и косвенная речь

VII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. "I've bought tickets for a Saturday performance," I said. 2. "We had a good walk in the country yesterday," my sister said to me. 3. " Mr. Nikolaev is going to fly abroad next week," they said. 4. "Every passenger goes through the Customs when he comes from abroad," said the Customs official. 5. "At what time will the plane land?" asked the passenger. 6. "Shall we take a taxi to get home?" my friend asked me. 7. "At what institute did your sister study?" my friends asked me. 8. "Who gave you instructions to get the materials ready?" asked the director. 9. "I must go through the mail now," I said. 10:'' I'm glad to do business with your firm," Mr. Smith said to us. 11. "There are a few tickets for this performance at the booking-office," I said.

VIII. Передайте следующие вопросы и ответы на них в косвенной речи:


Teacher: Can you reduce the price for your goods ?

Smirnov: No, we can't.

Teacher: What did I ask Mr. Smirnov?

Orlov: You asked " Mr. Smirnov if they could reduce their price for

the goods. Teacher: What did Mr. Smirnov answer?

Orlov: He answered that they couldn't.

1. Have you an elder sister? 2. Is your elder brother single? 3. Where do your parents live now? 4. What instructions has the president given you? 5. What firm have you placed an order with? 6. Are you going to sign a new contract? 7. When can you give your final answer to the Buyers? 8. Will you join your friends for dinner on Sunday? 9. What points must you clear up with the foreign representative? 10. Does your office sell manufactured goods ?

IX. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1. Ann asked her friend, "Please help me to translate the text." 2. The teacher said to her students, "Don't speak Russian at your English lessons." 3. The mother said to the children, "Come back from the country before 6 o'clock. 4. Pete said to me, "Come and see me on Sunday." 5. The mother said to the children, "Don't sunbathe in the afternoon." 6. They asked Nick, "Please book tickets for all of us." 7. The director said to Mr. Sokolov, "Don't telephone the factory to-day." 8. Mr. Denisov asked the secre-

tary, "Please put me through to Mr. Barton." 9. They said to us, "Please, ship the goods before the 1st of December." 10. The President said, "Clear up all these points with Mr. Gray." 11. Mr. Malov said, "Don't make

an appointment for Wednesday."

X. Переведите следующие предложения:

Директор нашей что он уезжает в командировку на следую-

конторы сказал, щей неделе.

что он будет принимать эту фирму завтра, что на прошлой неделе они подписали этот контракт.

что английские коммерсанты прибудут в Москву сегодня.

что вчера, он получил указание разместить заказ на химическое оборудование в одной из английских фирм.

что они., обсудили условия платежа с пред­ставителем фирмы два дня тому назад.

Она попросила помочь ей перевести этот текст,

меня заказать билеты в театр.

заполнить декларацию.

дать ей эту книгу почитать.

зайти за ней.

подождать ее.

связаться с фирмой завтра.

Придаточные предложения причины

XI. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. It took me an hour to get to Vnukovo afrport because I went there by bus. 2. The firm didn't reduce their prices because their goods were in de­mand. 3.1 couldn't speak to the president because he had gone on business. 4. We are going to send an enquiry to a French firm because we are interested in buying their goods. 5. As my daughter likes music, she plays the piano every day. 6.1 decided not to go to the theatre yesterday, as the performance wasn't very interesting. 7. Why did you decide not to go to Petersburg ? As I couldn't book a seat for a plane I decided not to go to Petersburg.

XII. Дополните следующие предложения:

1. She decided to spend her holiday at the Baltic seaside because ... 2. Last night all my family watched TV because ... 3.1 don't know what new things there are in his living-room as ... 4. I'd like to go sightseeing to-day because ... 5. He couldn't telephone you at 2 o'clock because ... 6. Our bed-room is very light because ... 7. As ..., we decided to walk home. 8. Let's discuss these points now because ... 9. As ..., we shall not buy their equipment. 10. Petrov said it wouldn't take him long to go through the Customs because ... 11. They haven't signed the Contract yet as ...

ХШ. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Why do we buy chemical equipment? 2. Why do our engineers go on business abroad? 3. Why must passengers go through the Customs when they go abroad or come from abroad? 4. Why do we like going to the seaside to spend our holiday? 5. Why did you decide to learn English? 6. Why do our engineers learn foreign languages? 7. Why do you sometimes feel bad? 8. Why must we read English a lot?


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

XIV. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим предложениям из текста:

1. Секретарь звонит в гостиницу «Тависток», чтобы заказать номер для г-на Козлова. 2. Мы хотели бы заказать номер для

г-на Козлова на три дня. 3. — Не могли бы вы сказать мне, какой номер господин Козлов хотел бы получить? — Номер на одного человека с отдельной ванной. — Я посмотрю, есть ли у нас такой номер. 4. Сколько стоит номер?

1. Г-н Козлов написал на бланке свою фамилию, адрес, национальность и профессию и вернул его. 2. Портье взял ключ от комнаты Козлова. 3. Козлов дал ему чаевые. 4. Он хотел погла­дить свой костюм (чтобы ему погладили костюм). 5. Я боюсь, что мне будет холодно ночью. 6. Интересно, открыт ли ресторан сейчас.

XV. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив данные в скобках глаголы и словосочетания в нужной форме:

1. The secretary wondered if ... (to arrive by plane). 2. She told us that ... (to reserve a room). 3. The receptionist asked me whether ... (to reserve a table). 4. He answered that .:. (to have no accommodation). 5. The porter told me that ... (to attend to my suit-case). 6.1 didn't know when ... (to serve dinner). 7. I wonder if ... (to have the key). 8. The chambermaid let me know that ... (to bring an extra blanket). 9. Mr. Teplov told the chambermaid that ... (to have his suit pressed). 10. I'm wondering how ... (to fill in a form). 11. I'd like to know whether ... (to be available). 12. We didn't know that ... (to wait for the plane). 13. The chambermaid answered me that ... (to bring my suit),

XVI. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме:

Mr. Zotov of the Russian Trade Delegation (to receive) a cable from Moscow. It said that Mr. Losev of Machinoimport (to arrive) in Lon­ don on business the next day. Mr. Zotov told the secretary that she (must, to reserve) a room for Mr. Losev at the Imperial Hotel for 5 nights.

Before Mr. Losev (to arrive) in London, the secretary (to reserve)

a room in his name at the Imperial Hotel. She also (to phone) the airport and (to find out) when the jet-liner from Moscow (to arrive).

At 4 p.m. Mr. Zotov (to wait) for Mr. Losev at the airport.

Soon he (to hear) the announcement that the plane (to land). He (to see) Mr. Losev when the passengers (to get off) the plane. Mr. Zotov (to be) glad to see Mr. Losev in London.

After Mr. Losev (to go) through the Customs, they (to go) to

the hotel.

XVII. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо:

... other day Mr. Goodwill, ... representative of Brighton & Co., arrived in Moscow on business. Mr. Mitin, director of our office, met

him at ... Sheremetievo Airport and brought him to ... Metropol Hotel. Mr. Mitin had reserved accommodation for Mr. Goodwill there two days before. ... hotel-porter met them at ... door and showed them to . . reception-desk. Some people were waiting at ... desk.

... receptionist gave Mr. Goodwill ... form and asked him to write his name, ... address, ... nationality and ... occupation. As Mr. Goodwill knew Russian well it didn't take him long to fill in ... form. After he had done all ... formalities, ... receptionist gave Mr. Goodwill ... key to his room and ... porter showed him into it. It was ... nice single room on ... second floor. ... room was not very large but very light. There was ... bed, ... sofa and ... little table for ... magazines and ... newspapers. Near ... sofa, there was... standard lamp. To ... left of... door there was ... wardrobe. All ... furniture in ... room was quite modern. Mr. Good­will liked ... room very much and he thanked Mr. Mitin.

They made ... appointment for the next morning and Mr. Mitin left ... hotel.

XVIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где необходимо:

1. I wonder what hotel they are staying .... 2. Mr. A. asked the secretary if she had reserved accommodation ... him ... the Grand Hotel. 3. Would you like to have a single room ... a private bath? 4. He said that they would arrive ... London ... Sunday. 5. Will you help me to fill ... the form. It is ... French and I don't know this language. 6. Will you, please, meet Mr. Cook and show him ... my room. 7. The doctor told me not to go ..., as the weather was damp. 8. May I give you ... this book ... a week as I haven't yet read it? 9. It was hot, and we took ... our jackets. 10. We didn't have the key ... our office and couldn't get ... . П. When we arrived ... the office Mr. S. had already left. 12. Will

you attend ... this inquiry, please. We received it last week and haven't yet sent them our catalogues and price-lists. 13. I looked ... my watch. It was half ... ten.

XIX. Передайте следующие вопросы и ответы на них в косвенной речи:

Обр азец:

Teacher: What will you attend to to-day?

Mister Petrov: I'll attend to the new contract. Teacher: What did I ask Mr. Petrov?

Mister Lobov: You asked Mr. Petrov what he would attend to to-day. Teacher: What did Mr. Petrov answer?

Mister Lobov: Mr. Petrov answered that he would attend to the new contract.

1. What hotel did you stay at in Petersburg last month? 2. Is there often accommodation available at the Moskva Hotel? 3. Did you reserve a single room with a private bath when you were in London? 4. What must you write on a hotel form? 5. What can you ask a chamber-maid to do for you? 6. What do you do to call a chamber-maid? 7. When did you go to a restaurant with your friends? 8. Will your engineers check any materials to-day? 9. What is the charge for a single room at this hotel?

XX. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы to say, to speak, to tell:

. 1. Он сказал, что он заказал номер для меня в гостинице «Ук­раина». 2. Он сказал мне: «У нас нет свободных номеров сейчас». 3. Я не думаю, что он мог сказать это. 4. Он много говорит, но мало делает. 5. Я скажу ему, чтобы он занялся этим вопросом, б. Я не знаю, что он сказал об этом контракте. 7. Интересно, кто из вас го­ворил с ним о гостинице. 8. Вы можете сказать мне, кто сказал это? 9. Она сказала мне, что у нее есть лишний билет. 10. Он сказал нам, что он вчера выступал на собрании. 11. Администратор гостиницы сказал мне, чтобы я заполнил бланк.

XXI. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1. "Do you always stay at the Metropol Hotel when you come to Mos­ cow?" the secretary asked Mr. Gray. 2. "I have a single room with a bath for you," said the receptionist. 3. "I reserved accommodation at the Continental Hotel for you two days ago," she said to me. 4. "Who will attend to my suit-case, please?" I asked. 5. "When does the hotel restaurant serve din­ ner?" Mr. N. asked. 6. "Will you get accommodation at that hotel next week ?" she asked me. 7. "Whom must I phone to have my suit pressed ?" he asked the porter. 8. "Where can I book seats for the Bolshoi Theatre for Saturday?" Mr. Smith asked the receptionist of the Grand Hotel. 9. I think it will take you only half an hour to have your jacket pressed," the chambermaid answered me. 10. "Can I have your passport, Sir?" the recep­ tionist asked me. 11. "Don't wait for me to-day," I said to my friend. 12. "Unlock the door, please," I asked the porten

XXII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. — Интересно, в какой гостинице они остановились?— Я по­ лагаю, что они остановились в «Гранд-Отеле». В прошлый раз они тоже останавливались там. 2. Директор конторы попросил меня позвонить в ресторан «Прага» и заказать 2 столика на завтра. 3. Он спросил меня, есть ли лифт в том новом здании. 4. Администра­ тор сказал, что он может предложить мне очень хороший номер на одного человека с отдельной ванной на 5-м этаже. 5. Интересно, какая завтра будет погода, б. Мы спросили администратора, какова стоимость номера на одного человека в их гостинице. 7. Мой друг спросил у горничной, где он может погладить костюм. 8. Предста­ витель фирмы сообщил нам новый адрес их лондонской конторы. 9. Я не знаю, кто он по национальности, но он очень хорошо гово­ рит по-английски. 10.— Г-н Лебедев, выясните, пожалуйста, все ли материалы готовы к переговорам. — Хорошо. Я займусь этим сейчас же. 11. — Интересно, сколько рейсов совершают са­ молеты в Одессу ежедневно? — Одну минутку. Я сейчас проверю это. 12. — У вас с собой ключ от нашей конторы? — Нет. Я брал его вчера, но вернул.


Speech Exercises

  • Воспроизведите диалог и перескажите текст.

  • Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий рассказ:

1. Do you often go on business to other cities ? 2. Where do you usually stay there? 3. When do you reserve accommodation at a hotel? 4. Who usually reserves accommodation at a hotel for you? 5. Do you always reserve a single room with a private bath? 6. What's the charge for a single room at our hotels?

1. Is accommodation always available at our hotels in Moscow? 2. What must you do to reserve accommodation at a hotel? 3. What can you say about our new hotels? 4. When do restaurants at our hotels serve break­fast, lunch and dinner?

1. Where did you go on business last? 2. What hotel did you stay at? 3. Had you booked accommodation there in advance? 4. What did you say when you came up to the reception desk? 5. What did the receptionist ask you to do? 6. What did you write on the form? 7. Who gave you the key to your room ?

1. Why did you ring the bell for a chambermaid when you came into your hotel room? 2. What did you say when she came in? 3. What did you ask her to do for you? 4. What did she do for you? 5. Did you give her a tip?

1. What's your name ? 2. Where were you born ? 3. When were you born ? 4. Where do you live now?5. What's your address?6. What's your nation­ality? 7. WЪere do you work? 8. What's your occupation?

XXV. Поставьте вопросы на развитие содержания следующих предложений:

1. Mr. Petrov stayed at a hotel for a few nights. 2. The secretary

reserved a room for the foreign businessmen. 3. Mr. Black liked staying at a new hotel. 4. Mr. Ivanov phoned the receptionist.

XXVI. Составьте ситуации на основе следующих предложений:

1. Не went to another hotel. 2. Mr. Cook was not available at two o'clock. 3. My wife couldn't unlock the door. 4. They decided not to pack the things to-day. 6. Mr. Wood is staying at the Metropol Hotel. 7. A hotel-porter took our suit-cases and showed us to our room. 8. Last year I couldn't get accommodation in Yalta.

XXVII. Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи:


(Mr. Fields, speaking to a receptionist)

"I should like a room for a week."

"Single or double?"

'Single, please."

"Have you reserved a room?"

"I wrote you from New York last week."

"What's your name, please?"


"Yes, we received your letter, Mr. Fields. We have reserved a room for you."

"I wonder if there is a private bath in this room."

"Yes, this room has a private bath."-

"Is it an inside room or an outside room?"

"It's an outside room on the eighth floor — room 816."

"And what is the charge?"

"Eleven dollars a night."

"I believe this room is quiet. I don't sleep too well."

"Yes, this room is very quiet as it is on the eighth floor, you don't hear much street noise. How long are you planning to stay, Mr. Fields?"

"For a week."

"And are you here on business, Mr. Fields?"

"It's partly business and partly pleasure. I've never been to Washington before and I'd like to see the city."

"I hope you'll like it here."

"I hope so too."

double room номер на двоих; inside room комната, окна которой выходят во двор; outside room комната, окна которой выходят на улицу; quiet тихни; to sleep (slept, slept) спать; street noise шум с улицы; partly частично

XXVIII. Перескажите следующий рассказ и закончите его:

1. Once a businessman arrived in Paris. He stayed at a hotel and as soon as he' had done all the formalities there he went for a walk. He asked the receptionist to tell him the way to the post-office because he wanted to send a telegram to his wife. He wrote that he had come to Paris. He also let his wife know the address and the name of his hotel.

As it was his first visit to Paris he enjoyed looking at its streets and squares, visited a museum or two and then went to a small restaurant to have lunch. In the evening he went to the theatre. After the performance was over he called a taxi to go back to the hotel, but he couldn't remember the name or the address of his hotel. So he ...

once [waiis] однажды; to Tisit ['vizit] посещать; a post-office [poust] почта; a museum [mjur'ziam] музей; a square [skwea] площадь; to remember [n'membs] помнить

XXIX. Перескажите следующие тексты:

Three young men arrived in New York for a holiday. They had reserved a room at a big hotel for two nights. When they came to the hotel the recep­tionist told them that they could have a nice room on the 45th floor.

He gave them the key to their room after they had filled in the forms. The porter showed them to the lift.

In the evening the three men went to the theatre. The theatre was a long way from the hotel and they came back very late.

"Fm sorry," said the hotel clerk, "but our lifts don't work to-night. We can make beds for you in the hall."

"No, thank you," answered one of the young men. "We'll go up to our room."

Then he turned to his friends and said, "On our way to the room I'll tell you some jokes, then you, Andy, will sing some songs; then you, Peter will tell us some sad stories. So the time will fly fast."

So they began to walk up. Tom told them a few jokes, Andy sang some songs. At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor.

"Now, Peter, it's your turn to tell us a long sad story."

"Oh, I have a very sad story to tell you. It isn't long, but it's very sad. We've left the key to our room in the hall."

to turn (to) обратиться к кому-л.; a joke [ёзоик] шутка; to sing (sang, suag) петь; a song песня; sad печальный; грустный; a story f'stori] история, рассказ; fast [fctst] быстро; a turn очередь; a hall [h*!] зал, вестибюль

XXX. Составьте диалоги на основе следующих ситуаций:

  • Comrade Belov got instructions to go to London on business. He went to the booking-office to book a seat for a plane. He found out that the plane would take off at 11 a.m. and land in London at 2 p.m.

  • The secretary of the Soviet Trade Delegation phoned the Imperial Hotel and asked the receptionist if she could reserve accommodation for Mr. Belov. There was accommodation available at the hotel and the recep-

tionist reserved a single room with a private bath in the name of Mr. Belov. She also let the secretary know that the charge for the room was fifty shillings a night.

  • Mr. Belov arrived at the hotel. The receptionist could let him have a room on the 6th floor. Then he asked Mr. Belov to write down his name, address, nationality and occupation. After that the receptionist gave Mr. Belov the key to his room and the porter showed him to his room.

  • Mr. Belov rang the bell for a chambermaid. The chambermaid asked him what she could do for him. Mr. Beloy wanted to have his jacket and trousers pressed. She told him she could do it right away.

Mr. Belov wanted to have an extra pillow and the chambermaid said she would attent to it.

a pillow ['pilou] подушка

XXXI. Выполните следующие задания:

  • You are in London. Telephone cne of the London hotels and reserve accommodation for Mr. Somov, an engineer of Avtoexport. Mr. Somov is coming to London on business and is going to stay there for 10 days.

  • You have an appointment with Mr. Green for tomorrow. But you haven't cleared up all the points with your people yet. Telephone Mr. Green and make an appointment with him for some other day.

  • Your office has received an enquiry for boilers from a British firm. Meet Mr. Butler, a representative of the firm, at your office and find out how many boilers they are going to buy. Discuss the terms and the time of delivery.

XXXII. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. My stay at a hotel. 2. Reserving a room at a hotel. 3. Moscow hotels.



Grammar: 1. Эквиваленты модальных глаголов: to be able to, to

have to (см. § 61, стр. 336).

  • Безличные глаголы to rain, to snow (см. § 62, стр. 337).

  • Конструкции as ... as, not so ... as (not as ... as) (см. § 63, стр. 337).

Revision: 1. Модальные глаголы.

  • Оборот there is/are.

  • Оборот let's.



Techmachimport has done a lot of business with Goodman & Co. for the last few years.1 Before Mr. Kozlov.went to London, he and his

experts had gone through the latest catalogues2 of the firm. They found that compressors Model AC-30 could meet the requirements of their customers.

When Mr. Kozlov arrived in London, he phoned the Russian Trade

Delegation and asked Mr. Zotov to make an appointment with

Mr. Lipman of Goodman & Company.


Mr. Zotov: Russian Trade Delegation here. Good morning.

Secretary: Good morning.

Mr. Zotov: I wonder if Mr. Lipman is available.

Secretary: Yes, he is. Hold on, please.3 I'll put you through.

Mr. Lipman: Lipman is speaking.

Mr. Zotov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman. Zotov speaking. I'm glad

I've got you on the phone. I hope you are well. Mr. Lipman: Yes, thank you. And how are you getting on?4

Zotov: Quite all right, thank you. The fact is Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport has come to London5 to-day. He'd like

Lipman: to talk to you.

I'll be glad to see Mr. Kozlov. We haven't met since my last visit to Moscow. I wonder if he will be able to come and see me this afternoon.

Zotov: I'm afraid this time won't be quite convenient to him. Could you give an alternative date, please?

Lipman: Yesj certainly. Tomorrow morning then.

Zotov: Very good. I'll pass it on to Mr. Kozlov. Good-bye.

Lipman: Good-bye.


Kozlov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman.

Lipman: Oh, Mr. Kozlov, good morning. Glad to see you in London. I hope you'll enjoy your stay in this country.

Kozlov: I hope»so too. What fine weather you are having now!6

Lipman: Yes. It's wonderful to-day. But the weather is very change­able in London. It rained heavily only yesterday morning. And what's ihe weather like in Moscow?

Kozlov: It isn't so fine as it is here. It was snowing when I left Moscow.

Lipman: Oh, was it?7

Kozlov: Well, Mr. Lipman, I'd like to have a word with you about our order for compressors. We've gone through your latest cata­logues.

Lipman: I believe you've noticed we've improved our Model AC-30.

Kozlov: Quite so. It is very important to us. Now this model meets the requirements of our customers.

Lipman: Glad to hear that.

Kozlov: We are going to place an order with you for 50 compressors but the fact-is we usually buy your goods on c.i.f. terms but now we'd like to buy them on f.o.b. terms.

Lipman: Will you take part deliveries in that case?

Kozlov: That'll suit us all right.

Lipman: By the way, Mr. Kozlov, we'll be able to let you have our quotation in two or three days only.

Kozlov: That's very good because I'll have to leave for Edinburgh8 and shan't be back until next Monday.

Lipman: Then we'll send our quotation to your office.

Kozlov: All right. Good-bye.

Lipman: Good-bye.


1. For the last few years —за последние годы; for the last few weeks

  • за последние недели. I've not seen my friend for the last few days.

  • Я не видел своего друга в последнее время.

  • The latest catalogues — последние каталоги (новейшие). Слово latest является превосходной степенью слова late.

  • Hold on, please. — He вешайте трубку.

  • ... how are you getting on? — • • -как вы поживаете?

  • Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport has come to London. — Г-н Козлов, председатель Техмашимпорта, приехал в Лондон. Существительное president в данном предложении является при­ложением.

Существительное в функции приложения употребляется:

а) б е з артикля, если оно обозначает должность или звание. Mr. Semenov, director of our office, is not available now. — Господин Семенов, директор нашей конторы, сейчас не принимает.

б) с неопределенным артиклем, если необходимо определить данное существительное как одно из аналогичных.

Mr. Petrov, an engineer of our office, has gone abroad. — Г-н Петров, инженер нашей конторы, уехал за границу.

в) с определенным артиклем, если определяемое лицо пользуется мировой известностью. Sholokhov, the well- known Russian writer, has written wonderful books. — Шолохов, известный русский писатель, написал прекрасные книги.

6. What fine weather you are having now! — Какая У вас прекрасная погода!

Порядок слов в восклицательных предложениях прямой, т. е. подлежащее предшествует сказуемому. How wonderful the film is! — Какой это чудесный фильм! How early you've come! — Как вы рано пришли!

7. "It was snowing when I left Moscow." — Когда я уезжал из Москвы, шел снег.

"Oh, was it?" — Неужели?

Для выражения удивления в английском языке употребля­ется ответная реплика, которая состоит из междометия oh, вспомогательного глагола или модального глагола, или глагола-связки, соответствующих по времени, числу и лицу сказуемому предложения, на которое дается данная реплика, и подлежа­щего. "I'm going to Moscow soon." — Я скоро уезжаю в Моск­ву. "Oh, are you7" — Неужели?

8. Edinburgh ['edmbars] — Эдинбург (столица Шотландии)


expert ['eksp*t] и специалист, эксперт

a chemical expert специалист в области химии

The experts of our office discussed Вчера специалисты нашей конторы

a contract for boilers yesterday. обсуждали контракт на котлы.

compressor [kom'press] л компрессор

to meet requirements [n'kwaismonts] удовлетворять чьим-л. требованиям

Your goods meet our requirements. Ваш товар удовлетворяет нашим


customer ['lovstama] n покупатель, заказчик, клиент

Our customers require power equipment. Нашим заказчикам необходимо

энергетическое оборудование.

to get... on the phone дозвониться кому-л.

I'm afraid you won't get him on the Боюсь, что вы ему не дозвонитесь в

phone at 10 o'clock. 10 часов.

fact л факт "

The fact is ... Дело в том, что...

syn. The point is...

The fact is we require the goods in Дело в том, что нам требуется товар

August. в августе.

to talk [ta:k] v беседовать, разговаривать

Let's talk to him about it tomorrow. Давайте поговорим с ним об этом


to visit v посещать

We are going to visit our friends to- Мы собираемся навестить сегодня

night. своих друзей.

visit я посещение, визит

Не told us about his visit to a plant. Он рассказал нам о посещении завода.

date л число, дата

  • What is the date today? — Какое число сегодня?

  • It is the 5th of October. — Сегодня 5 октября. alternative [al'tarnstiv] adj что-л. взамен указанного

Could you give an alternative date? He могли бы вы назначить другую


to pass ... on to ... передавать что-л. кому-л.

Mr. Zotov can't meet Mr. Sharp to-day. Г-н Зотов не может встретиться с

Will you pass it on to Mr. Sharp? г-ном Шарпом сегодня. Передайте ему

это, пожалуйста.

. to enjoy [in'd33i] v получить удовольствие, нравиться

Глагол to enjoy употребляется либо с существительным, либо с герундием.

We enjoyed the film yesterday. Нам очень понравился фильм вчера.

I always enjoy swimming in the sea. Мне очень нравится плавать в море. \

(Я всегда получаю удовольствие от i плавания в море.) |

: . , I

stay л пребывание

I visited a few factories during my stay Я посетил несколько заводов за

in Kiev. время пребывания в Киеве.

changeable adj неустойчивый, изменчивый

changeable weather неустойчивая погода

The weather is very changeable in Great В Англии погода очень неустойчивая. Britain.

rain v идти (о дожде)

— Does it often rain in Petersburg in —Часто ли идут дожди в Петербурге spring ? весной?

—Yes, it does. — Да.

rain л дождь

We enjoyed sunshine after the rain. После дождя мы были рады солнцу.

heavily ['hevih] adv сильно

It's raining heavily now. Сейчас идет сильный дождь.

snow v идти (о снеге)

It's not snowing now. Сейчас не идет снег.

stop v останавливать(-ся), прекратиться)

Не stopped the car. Он остановил машину.

Vft stopped tо speak to our friends. Мы остановились, чтобы поговорить с

нашими друзьями.

But: Но:

Stop talking, please. Прекратите разговаривать, пожалуйста.

It has stopped raining. Дождь прекратился.

It began raining at 5 o'clock. Дождь начал идти в 5 часов.

to have a word поговорить (с кем-л.)

Can I have a word with you about the Могу ли я поговорить с вами об

contract? этом контракте?

order v заказывать

We are going to order chemical equip- Мы намерены заказать химическое

ment from a British firm. оборудование у английской фирмы.

notice ['noutis] v замечать

I haven't noticed their cable. Я не заметил их телеграммы.

improve [im'pru:v] v улучшать(-ся)

We have improved Model DC. Мы улучшили модель ДС.

The weather has improved for the last За последние дни погода улучши-

few days. лась.

important [im'potent] adj важный

This is a very important order. Это очень важный заказ.

This news is important to us. Эта новость важна для нас.

to take part deliveries принимать товар частичными постав­ ками.

Our office got instructions from the Наша контора получила распоря-

President to take part deliveries. жение от председателя на приемку

товара по частям.

deliver v поставлять

We can deliver the machines in Decern- Мы можем поставить машины в де-

ber. кабре.

in this (that) case в этом (том) случае

I believe you'll reduce your price. In this Я полагаю, вы снизите свою цену.

case we'll order 500 machines. В этом случае мы закажем 500 ма­ шин.

suit [sju: t] v устраивать, подходить

I'm sorry the delivery dates do not suit К сожалению, даты поставки нас

us. не устраивают.

quotation [kwou'teijn] п предложение на товар, котировка,


We have received a quotation of the Мы получили предложение на товар

goods from a British firm. от английской фирмы,

until prep до

We'll stay here until Tuesday. Мы пробудем здесь до вторника.

tolie able быть в состоянии

We'll be able to ship the goods in August. Мы сможем отгрузить товар в августе,

to have to эквивалент модального глагола must

We'll have to stay at home as it is raining Нам придется остаться дома, так

heavily. как идет сильный дождь.

as ... as так же ... как, такой ... как

Не knows English as well as his brother. Он знает английский так же хорошо,

как его брат.

This magazine is as interesting as that Этот журнал такой же интересный,

one. как тот.

not so ... as (not as ... as) не такой... как, не так... как

Text 10 is not so short as text 1. Текст 10-й не такой короткий, как


1*11 stay in Edinburgh not so long as Я пробуду в Эдинбурге не так долго, in London. как в Лондоне.

to be right быть правым

  • The film 'Hamlet' is very interesting. — Фильм «Гамлет» очень интересный.

  • Yes, you are right, it's wonderful. —Да, вы правы, это превосходный



Grammar Exercises

Эквиваленты модальных глаголов: to be able to, to have to

I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. I shall be able to go through all the materials today. 2. He won't be able to join us for dinner because he feels bad today. 3. The president said during the talks that they would not be able to reduce their prices for the goods, because they were in great demand. 4. "Will you be able to ship the goods on c.i.f. terms?" I asked Mr. Clay. 5. We had to go back home as there were no tickets at the theatre booking-office. 6. The secretary will have to contact Mr. Gray to let him know that we shall be able to see him tomor­row morning. 7. Did you have to reserve a room in advance to get accommo­dation at that hotel? 8. We didn't have to take a taxi because we knew we had a lot of time before the plane took off.

II. Составьте предложения по образцу, используя следующие слова и слово­ сочетания:

1. We'll be able to book seats for a performance in advance.

tp leave for the Caucasus, to join you for dinner, to call for you tonight, to check the prices right away, to buy goods at these prices.

2. I had to stay in London for another day.

to take off my jacket, to go through the mail, to get the materials ready, to send the price-lists.

3. Did you have to translate the tetters into Russian?

to find out the address, to buy another suit-case, to make another appoint­ment, to reduce the price.

4. He didn't have to take a taxi to get to the airport.

to wait for ... long, to fill in any form, to phone the secretary, to get any other instructions.

III. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Не will be able to reserve a room at the Ukraine Hotel (3). 2. We had to learn 40 new English words last week (4). 3. Comrade Moiseev will have to leave for the town of Nikolaev on the 4th of January (3). 4. Yesterday my friend had to come to his office early as he had a lot of work to do (5). 5. You will have to clear np all these points with the representative of the firm (3).

IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Will you be able to go to the Caucasus next summer? 2. Will you be able to stay at a hotel there? 3. How long will you be able to stay there?

4. What did your wife have to do last Sunday? 5„ What did you have to do to help your wife? 6. Did your wife have to stay at home all day long or did she have to go out last Sunday? 7. When will you have to go on business? 8. Where will you have to go on business? 9. What questions will you have to attend to there? 10. Will you have to fly there? 11. When will you be able to meet the British businessmen? 12. Will Mr. A. be able to get the necessary materials ready by that time? 13. Which of you will be able to take them to the Kremlin after the talks? 14. Which of you won't be able to join them for lunch on Friday?

V. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Господин Петров не сможет позвонить вам сегодня, так как его не будет в конторе. 2. Я позвонил другу, чтобы сообщить ему, что я не смогу зайти за ним вечером. 3. Мне хотелось бы знать, какие вопросы нам придется обсудить на переговорах с фирмой. 4. Директор сказал, что нам придется снизить цену на товар, чтобы продать его. 5. Лене не пришлось долго ждать брата. Он пришел, как только кончил работать. 6. Нам пришлось взять такси, чтобы приехать в аэропорт к 10 часам. 7. Боюсь, что я не смогу проводить вас до комнаты 645, но я расскажу вам, как пройти туда. 8. «Вам нужно будет подняться на лифте (to take a lift), так как ваша комната находится на 12-м этаже», — сказал администратор гос­тиницы.

Безличные глаголы to rain и to snow

VI. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. I wonder if it is snowing now. 2. Where does it seldom snow in our country? It seldom snows in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. 3. Did it often rain in Moscow last October? Yes, it did. But it didn't often rain in September. 4.1 don't think it will snow in the afternoon. 5. My friends asked me if it had snowed during my stay in Mpscow. I answered that it hadn't snowed at that time. 6. Look, it has begun raining. It won4 rain long, I believe. It will soon stop raining. 7. It was raining (it rained) heavily all day long yesterday. 8. Was it snowing when you were walking home? Yes, it was.

VII. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. It often rained in Moscow last summer (2). 2. It was raining when we went out yesterday (1). 3. It never snows in these countries (2). 4. It snowed all day long yesterday (1). 5. It began raining early in the morning (1). 6. The day before yesterday it rained heavily (1). 7. When it stopped raining, we went home (1). 8. It stopped snowing at 3 o'clock (1).

VIII. Раскроите скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме:

1. In what months it often (to snow) in Moscow? 2. (to rain) it often in October in Moscow? 3. When we arrived at the airport it (to rain) heavily, and we couldn't leave the car for ten minutes. 4. It (to begin) snowing about 3 hours ago, and it still (to snow). 5. (to rain) it when you left the Ministry

yesterday? Yes, very heavily. And it still (to rain) when I got home. 6. When we went out, it (to stop) raining and the weather was wonderful. 7. It (to stop) raining, and the sun is already shining. Let's go for a walk. 8. By 12 o'clock it (to stop) raining, and we went to the beach.

IX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. When does it usually rain in Moscow? 2. Does it often or seldom rain in May? 3. Did it often rain last autumn? 4. Is it raining heavily now? 5. When did it begin raining? 6. When will it stop raining? 7. Do you think it will stop raining soon? 8. When did it last rain heavily? 9. Was it snowing heavily when you went out of the office? 10. Do you like walking when it snows? 11. When did it begin snowing? 12. When do you think it will stop snowing?

X. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на безличные глаголы:

1. — Нравится ли вам в нашем городе? — Мне здесь очень нра­вится, хотя сейчас морозно и часто идет снег. 2. Мы были в Риге в июне. Погода была чудесная, хотя там часто идет дождь в это время. 3. Шел ли дождь, когда вы возвращались из театра? 4. Часто ли шел снег в прошлом месяце? 5. Идет сильный дождь. Мы не сможем сейчас пойти в кино. Я думаю, дождь не скоро прекратится. 6. — Часто ли шел снег, когда вы были в Новосибирске? — Да.

Конструкция as ... as, not so ...as

XI. Сравните следующее, употребляя конструкцию as ... as, not so ... as (not as ... as):

1. Moscow, Kiev (large). 2. The living-room, the bedroom (light). 3. The weather in Moscow, the weather in the Caucasus (hot). 4. This book, that book (interesting). 5. Our prices, their prices (high). 6. This machine, that machine (good). 7. Lesson 9, lesson 10 (short). 8. Exercise 10, exercise 12 (long).

XII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Вчера погода была не такой хорошей, как сегодня. Вчера шел сильный снег, а сегодня тепло и светит солнце. 2. — Когда погода бывает такой же теплой, как в мае? — Иногда в сентябре бывает очень тепло. 3. — В Москве осенью дожди идут так же часто, как и в Петербурге ? — Да, хотя в Москве не так влажно. 4. — Вы встаете в воскресенье так же рано, как и в будни? — Нет, в воскре­сенье мы встаем в 9 часов утра. 5. — Вы говорите по-английски так же хорошо, как по-немецки? — Нет, я знаю английский не очень хорошо. 6. В субботу я возвращаюсь домой не так поздно, как в другие дни. Я кончаю работу в 3 часа дня. 7. Моя старая квартира не была такой большой, как новая. В ней была только одна комната, а в нашей новой квартире будет три комнаты.

Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

XIII. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов при помощи суффик­ сов: a) -ment, -tion; b) -er, -or:

a) to require to agree b) to sell

to declare to appoint to buy

to instruct to equip to export

to ship to announce to import

to reserve to quote to teach

to translate

XIV. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных при помощи суффикса -1у:

warm, cold, certain, happy, necessary, wonderful, unusual, unhappy, beautiful, usual, nice.

XV. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим предложениям из текста:

1. Интересно, г-н Липман у себя? 2. Не кладите трубку, пожа­луйста. Я соединяю вас. 3. Я рад, что дозвонился вам. 4. — Как вы поживаете? — Спасибо, хорошо. 5. Дело в том, что г-н Козлов, председатель Техмашимпорта, приехал сегодня в Лондон, б. Он хотел бы поговорить с вами. 7. Интересно, сможет ли он прийти ко мне сегодня днем. 8. Вы не могли бы нам назначить другую дату? 9. Я передам это г-ну Козлову.

1. Я надеюсь, вы получите удовольствие от своего пребывания у нас в стране. 2. Какая чудесная погода у вас сейчас! 3. Но погода очень изменчива в Лондоне. 4. А какая сейчас погода в Москве? 5. — Шел снег, когда я уехал из Москвы. — Неужели? 6. Мне бы хотелось переговорить с вами о нашем заказе на компрессоры. 7. Я полагаю, вы заметили, что мы усовершенствовали нашу модель АС-30. 8. Совершенно верно. Это очень важно для нас. 9. В таком случае вы примете товар по частям? 10. Это нас вполне устроит.

XVI. Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол в нужной, форме:

1. There was an exhibition (выставка) of Russian equipment in London last summer. Before the exhibition (to open) a lot of Russian plants (to send) their latest models to London and Russian experts (to arrive) to contact British businessmen.- Representatives of different companies (to visit) the exhibition.

Mr. Bent of Stevens & Co. (to be) interested in excavators (экска­ваторы). He said his company (to do) business with Machinoexport before and Russian equipment, always (to meet) their requirements.

The firm Stevens $ Co. (to be going) to order excavators. After the Russian engineers (to get ready) their quotation, Mr. Bent (to visit) the Russian Trade Delegation. As the firm (to accept) the prices and- the terms of pay­ment, Mr. Bent (to be going) to discuss only the terms of shipment and

delivery dates. When the representatives (to discuss) the order of the firm, Mr. Bent asked if Machinoexport (to be able) to ship the goods on c.i.f. terms. He also wanted to find out whether July shipment (to suit) the sellers. The terms (to be) acceptable to the sellers and the representatives decided to sign the contract the next day.

2. "I hope you (to receive) our enquiry for motors."

"Quite so. We (to study) your enquiry and can offer you our model CK-75 of our catalogue. I hope it (to meet) your requirements as it fto be) our latest model."

"I hope so. What (to be) your price for the model?"

"$ ... a motor."

"Your price (to be) acceptable to us but could you ship the goods next month?"

"I'm sorry to say no. We could offer you July shipment only."

"I'm afraid it not (to suit) us but I (to discuss) the point with my people and I (to contact) you in a few days."

XVII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is the weather changeable in Moscow? 2. Where is the weather changeable? 3. In what season of the year does it often rain (snow)? 4. Do you like it when it rains (snows)? 5. Did it snow yesterday? 6. Was it snowing heavily when you left the office? 7. At what time was it snowing (raining) yesterday? 8. Is it raining (snowing) now or has it already stopped raining (snowing)? 9. Are we having fine weather in Moscow? 10. Is the weather in Moscow as changeable as in London? 11. What was the weather like in Moscow yesterday? 12. When does it usually begin to snow in Moscow? 13. Do people go for a walk when it rains (snows)? 14. Was it snowing or raining when you went out in the morning? 15. By what time had it stopped snowing (raining) yesterday?

XVIII. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо, и перескажите текст. Mr. Buck, ... director of Gordon & Co., sent us ... cable to let us

know that he was flying to Moscow.

So on Friday Comrade Belov, ... engineer of our office, went to ... Sheremetievo airport to meet him. That day ... weather was very bad in Moscow. It was raining heavily all day long, and Belov was afraid that ... plane would not land in ... bad weather. But it was ... TU-154 and it safely (благополучно) landed. When Mr, Buck had gone through ... Customs they went to ... National Hotel as Comrade Belov had already reserved ... single room for him there.

... next day Mr. Buck came to ... Ministry and we had ... talk with him. ... fact was that they were interested in buying mining equipment, and the previous month we had sent them ... quotation of ... equipment. So Mr. Buck said that ... mining equipment met ... requirements of their customers and that they wanted to place ... order with us. But Mr. Buck wondered if we could reduce ... prices. ... director of our office said that he would have a word about it with ... President and that he would be able to give Mr. Buck ... final reply ... next day.

XIX. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

The British firm Bent and Co. wanted to buy a few excavators. They were interested ... our excavators ... the latest model. Mr. Tomson ... Bent and Co. arrived ... Moscow to have talks ... the president of Machino- export. Mr. Tomson came here ... plane and stayed ... the National Hotel. He phoned the secretary ... Machinoexport to make an appoint­ ment ... Mr. Senin. The secretary told him that Mr. Senin would be glad to meet him any time convenient ... him. Mr. Tomson an­ swered that 10 o'clock suited him. ... 10 o'clock the next morning the sec­ retary showed him ... the president's private-room. Mr. Senin was waiting ... him. Senin: Good morning, Mr. Tdmson. I'm happy to see you in Moscow.

I hope you've had a nice flight. Tomson: Yes, I have, thank you. I enjoyed it very much. It took me only 3 hours to get ... Moscow ... London ... air. How is business, Mr. Senin? Senin: Fine, thank you. We've had quite a lot ... business lately. Our

excavators are ... great demand. Tomson: You see, Mr. Senin, I'd like to have a word ... you ... our or­der ... excavators. We've gone ... the catalogue and decided the excavators met the requirements ... our customers. Senin: I'm glad they do.

Tomson: So, we are going to place an order ... you .. .excavators model AC-10. But the fact is our customers would like to have the first delivery ... 2 excavators ... September. Senin: I think we can do that.

Tomson: Very well, then. When will you be able to send us your quotation? Senin: ... two or three days. Will you phone us, please? Tomson: Yes, of course, I shall. I hope I'll see you one ... these days. Senin: Very good.

XX. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. She wondered who ... (to lock the room). 2. The chambermaid asked if ... (to ring the bell for her). 3. Mr. Lipin believed that ... (to stay

at the Ukraina Hotel). 4. My friend didn't know where ... (to have his jacket pressed). 5. We were afraid that ... (not to be available). 6.1 wonder how long ... (to improve the models). 7. My sister wondered whether ... (to notice). 8. The president asked the businessmen if ... (to take part deliveries).

XXI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы:

1. — Можно мне просмотреть ваши последние каталоги? — Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. 2. Я звонил г-ну Панину полчаса тому назад, но не мог дозвониться. Придется позвонить ему опять (again). 3.— Вам долго пришлось ждать самолета?— Нет. 4. Вчера шел сильный дождь, и мы вынуждены были остаться дома.

5. Г-н Павлов сказал, что они должны обсудить этот вопрос со своими заказчиками, б. Они сказали, что не смогут выслать вам свои последние каталоги на этой неделе. 7. — Я должен заполнить эти 2 бланка? — Нет, не нужно. Заполните только один из них. 8. Нам пришлось заказать вам номер в гостинице «Империал», так-как в гостинице «Тависток» не было номеров.

XXII. Употребите it is или конструкцию there is/are в соответствующей вре-

менной форме в следующих предложениях:

1. ... cold outside yesterday. 2. ... few passengers in the waiting-room when we came there. 3. ... late when we came home. 4. -... a lot of sun­shine in this room. 5. ... the latest model of the machine. 6. ... too much furniture in your room. 7. ... a lot of snow in Moscow last winter. 8. ... very hot tomorrow? 9. ... a very important appointment. 10. ... no accom­modation available.

XXIII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Пусть ваши специалисты просмотрят наши последние ката­ логи. 2. Г-н Грей сказал, что новая модель нашего станка (machine- tool) удовлетворяет их требованиям и они собираются разместить у нас большой заказ. 3. Узнайте, пожалуйста, смогут ли ваши за­ казчики принять товар по частям. 4. Скажите ему, чтобы он не вешал трубку. С ним хочет поговорить г-н Котов. 5. Я не мог

сообщить вам об этом, так как не мог дозвониться к вам вчера. 6. — Здравствуй, Борис. Мы не встречались с тобой со времени моего последнего посещения Петербурга. Как ты поживаешь? — Хорошо, спасибо. 7. Г-н Блок, я боюсь, что мы не сможем встретиться с ва­ми во вторник. Дело в том, что г-н Лосев приезжает в Лондон толь­ко в среду. Не могли бы вы назначить нам другой день? 8. Переве­дите письмо этой фирмы, пожалуйста, и передайте его директору вашей конторы. 9. — В Петербурге погода такая же неустойчивая, как в Москве? — Да. 10. — Вы заметили, что сейчас идет дождь? — Нет. 11. Вчера утром шел сильный дождь, и нам пришлось остаться дома. 12. Нам придется улучшить модель ДС. В этом случае фирма закажет у нас 50 станков (machine-tools).


Speech Exercises

XXIV. Воспроизведите диалоги урока.

XXV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий рассказ:

1. With what firm has your office done a lot of business for the last few years? 2. What goods do you sell them? 3. Do your goods meet their require­ments? 4. Did you sometimes have to reduce your prices? 5. Why did you have to reduce your prices ?

1. What's the weather like in Moscow now? 2. What was the weather like in Moscow yesterday? 3. What will the weather be like in Moscow to­morrow? 4. What do you like doing in frosty weather? 5. What do you like doing in hot weather?

1. What is a quotation? 2. Who usually sends you quotations? 3. When do you send quotations to a foreign firm? 4. What do the Buyers do when they receive the Sellers' quotation?

1. On what terms do you usually sell your goods? 2. Why are we inter­ested in selling our goods on c.i.f. terms? 3. Do you usually sell or buy goods on f.o.b. terms? 4. In what case do you take part deliveries?

XXVI. Дайте развернутые ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. How do you make appointments with foreign representatives? 2. What do you usually do to get ready for talks? 3. What do you do when the Sellers' goods don't meet your requirements ? 4. In what case do you take part deliveries? 5. What materials must you go through before you place an order with a foreign firm? 6. What must you do to place an order with a firm? 7. On what terms do you usually buy goods from foreign firms?

XXVII. Подтвердите или опровергните данные ниже утверждения, употребив следующие реплики, и дайте обоснование:

"You are quite right." "I'm afraid it isn't quite so." •'Quite so." "I'm afraid you're not quite right."

1. They will not be able to ship the goods so soon. 2. I'm afraid we shan't get the quotation ready today. 3, The weather in Riga is very changeable. 4. The fact is they find our terms acceptable. 5. I've heard they won't join us for dinner today. 6. The terms of payment are not acceptable to us. 7. They didn't have to send another cable to the Sellers. 8. I believe this order is very important.

XXVIII. Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующий диалог. Передайте его в косвенной речи:

Sedov : Good morning, Mr. Scott.

Scott : Oh, Mr. Sedpv, good morning, I'm happy to see you in London. I hope you had a good flight yesterday.

Sedov : Yes, we had a nice flight though I was afraid that there would be a fog and we shouldn't be able to land. But we got into London on schedule. Well, Mr. Scott, a good flight is a good way to begin business. I'd like to have a word with you about your offer for chemical equipment.

Scott : We hope you have studied our quotation.

Sedov : Yes, we have. Oh the whole your equipment meets our requirements.

Scott: And what about our prices?

Sedov : Your prices are acceptable to us. But there is one point and I'd like to clear it up now. How soon will you be able to begin shipment?

Scott : We are going to begin shipment in April. Does it suit you ?

Sedov Not quite. Will you be able to speed it up and begin, say

in February? Scott : I can't give you a reply right away.I'll have to contact my

people in Manchester and have a word with them about it. Sedov : That's good. Thank you.

a fog туман; on schedule ['Jedju :п По расписанию; on the whole [houl] в целом ; say скажем; to speed up ускорить; Manchester ['maentjasta] Манчестер

XXIX. Составьте ситуации на основе следующих предложений:

1. The president will be available after ten o'clock. 2. I'm afraid this time isn't quite convenient to me. 3. The point is this model doesn't meet our customers' requirements. 4. He won't be back until the day after tomor­row. 5. We have improved this model lately. 6. He had to give them an alternative date. 7.1 think we'll be able to take part deliveries. 8. These terms will suit us.

XXX. Передайте следующие ситуации в форме диалогов:

  • Mr. Beed of Johnson & Co. visited Medexport to discuss their enquiry for medical equipment. His company had bought Russian medical equipment and the goods had met the requirements of their customers. Mr. Beed let the Sellers know that they were going to buy Models ВС and CD of the catalogue.

  • After Techmachimport had received the catalogues of the firm Nelson & Co., Mr. Fleet, the foreign representative, came to Moscow to discuss their offer of mining equipment. They met Mr. Frolov and after a few words about weather they began discussing the prices and the terms of shipment. F.o.b. terms suited the buyers.

XXXI. Перескажите следующие тексты:


Once a French cabman played a good joke on Conan Doyle. When Conan Doyle arrived in Paris it was rainingJ heavily. He took a cab and asked the cabman to take him to the Ritz Hotel as he had reserved a, room there a few days before.

The cabman brought him to the hotel. When he had received his fare he said, "Thank you, Mr. Conan Doyle." "How do you know my name?" asked Conan Doyle.

"Well, sir," replied the driver, "the other day I saw in the papers that you were coming from the South of France to Paris. Your appearance told me you were British, and I also saw you had had your hair cut in the South of France. So I decided it was you.

"You are a wonderful detective," said Conan Doyle. "Were there any other things about me, that could help you to think it was I?"

"Well," said the cabman, "there was also your name on your suit-case, sir."

once однажды; a cabman кэбмен; a cab кэб; to play a joke on сыграть шутку над; fare плата за проезд; appearance [s'pisrans] внешность; to have one's hair cut подстричься; a detective [di'tektiv] агент, сыщик


Joseph Turner was a great English painter. He had a dog. He liked his dog very much.

One day he was playing with his dog. Suddenly the dog broke his leg. Turner sent for a well-known doctor.

When the doctor came, Turner said, "Doctor, my dog has broken his leg. I know that you are too good for this work but please do it. It is so important to me."

The doctor was angry but he did not show it.

The next day the doctor asked Turner to come to his place. Turner promised to come as he thought that the doctor wanted to see him about his dog.

When Turner came to the doctor's house, the doctor said, "Mr. Turner, I'm so glad to see you. I'd like to ask you to paint my door. I know that you are too good for this work but, please, do it. It is so important to me."

a painter художник; a dog собака; to break [breik] (broke, broken) сломать; angry сердитый; a leg йога; to paint красить

XXXII. Закончите следующие ситуации:

1. Russia does business with a lot of different countries of the world. Our trade relations develop from year to year. Our country exports and imports different goods. The other day our office received a quotation for ...

  • This morning Mr. S. telephoned me and said that he had gone through our latest catalogues and found that our foodstuffs met their requirements. So ...

  • Yesterday we had talks with Mr. Brighton of Clay & Co. We discussed the terms of payment and delivery with him. He said that our terms of pay­ment suited them but ...

  • As I wanted to have a word with Mr. B. about our order I telephoned his office but the secretary told me ...

XXXIII. Выполните следующие задания:

  • Tell Mr. Green that you have received their latest catalogues for power equipment. But you haven't received their quotations for it. Ask Mr. Green when he will be able to send you their quotations.

  • Phone Mr. Camp to ask him if they have received your quotations and if your goods meet their requirements.

  • Meet Mr. Brown. Discuss the delivery dates with him and say that you won't be able to begin shipment before the 1st of November. Ask him if they can take part deliveries.

  • Meet Mr. Black and ask him about his flight to Moscow. Speak with him about the weather in London and in Moscow.

XXXIV. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. Making an appointment with a representative of a firm. 2. Placing an order. 3. Autumn in Moscow. 4. Winter in Moscow.



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Grammar: 1. Степени сравнения прилагательных (см. § 64, стр. 338).

  • Степени сравнения наречий (см. § 65, стр. 340).

  • Вопросительно-отрицательные предложения (см. § 66, стр. 341).

Revision: 1. Безличные предложения.