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17.3 Выражение необходимости: "must"/"have to"/"have got to"

"Must" и "have to" выражают крайнюю степень необходимости:

You must fill out this form. – Вы должны заполнить эту анкету.

You have to pick up Mr. Roberts. – Вы должны взять мистера Робертса с собой.

В некоторых ситуациях "must" выражает гораздо большую необходимость, чем "have to":

You must be here for your appointment on time. I have a busy schedule today.

You have to take another course next year.

Выражение "have got to" сходно по значению с "must" и "have to", но употребляется только в разговорном варианте:

I have got to study more. (I must study more.)

Упражнение 1. Вставьте нужную форму глагола "have to"

have to has to don't have to doesn't have to

1. When you make pizza, you have some pizza sauce.

2. You also have some cheese on top of the pizza.

3. You have peppers on your pizza, but you can if you want to.

4. A good pizza taste good.

5. So, you choose the pizza toppings that you like best.

6. Personally, I love tomatoes, so I always have tomatoes on my pizza!

7. You make your own pizza, you can buy a pizza from a pizza shop if you want to.

8. Pizza tastes best when it's hot, but you eat hot pizza. You can eat it cold too.

9. People eat food to stay alive.

10. People eat pizza and candy to stay alive. They can choose healthy food.

11. A person drink water to stay alive.

12. A person smoke cigarettes to stay alive.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте нужную форму глагола "have to"

have to has to don't have to doesn't have to Do / have to Does / have to Do / has to Does / has to

Help Wanted: Secretary. No experience necessary. Must type 50 words per minute. Work Monday - Friday, weekends off. Answer phones, use computer, file reports.

1. The secretary know how to type.

2. A secretary be a woman. The secretary can be a man.

3. the secretary work Saturdays?

4. . No, he/she go to work on saturdays.

5. The secretary also answer the company's phones....

6. ...and he/she file reports every week.

7. the secretary use a computer?

8. Yes, He or she use a computer.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте в пропуски "have to", "must not", "don't have to", "must".

Bicycle riders have a driver's license to ride. It's not necessary.

People who ride motorcycles have a driver's license. It is the law.

Drivers on the freeway be very careful because speed kills!

People who ride horses take their horses on the freeway! That would be a stupid thing to do!


Введение 3

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