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Практика устной речи.doc
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Television Questionnaire.

    1. How many hours a week do you spend watching TV?

      less than 5 hours

      5-10 hours

      10-15 hours

      15-20 hours

      more than 20 hours

    2. What sort of programmes do you like watching?

    3. Are there any sort of programmes you don’t like?



      The news

      Discussion programmes





      Quiz shows

      Classical music programmes

      Pop music programmes

      Children’s programmes

      Variety shows

      Sports programmes


    4. What is your favourite programme?

    5. Are there any sort of programmes you would like

a) more of? b) less of?

You can begin like this, “Excuse me, I am doing research into the types of television programmes people watch. Can I ask you some questions about television?” And don’t forget to finish with, “Thank you very much for answering my questions”.

Student B

Student A is going to ask you questions about the types of television programmes you watch. Answer his/her questions. Before starting, here are some of the most common types of programmes on television:

The news

Discussion programmes





Quiz shows

Classical music programmes

Pop music programmes

Children’s programmes

Variety shows

Sports programmes

      1. Summarize your observations and report them to the group.

  1. Write a newspaper criticism of a TV programme that you have seen of any of the following types: a) a news programme, current affairs review, etc., b) a documentary, c) an entertainment programme, show, etc., d) a children’s programme, e) a film shown on TV, f) a sports programme, g) an educational programme or any other.

  2. Group work. Your TV company needs a TV host/hostess for a children’s programme. Work in groups of three and four. One of the group is a candidate for the job, and the others are interviewing him/her before starting, the interviewers should prepare a list of questions and the interviewee should prepare his/her curriculum vitae. The interviewers should ask questions about the candidate’s previous job; the certificates/diplomas/degrees/experience he/she has had; his/her personal situation (married, with children); the candidate’s reasons for applying for the place in a children’s TV programme and other questions. (Use appropriate clichés. See the Supplement). After about ten minutes the applicants change to another interviewing panel and so on. Each group decides on the best applicant and gives reasons for the choice.

  3. Do the library research and prepare an essay on one of the following topics.

    1. Television and cinematography. Will one oust another?

    2. Television in the USA: a) news programmes; b) educational programmes; c) children’s programmes; d) entertainment programmes.