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I. Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Найдите сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы.

1. Steam locomotives have been replaced by diesel and electric tractive stock. 2. Great amounts of different cargoes are carried by the railway. 3. Mr. Davis was very nervous at the plane took off because he had never flown before. 4. Most big trucks run on diesel fuel. 5. These goods will be delivered by airplane. 6. He bought his new car on credit. 7. The total length of the Kuibyshev Railway is 4,800 km. 8. The workers were inspecting the cars before the train departure. 9. He has already insured his automobile. 10. The porter will help to carry your luggage. 11. The first self-propelled car had three wheels. 12. Transport has become one of the biggest spheres to which cybernetics methods are being applied. 13. New models of lightweight rail cars have been introduced on the Japanese Railways. They consume 50% less power than old models. 14. When we came to the station, all tickets had been already sold out. 15. At present computers are being more widely used in the sphere of education. 16. Look! The train is approaching the station. 17. The first iron bridge was built in the 18thcentury. 18. Now Trans-Siberian Railway is divided into six railways in Ural, Siberia and the Far East. 19. Safe operation of freight and passenger trains requires a system of signaling. 20. Double-deck buses have been operated in Moscow for several months but they were found inconvenient especially during rush hours. 21. I have bought a newspaper and a magazine to read on the train.

II. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание употребление эквивалентов модальных глаголов. Где возможно замените эквивалент подходящим по смыслу модальным глаголом.

1. We had to change our plans. 2. Heis toleave for Washington one of these days. 3. Theywill have torepeat the experiment once more. 4. Hewas able torepair the apparatus himself. 5. On weekdays carsare not allowedto enter the centre of the city. 6. If you have no telephone at home, you are able to use a call box in the street. 7. I hope they will be able to reach the city before the dark. 8. If the signal is red, the train is not allowed to continue its running. 9. I am to stay in the office until the report is ready. 10. This car is automatic, so you do not have to change gear all the time. 11 We were not able to repair the car ourselves and had to take it to the auto-service station. 12. No traffic was allowed because of the accident. 13. Here all the workers are to wear protective clothing. 14. Sometime people will be able to communicate by videophones installed in every flat. 15. I lost my train ticket so I was to buy another one. 16. The video is out of order. We shall have to return it to the shop. 17. In some companies employees are not allowed to use the Internet for personal purpose during business hours. 18. You are not to discuss your boss’s orders. 19. Do you have to change buses when you are going to work? 20. An experimental undersea telephone cable in the Canary Islands had to be lifted from the ocean floor three times because it had been damaged by sharks.

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