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V. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов с окончанием –ing.

1. Talking on cellular phones while driving is very dangerous, that is why it is banned. 2. Around $1.2 billion is being spent on modernizing the 270 km suburban network of Sao Paolo(Brasilia); this includes buying new trains, refurbishing existing stock, renewing signaling equipment, plus constructing new railway stations, rebuilding old ones and laying new tracks. 3. Finland has the same railway gauge as Russia that is why high-speed trains can cross the border without stopping. 4. The ore is transported from the mine to the processing plant by the railway. 5. Having worked at the railway for several years Paul gained much experience in driving electric locos.

VI. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов с окончанием -ed.

1. One of the earliest railway bridges in Great Britain called “Britannia” has survived to our days. 2. The revolution in science and technology affects not only economically developed countries but also developing countries. 3. If hardened in fire, steel becomes stronger. 4. In Britain creosote-treated wooden sleepers last about 20 years in the main tracks, whereas the life of a wooden sleeper in India is 15 years. 5. The French military engineer Cugnot constructed the first three-wheeled machine equipped with a two-cylinder steam engine. This machine carried two people at a walking pace.

VII. Перепишите и переведите данные словосочетания, обращая внимание на правила перевода определений, выраженных существительными.

1) the track maintenance cost; 2) the supersonic vertical take-off airplane; 3) the road traffic rules; 4) the new engine capacity; 5) a remote control device; 6) the two-berth compartment carriage; 7) the power supply system; 8) a rolling-stock repair plant; 9) an incandescent lamp; 10) the plush, aircraft-type seats.

VIII. Перепишите предложения, употребив сказуемые, данные в скобках, в отрицательной форме. Полученные предложения переведите.

1. Concrete sleepers last long because this material (is subjected) to corrosion. 2. The railway station (is) far from here; you (need) to take a taxi. 3. I (can guarantee) that he (will beable to install) the equipment in time. 4. The maintenance team (had finished) the repair of the track by 6 p.m. 5. The fare in the Moscow Underground (depends) on the distance you travel. 6. The accident (did) much damage to the automobile. 7. The first rails (were made) of steel.

IX. Перепишите и переведите текст.


The first plans for constructing a railway line along the west coast of India were proposed in 1880s but they were not carried out because there were many problems with the technology of the day. A feeble attempt to extend the line from Bombay to Mangalore was made much later but between 1964 and 1986 only 100 km of track were laid down. In 1990 the Konkan Railway Corporation was formed to build the remaining 760 km within 5 years. The new railway linking Bombay with Mangalore was inaugurated in 1996. It is 1127 km shorter than the old route.

The reduction in distance enabled the Konkan Railway to cut down the journey time. Even if trains run at a maximum of only 100 km per hour, the journey time between Bombay and Mangalore will come down from 41 hours to 15 hours. Train speeds of 130 km per hour or 160 km per hour will provide timesavings that are even more spectacular. Besides it had been estimated that fuel saving of more than Rs2 billion was achieved.

About 11% of line is in tunnels. These tunnels are equipped with sensors to monitor air pollution, temperature and visibility. The ventilation system is activated automatically via the data obtained from the sensors. The exact position of a train within the tunnel is indicated on a panel in the traffic control room* at the tunnel entrance. The Konkan Railway has the longest railway tunnel in India (its length is 6.5 km), the tallest viaduct in Asia (the 64 m – high). There are 2,134 bridges on the line.

An integrated computerized system covering trains control and scheduling, ticketing, rolling stock monitoring has been developed for the line operation – another first for India.

The Konkan Railway has a considerable impact on the lives of more than 10 million people who live in its adjacent area. Construction has already provided direct and indirect employment for a large number of people. The all-weather line provides a cheaper form of transport and accelerates industrial activity based on locally available minerals such as iron, ore, and bauxite.

The scenic beauty of the area is exceptional and 160 km express trains are being planned between Bombay and Goa to stimulate tourism in the region.

Notes: *traffic control room – пункт управления движением

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