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XI. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на условные придаточные предложения.

A) 1. If he repairs his car, we shall be able to drive to the country. 2. If we get up early, we shall reach the destination in time. 3. What shall we do, if they are late? 4. If you don’t write down this formula, you will forget it. 5. If it rains, we shall have to stay at home. 6. If he is not very busy, he will help us to repair the tape-recorder. 7. If you don’t hurry, you will miss the last commuter train. 8. If containers are used more widely, the freight rates will be greatly reduced. 9. Patty will get her driving license, as soon as she passes this test. 10. If he leaves for London by train, he will get there on Friday.

B) 1. If he lived nearer, we would see each other more often. 2. Where would you go, if you were on leave? 3. If you smoked less, you would feel much better. 4. Were David in London, he would accept your invitation. 5. If we received a telegram from him, we would not worry. 6. Were I a scientist, I should invent a time machine. 7. Had the travelers cameras with them, they would take photos of the beautiful scenery. 8. If he were in the city, he would be present at our meeting. 9. If we could make a non-stop flight around the sun in an airplane at a speed of about 300 km per hour, it would require 565 days to encircle it at the equator. 10. If I had one million of dollars, I would probably buy a yacht.

C) 1. She would have noticed this mistake, if she had been more attentive. 2. I would have gone on an excursion with you, if I had known about it beforehand. 3. If we had known that you were there, we would have called on you. 4. If I had known of his arrival, I would have met him. 5. If he hadn’t work late, he would have caught his bus. 6. Hadn’t a passer-by helped us, we would not have found the way. 7. The new operator would not have broken this device if you had instructed him how to operate it. 8. The construction of the new railway line would have been finished much earlier if the weather conditions had been favorable. 9. If computers had not been invented, many problems would not have been solved. 10. How did it happen that you missed your stop? – I wouldn’t have missed it, if the conductor had announced the stops.

XII. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на определения. Укажите, какой частью речи они выражены.

1) successful research; 2) the departing and arriving trains; 3) a narrow bridge; 4) the equipment installed in the lab; 5) the mail delivery; 6) the computers to be supplied by a Japanese firm; 7) a motor car having the electric engine; 8) improved methods of constructing; 9) the channel linking 2 seas; 10) a smooth road; 11) average freight train speed; 12) high-class trains. 13) high speeds of running; 14) the cars parked near the terminal; 15) the devices to be packed into the boxes; 16) a self-closing, sliding door; 17) heavily loaded vehicle; 18) the train passing the curve; 19) low cost of transporting freight; 20) passenger service quality; 21) the time of covering each section of the track; 22) the main line built in our region; 22) the physics discoveries; 23) the theory won for them the Nobel Prize.

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