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12. Insert the particle “to”, if it is necessary:

1. He didn’t hear me … knock the door 2. She saw him …. enter the house. 3. I watched the dark clouds ….. cover the sky. 4. I have … use a dictionary. 5. I saw a taxi … stop at the door. 6. I felt somebody …. touch my arm. 7. They want us …. call them. 8. Do you want me … help you. 9. I like … play the guitar. 10. I asked them … visit us. 11. He is not strong enough … take part in such an expedition. 12. I saw him … swim. 13. It’s too late … go to the park. 14. I’m so tired to go there.

Lesson 26: travelling on business


1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is Azamat?

  2. Is his office located in London?

  3. How does his office look like?

  4. Is his company a profit-making one?

  5. What can you say about the company managers and specialists?

  6. Where does Azamat often go on business to?

  7. What did Azamat talk to British businessmen about?

  8. What did Azamat visit during his trip in Great Britain?

  9. What kind of conference did Utekeshev attend there?

  10. Whom did he meet there?

  11. Was Utekeshev pleased with his trip?

2. Ask questions to the words written in italics:

1. Azamat Utekeshev is President of a joint venture.

2. His organization does business with lots of foreign firms.

3. He went there to sign a contract for the purchase of some equipment.

4. The supplier agreed to reduce the price.

5. During his visit Utekeshev visited different plants in Great Britain.

6. He also attended a 3-day conference on industrial investment policy and financial management.

7. He met there with consultants from law firms.

3. React to the statements expressing your doubt. Put a general question to the statements.

Example: Azamat Utekeshev is President of a joint venture.

Is it really so? Is Azamat Utekeshev President of a joint venture?

1. He often goes on business to different European countries.

2. During his trip Utekeshev visited different plants and saw the equipment in operation.

3. His contract was a success.

4. Utekeshev was lucky with the weather.

5. British businessmen agreed to reduce the price.

6. He often meets with consultants from law firms when he goes on business abroad.

7. His company is going to do business with lots of foreign firms.

4. Learn the following dialogue expressions:

  1. Is he available? – Можно с ним поговорить?

  2. He is on another line. – Он говорит по другому телефону.

  3. Can you hold on? – Не кладите трубку.

  4. What do you think of our offer? – Каково Ваше мнение о нашем предложении?

  5. Who’s calling? – Кто говорит?



5. Translate the following sentences:

1. It is necessary for you to be here tomorrow. 2. It is easy for him to do that. 3. It is difficult for us to do this work in such a short time. 4. It is necessary for your sister to see him. 5. The text was too difficult to translate without a dictionary. 6. Now it is too late for children to go for a walk.

6. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the use of the Active Infinitive or in Passive Infinitive.

1. He ordered his son to open the window. He ordered the window to be opened. 2. He ordered them to bring books. He ordered the books to be brought. 3. The director ordered the secretary to send off the letter immediately. The director ordered the letter to be sent off immediately. 4. He ordered the agent to check the documents. He ordered the documents to be checked. 5. The customs officer allowed them to take the goods from the custom house. The customs officer allowed the goods to be taken from the custom house. 6. He allowed them to place goods in the warehopuse. He allowed the goods to be placed in the warehouse. 7. He ordered to examine the goods without delay. He ordered the goods to be examined without delay. 8. He ordered logisticians to sell goods immediately. He ordered the goods to be sold immediately. 9. The manager allowed us to load goods. The manager allowed the goods to be loaded. 10. He asked the agent to send off the goods. He asked for the goods to be sent off. 11. The buyers asked the seller to reduce the price. The buyers asked for the price to be reduced. 12. The representative of the firm asked to send the documents by air-mail. The representative of the firm asked for the documents to be sent by air-mail. 13. We asked to inform us of the arrival of the cargo. We asked to be informed of the arrival of the cargo.