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2. Answer the questions:

    1. Are you proud of your future profession?

    2. Would you like to run your own business?

    3. Would you like to work in a small firm or in a large company?

    4. Is it difficult to find a good job in today’s market?

    5. Do you try to get the right combination of skills?

    6. Will your parents pull a few strings to provide you with a job?

    7. Will you have any work experience just after graduating from the Academy?

    8. Must you have connections to find a good job in today’s market?



3. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Initial, miniature, carriage, intensify, efficiency, continuous, economic, replacement, manager, strength, frequency, feature, permanent, growth, widely, facilitate, width, powerful, failure, criticize, changeable, formulate, summarize, maker, numerous, dangerous, picture, pleasure, discussion, measure, pressure, transmission, renew, invention, future, collision

4. Translate word groups:

Broad – broaden –breadth; wide- widen – width; strong – strength – strengthen; deep – deepen – depth; short – shorten; long – length – lengthen; weak - weaken

5. Find root words in each line:

  1. Serve, severe, seventh, servant, service

  2. Work, worth, workless, worst, worn, workable

  3. Thank, than, think, thick, thankful, thanks

  4. Power, powered, powder, powerful, poured


6. Make up sentences according to the model:

I didn’t see Jim, I saw Max.

1. We ….. Jack, we ….. David.(meet)

2. They ….. a Volvo, they ….. a Fiat.(buy)

3. I ….. my passport, I ….my ticket.(lose)

4. I ….. a bus, I …… a tram. (take)

5. She ….. home from the Academy early, she ….. late. (come)

6. He ….. in summer, he ….. in spring. (travel)

7. Yesterday she ….. busy, she ….. free.(be)

7. Find mistakes and write sentences correctly:

1. He buyed a car.

2. Where you went yesterday?

3. You see your friend last week?

4. He studyed English last year.

5. I was in the library the last week.

8. Write questions to the given answers:

  1. I got up at 7 o’clock.

  2. No, I didn’t. I didn’t do my morning exercises.

  3. Yes, I did. I had breakfast with my parents.

  4. Yes, I did. I drank a cup of tea.

  5. Yes, I did. I drank tea with sugar.

  6. I left the house at 8 o’clock.

  7. Yes, I did. I went to the Academy by bus.

  8. My classes started at 8.30.

  9. I watched TV, looked through magazines and newspapers before going to bed.



1. Choose your answer and give your arguments:

Where would you like to work after graduation from the Academy?


a) for a state enterprise;

b) at the office;

c) in small business;

d) to run own business;

e) at a plant;

f) in a large famous company;

g) other plans;

h) to go abroad and learn innovations in order to apply them in own country;

i) to work abroad.

2. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why did you decide to choose this occupation?

  2. Was it difficult for you to solve this problem after leaving school?

  3. Did you speak to your parents about your future occupation?

  4. Did your parents approve your choice?

  5. What do you think about your decision? Was it right?

  6. Do you know about difficulties of your future profession?

  7. Is your future profession dangerous and stressful?

  8. Is your future profession interesting and promissing?

  9. Do you think that your profession is the best one? Why do you think so?

  10. Are the people of your profession in demand in the labor market?

  11. Will you run your own business or work for a state enterprise?

  12. Will you work in a big company or start working in small business?

  13. What advantages has your profession?

  14. What character features are required for your future occupation?

  15. Do you like to study at our Academy?