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2. Answer the questions, using the active vocabulary of Lesson 10:

1. What is transportation?

2. How is transportation performed?

3. What is the transport field divided into?

4. What does infrastructure consist of?

5. What do vehicles include?

6. What do operations deal with?

7. What kinds of passenger transport do you know?

8. Does transport play an important part in economic growth and globalization?

9. What do most types of transport cause?

10. Why is good planning of transport essential?

3. Translate the sentences; choose the correct word given below:

1. Transportation is ……… of people and good from one location to another.

2. Transport plays an …. part in economic growth and globalization.

4. Most types of transport …… air pollution.

5. Good planning of transport is …….. to make traffic flow, and to restrain urban sprawl.

To cause, important, movement, essential

4. Complete and translate the sentences:

1. Transportation is performed by …… .

2. The field is divided into ……. .

3. Infrastructure includes ……. .

4. Vehicles may include …… .

5. Operations deal with ……… .

6. Passenger transport may be …….

7. Most types of transport cause …… .




5. Study the rule. Compare Active and Passive Voices.

The Passive Voice

To be + Participle II

Страдательный залог показывает, что предмет или лицо, являющееся подлежащим, подвергается определенному действию.

Present Indefinite Passive

I am shown pictures. I am not shown pictures. Am I shown pictures?

We, you, they are shown pictures.

He, she, it is shown pictures.

Compare the following grammar structures in different voices:

The Active Voice

The students study this subject with pleasure.

Студенты изучают этот предмет с удовольствием.

The Passive Voice

This subject is studied by students with pleasure.

Этот предмет изучается студентами с удовольствием.

6. Translate the following sentences, standing in the Passive Voice:

    1. A set of two parallel steel rails is known as a railway or railroad.

    2. Foundation is usually made of concrete.

    3. Different types of transport are designed for particular purposes.

    4. Thousands of passengers are carried by trains every day.

    5. In many parts of the world, particularly in Japan and in Europe, high-speed rails are used for passenger travel.

    6. Special-built track is required for reaching super high speed.

    7. The locomotives are powered by electricity.

7. Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite Passive:

Model: It’s a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there.

  1. This program ……. (watch) by millions people.

  2. Railway transportation …… (develop) in Kazakhstan.

  3. Rolling stock …… (rent) by private companies.

  4. In our city transportation …… (perform) by water.

8. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the Passive Voice:

1. Various types of transport are used for particular purposes.

2. Special kinds of train are produced in many countries.

3. Freight trains are used for carrying goods.

4. Railways are maintained by special trains.

5. Rules of traffic safety are kept strictly in England.

6. This road is well maintained.

7. In the Metro people are carried up and down by escalators.

8. Different goods are transported by freight trains.

9. High speed trains are used for passenger travel.

9. Put the sentences of exercise 4 into the interrogative form.




1. Arrange the list of terms, which you know on the theme “Transport”.

2. Describe different modes of transport.



3. Study the table:



I was asked

You were asked

He was asked

She was asked

It was asked

We were asked

You were asked

They were asked

I was not asked

You were not asked

He was not asked

She was not asked

It was not asked

We were not asked

You were not asked

They were not asked

Was I asked?

Were you asked?

Was he asked?

Was she asked?

Was it asked?

Were we asked?

Were you asked?

Were they asked?

4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Use a verb in the Passive Voice.


Somebody constructed the first Ice Hotel in 1990.

The first Ice Hotel ………………in 1990.

The first Ice Hotel was constructed in 1990.

1. Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

The telephone ________________ in 1876.

2. George Stephenson, an English engineer and inventor, built a successful steam locomotive in 1829.

A successful steam locomotive _____________ in 1829.

3. Someone made my mobile phone in Korea.

My mobile phone ____________ in Korea.

4. Someone stole our car last year.

Our car _____________ last year.

5. Millions of people watched this TV program last year.

This TV program ____________ every week.