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7. Answer the questions:

1. Cargo transportation is an important field of national economy, isn’t it?

2. What is transportation?

3. What kinds of transport do you know?

4. What are disadvantages of using transport?

5. What must be taken into account while planning transportation of goods?

6. Why is good planning of transport essential?

7. What kinds of goods can be transported?

8. What do logisticians deal with?

7. How must logisticians organize freight traffic not to injure the environment and people?

8. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization.

2. Demurrage and detention of containers must be avoided.

3. All safety regulations must be kept.

4. Good planning of transportation of goods is essential.

5. Transportation is performed by air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space.

6. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization.

7. Most types of transport cause air pollution.

Grammar modal verbs and equivalents

  1. Replace modal verbs with their equivalents:

1. They must wait for the rector.

2. He must come at 5o’clock.

3. They must meet at the railway station.

4. She can tell this story.

5. He couldn’t show the way to the park.

6. You may do this exercise.

7. I may go for a walk.

  1. Answer the questions:

Can your swim?

Can you play the guitar?

Can you speak French?

Can you sing well?

Can you dance well?

Can you read English?

Can you drive a car?

Can your mother speak English?

How can you get to the Academy?

Can you play the guitar?

Can you speak English?

  1. Ask permission to do the following:

Model: May I go for walk?

1. to go to the cinema;

2. to come in;

3. to invite your friends to your place;

4. to play football;

5. to use a dictionary

  1. Form sentences:

What must you do and what mustn’t you do?

a) be in time for the lessons

b) smoke in the rooms

c) be late for the lessons

d) take examinations

e) miss lectures

f) learn English words

g) attend all the lectures

13. Replace modal verbs with their equivalents:

They must do homework.

He must come in the morning.

They must meet at the theatre.

She must consult the doctor.

He must learn English.

You must meet your parents at the railway station.

I must clean my flat before guests come.

Lesson 15: rail freight traffic modal verbs

Get more information about the Railways of Kazakhstan!

1. Remember the vocabulary:

  1. trade торговля

  2. fulfill выполнить

  3. proposal план, проект

  4. To envision прогнозировать, предусматривать

  5. bogie каретка; тележка; ходовая часть

  6. exchange изменение

  7. to engage приниматься за

  8. lengthy очень длинный, протяженный, растянутый

  9. Trunk Railways железнодорожная магистраль

  10. major главный

  11. rail gauge колея

  12. to link соединять, связывать

  13. to utilize применять

  14. it is estimated подсчитано

  15. to avoid costly delays избежать дорогостоящие задержки

  16. lay out прокладывать

  17. eventually в конечном счете

  18. to ship cargo доставить груз

  19. exploration инженерно-геологические исследования