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My future profession

Hello, everybody! Here is Bulat Mansurov. I was always good at mathematics and physics. I decided to become a transport provider. My dream came true. I entered the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, the faculty of organization of transportation. People of this profession are in demand in the labour market today.

Transport is an important field of national economy. It is developing at a high rate. Our life is impossible without food and other necessary things. It is very important to provide the right organization of transportation.

Competent specialists can offer the optimal strategy for business. They may offer a wide array of freight services.Their primary aim is to achieve customer’s deliveries within the shortest possible period, while remaining cost effective. This will save time and money for clients.

This profession is very responsible and hard. People of my profession must provide a proper delivery of goods. While planning transportation of goods, they must take into account fuel saving , efficient shipment, rational routes of delivery, time saving, correct packing and stowage, traffic intensity and many other factors. Specialists in organization of transportation must provide harmless freight transportation not to injure the environment and people. They must keep all safety regulations. People of my profession must think of assuring freight quality and quantity. Freight must be delivered in time.

I think that everybody must perform his future profession competently. That’s why I must study hard nowadays. My aim is to get deep knowledge and to become a highly qualified specialist.

5. Answer the questions:

  1. Where does Bulat Mansurov study?

  2. What is his speciality?

  3. Why is it developing at a high rate?

  4. What do competent specialists offer the clients?

  5. What problems must transport providers take into account while transportatuion of goods?

  6. Why must Bulat study hard nowadays?

  1. Finish the sentences:

  1. Bulat was always good ……. .

  2. He decided to become a …….. .

  3. Our life is impossible without …….. .

  4. It is very important to organize ……. .

  5. This profession is ….. .

  6. Specialists must take into account …..

  7. Freight must be delivered …… .

  8. Everybody must perform …… .

  9. Bulat’s aim is to become ….. .

Consolidation of grammar material


7. Remember generally used suffixes of substantives:

-er/or – teacher, doctor, writer, actor

- ist – scientist, artist, dentist

- ment – development, government, movement

- (t)ion – revolution, translation, operation

- ity/ty – popularity, honesty, ability

- sion/ssion – revision, session, discussion

- ness – happiness, darkness, illness

8. Make up nouns from the following verbs by means of the suffix - “ment”. Translate the new words.

Example: replace- replacement; move- movement

Equip, invest, manage, agree, achieve, establish, develop, punish, assess, improve

9. Translate the following adjectives:

Remember the suffixes of adjectives: -ic, -al, -ous, -ive, -ful,- able

Economic, systematic, professional, active, peaceful, experimental, effective, nervous, magnetic, harmful, electronic, attractive, practical, mountainous, mechanical, automatic, electric, communicative, careful, comfortable, remarkable

10. Make up adjectives from the following words:

Color, beauty, peace, use, hope, truth, rain, help, power, pain, care


11. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Indefinite, translate the sentences:

  1. She (to learn) English.

  2. Anna (to do) her lessons every day.

  3. She (to live) in that house.

  4. After supper my friend (to go) for a walk.

  5. Usually he (to have) dinner at 3 o’clock.

  6. Our father usually (to come) home late.

  7. They often (to take) a tram.

  8. His brother (to go) in for sports.

12. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

  1. The students remember this rule.

  2. Nick goes to bed at ten o’clock.

  3. She meets him every day.

  4. He takes a bus every morning.

  5. We know his address.

  6. It takes me an hour to get to work.

  7. They learn English.

  8. My father is fond of sports.

  9. They are often late for lessons.

13. Correct the mistakes in the sentences:

1. The children finishes school at 4 o’clock.

2. Mary and Fred often goes out with their friends in the evening.

3. She doesn’t watches television on Sunday morning.

4. They doesn’t sometimes go joging to the park in the afternoon.

5. He don’t go sailing at the weekend.



1. Do you agree with the following statements?

  1. All people want to have a well-paid job in order to provide themselves and their families on a high level.

  2. It’s extremely difficult for young people to choose a future profession after leaving school.

  3. Choosing a profession is an easy matter.

  4. You decided to follow your parents’ footsteps.

  5. Your future profession is the most necessary and useful one.

  6. Your father is an engineer.

  7. You parents approved your choice.

  8. You think that you have made the right choice of your future profession.

  9. You want to work in a large and famous company after graduating from the Academy.