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методички-для-сайта-кафедры / иоаниди расторгуева МУ по развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи по ая для студ 2 к 3 с. 2 ч.doc
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Text c5 pasta

The best known pastas are macaroni, vermicelli and spaghetti. There are also many other pastas which are called by Italian names given according to the shape or the region the pastas come from. Other countries, apart from Italy, have their forms of pasta, but in Italy it is part of the staple diet. The making of pasta has been known for many centuries. The earliest mention of a dough of this kind is found in Chinese and Japanese cook books dating 3000-3550 B.C. But it was often made with rice instead of wheat flour.

A small industry developed first in Italy, and by about 1800 the first mechanical devices for the manufacture of macaroni products appeared in Italy. These were very crude and inefficient. Nearly 50 years later the first hand-operated mechanical presses – mainly built from wood – came into existence. More elaborate machines were developed later, most of them driven by animal power, but the increasing popularity of macaroni products called for more efficient machinery.

At the beginning of the 20th century efficient equipment became available. Numerous and efficient plants for the production of macaroni products were built, and the home-made goods were replaced by goods produced by an economical process on a commercial scale.

Unit 6. Brewing industry

Grammar « Complex Subject (Nominative with the Infinitive)»


Active Vocabulary

  1. brewing – пивоварение

brewer – пивовар

brew (v.,n.) – варить пиво;

варка, жидкий полуфабрикат, бражка

brewery – пивоваренный завод

  1. wort [wə:t] – сусло

  2. malt – солод

malting – соложение

  1. steep(v., n.) – замачивать, вымачивать

замачивание, чан для замачивания, замочная жидкость

  1. hop – хмель

hops – высушенные шишки хмеля (получение сусла)

  1. mashing– затирание

  2. mashtun– заторный чан

  3. mash(v.,n.) – а) затор, смесь; б) затирать (солод), мять

  4. to clarify – очищать, осветлять

clarity – прозрачность, чистота

clarified – осветленный (пиво)

  1. brightness – светлость

  2. blending – купажирование, смешивание

  3. sprout (v., n.) –прорастать; росток, побег

  4. top/bottomfermentation– верховое / низовое брожение

  5. pump(v.,n.) – качать насосом; насос

  6. rack(v.,n.) – переливать, перекачивать; стойка, подставка, стеллаж

  7. storagetank– резервуар для хранения

  8. cask– бочонок

  9. can– консервная банка

  10. maturation– созревание (пива в деревянных бочках)

  11. stabilization –стабилизация

  12. filtering –фильтрование


1. Укажите номера русских эквивалентов.

1. next, 2. to a large extent, 3. constantly, 4. a lot of, 5. as well as, 6. by means of

1. постоянно, 2. также как, 3. следующий, 4. посредством, 5. в большой степени, 6. много

2. Запомните значение слова “term”; переведите словосочетания.

term – 1. термин; 2. срок, определенный период

terms 1. условия соглашения, договор; 2. выражения, язык, способ выражения

in the simplest term; in terms of figures; in terms of money; in terms of product quality; to come to terms with somebody; a number of terms derived from Latin; the term of our research

3. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

to steep barley in water; to boil malted barley with hops; to mix malt with water in a mash tun; to cool hopped wort; to ferment malt wort flavoured with hops by yeast; to clarify or filter the beer; to pump the beer into storage tanks; to rack the beer into casks; to pack the final product into bottles or cans; to use on-line measurements; to monitor and control blending; to influence packaging technique; to maintain brightness and clarity

Прочитайте и устно переведите текст А6. Выпишите незнакомые слова