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предпринимательство 3.doc
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3 Study the new words and make your own sentences with them.

4Translate into English using the expressions from the previous tasks.

1 Недавно я решил начать собственное дело.

2 Общество с системой свободного предпринимательства позволяет начать любой бизнес.

3 Предприниматели не могут использовать чужую торговую марку, но имеют право конкурировать с любым существующим бизнесом.

4 Мы занимаемся бизнесом ради получения прибыли.

5 Поиск прибыли – движущая сила предпринимательства.

6 Мы получили прибыль, создав новый продукт.

7 Финансирование производства и развитие современных методов торговли помогают продвигать товар на рынок.

8 Эти предприниматели продают товар по разумной цене.

9 Мы создали предприятие без всякой гарантии на прибыль.

10 Предпринимательство состоит из риска потери времени и денег.

11 Предпринимательство обращено к потребителю.

12 Потребитель остался в стороне от этого бизнеса.

13 Потребитель доносит свои потребности до предпринимателя, и задача предпринимателя выполнять эти потребности.

5 How would you serve your customer?

Here are nine things that you may need to be when dealing with a customer.

Which do you think are the most important? Rank them from 1 to 9.

Precise Polite Persistent

Persuasive Practical Prepared

Positive Punctual Patient

Here are four activities that connect a business to its customers. Match the number of the appropriate definition to each verb.

Distribute Advertise Sponsor Sell

1 to give goods to someone else in exchange for money

2 to make something known to the public

3 to supply goods in a particular area

4 to pay for a show, broadcast, sports events in return for advertising

Social and business skills Breaking the ice

1 Topics of conversation. When you go out for a business lunch or dinner, what do you expect to discuss? Here are few ideas.

Economics family only business sport politics news

Art films food people you know

2 Talking about interests. Listen to the extracts from a conversation between two businesspeople in a restaurant and answer the questions.

1Which of the topics of conversation in the box above is being discussed?

2 Which phrases from the list below are used in the conversation?

A How do you find that?

B Did you watch the news this morning?

C Have you seen the new Spielberg movie yet?

D What did you like about it?

E Are you interested in sport?

F What do you do in your spare time?

G What do you play?

H What do you think?

3 Write the letters of the phrases in the appropriate place.

Introductory questions Being more specific Asking for an opinion

4 Match the conversational exchanges.

1 Is this your first visit here? A In England or the United States?

2 How was your flight? B Is there a special exhibition on?

3 I’m from Birmingham? C No, it’s my third visit actually.

4 What was the weather like? D Rained all the time.

5 Do play football? E No, but I’m Juventus supporter.

6 How long are you staying? F Just how I like it.

7 You must visit the new art gallery G I’m going back tomorrow morning.

while you are here.

8 How was the coffee? H Delayed as usual.

9 What are your children doing I She’s just been promoted.

these days?

10 How’s your wife? J Oh, they’ve both at college now.

5 Do you come here often? At your office you meet a visitor. Here are five things you could find out about this person. What questions would you ask?

Name _______________________________________________________

Home town__________________________________________________

Reason for visit______________________________________________

Length of stay______________________________________________

Interests _________________________________________________

Listen to the conversation. In which order do the five subjects occur? Put them down.

6 The Player. In the film The Player Griffin Mill an executive at a Hollywood film studio goes into his boss office and meets a visitor. Read the script and complete the profile of the visitor.

Name _______________________________________________________

Home town__________________________________________________

Reason for visit______________________________________________

Length of stay______________________________________________

Interests _________________________________________________

LEVENSON Griffin, I don’t think you’ve met Reg Goldman. You know his father, Harvey.

GRIFFIN Yes, of course. Hi, Reg. you’re from the bank in Boston.

LEVENSON Reg is out here for a couple of weeks/

GRIFFIN Great. Business or pleasure?

REG A little of both, I hope.

LEVENSON Reg is thinking of getting into production, Griffin.

GRIFFIN Oh, really?

REG It beats work, doesn’t it, Griffin? I’d like to play some tennis though. Do you play tennis?

GRIFFIN No, no, no. I’m too busy.