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Exercise 13. Ways of agreeing.

1. I'm certainly ......... you on that.

a) On; b) with; c) by; d) to.

2. I'm of a ......... mind on that, too.

a) Same; b) identical; c) parallel; d) like.

3. Yes, we definitely see eye ......... eye on that one.

a) For; b) over; c) to; d) of.

4. In that respect we are of ......... mind on that.

a) One; b) single; c) target; d) absolute.

5. I can't ......... with that.

a) Question; b) talk; c) speak; d) argue.

6. Let's ......... on that.

a) Control; b) shake; c) handle; d) wave.

7. There's only one word I can use now to show my agreement and that's — ..........

a) Follow; b) execute; c) deal; d) hold.

8. I'll ......... that in writing to show my acceptance.

a) Confirm; b) establish; c) ground; d) found.

9. There's absolutely no doubt ......... that you're right.

a) Howsoever; b) whatsoever; c) whosoever; d) whichever.

10. The ......... seem eminently suitable to me.

a) Tendencies; b) actualities; c) events; d) terms.

Exercise 14. Ways of disagreeing.

1. I'll have to ......... company with you there, I'm afraid.

a) Separate; b) divide; c) part; d) leave.

2. There's no way I can ......... that.

a) Incline; b) consume; c) indicate; d) accept.

3. We'll have to agree to ......... over that.

a) Differ; b) differentiate; c) deny; d) decide.

4. Don't even think about it! I can't possibly take that on ..........

a) Deck; b) place; c) board; d) position.

5. No matter how ......... you are, I won't change my mind.

a) Perceptive; b) perverse; c) pernicious; d) persuasive.

6. You can't talk until the ......... come home. I won't accept that scheme.

a) Dogs; b) cows; c) cats; d) hens.

7. Sorry the subject is now ..........

a) Closed; b) locked; c) done; d) completed.

8. I regret I have no choice but to reject the plan out of ..........

a) Power; b) court; c) hand; d) grip.

9. No matter how much you object, I am ......... I am right and you're wrong.

a) Convicted; b) convinced; c) conduced; d) concerned.

10. You might as well admit it! You haven't a ......... to stand on.

a) Foot; b) arm; c) hand; d) leg.

Module 2

Exercise 1. Internal Communications.

1. According to the Government Communication Network (GCN), a plan for internal communications should be ......... into every communication strategy.

a) Initiated; b) integrated; c) interwoven; d) involved.

2. Winning the support of internal ......... can be as important as reaching key external audiences, and will be vital to the success of your communication programme.

a) Jobholders; b) placeholders; c) stakeholders; d) stockholders.

3. Internal communications need exactly the same kind of analysis and strategy as external communications: there will be distinct audience groups who should be........., and the same processes of information collection and insight generation apply to internal as to external groups.

a) Sectioned; b) segmented; c) segregated; d) sequestered.

4. Far from being the poor ......... of external communication, internal communication performs a crucial role within government.

a) Neighbor; b) offspring; c) relative; d) sibling.

5. By ......... staff with the departmental vision and values so that they can apply them in their day-to-day work, it creates a culture that does two things: it improves policy delivery and it increases the chance of meeting departmental objectives.

a) Endearing; b) engaging; c) inducing; d) inoculating.

6. Organisations that have a strong communications function frequently ......... those that don't; private sector companies that communicate effectively have a 19.4 per cent higher market premium than companies that do not.

a) Outperform; b) outrank; c) overdo; d) overrule.

7. As with external communications, it is not enough to have a tactical approach; every department should have an internal communications strategy that is developed, implemented and monitored according to industry ......... practice and the needs of staff.

a) Best; b) in; c) made; d) style.

8. Printed or online surveys might be your first port of ......... when it comes to understanding communication needs within your department.

a) Action; b) call; c) entry; d) resort.

9. Before selecting a research method, produce a ......... that sets out clear objectives and explains what you are trying to achieve.

a) Brief; b) draft; c) mission; d) portfolio.

10 .You might also need to set up a different dialogue with each team within your department to take on ......... cultural differences.

a) Board; b) other; c) serious; d) viewing.

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