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Exercise 3. Employment and Training.

1. We're paying for a stand at the new industrial exhibition with a view to .........interest among potential employees in our company.

a) Generalizing; b) generating; c) germinating; d) gesticulating.

2. For the first three months of your employment with the firm you will be under the care of a ..........

a) Minor; b) monitor; c) mender; d) mentor.

3. Although she was very tempted to accept the job she was offered, she had to......... the offer because the salary would have been insufficient.

a) Return; b) reject; c) refuse; d) repeat.

4. A university education is of course important but it is essential that all employees undergo a period of intensive ..........

a) Preparation; b) concentration; c) training; d) learning.

5. A newsletter is sent out every ten days to all the staff so that they receive a regular ......... on recent appointments.

a) Update; b) dating; c) dates; d) dated.

6. Part of the ongoing training is to ensure that a regular time and place are ......... for department heads to meet their staff.

a) Placed by; b) put on; c) set up; d) set off.

7. The head of department acknowledged that the ......... of the section was largely due to high quality support staff.

a) Success; b) progress; c) business; d) future.

8. The pace of change in that industry is so fast that staff find it hard to ......... the latest developments.

a) Hold on to; b) keep on to; c) hold up with; d) keep up with.

9. It is the policy of the company to ......... all interviews for new recruits with a member of the trade union present.

a) Control; b) conduct; c) convene; d) confirm.

10. In view of the excessive workload you have at the moment I won't expect you to keep ......... during the next few days.

a) On line; b) on road; c) on track; d) on path.

Exercise 4. Corporate Policy (1).

1. Since last year my workload has increased ..........

a) Considerable; b) considerably; c) considered; d) consider.

2. The ability to present your thoughts in an organized ......... is critical.

a) Box; b) time; c) manner; d) concentration.

3. The company has ......... several new policies recently.

a) Implemented; b) driven; c) overtaken; d) understood.

4. She provided the judge with ......... evidence in support of the case.

a) Concrete; b) wooden; c) athletic; d) doomed.

5. He is paid a ......... rather than by the hour.

a) Degree; b) percent; c) wage; d) salary.

6. The job ......... seems to be improving.

a) Fence; b) allowance; c) market; d) cruise.

7. Your resume needs ......... work.

a) Many; b) lot; c) a; d) some.

8. The operation is currently ......... some vast changes.

a) Undergoing; b) under coming; c) over going; d) overcome.

9. Working as a team will better enable the company to ......... its goals.

a) Stretch; b) remove; c) reach; d) take.

10. Who is in charge ......... negotiations?

a) From; b) of; c) to; d) with.

Exercise 5. Corporate Policy (2).

1. She is ......... with having to do 2 people's jobs.

a) Tired; b) tiring; c) feel down; d) fed up.

2. Being a mother ......... 3 and working full-time was too much.

a) With; b) at; c) of; d) for.

3. He works 6 days ......... week.

a) A; b) to; c) of; d) from.

4. It's the ......... of a lifetime.

a) Opportunity; b) compensation; c) immersion; d) details.

5. The left-overs each night are donated to a ......... organization that feeds the homeless.

a) No money; b) unprofitable; c) profitless; d) nonprofit.

6. It is very important that the review is turned ......... by the deadline.

a) Over; b) up; c) in; d) through.

7. Beginning in October we will ......... each employee's past performance.

a) Evaluate; b) elevate; c) educate; d) integrate.

8. People tend to gravitate ......... others who are the most like themselves.

a) Over; b) with; c) toward; d) like.

9. The owners are discussing how they can cut costs without lowering salaries or......... off employees.

a) Cutting; b) laying; c) dumping; d) firing.

10. You are the ......... helpful person I have met.

a) Greater; b) better; c) biggest; d) most.

Exercise 6. Corporate Policy (3).

1. A suck-up is someone who is ......... their superior in an attempt to gain favor.

a) Willing to cheat; b) overly nice to; c) mean to; d) always avoiding.

2. Another name similar to a suck-up is a .........-noser.

a) Stiff; b) big; c) brown; d) green.

3. Our ......... income is at least six-digits.

a) Annual; b) allocated; c) proverbial; d) year.

4. You should solicit and utilize feedback on all of your ..........

a) Encasements; b) emulision; c) elation; d) endeavors.

5. He must master an ......... of technical skills.

a) Array; b) arrow; c) accord; d) aridity.

6. It is crucial that we do not ......... the momentum of the up-and-coming generation of workforce.

a) Strive; b) stifle; c) stockade; d) suture.

7. Let your creative juices ..........

a) Run; b) collaborate; c) solidify; d) flow.

8. You may need to ......... some of your phrasing because some of these sentences are redundant.

a) Altar; b) alter; c) alternate; d) allocate.

9. She implied her notable ......... for her opponent by wrinkling her nose upon his arrival.

a) Un-tastiness; b) tastelessness; c) distaste; d) distress.

10. The new supervisor has ......... the company with some exceptionally enlightening new ways of thinking.

a) Furnished; b) attained; c) undergone; d) retired.

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