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Exercise 10. Ways of thanking.

1. Words can't possibly ......... how grateful I am for what you have done.

a) Detail; b) delineate; c) underline; d) express.

2. Thank you so much for helping me. I really ......... it.

a) Accept; b) agree; c) appreciate; d) deserve.

3. A thousand thanks for all your hard work. I shall never ......... it.

a) Forego; b) forget; c) foretell; d) forbid.

4. They showed their great gratitude by sending us a large ......... of money.

a) Sum; b) packet; c) box; d) bundle.

5. Thank you for all you've done from the ......... of my heart.

a) Base; b) foundation; c) end; d) bottom.

6. I'm sending this bunch of flowers as a small ......... of my thanks and appreciation.

a) Piece; b) token; c) counter; d) emblem.

7. How can I ......... thank you enough for all you've done?

a) Entirely; b) probably; c) possibly; d) exactly.

8. On the watch they gave him were the words: ......... gratitude for 40 years loyal service.

a) At; b) of; c) by; d) in.

9. It's very difficult for children to ......... their gratitude for what their parents have done for them.

a) Show; b) initiate; c) enclose; d) refer.

10. Look upon this as a .... of thank you present for all your endeavours on our behalf.

a) Type; b) sort; c) sign; d) species.

Exercise 11. Ways of threatening.

1. If I've ......... you once, I've done it a hundred times. Don't do it!

a) Spoken; b) said; c) told; d) mentioned.

2. I'll give you just one more ......... and after that, you'll be in real trouble.

a) Go; b) occasion; c) time; d) chance.

3. I'm telling you loud and ......... that you really must get it right this time.

a) Bright; b) clear; c) simple; d) obvious.

4. She told him that if his manners didn't ........., he would be sent home.

a) Approve; b) disprove; c) disapprove; d) improve.

5. He agreed because he said it was like having a gun held to his ..........

a) Nose; b) eye; c) head; d) foot.

6. I'll lend you money for the very last time because after that you're on your ..........

a) Own; b) self; c) side; d) back.

7. I can't tell you how lucky you've been this time but just ......... till next time.

a) Attend; b) wait; c) expect; d) delay.

8. I'm prepared to ......... your mistake on this occasion but I can't ever do it again.

a) Oversee; b) overtake; c) overhear; d) overlook.

9. If you leave me now, you don't ......... to come back.

a) Need; b) require; c) demand; d) order.

10. Let me put it simply one more incident like that and you're out on your .........!

a) Eye; b) nose; c) ear; d) head.

Exercise 12. How to make exclamations.

1. What a wonderful day to see the mountains .........!

a) Off; b) by; c) on; d) in.

2. How stupid can I get! I ......... my keys in the door overnight.

a) Forgot; b) deserted; c) traced; d) left.

3. For goodness sake stop ......... about the weather! It'll stop raining soon.

a) Criticizing; b) telling; c) complaining; d) calling.

4. What on earth are you talking about? I can't make head or ......... of it.

a) Tail; b) end; c) finish; d) part.

5. How nice of you to come all this ......... just to wish me a happy birthday.

a) Path; b) journey; c) route; d) way.

6. What a disaster! I don't believe anything else could go ......... now.

a) Off; b) wrong; c) incorrect; d) false.

7. Wow! You've certainly made a good ......... of decorating this room.

a) Job; b) work; c) task; d) duty.

8. Well blow me down! I just can't believe I've actually ......... my exam.

a) Succeeded; b) passed; c) caught; d) tackled.

9. You could have knocked me down with a feather! You mean to say he's .........cleaned my car.

a) Certainly; b) surely; c) naturally; d) actually.

10. I'll go to the foot of my stairs! It must be at ......... 20 years since we last met.

a) Last; b) length; c) least; d) end.

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